HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-09-01, Page 8ettlileitieli • ONTMI110 ctt="'""'"M"'""'"'"'"1,0qt6QP,li63GZFXG.1441.64WlCAS....Iir.t•XW*4'.....' THE STORE WITH THE . STOCK gr r a RS Chenille Spreads, full size, each $6,25 0 Chenille Spreads, Hob Naij, full size, each 6.95 Flannelette Blankets, light weight, pr. 3.98 Percale Sheets 81x100 pr. 7.50 Kitchen To- pr, 85c. 4 only each 28.50 Men's Jerseys Rcg. 3.15 for each 1.59 Men's Jeans, all sizes at 2.98 VP TELEPHONE 59 311/11202=4S k e ,,XW-..1. or '1,, 14E/7 , i ,,. I ZURICH 711YR ICH l-l'EFtAlLi) LOCAL NEWS Mr and 9e Mrs John Brown were vis., 8 V itors with. friends at lit.tnover, last 'week. Ms. and Mrs Wellington Orel of Kincardine were visitorse with Mr and Mrs Jahn Brown of town. ' It at Hospital Mrs. Harold Stade is a patielet in South Hunan Hospital, Exeter. We \vish her a speedy recovery. 'Jr and Mrs Orville Steinbach and daughter Donna of London visited at the homes of their parents, Mr. Hy. Howald and Mr and Mrs. Henry Steinbach on ;Sunday. ..... Mr and Mrs Chas ,ScOtchmer and daughter Ruthann of Bayfield and Mr and Mrs Francis Huessar- and fam- ily from •Seaforth were Sunday visit- ors with 'Mrs. .Seetchmer's parents, Mr and Mrs Jno. Albrecht.. Rev. H. Grotz of DePlymetr. con- ducted services in the local Evangel- ical church. on Sunday morning,the. :;ervice was 11:15 to .12. This cotn-,,- ing Sunday services will be at the re- gular hour, ten a.m., with the Pastor Rev, Roppel back from vacation. ,0 Mrs. Ohristena ..MacDonald and A•M (u Mi•.s MacDonald of Lucknow, spent the past wee: at th:, hcnie of 'he hj..4 former'darghter, Mr and Mrs: r! Menno Oesch. Mr and Mrs. Howler- ison were their Sunday guests. The p ;former accompanying the latter back to Lucknow after an enjoyable visit 0 tvp tv 0 4ve 4e tTgestlier. • Going to France Sgt. P. H. Smith of 'Chatham, N.S. A. and children are holidaying az the home of tl,cir parents, Mr and Mrs. jJ j. Wes Merner. Sgt. Smith will be leaving for France September 15th, Nvliere he will Ib'e on duty in tare Air Force. Mrs. Smith and family will join Wyri at a later .date. 4 I Had Birthday Party aAn enjoyable afternoon was spent / . on•E'unda,,o when ....ame 16 boys -helped :.111. ..1..; celebrate Gerald Harman's 12th I birthday .at his home on the Goshen qv, L. South. They were entertained by wat2hing T.V. and playing games. ="f. !Later a delicious supeer was served zinging 'Happy Birthd.ay Gem', ,,ei . Gerald thanked them all for the nice vteud.ent 1 Zurich s s'''fp'fi' i gift '' 1el:ec received. Wins $20o gg 1 Scholarship - •op I Miss Katherine Kalbfleisch, --ttade;h- . ter of Mr and Mrs, Ivan Kalbfleisch, ,ez ' and student of .South Hution District :High School, Exeter; was awarded an admission scholarship of $200 b7 the University of Western eyntario Board of Governors for the highest standing in the high School. The minimum. qualifying average is 75 p. c. in eight papers lof grade XIII. Miss Kalbfleisch receiving 'eight firsts and one second, obtaining an average of 84% in nine papers. •,, 0 ryodal Bt re a IS• 9 ff, 9 We have purchased Stock and Fixtures of Drys- dale Store from John Denomy and have added various lines of Drygoods, such as Prints, Broad- cloths, Flannelettes, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, Jeans; Gloves, etc. Also a line of smallwares. We are remodeling the Store and intend to have Grocery Department i. . -ranged for semi self-strve in the near future. Mr. Denorny will,-ontinue in charge of Store. Your Patronage Greatly Appreciated GASCI-10 BROS. - Phone 98 r ST. BONIPACE 'PARISH Forty Hours' Devotion Friday, .Sept. 2nd to Sunday, 4th. S',e cial Missionary Pr from Scathoro Foreign Mission Evening Devotions at 8 o'clock. Times of Holy Mass: Friday - 7.45 am, -Sat. 6.30 and 8.00 a.m. Sunday, MO a.m. and 11.00 a.m. 1 Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy Coves accidental injuries to the Public Employers' Liability to all Domestic Servants, Damage to Pro- perty of Others. $10,000.00 for any one occurrence. Three year Premium $7.50 This broad coverage includes the general personal activities of the In- sured and his family in connection with residence, repair of premises, or erection of new dwelling, participat- ion in sports, games, accidental shoot- ing, existence of bicycles, dogs, an- imals, small boats and other liability. Summer cottage or other locations included at small extra cost. Farmer's .Comprehensive Liability up to 350 acres of land, and lueludin.e animal collision. $10,000.00 for any one occurrence Annual premium $10 00 General Insurance - Phone 161 HURON &. ERIE DEBENTUR,ES SOLD AND RENEWED J. W. HABERER General Insurance Phone 161 EMMANUEL .-.7.VANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH - ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch Organist UNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m. - Divine Worship. 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School. Welcome at all Services -"Cow- 'Lou with us and we will do the: ood.". Num. 1029. ST. PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, 'Zurich Rev. 0. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. 3. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist Worship Service 10:00 A.M. 3unday School (all ages) 11:15 A.M. The Lutheran Church in Zurich ex- tends a warm welcome to Visitors. Sunset DRIVE-IN - Goderich First Concession east of Goderich, on No. 8 Highway Thursday, Friday Sept. 1-2 Robinson Crusoe DAN O'HIERLINY Comedy Cartoon 1Saturday, Monday Sept. 3-5 Powder River RORY .CALHOUN CORINNE CALVERT Comedy - Cartoon Sunday IVI[kInight Only. Sept. 4 Between Midnight and Dawn MARK iSTEVENS GALE STORM B Offi 12 01 , I Tuesday, Wednesiday Sept. (I-7 Sept. Desert Rats reacher ' RICHARD -BURTON s. ROBERT NEWTON 'Comedy . - Cartoon + + + ',' .,.. ..•.,,,, .+ 1. -. ,.. +.4 01' ,,.., 0,., . m.- . ' + TastMe3C,',..7XDroMe7P*49z1.041',74n:WA..":":".r-r.. cr.,,.4.-.,-K„: ,.- - ' .-,,•vl, a ..,•,-0, -, -, - - , a I ..- 4- -:'• 4 . HARDWARE - SEEDS p..nd FUltri1171:0,....-:- m .,... 0 0 ..r. . .:• Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave Yo...z oni 7.7 early with us so we can arrange for yo' Il.pply. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMEN r Have You Looked Over Your Heating -qi. pment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob- Iably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and oiler Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known- and Tried , and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, F unlace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmitt, ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ir.URiCH QUALITY ay. PRICE El D ONT. - SERVICE + •••• IP .1. 1 • • 4. • 4 • + t 4. 1' 1' 4. 4. 4. 4. 5 Me Box .office opens 8 p.an. Two Shows each night. Children under 12 in cars Free. 'anDLISIMEZ=Ve=gar,SIMIMIEZZEW.2raSESSISMIREIMMISie M s and Bays' Wear REE PRIZES Come and try your Luck! NEIL WALKER'S Guess of 1250 wlon him one pair or tailored IX you ace o-.1 hai •my ititc..k with your beans •at home, try your he...* on our BEAN GUESSING CONTEST SPECIAL ,Pricw. im WORK 7CLOTHEIS' SPECIAL PRICES on SCHOOL CLOTHES. Everything Reduced at least t1:5 per cent. EXTRA - With. every purch6e of 5 ,00 one pair socks Free. EXTRA With every purchase of $12.50. (Inc fre,, Sport Shirt • FREE Six free. Draws for FREE Dry Clem wing. SPECIAL -- Any pair of Wool Work ,Socks Your Choice 'for 50 cents. JACKETS HALF PRICE ! ! ! ! FALL,6,13IT SAMPLES HE1I4.1 NOW Special Prices for Two Weeks OUR SALE ENDS SAT. SEPT, 3rd. • O SHUR GAIN Pig Booster Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning -and tests at the SIUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove that 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding. time, A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster from 10 days to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of their feed and reach market sooner. O Start Every Litter on Pig Booster • • MILT DEITZ & SON Zurich, Ont. diffflP tireatiamitif Thursday, September ist,1955 a a a • • Srf3 3 0, •jJ 1f )tiltli lit mut mot WHAT IS LIFE? DIDAovRIDICHSAEIsp:and PLEASURE SATISFY? They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches; None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him. Pra. 49: 6, 7. SOLOMON SAID: He that loveth pleasure shall be a voor man, he that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich: Proverbs 21: 17. PAUL SAID: For me to live is Christ! „Phil. 21. JESUS SAID: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundant. John 10: 10. ....... . . I am the Way, the Truth and Life. No mac' cometh unto the Father but by Me. John 14: 6. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, x?.. R. 1 - Zurich, Ontario 0 • • 4, • • 4,• 1111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f1M111111111ain • 2 .9 tt5 4. 4 0 a a 5 .1 4 a s, • 4. 4. 4 4 4.4' 4. 4. 4 44 4. 4. 4, 4. 4 4 44 TO ALL OUR FR/ENDS AND CUSTOMERS: We are still in a position to serve you in all your Floor Covering Needs... A Sample Book on all Floor Coverings will be at Gascho Bros. Store, or you can contact the residense of Herb Turkheim, Phone 133, Zurich, and we will be glad to call on you and discuss your problems. We will still give you the sane prompt service as usual. WHEN IN EXETER DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEW STORE, Carrying a complete range of Floor Coverings, Paints and Wallpapers. Prompt and Courteous Service is our Motto . Your Decorating Headquarters T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 718 Exeter )J�Ii1ii 11111 - Phone 133 Zurich 1 off LIME 4 40 „,. i • .-" .M1117,MISTOZ, WALL BOARD Easy to paint .or paper. Many grades and types in stook. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAI -LE I:: LO 0 RING 'Select grade, .end-3..a.7,ched Maple Flooring. Per :100. :Square Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down _ 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space c.am and Economically Converted istio extra Bedrooms or ant income pre& clueing Apartnneet. , Yon can clo, most of the work Vourself. 50411 our collection of plans and idoaa. FREE ESTIMATES See Us for all your Building Needs Fred C. Kalbileisch & Son Ltd: Llilinben! 4.Shing I e nd Builders' Supplies