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ZURICH HERALD Thursday, August 251h, 1955
Going to be 'on the highway over ISiaM b. bb
mune annenn
Labor Day week -end? How are al Mr and Mr.; Earl Stumpf aid
few 'stoppers' which the Automobile family of Kitchener spent eve, week -
Club of America :says can stop von 'and tVWtth 14_Tz and uVIrs Aipn : Miller
from killing yourself : shop speecling,1 and ,family
stop driving at night, stop for coffee,1 Mr and tiVI s tan Re temaier and
stop driving {bumper to bumper, stop ,girls of London _pent Sunua•, wile
his father, Mr Otto Restemay er
Miss tOarol Becker spent a few
days last week .,with heir untie and
aunt, Mr and Mr.; Albert Becker at
New Dundee.
Miss 1.eg:ry Hauser of II_.eth ner,
man near Hensall turned out at his spent th. we ,i send with Mi and Mrs
farm to conduct a threshing bee. Mr Carl Oestreicher.
Bregnvan while helping a neighbour; Rev. and .firs Glen Strome or Crit -
threshing took sun stroke and is con-;diton were guests with :vir and Mr:.
fined to ed at home, ;he came to Can- Carl Oestraiher Sat. eve.
ada from Holland about seven years .and. Mrs Martin Laub or ark -
ago. hill, Mrs. Emma Hostetler of New
Hamburg, Mr and Mrs. Fred Rader
and Miss Susan Willert spent Sunda;;
when: you're sleepy. P.S. — Re-
member 37 people were killed in
Canada during last year's Labor Day
week -end, 18 of them on. highways,
Twelve neighbors of John Breg-
Was Hugh Success
Meal weather and a record crowd ` "L1tI andt Ro:l� Glen' Rud. Miller spent Sun.
estimated about 1,000 turnei out to
make the frolic on Wed. Aug. 17t11. at I Clark e,de,:z with Mr and Mrs Tten,
one of the best. President of theClark.
and Mr.; r'',;,M Guenther spent
Club is Wm. Haugh and procc.,•as a few da:rs last week in Detroit with
are to be used in community wor's. lilt and Mrs Wm. Eagleson Jr.
In a ball game between !•tinich` Miss loan Guenther visitedwith
Lumlber Kings and Dashwood Tigers, hergrandparents,Mr and Mrs E. R.
the Tigers ,won 12-3. The Bino'o
tables' were kept filled and the de -
while Eugene visited with
mind at the booth was hard To reel)
has 'grsuldpaxents Mr and Mrs Wm.
up with. , i agies cn of Parkhill.
Mr Alvin Wolper was Master of • Miss Suuran Bartliff of Clinton spent
'ceremonies. .Six bands took part in the a few drays with Mr and Mrs George
parade and later performed pan stage j Tieman'
These were Dashwood, Exeter, Thad- Mr 1. M Humble, Mr and Mrs
ford, Strathroy, Forest and Sarnia. t Donald Sutherland and daughters
A variety program. by Vic. Munford Carolyn and Karo n of Windsor spent
and his cast from Brantford was well ithe week -end with Mr and Mrs Reuh-
reeeived. Ecitezvent ran high astl-e en Goetz.
time tame for raffling off a rorrrger- Mrs. Mary Pecker is visiting. with
ator, washer, pony, tires, lawn mower ;her dauighter and husband, Mr and
and bicycle. Earl Campbell, Ward- j Mrs Clarence Kimpel of Kitchener.
cru of Huron drew the rust ticket ! Mrs. Blanche Fraser of Science Hill
with the refrigerator, .going to Mr. I is spending a few days win Mr and
Curl Pearson of Woodstock; Mrs. 'Mrs Emil Becker
Ross Johnston of Zurich drew the
second ticket and Mrs. Ray Guenther
won the washing machine; Clarence
Parke of Stanley drew the third
tcket and an excited little boy Jimmy
Hayter had a pony; Mary Anne Sit.
tier of Medford drew the fourth
ticket and Ed. Devine of Grand
13end becnm.e the owner of two tube-
less tires. Lloyd Eagleson drew No
5 ticket and Don Jolly of Exeter won
a power lawn mower; Peter Eagleson
of Stanley won a 'fine bicyc?e wizen
Mrs. Orval McClinchey pulled the
sixth ticket.
Mr and Mrs Gordon Weiberg of
Waterloo spent the week -end with
Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg and Mr.
and Mrs Victor Tyler.
Mr and Ms. Harold Maine and
girls of Kitchener are vacationing
with the latter's father Mr. Reinhold
Miller. Her mother is a patient in
St Joseph's Hospital.
Mr Otto Willert returned home.
'from St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
last week.
Mr and Mrs L. H Rader and Mr
and Mrs Lloyd Rader and family
spent Sunday at London with Mr
and Mrs Wendell Gamble and buys.
Mr and Mrs Glen Brown of Lond-
on spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs
Wm Wein.
For Life, $77,213
Is Jury's Award
St. Catharines, Nov. 11 ---
One of the largest single awards
wade in a Lincoln County Court —
Young McLean was injured May 27,
1953, when knocked off his motor-
bike by a truck as he was about to
make a left turn—
CIA recommends
third -party coverage of $100,000 for M
bodily injury to one person, $200,000 P
for bodily injury to two or more per-
sons, and $100,000 property damage. Ph
Bertram Klopp
R.R. 3, Zurich. Phone 93r1, Zurich. 1
Our Motto --Prompt and fair Claim
Mr and Mrs Emil Becker and fam-
ily attended the Fraser Reunion at
Ipperwash on S,anay.
Week -end visitors wib_z iars. Luc-
inda Mcisaac were, Rose Zane Den-
namane, Judy Denomnle, James Me -
Isaac, Ronald and Donald tiiiclseae,
Lyn Griffith and Mr and Mrs Frank
11/ elsaac and children all of Detroit.
Mr Frank Want of Chevam spent
a few days at the home tof Ervin
Try Delicious York Ice Cream
for Picnics and Parties, in
Bricks, Half Gallons and 21k
B.A. Station - Dashwood
12Chunks, Also a number of
brood sows. Alvin Gingerich, Phone
90 r 6. Zurich. 2t*
Will pay 4c. a lb. for old horses.
Phone collect 58 r 24, Bayfield. Roy
Scotcluner. • p12'55
General Painting, Houses, Barns,
Metal Roofs, Etc. Reasonable Rates.
Call Phone 53, Grand Bend, Ont.
Waterloo Cattle Breeding
"Where Better Bulls Are Used"
Artificial Insemination service for
all breeds of cattle. For service or
information Phone - Clintan 242 -
collect between 7.30 and 10:00 a.m.
on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.
m. on Sundays.
Mobile Sewage Disposal
odern Equipment for Pumping Cess
ools, Septics, Catch Basins, etc.
one 205 GRAND BEND, ONT.
Optometrist — Optician
(Successor to the late A. L.
Cole aptemetrirt)
Building and Remodeling
Cupboards and Cabinets; Plastic
Wall Tile for Kitchens and Baths.
Lawn Furniture made to order;
Picnic Tables, Chairs, etc.
For Prompt and Courteous
Ph. 103W, Zurich, Ont.
5 (3m
'- For appointments phone 33,
I! Goderich - Ont.
Will pay k. a lb. for old Horses for
Mink Feed.—Phone collect, Goderi••h
936 r 21, or 936 r 32. ---Gilbert
Bros., Goderich. tfne
15 Chunk, of Pigs. Apply r
Stanley Sander, R.R. 1, Zurich.