HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-08-25, Page 844.1.1111tIcla ONT.dtio 1,4 X40 Percole Sheets 81x100 pr. 411)®OP Kitchen To, ..-13 pr. THE STORE WITH THE STOCK or ays nly Chenille Spreads, full size, each $6.25 Chenille Spreads, Hob. Nail, full size, each 6.95 Flannelette Blankets, light weight, pr. 3.98 7.50 85c 4 only Menu uLs each 28.50 1.59 2.98 'EYP Men's Jerseys Reg. 3.15 for each Men's Jeans, all sizes at ase 400 TELEPHONE 59 40P Bros. ZURICH 7 1R1r 1 HERR) Y) LOCAL NEWS Dr. and Mrs. Bruce .l7ickmeior of Exeter were callers hi town Saturday evening. A large number of people were at the ball game here on Monday ev- ening. Messrs. Albert Kalbfleisch and Louis Thiel were on a bnsines, trip to Paisley on Monday. A large number of villagers atten- ded the big frolic at Dashwood on Wednesday eve. last. ;Mr and Mrs Grant Male and chil- dren were `visitors with their parents' at Morrisburg. Miss Sheila Walker who spent Tier vacation at her home in. Windsor, has returned to her Zur.i th home at St. Boniiface Rectory. Mrs. Aurae Sauve who spent her vacation. at Toronto, has returned and resumed her position as saleslady in the Oesch Gro !eteria. ' Mrs. Minnie Weida, London, visit- ed at the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Bedard. Larry Be- dard, grandson, returned h,onae atter having spent his holidays in the city. Mr and Mrs A. Melick of town, accompanied by the former's sk,ter, Mrs. M. Hudson of Seaforth, were on a motor trip to Michigan over the week -end. Fine rains greeted these parts on !Monday, starting eariy in the morn- ing. Wt were fortunate in getting them as not so far away there was little rain fell. Mr. Robert Williams enjoyed a few days' trip up the lake, staying mostly at Port Elgin. He also took a trip up to Tlabermory and from there a boat ride to .Manatou,in lsle- land. • Miss Irene Dietrich has returned to London to continue her work at Wrights Lithogralphing Co., after helping out a f•cw months at .the home •of her parents, Mr and Mrs Alphonse Dietrich. 4G1 UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS 1 Following are the results of the , Upper School, Exeter Dist. High IQ School effecting the pupils of Zurich 1p !district : 4'41 The 'daughter of Mr and Mrs I..es- le Thompson Exeter, posted an aver - „\I, age .mark of 84.5. Only one ;mark be - 4 p hind her was Kathryn Kalbfleisch of ,'V',Zurich, who also received eight firsts 40Pand one sedond. Miss Kalbfleisch also • got 97 in History. While Raymond esammenonomma 1 • • g We have purchased Stock and Fixtures of Drys- dale Store from John Denomy and have added various lines of Drygoods, such as Prints, Broad- cloths, Flannelettes, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, r• Jeans, Gloves, etc. Also a line of smallwares. We are remodeling the Store and intend to have Grocery Department arranged for semi self -serve in the near future. Mr. Denomy will continue in charge of Store. Your Patronage Greatly Appreciated GASCHO BROS. - Phone 98 r 1 1 The Drysdale Store HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE Yoar Fuel Needs • • • 1 Will receive attention with us if left -in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Custorners with the most 1 Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to • • insure deliveries in time always leave your or.aer3 early : with us so we can arrange for yc • supply. e • YOUR HEATING EQUIPM."NT Have You Looked Over Your Heatin,,:,uipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob. ' ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. STADE & WE. IDO ZURICH ONT. QUALITY - PRICE . h00000s000sootoot000soomoosoossosolowoassow000moostotwoos r,, t Corriiveau of Zurich who attended School at Brockville received the :am,azing mark of 100 in History. Deichert Edward A.—Algb 56, Ge,om. 51, Fr. 'Comp 53. Haberer, Arlene V. — Eng. comp. 50, Eng Lit 72, History 94, ;Jot 85, Zoology 70, Cheri 70, Fr. Au 57, Fr. Comp 72. Hab,erer, Marilyn E.—Eng cora. 03, Eng lit 7,6, Botany 74, Zoo- 65, Lat. Au 189, Lat C. 84, Fr Au 71, Fr Com 84; Kalbfleisch, Katherine E. — Eng. ,Coenp 81, Eng Lit 87, History 97, Botany 79, Zoo 77, Lat Au 91, Lat C. 80, Fr. Au 72, Fr. Comp 80. ISchade .Margaret A. — Alg. 60, Bot 77, Zoo 50, Phy 60, Wagner, Marlene H.—E. Comp 02, E. Lit 72, Bot 76, Zoo 63, Lat Au 89 Lat C 87, Fr. Au 75, Fr. C. 85. Comprehensive Personal Liability Policy Covers accidental injuries to the Public Employers'. Liability to all Domestic Servants, Damage to Pro- perty of Others. $10,000.00 for any one occurrence. Three year Premium $7.50 This broad coverage includes the general personal activities of the In- sured and his family in connection with residence, repair of premises, or erection of new dwelling, participat- ion in sports, games, accidental shoot- ing, existence of bicycles, dogs, an- imals, small boats and other liability. .Summer cottage or other • locations included at small extra cost. Farmer's ;Comprehensive Liability up to 350 acres of land, and including animal collision. $10,000.00 for any one •occurrence Annual premium $10.00 General Insurance - Phone 161 HURON &. ERIE DEBENTURES SOLD AND 'RENEWED J. W. H'ABERER . General Insurance Phone 161 EMMA.NUEL EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist UNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:15 a.m. — Sunday School. Welcome at all Services — "Conte bon with us and we will do thet rood.". Num. 10:29. ST. PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. O. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Sunday School (all ages) 11:15 A.M. The Lutheran Church in Zurich ex- tends a warm welcome to Visitors. StarLite Drive -In Theatre (NEWLY OPENED) 5 Miles East of Grand Bend, on Crediton Road S'TARLITE THEATRE • Thursday, Friday Aug. 25-26 Mississippi Gambler (Technicolor) Tyrone Power Julia Adams Saturday, Monday Aug. 2/-29 Saskatchewan (Technicolor) Alan Ladd Shelly Winters Tuesday, Wednesday Aug. 30-31 APRIL IN PARIS (Tech) Doris Day Roy Bolger HONEY FOR SALE ' We can supply you with No. d' White 1 No. 1 Honey in Customers- Con- tainers, for a limited time only, at 25 cents a. pound. — J. Haberer & ! Sons, Zurich. It"` RSG. &JIM ' Sale! Sale! Sale! GET in on these Free Gifts• FREE two pair tailored Trousers. 1 pr. Saturday, August 27th. 1 pr. Saturday September 3rd. To the nearest estimate of the number of beans in our window: ONE WHTTE SHIRT ONE TIE ONE PAIR SOCKS • ONE BELT or SUSPENDERS, with every order for made-to-sneaatue :Suit taken during Sale Week. Prices $49.95 UP Free....Pair of Socks with every purchase of $5.O0 FREE — One suit or dress cleaned free by Mil -town Cleaners for each of three lucky :winners in cleaning contest. Everything Reduced to Sell: SHIRTS Reg. 52.75 to 3.25 @ .... $.1.75 Reg. $1.95 to 2.35 @ .... $1.25 ,SPOIR'F SHIRTS (good quality) @ $3.00 See our New Lounge Jackets and dress Pants for Boys. f• WORK CLOTHES at Bargain Prices Underwear Briefs 7Oc; Nylon work Socks 50c; Hats .0c. Jeans $2.50 up; Jackets •55.00 up; White Shirts $1.00 off. Children's and Boys' Tee Shirts, dozens to choose from 50e One Boy's Shirt pjgE to any Mother who brings three sons i n ta. see us Get the Back -to -School Supplies now and save. Sale begins .August 27th and ends Sept. 3rd. Thursday, August ani,, 119.55t • 9 •4. to 4. 4. • 4. m s e w 4. 4. SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning—and tests at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove that 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding. time. A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster from 10 days to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of their feed and reach market sooner. Start Every Litter on Pig Booster MILT DEITZ & SON - Zurich, Ont. • 4. S. 4. 4. el• • s • 0 a• • • g oe 4. 4. 41 ,1011iillilllll win um IILIN (HtMIIIHHlll!ll_ III(IIIIII, IIIHfil'Hlli Il;lllllllllllllllHuHlpIItIU t YE MUST BE. BORN AGAIN 11 Itmo JESUS Answered: Except a man he born of water and' of the Spirit, he cannot enter into, the kingdom of God -- John 3: 5. HOW CAN THESE THINGS BE? Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His Mercy. He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost. -- Titus 3: 5. NEITHER IS THERE SAT,VATION IN ANY OTHER Repent and bs baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ„ for the Remission of sins, and ye.shall receive the gift of the Haly Ghost.— Acts 3: 38. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, x2.. R. 1 — Zurich, Ontario MI 111 I II 11 I1 I 1 I 3 4. • • o°9 4. so • • 0- o°8 • 4. a 4. 1 1 4, [IIIIiEl0lllll111lllll11'111lllll1111M1ll i 1 11111(111'pow, TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: We are still in a position to serve you in all your Floor Covering Needs... A Sample Book on all Floor Coverings will be at Gascho Bros. Store, or you can contact the residense of Herb Turkheim, Phone 133, Zurich, and we will be glad to call on you and discuss your problems. We will still give you the same prompt service as usual. WHEN IN EXETER DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEW STORE, Carrying a complete range of Floor Coverings, Paints and Wallpapers. Prompt and Courteous Service is our Motto Your Decorating Headquarters T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 718 Exeter - Phone 133 -Zurich 4 4 • • i • • -$.1 1111110111111111111111' HMI it illlHill (IIIHIH1111i14 llI1.1111 1p111H1111f1[[#ii 1i(lilillll,Iiilllilt .. WALL BOARD . Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents h:APLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched Maple, Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can be esestal and Economically Converted Melte: extra Bedrooms or an income prop eluting Apartment. . You cam GAO most of the work yourself. BM our collection of plans extol it'l+r*s, FREE ESTIMATES See Us for all your Building Needs Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies