HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-08-18, Page 1stablished 1900 r IC HERAL..^' • ZURICH, ONTARIO,�u�s DAY MORNING, AUGUST 18 1955 . ,_.. SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects Courses Approved by the Canadian Business Schools Association. — Modern equipment. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6th. TOUTION: $18.00 PER MONTH GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE East Street - Goderich, Ontario — Phone 428W Lyric 'h atre•EXETER a Phone 421_ • Thursday, Fniday, .Saturday a August 18,,19, 20 : Demetrius and The Gladiators •• SUSAN HAYWARD VICTOR MATURE S Not often does a sequel to a picture • • prove to be worth seeing but ads sequel to the Robe is excellent and also in cinemascope. . Na, + 4 '• 4 ^1• MIRACLE FOOT AID is a proven -in -use corrector for foot ills and associated body ills. If 'your feet are tired, swell, teel "draggy," if your posture is causing you to slump; if you have 'stiffness or pain anywhere in the body caused by a foot con- dition, it would be wise, wouldn't it, to do something about it, before it worsens. 'Whether yours is a recent condition, or a cronic one, you are invited to see Mr. Hardman. He will show you what MIRACLE FOOT AID will do for you: Let you actually experience this wonderful help for foot trouble. Then you'll want to go ahead with this most comfortable method of. correction. First consultation is free. Life •can be happier with properly functioning feet. Why not find out on Monday,.. August Zand. George Hardman Skilled Technician racl. AT THE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich, Ontario - Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, AUGUST 22nd. 10 A.M. — 8P.'M. -4, g m, Listowel, Kitchener, Clinics akt.'nsic Tillaonbwr , Win ha Leaden, Hamilton .Monday, Tuesday August 22,23 UNCHAINED. Elroy Hersch (Barbara Hale A real prison melodrama ;based on California's prison without bars, walls, or armed guards. + Red Pony --'Press Reporter, Mary Geiger. 4. (Color) Baseball News Robt. Mitchum Myrna Loy is Zurich Now Two Up •1 Zurich Lumber Kings extended Pry de Of Maryland - ) their lead in the Huron -Perth Baseball 4 (Frankie Darro -- _— _ Peggy Stewart Association play-offs to two games over Dashwood as they defeated them Saturday, Monday Aug.: 20-22 5-4 here on Thursday evening before • Thunder Over The . j, a large crowd. Dashwood had tallied three runs in the top of the eighth to Plains- „take the lead 4-3. However the Lum- • (Color) ',4t. 2ierkin'gs.put a run across in t'ietr half •. Randolph Scott [of the inning to tie the score aril 3 Phyllis Wednesday, Thursday Aug. 24-25 SABRE JET Robert Stock Coleen Gray - The action shots in this color feature are thrilling. Llash mar CLINTON - ONTARIO. Next to Community Park n Thursday,Friday Aug 18-19 large gathering took place last IIrL day evening on the local base - diamond when the Dashwood l ers were over and played the lo- va'l Zurich Luxnberkimgs. 4-H. Club Meet The regular meeting of the Hen- sall Kinsmen �,4+-H White Bean Club Was held on August 10th at the Hen - sell Town Hall. Meeting with them was the Exeter 4-H Grain Club. KeithLovell opened. the combined meeting by repeating the 4-H pledge in uni- son. Thirty-one members answer- ed the roll .call by stating if he (or she) had been on the 4-11 train trip to Toronto. Mr Harold Baker introduced Mr Harry Strang, District Director of the Ontario Crop and Soil Ass'n,who talked on judging of grains. He said to look for size, uniformity and col- ours of grains. Two classes of grain, One each of wheat, oats and barley were judged. Mr Strang, Mr. Doug. May, Mr. 'Bored Taylor and Mr. Bather gave reasons on the classes judged. A quiz taken from the manuals followed.. Mr. Baker introduced guest speak- er Mr. Boyd Taylor, Blyth, who talk- ed on 'his experiences at the O.A.C., Guelph. He said, "Every boy who wishes to be a farmer should spend Some time at the •College. A special meeting was canned for next Monday night, August 22nd, to ay deal with the Bean Festival where —DOUBLE FEATURE-=- • 'the Bean Club is to have a float. ,'3ingle C>lbi 5'fent:. Subeacription in Canada, $2.09 a 7C Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. N O R M A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE VACATION August 8th to 20th Inclusive NORMA STEiNBACH - Prep. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS:. On a New Modern Loom, Mad* ifs; Order ---Seth 0. Amann, -Zuni,, Ont. Phone 128. YOUR SPECTACLES DO YOUR SPECTACLES NEED REPAIRING OR ADJUSTING? Why not bring them in and have them fitted comfortably. BESIDES WE ARE IN A POSITION to supply you with new Frames any size, shape or color; your broken Lenses replaced promptly and accur- ately. IF YOU NEED A NEW PAIR OF Spectacles.. Why not have examined at C. PASSMORE, R.O. 2475-i St., London. your oyes Bring in the prescription we will fill it promptly with the newest in Spectacle Ware at a price much be- low the rates charged in the larger centres. Mr. Passmore is regarded as an outstanding Optometrist. . A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER r.. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LONE S. LILER. LOCKER SERVICE.. - ROE FEI.DZ WHI'L'E ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 HENSALL, ON1 P••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• of ya, • HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points • ; efxeE I •• n : • 4* • • 44 Wh river funeral service ss required, • the • [Intted States or other p • • b f local and tnationa7 funeral • directors assoc,at,ons, R r d the genet effi• * • • • sasses to or from any place in c oints of the globe, Hoffman's, as Can- ada, � can members ers o handle all the arrangements. You are always assured service. T. �' HOFFMAN Funeral. and Amb "� c. of Hoffman's • Aen FUNERAL HOME • I-IARR • • Ambulance Service 4 'I" une Telephone 70-W 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Is•e••••+••••444•••••••••••••••••••64•4.4.4•e THIEL'S Superior Store Open Wednesday Afternoon During the , Sale. Also Friday and Saturday Evenings. Still Bargains Galore. Our entire stock of Dry Goods has been reduced to sell out at prices below cost. We only have t ;ill August 22nd to clear this Stock; no better time for a bargain than right here. Do your Christmas shopping early. Ladies' and Children's Underwear =tar summer and winter in all sizes. Hosiery, Nylons' "knee Socks, by the gross. Tale Cloths, towel sets, pillow cases, wool Blank- ets, 100 bolts of Prints, 'Seersucker, Flannelette, table oil, plastic by the `yard, and many more art - ides too numerous to Trrention. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Ile sure to take notice to our 'Weekly Grocery Specials in. the Superior Adv. every Thursday in the London Free Press. LOWER PRICES ;SAVE YOU MONEY Phone 140 -- C, IL THIEL Zurich xh- they tallied the winning marker in Au 2.32+4 'the last of the ninth. Tuesday, Wednesdayg Doug. O'Brien was the top man at DOUBLE•BILI. the plate for the winners as he bang; HORROR NIGHT ed out three hits in four times at bat. The next and third game will be play - The Mummy's Curse ed this Wednesday evening at Dash - Lon Chaney wood when they have their big Band The Mummy Tattoo, and it will prove tobe a tight Boris Karloff. series no matter who wins ft. The fourth game will be at Zurich, on Cartoon and Short at each Show ' Friday Aug. 19th, and then back to s; Two Shows Nightly, rain or clear. Dashwood on Monday 22nd, and so A. Box Office Open 8:00 p.m. First Show • on till a. team wins four games. at Dusk. ChilFdrenree Under 1.2 in Cars (good brand of ball is being a polayed, and the boys are playing R H E DZurichashwood 100. 2010000030 45 1'L 3 I, ,Senesac, Web, Guenther and Hay- ter. Zurich, O'Brien, Attrill and Rawlings. Had Reunion The fifth annual reunion of the Kalbfleisch Family was held on Sunday, August 14th, with approxi - ai 041114aoaaaaaaaoa ` talt a a 1 Licensed Embalmers and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - - or 122, warawaseoesealasersamteacrestooseatessoeatoesaawaseessamapeat Zturich &Mon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday August 19-20 Tall Man Riding Warner color Randolph Scott Dorothy Malone mately 120 persons in attendance. IThe roaring, rwg',g turbulent land Meinlbers were present from Chicago grab days of the 1870's. 1 Detroit, Farmington, Mich,, and other Selected Short ,Subjects. po,inits from, the U.S.A., as well as .....M................ - Tuesday many points in Canada. Due to in- 4Sunday Midnight, Monday, clement weather .conditions the meet - held in the Community 1 August 22-23 Suddenly Frank Sinatra Sterling James Gleason Newsreel and Additiona Short Subjects g -Centre, Zurich, instead of Cedar - Hyden brook Camp as originally planned. IThe reunion commenced with a sumptuous dinner under the super- vision of the lunch +committee headed Iby Mrs. W. Brokenshire. The business sesion, in charge of the President, Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch followed. It was decided by the gathering hereafter to hold the re- union on the Sunday preceding Civic Holiday and also to hold thenerxt meeting in Canada. Several new members were introduced. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Dr. Herbert Kalbfleisch, London; Vice President, Mr. Harold' Sievers, R. f. Kal'bfielsch and Eugene Kallbfleisoh, all of De- troit, 'Mich; Secretary, Mr. Edward Deichert, Zurich; Treasurer, Mr. Don Taylor, London, Ont. The business session was followed by a miscellaneous program consist- ing of musical selections, readings, addresses and the showing of movies. Pony rides for the children were al- so provided. After a delicious supper served on the Smorgasbord style the reunion carne to a close withthe singing of the Doxology. The members depart- ed feeling that this was one of the moat successful reUfiions ever held, Wednesday, Thursday August 24-25 Untamed Cinemaseope Technteolor Adult EntertainmentoPowerne Susan Haywood oCartoon Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin clTND.AY SERv7CFS: 10:00 a.m. —Sunday Sehool '1 •00' a.m. —• Wr,rabip ;;e•rvlee '4.00 p.m. •— Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8.30 p.m. Prayer Fe1lowal iP ' i'OU ARE INWITHVITED TO WORSHIP You'll Enjoy Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospel Preaching -- Inspirational Singing. lundays•w-•CILML-900 k.c. -7:30 a.m —WRVA - 1140 k.c.- Dying 'The Living f hrist for e1 y g World," . zumeirs Grocery Store We ere ever at your service with the best obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES sa Ail Cenne d h Fruits and Vegetabletables, Fruits in Seasoned on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US 'A CALL .1 Oeseh Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Own ILL Juried MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES Just Arrived. — New Shipment, at Very Low Prices Also some Lines at Special Prices to Clear Men's Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc, Good Supply of Fresh Groceries :always on bland! THE BIAtit STORE Phone 11-'1 M.. Sc�1fNIt11��I't Prop.