HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-08-04, Page 4VITlt@ICS* DRTateRIC Sunset DRIVE-IN — Goderich First Concession east of Goderich, on No, 8 Highway Thursday, Friday Aug. 4-5 Thunder Pass DANE C.I.,ARK DOROTHY PATRICK Comedy - Cartoon. • a.turday Monday Aug. Thunderhead, Son of Flicka EDMUND O'BRIEN HELEN WESTCOTT Comedy - ' Cartoon Tuesday, Wednesday Aug. 9-10 ZURICH HERALD TWENTY YEARS After sleeping peacefully for 20 years, Rip Van Winkle awoke to a world vastly different from that which he had known. •r Great changes could enter our lives too — but in these modern times we and our de- pendents need 'fear no sudden awak- ening to 'a drastically changed exis- tence provided our Life Assurance programme is adequate and up to 'date. See me for full .information. Ta rry Hoff an NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company — All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. Phone 70-W the forrner's home. Return to Paradise «..- Lloyd Stansberry, soldier In GARY COOPER ROBERTA. HAYNES Comedy - Cartoon Pn Office Omen, R p.m, 2 Shows Niehtiv. Children under 12 in care Free' Thursday, August to+th, .1155 I lashrar DRIVE -1N 'THEATRE CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park Thursday, Fridays Aug. 4-5 DUEL IN THE JUNGLE (Color) JEANNE CRAIN DANA ANDREW'S Mr and Mrs Jack Peifer and son + The Voice of Temperance of !Chatham were week -end guests TO INTEREST PEOPLE. with Mrs Matilda 1Peifer,•"Our program is very defi:nite and Misses Lois and Betty Geiser appears to be succeeding in your first spent the week -end with Mrs. Cora objective, to interest people, notably youth." - Huron County recently experienced the truth of this +pronouneenient from Mrs. Emma Shepherd has moved the 0. r.F. headquarters, During the Geiser. HENSALL Con - into the apartment owned 'by Mr ,andweek-end of the Temperance Mr, hexa, Reid • !.dove held in Goderich in May, up. ward; of 11800 people feem all over Mr and Mrs Kenneth Doig, Of the County were in attendance On Grand Rapids, Mich. were recent .Saturday night, Teen Agers and guests with Mrs. Lydia Doig and Young Adults to the number .of• Janet. more than 500 flocked to the neva Rev. C. D Daniel will occupy his G.D.C.I. and Knox Presbyterian 1 it i• the United Church the own pulpit p coming- Sunday, Aug. 7th and will preach his first sermon in the church, having been inducted in June this Saturday-, Monday e_e year. 'Members of Cannel Presbyter - Ian Church will worship in this DIAMOND QUEEN church for the month. of August. (xolo3) • Winners of the bingo held in the FERD. LAMAS, Legion Hall, Saturday night, sponsor - to avoid sun or head strokes. Rutin ARLENE DAHL ed by the Legion are Mrs. dray Fos - all one can not say different that'' .t&ug. . --- ter, Centralia; Ted Saunders, Exeter; training and his mother, Mrs. Stans- warm as it may be, summer has its, Tuesday, Wednesday Aug 9-10 Miss Marian Fleischauer, Zurich. The berry of Detroit were Monday visit- many good points, regardless of some ors with the later's parents. of its discomforts; anyway there Is The 3Tessrs. Sinclair and August not much we can do about it„ but to Bedard of Windsor spent the week- take it and besides we should be end at the home of •1Ir and Mrs Leo more generous in rendering thanks DIAL 'M' FOR MURDER (Adult) RAY MILLAND GRACE KELLY I3arlard also with their mother who to the many privileges inthls land of Cartoon and Short at each Show i Ile in residence there. freedom we enoyl I Two Shows Nightly, ran or clear. ad Reunion Mr and -MI's. N. Canon, Jr., of I Two Office Open 8:00 p. First Show 1 Detroit were week -enc! visitorsto A S 4~° at Dusk. Children Under 12 in Cars Thiel Reunion St. Joseph, with, the former's mather. Womens'. Institute Visit Museum Free ml <> e0±-'+aThiel reunion was I and other points of Interest at held n': Civic Holiday in the Com-1'Comment-- Goderich le Misses Diane and Judy Kraft vis- nieeity Centre at Zurich, Ont. and I True. the month of July was hot Dashwood W. T. with the Historical- ited with their grandparents, Mr and vs ,+_• l al success The secretary seltrv, and omething unusualt:o Research Committee in charge con- Mrs. Edmund Kraft; Lynda Kraft 9;. t !n c, ed to report the refit,- �tlie :present generation. But eo the ve;rod by Mrs Ken McCrae, charter- visited with her aunt and unc>+e, Mr. tz rr anl,r,nx..nately 175. We' older people it was just one of those ed `1 bus for their July meeting and and Mrs Elgin Rader and Peter spent dtt 71Q:'.71g:'9, that were unable to old tims summers. About nineteen ei Teel the museum at Goderich. Ac-' uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. Wale ateeei beeeeee of accidents, ill health leyears aim or to be nearly accurate cfeeen ' 1 by their children, Tuesday lace Becker. or .ehntever the case may ire. Hope iii our date, the month of July soil- I July 26th. All were amazed at the( Misses June and Ruthanne Rader, t, seeyou it 195e led out a few days of hot stnfr, butithiitgs on di play and felt it was in- spent a few days with their uncle Andrew Thiel of Torn,ito Wei cm - nothing to compare with this present deed of great interest and value to and aunt Mr and Mrs Wellwood Gill at Grand Bend. Fire Equipment Proved Valuable A fire eehich smouldered at the dump whipped by Saturday's winds burst tout of control and jumped into a a stubble field. The dry straw mim- ed readily and some citizens feared !of their homes, but thanks to Dash- wood Fire Brigade and equipment available, the fire was quickly bro- ught under control. Miss Alma Hern of Zion is visiting with her cousin. Marie Salmon. while Ruth Salmon is a visitor with their cousins at Zion. Mr and Mrs KenHagar and Miles and Mrs Wm. Henderson of Dundas spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Ed. Nadiger and Helen. Mrs Ida Caldwell of Exeter spent Saturday with her brother and wife Mr and Mrs Dan Welber. NLr and Mrs Ervin Ratter and family spent Sunday at +Chatham and Firio Beach. with Mr and Mrs Frank Want and family Mrs Thos. MacKay, Sharon and Mr and Mrs Clarence Pepper of Heather of Philadelphia spent a_few Stratford and Mr and Mrs Glen H • Hoffman , Brown of London were Saturday vis• - this week. (itors with Mr and Mrs Wm. Wein ed the r el etives and friends, also summer. There should be nothing un- tie care_!: acted a master of ser- usual to this bot nave. we have four en�onies and took charge of the bus- seasons. but for the past three dec- irc session Thanks Andoy, you did I ades were a mixture, people did not e tine joie know at what season they were liv- Due to the extreme heat we decid-ling in. When it was spring they ed to cancel sports and have a home were hugging the tail end of the talent prosrnm with the help of a few winter with disagreeable weather. number; from Woodstock, London, i When summer came that also was a Ta,:•on.to. last but not least Canada's' mixture unusual weather, the only 11 • realize is sir tiro cowboy from Radio Station iseaso.i that we can reg y CI NK Win•eham, Earl Heywood. his !the fall season, because that always wire and family. The program con- een noted as what the old people tprizefor a lucky plate and Mr �Gu- sisted of eeveral selections from the i termed bad stuff. Let us turn back enther for the oldest person present. band: Ruth, Kenneth and Paul Weido, Ito three, three, four or five decades ; It was decided to cancel the August Carole. Dianne. Douglas, Allan and ago when summer started in June, meeting. Ronald 'Thiel: in-•trumental Trio by the time designated for its first ap- i Mr Melvin Resternayer, Mr and the Weirlo fancily; instr. solo by Ron- pearance, and to continue till Sept- Mrs Harold I� eaft accompanied by odr? Thiel: piano duet by Marion l ember, in those early days Rummers (Dr. and Mrs Fred Morlock of Otta- Feischauer and Donna Fisher; violin were summers, temperatures ranging 1wa spent .a few days last week at see. Following this they toured Goderich with Mr. E. R. Guenther the driver, pointing out places of interest, arrive ing at Harbour Park- they enjoyed sports, winners were: girls 6-9 Bon- nie Heather ?1eCrae; Rove Eric Wolf Older girls, Anne Koehler, tearing newspaper, Lynda Tiernan; all the. little ones received a gift, several re-: lays were enjoyed. During the supper hour Mrs. Art Allemand received the. tele by Virginia, Lloyd and Peter Deichert, baton twirling by Dianne Thiel; reading by Marilyn Haberer. piano accordion solo by Janet Body, Woodstock; vocal solo All My Little Delleies, Jo Anne Body, Woodstock. The tiny tote sane Happy Birthday, to Midford Litt of Sebringville. Tap dance numbers by Mrs Laird Thiel of' London, Dianne Thiel of Zurich. Instrumental duet by Ruth Weido and Dianne Thiel; vocal solo by Laird Thiel Jr, London; Vocal du- ets by Mr and Mrs Heywood, Wing - ham; vocal duets -by Patricia and 'Grant Heywood, accompanied by their ;daddy ton the guitar; ventriliquist, Andrew Thiel, Toronto; a gift was presented to Mr. Albert Robinson of aVlitohell for being the oldest member present, 83 yrs old; in the nineties for the season. People had to work much harder those days as they did not have the modern equipment as of today Farmers would go out into their fields with wide straw hats on their top gear, stuffed up with leaves to that the sun rays would not penetrate too on their crown; and many times they were forced to seek shade The programa was very much en- joyed. The business session followed, the secretray reading the minutes of the last electon of officers chosen. The reunion to be held in Stratford in 1956 with Midford Litt of -Sebr-' ingwille acting as president; vice pres. • Mose Leiniweber; secy treas., Mrs. Eggert. Lunch convenor Miss Melinda Reihl; sports conv. Dennis Leinweber. Albert Thiel of Kitchener delivered a message for Rev. Cornwall of Han- over •concerning the history books of the Thiels. Andrew Thiel on behalf of the Deichert family thanked for remembering Mrs. Deichert and Bert- ram with a ha.sket of fruit and gre- eeings from the Reunion. We had the honour and pleasure of having With ue Rev Winter, his wife and son Pastor Winter thanked us for invit- ing them. Before leading us In prayer, he spoke briefly reminding us what a wonderful occasion a re- union ,or family gathering is. He remembered those who are i11 and un - ale to attend. Also observed a minute silence in honour of those who have passed on. The day was concluded by sitting down to a lovely supper supervised ley Mr and Mrs Lewis Thiel. Mose Leinweber of Stratford thanked the urich people for the enjoyable time. ' The executive, Mr and Mrs Lewie I Thiel, Mr and Mrs Charles. 'r Earl and Andrew Thiel went to. thank! all of you, e: ne.r .a11'• the r•r cng hoe; and girls for the int , -(•:,;•.1.. a}tui-efi`orts± they have ne :ttt-r t'i rcatn;to;r tr, make it 0—e '•i'le: t. AfterCherelo:. e: ,1 . eo 1 1 lecee, we le - turned turned hoele"hop,n„; to net in Strat- ford in X19: r . Sa>a.y 1 lea,., 1Ire. Charles Thiel St. Joseph & Bhie Water Area 1'ri ille 'Therese and Sister orSt Desai= of Windsor are visiting with their rnr•'rrts, Mr and Mrs Fred DTI cl:a-we o13.`x'. 11icr1nvay pre - vitro, {o fee—he. tr°,eie harerr.: fo • the coining year re • .},'_ iia.e e C'•1•it>1••. Nare's Inlet. Mrs. Matilda ;Peifer spent last week in London with he;. sister and husband, Mr and Mrs David Baird. She also attended the Monier reun- ion. at )Springbank Park on Sat. 15. Church for a unique new -type temp- erance rally On Sunday night many of .these returned to Goderich bringing parents. and friends, Knox Church, auditor- ium, SS. room, Chapel, parlor, mese ery were filled. Twelve hundred peo- ple gathered to hear Dr. E t'�rossley Hunter. This was the eighth such Tem perance Conclave sponsored by the O.T.F. in the past two years. A worth -while educational project? Jackpot is ..55 for next Saturday, We of Huron •C.ounty certainly be - the 6th. lieve .;n. --- Advt. � 1, m2hi��'� � Waterloo Cattle Prr&&diig As5ccl •. 4. 4. a,. days wit h Mr and 1VIo rs arry •3• aj. 4* 4- 4 •I• • on the old Airport Road. This is the place that co-operative artificial breeding has built and it is composed of an office, board room, laboratory, •I• and 30 box stalls in the :barn which house as good a group of bulls as can be found under any roof. Visit the headsuarters some time. .Ir fi WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED Home of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding .Association located just north and east of Waterloo, one-half mile off No.. 85 I• + 4. Tara, Ont. Besides the headquarters, we maintain branch offices at: Guelph, 4 Eramosa Road Phone 237 Arthur, Ont. Phone 115 Palmerston, Ont. 71 66 Clihton Ont. " 242 Kincardine, Ont. " 460 Formosa, Ont. (two nut,rbers: Ph, Walkerton 887W2 and Mildmay 130R12, Ph. 1381112 For Artificial Breeding Service or more information, call the office nearest you between 7:30 and10:00 on week days and '7:30 and 9:30 A.M. Sundays and holidays. Cows noticed in heat mater: than this should be inseminated the next day. 4, 4. Ark siep ahead /ha/14 e to ?rah Stepping out in a new De Soto is a wonderful way to move ahead in the world! Here's a truly modern car—bold and broad, low and long. It's motion -designed for The Forward Look—the new concept in car design that's setting a new trend in automotive styling. . Here's spirited power—a mighty 185- or 200-h.p. V-8 engine eager to carry out your commands. Yet, a big new De Soto is easy to own! You'll find it costs less than many models of smaller cars. And a De Soto provides you with many conveniences, such as PowerFlite automatic transmission, at no extra cost. On many competitive cars, the automatic transmission alone adds more than $200 to the price! Your dealer can give you dollars -and -sense reasons why De Soto is your smartest buy . , . as well as the smartest car on the road! So call him soon. He will gladly arrange a demonstration with you at the wheel. 4 the di tbztctke new A styling and engineering achievement .. , ' manufactured by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited tee. i* -set;..: De Soto Firefitte .Pour -Door Sedan SEE THE SMARTEST IF HE SMART HEW C ... AT TOUR DODGE -DE SOTO 7SAMOTOR SAL�atS wLEPHONl3 31 MENSAL!. ---- ONTARIO tIAL,E Thos. Coats - Proprietor Len McNigtt - Sales Rept.