HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-08-04, Page 1'11 *..E:stalolished 1900 • ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 4 i 955 .*010if .4......e*wanos4..•01.2640/ TAIRNMENEMEMENEEZM 4. 4. 1 * 0.. 1929 v Ft C E 1955 • , rav,It0 JO ,f,'i'0?..4.0% "Th ituesmariesaanaramem ke Your Apprintment f O NE D AY SPECIAL CLINIC r this MONDAY, AUGUST 8th. 10 A. M. — 8 P. M. Our Clinic Specialist — Mr. Hardman — will be in attendance At ZURICH AT THE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE PHONE 82 OR 130 George Hardman Skilled Technician SAFE - FAST SURE When you make your ap- pointment you will be able to meet uor Clinic Consult- ant, M. Hardman. He will personally give you the ben- efit of his many years of successful help to thousands of foot sufferers. THERE IS NO OBLIGATION MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW! WM77.1at..- Will indeed prove to you as it has to thousands of men, women and child- ren that it will give immediate foot comfort. Your first step in Miracle is so won- derful you almost think you are walk- ing on velvet. You'll be so pleased with Miracle, you'll wish you'd got acquainted with it long ago.. Then to think that while you. walk, good health is returning to your feet. Miracle gives you comfort, exercise and HEALTH. Clinics also at Tillsonburg, Brantford, Kitchener, St. Catharines, London, Hamilton, Guelph, Littowel. See Mr. Hardman for names Addresses of Zurich District' People Helped! ouagmega e . somoinaismoonveramanrKwgiatezium Zurich Mennonite Church) Pastor— Albert Martin `SUNDAY SERVICES: 1.0:00 a.m. — Sunday School - I1:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8:30 p.m. Prayer Fellowship ' YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US 'You'll Enjoy Listening to— TIE MENNONITE 110rUBla 'tospel Preaching — Inspirational Singing. :Sundays—CHML-900 ke. -7:30 a.m. —WRVA - 1140 k.c.- 10.30 p.m. 'The Living Christ for a Dying World." tme-ei,o4,,,t‘.tet.otk kl,r, ,0•4-Se.e '1 HOFFMAN'S • 7, Arrange Funeral Service 1.--1 'To Or From Out:Of-Town-Points 14 o 4.. 4 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mr and Mrs John Koch who passed away August 7th, 1903, and -mother, April 5, 1909. It's only the Graves, But they still needs care, For the ones we loved are sleep there. Some may forget while they are gone But I shall remember no matter how long. --Mrs A. C. Meiclhager. LIORN BORN On July 30th, at the! Farwell Nursing Home, Zurich, to, Mr and Mrs Lennis Gingerich, Zurich, a son, a brother for Edward. • or.a 4#44#4 4 #,#.0.4.4%. 4 4 I • ! 4 • ' 4 4 1.14.413F.11 Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet aft - 4 * i 4' 0 4 tiency of Hoffman's service. 4 • 1 T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • .) Funeral and Ambulance Service t 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W : ity.,,,e,00.o..teeep4.‘04,41•11-0,e4.t4.,0**-45,O,t.44440,144.04,k)40404)4 ,,,a,z,Aws=e1r-ovataaiingiwymEs7;...,mlom=0:7,..2=Arm.wants-,,,z.....,%.,-32Emzrs,,,,1/2.-.!..,,„„xEm,a5iFiv." g FEl Alms -.V 71 L ci :.. i Store olorior p at Our Store OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS SPECIAL WEEK -END FEATURES Aylmer Tomato Catsup, 11 -oz. Bottle . ......... c Clark's Beans with Pork, 31.5 -oz Tins 390 Garden Patch Peas,„ 3 1S -oz. Tins 39c Doles Pineapple Juice, 2, 20 -oz Tins .290 CURED AND COLD MEATS AT LOW PRICES MANY, MANY MORE ITEMS AT SPECIAL PRICES 1 Free Large Kist Ginger Ale with every $5.00 Order Our changeover to a Superior Chain. Store has heen such a success we are forced to enlarge! our grocery Department. To make this possible we :&e e.,:tring of our Ladies' and Children's Wear., Dry Goods, etc. • COMMENCING AUGUST (ith and for the next two weeks following, we offer these lines at pricks below cost. They must go, os if you want some 'BANG UP BARG.AINS" We have them. HURRY HURRY, for .first choice. Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich Phone 421 Single coptee 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 &Y0dtit Subscription U.S.A., Year $240. On Motor Trip Word has been received by Rev. and Mrs. H. E Roppel of town that +. their daughter and son-in-law Rev. and Mrs, Ralph Waugh, of ,Brantford with their family of four children, are on a motor trip to the Canada 4, West, and the last heard. from them they were enjoying the way near 4 - Yellowstone Park U.SA. They will +.' be gone for several weeks DIES N DETROIT William John Steinbach. passed .away at Detroit on Thursday July 28th, 11955 at the age of 70 years. ' NO MA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE VACATION August 8th to 20th Inclusive NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAGS, RUGS and CARPEII. On e New Modern Loom, Made WOrder — Seth 0. Axasam, Zurick Ont. Phone 123. ga""'""'t......4.....e..10magiaErSionattaMIssmactomamsnewamaicaetuaetc...,walt.mm YOUR SPECTACLES DO YOUR SPECTACLES NEED REPAIRING OR ADJUSTING? Why not bring there in and have them, fitted comfortably. BESIDES WE ARE IN A POSITION to supply you with new Frames any size, shape or color; your broken Lenses replaced promptly and accur- ately. .4. . :1,.. He was born near Zurich on rarm. was engaged in plumbing. ire Is sur- vived by his sorrowing widow, :nye brothers and one sister Dau and Hartman of Detroit; Fred and Adolph .Of North Dakota, now occupied by Alex. Masse, 14th the farm to go to Detroit where he Otoncesion. At the age of 18 he left Henry ana Mrs. R. Spectacle , centres. low the rates charge din 1 d in the larger funeral was held on Saturday fill it promptly with the newest in Spectacle Ware at a price much be - P. Stade (Laura) of Zurich. Br.ing in the prescriptiorx we will at 1 Messiah Lutheran Church, of which he was a member for 35 years_ In- terment was at Forest Lawn Cemet- ery, Detroit, Mich. IF YOU NEED A NEW PAIR OF Spectacles., Why not have your eyes examined at C. PASSMORE, R.O. '2473 St., London. fro EXETER Friday, Saturday LYRIC THEATRE— Friday, Saturday July 29-‘0 Aug. 5-6 Conquest of Space WALTER. BROOKE ERIC FLEMING A science -fiction melodrama m tech- nicolor Monday, Tuesday Aug. 8-9 The Command GUY MADISON JOAN WELDON • In cinernascope, this melodrama of an army doctor who takes command of a post, is fine entertainment. Wed., Thurs., Friday, Sat. Aug. 10, .11, 12, 13 No Business Like Show Business DAN DAILEY MARILYN MONROE A musical Comedy in color and cin- emaseope .don 71b eg t re GRAND BEND Thursday, Friday, Saturday August 4, 5, fith. Daddy Long -Legs Cinemascope Technicolor Fred Astaire Leslie Caron Terry Moore .A. delightful romantic comedy all the fun of life in it. Admission: Adults 76e, Children 25e Sun., Mid., Mon., Tues., - Aug, 8-9 Prize of Gold Richard All out Warm Holiday About the .warmest .holiday, or any other day, was Monday, Civic. Holi- day, with the mercury climbing up to the 95 mark, people were sweltering in the heat caused by the blazing sun most of the day. Those who spent the few hours at the ball park in the afternoon really got a good taming. Going to the lake was little relief, as usually the hot sun shining on the -water makes a bad reflection which causes sunburns, and gives little if tally relief' for the heat. Bathers say the water in Lake Huron is becoming quite warm and- is losing ta1 cool refresh.ing...feeling one usually _gets after a 1.31_unge in the water. Really weeks when chilly winds from the north come seeping down from the north, we will be wondering where all this heat has disappearect to. BEAUTY WEDS 1 .A pretty wedding took plate on the !lawn of the home of H. N. Brandon, el Bayfi.eld, when his daughter liaraara, the beautiful bride preceded by her attendants went down the front steps and took her place beside t...:e groom before an arch of cedars .decorateo with flo-wers, The Rev. Peter Renner of St. Andrew's United Church offic- iated at the marriage of Barbara Joy, daughter of Harold N. Branaon and the late Mrs. Brandon and 'Wendell E. Pitblado in a (lotthls-ring eerem- ony. The bride had attendea Clin- ton Dist. Collegiate Institute. She was twice adjudged 'Miss Huron Co- unty in beauty contests spensored by Zurich Lions Club. Laq year she won the title "The Niagara Grape Queen," After a course in the Grey School of Beauty, in London, -Barbara took a position in Toronto last March. Baseball News As stated last week the last league chedule game was last Friday night in Zurich when the Auburn nine were down and playd the loealwith t -result of the 7urich Lumberkings PRODUCE WANTED* ..' es hy .winning by the score of 8-4. This winds up the games of the schedule and the teams now go into the semi- doommagmmetwargieseassia.anntrk finals. with Zurich and Dashwc,od on the first round. Dashwood enjoys being at. the top of the league and may again go a considerable way in the playoffs. Anyway they are not unbeatable, and Zurich might just do that in these playoffs, no one can tell what will happen in .baseball, 'as well as any sport. • The Civic Holiday Game • Monday afternoon, Civic Holiday, witnessed one of the finest games on the Zurich Diamond of the season, when the Sarnia Royals were here and tangled with the Lumberkings, It sure was a tight pitchers* dual with ,Sarnia using two hurlers as al- so did the Zurich team. These boys really took a beating in the hot sun and played good ball ail the way. The score being in favor of the vrsitors 3-2, and it was a -nice way of treating the guests, a there was nothing at stake just a friendly game and n way of finding out the strength at each other, and they were evenly matched. Sarnia scared two runs about the middle !of the game when the home„ team. seemed to get off balartee a /At a",Xt a few misplays and bad p.xmos Of the ball let the two runs trickle in. However that is the way of this Mr. Passmore is regarded as an Optometrist. outstanding A. G. H`ESS THE JEWELLER InichentinelciasomseleawneeMee,WERE.6.21=f,tamm INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOF.NE Sa ELLER LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS, WHITE Ron FUEL OIL Phone 10 -- HENSALL, ON MIPSVam,95.2,MEMIIIIIXf 4140V09104446 es was Sigi41910641419$611418e lirtottak itituttottAit At.,) Licensed' Embalmer and Ftianeral Illirector Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL 0C6C&SIONS Day and N. ht Service Telephone: Res. 89 CoadMeltS OfZ,StIttNi, ammecvesee toe lopee Gve eog mot or 122, Zurich e,seese@e .361111, Widmark Mai Zetterling excitement, unsurpassed for sustained suspense Newsreel and Cartoon •"' • 2.•.:1;0•ArA,, acer 1/4 , Stor We are ever at your service with obtainable of . FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits. in Season as well tw Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery Duppty GIVE US 'A CALL 1 the beAt lii no &sett Wednesday, Thursday Aug. 10-11 The End of the Affair (Adult Entertainment) Deborah Kerr Van Johnson. What she gave to him shehad given to others, and could again. "Mr. Magoow Cartoon ENJOY CAMP LIFE • More than 100 boys and girls are registered at the Evangelicar Church's Camp Inc:icon on thq shore of Lake Huron near Dunlop, north.of Goderich Enthusiastic campers take partin the daily program. A staff of 12 is in charge under Camp Director the Rev. Lorne A. 1)orsh, of 'Snivel. - ton. The staff includes the Rev A. Schlenker, St. Jacobs, waterfront sup, ervisior; Mrs. Glen Wildgust, of Selby. ingville. eamp mother and others, it is a r;..„44,r for tIa pmf11, • ,mtereAmg game. Phone 1.65 qq,.L 0:0.4 Sust Arrived MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES Just Arrived. — New Shipment, at Very Low Prices Also same Lines at Special Prices to Clear Men's Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc. Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl flECIL KE L. Schwartzentruber,, Prop. Ott E Phone 1147 ,Vr.Emtermagare