HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-06-23, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Peet oifiee Department, Ottawa. EUSINES CARDS 'Phones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratenbury 5.t RONALD G. McCANN • PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT • CLINTON - ONTARIO N. L. Martin OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Recent Wedneseay ALVIN IN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer For your Sale, large or small; Court - tow! and Efficient Service at all Ifinree l Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD ARTHUR FRAS .R Income Tax Reports !bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER minor - Comer Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 504 "VETERINARIAN COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS Mee' with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store A"Sonej--98 ZURICH BUTCHERS Zurich' 9 Porto) 9r MEAT MARKKFT iIIAVE US SUPPLY YOU WITH }yip.' VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC., ALWAYS ON LAND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD - UN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGBLUT BROS. PRODUCE OBRIEN'S PRODUCE Eash Market for Cream, Eggs .: and Poultry wive Your Eggs Graded on AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor 'Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich Creamery LOCAL NEWS Mr and .Mrs Ivan Yungniut spent the week -end at .Ann Arbor, Mich. Mr. and Mrs 'Dan Miller of London were eallers in town Saturday. Miss Martha Heideman of Clinton, spent Wednesday et her home here MissRosalie Regi r -was a week- end visitor with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Regier. .Mrs, Nelson Wurm, Miss Lizzie Volland spent Sunday with friends in Kitchener. Mr and Mn Gordon Howald and family of London were week -end visitors with relatives here. Mr, Roy+ Weber of London was a Wednesday visitor with his mother, Mrs. DDUIS Weber. Mr, .Stariley Smith of St. Joseph, accompanied by Mr. Green of G. Bend were en a fishing trier to the Parry 'Sound district last week. Misses Gertrude and Melvina Schack of Landon visited at the home of their brother, Mr and Mrs, Clar- ence:Schack, ii 4th •Con. 14 Ir and- Mrs Harry Johnston of Kincardine vi; Tree at the home of Mr and 'Mrs J•nliiirts Thiel over the week -end. Real hot and lt+r: dd NA'eather visited this part over the week -end. This was followed by si.i' ers ion Monday, and Tuesday, and 3veally it is good growing weather, Mr and Mrs Carl Scott are enjoying their holidays at points +oiitside of town. Mr. Raycroft bas been reliev- ing 112r. Scott as manager of the loe al branch of the Bank of'Montreal. Messrs W. H. Brokenehlee of town Gordon Smith of St. Joseph., and Robt Drysdale of Hensall stpeut the week- end and early part of the weer on a fishing trip in the Parry .Sound dis- trict. :Mrs. Morley Witmer or Detroit, visited at the home of her sister, Mr and Mrs Earl Thiel, als;, •attendecl the Rader reunion held in Jowett''s Grove, Bayfield on Sunday where an enjoyable time with relatives and fri- ends was enjoyed. DASHWOOD Miss Theresa Zimmer of London, is vacationing with her parents, Mr and Mrs Harvey Zimmer! 'IVIr Howard Weisberg of Waterloo is acationing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Weisberg. Mr and. Mrs 'Web. Shultz and Mr and Mrs Seen LaBute of Detroit spent the week -end with Mr and +Mrs Maur- ice Klumprp and attended the Rader reunion. Funeral services for the late Wm. Nadiger were held in Zion Lutheran church Friday June 17. Paii bear- ers were V. L. Becker, Ervin Rader, Harry Hayter, Edw. Gackstetter, Mil- fred Merner and Albert Miller. Those who attended from a dist- ance were: Mrs. Selina Henderson, Mr and' Mrs Orval 'Henderson, Mrs. Gerald Henderson of Galt; Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Hagar of -Dundas; Mrs. Harold Sutton and Elda, Brantford; Mr and Mrs James Armitage, Lond- on; Mr and Mrs A, Willard,Mrs. Arn Filkins and Mrs. Florence Ivey of Howell, Mich. Mrs Wm. Nadiger is spending a week with her daughter and family Mr and Mrs WI :Filkins at Hoieel, Mich. Mr and Mrs Melton Wolper and family of Ingersoll spent the week- end with Mr and Mrs Philip Fassold. Miss Erma Wein of Clinton spent the week -end with her mother, 'Mrs. Herb Wein. Mr and Mrs Earl Rader and Mr. and Mrs Colin 'McGregor of London spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs John Rader. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Tour home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH. PRICES !AID PLUS A PREFOR DELIVERED CREAM.MIUM WE ARE IEQUiPPED TO GIV1; EFFICIENT Bayfield cemetery, B.onthron funer- Fatal Accident William Gerald Coleman, 16, son of Mr and Mrs Anson Coleman, R.R. I Z 1, Zurich, was instantly killed in a car accident -north of Varna Sunday! evening. He was driving alone to Clinton and believed to have lost con- trol of the car while driving on the s gravel road, his car dove of the left shoulder of the road, went through fl a deep ditch and landed up against a tree, His body was thrown into an open field. Gerald was a memuer of Varna UnitedChurch and attended ! church Sunday morning and took up the collection. He -played forward this e year in the Hensall 'Midgets hockey 0 team. Surviving are his :parents, 3 brothers, Gordon, of Hay; George, 0 Toronto; Jack at home. Public funer- al services are held this Wednesday from his home in Stanley twp. Rev T. J. Pitt officiating. Interment in • BELL & 'LAT).GHTON BARRISTERS, SOL 1CITORS & NOTARIES i'UBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. 'V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B, Wednesday, 2 to p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office EXETER — PHONE 4 Mobile Sewage Disposal READ on the table Modern Equipment for Pumping Cess Pools, Septios, Catch Basins, etc. Phone 205 GRAND BEND, ONT.l "A 's Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and. Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 21,E Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN '7 DAYS A WEER: G. B. CLANCY Optemettt — Optician (Successor to the late A. L, Cole, opttoenetrist) For appointments phone 33, Goderich Ont. GENERAL CARPENTRY 1N Building and Remodeling SPECIALIZING IN — Build - In Cupboards and Cabinets; Plastic Wall Tile for Kitchens and Baths. Lawn Furniture made to order; Picnic Tables, 'Chairs, etc. For Prompt and Courteous Service NEIL, WALKER Ph. 103W, Zurich, Ont. 5 Gni FOR SALE A ivory arlborite arome table, ex- tension both ends, open to eight feet; Ylongstown porcelean kitchen sink, unit, with cupboard and taps com- plete; Dry cell Batteries, for ,elect- ric fencers, — Phone 70 W, Dash- wood. 2te WANTED Will pay 3c a lib. for old Horses for Mink reed.—Phone collect, Goderich 936 r 21, or 936 r 32. —Gilbert Bros., Goderich. tfnc FOR SALE Pure bred Holstein Bull, ready for Service. Also a Model D. John Deere Tractor on steel. Roy McBride, Phone 96r18, Zurich.* 'i, ACCURATE SERVICE, EGG AND al e. Crown Attorney Hays, Goderi h Hensall in statedrthat POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN no Iden inquest would be held m. the se - CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. STRAYED Unto my premises, Blind Line, 'a steer and a heifer under 1 year old. Owner to prove property and pay all expenses. Call in1med•iateliy.-Henry Clausius, Zurich, Pound Keeper, 3t':: OF WOODSTOCK VEX LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN 1Vt'UT- CAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . %mount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 *0,810 Policies $125,269,726,00 , t 1004 Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT F -OR SALE One new Cardinal 32 -ft. 20 -in wide full roller chain drive elevator, will handle corn, bales, grain. Special reduction for quick sale. Apply to Leinard Sararas. Ph. 77 r 11, Zurich. ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING PODS AND ALL KINDS OP FIRE 11 INSURANCE Fa the meal is ready l LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supptr.es delicious wholesome bread for your table bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meat! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun. for b•eakfast., luscious fruit-fii'ee treats for luncheon, .piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks- any timl of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals ---- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu a er PHONE 100 — 7i IRICi7 lvv'etterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial. Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information Phone - Clinton 242 - collect between 7.30 and 10.:00 a.m. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a. rn. on Sundays. FOR SALE SURGE MILKERS and Parts One Feed Mixer. Bag Trucks and Milk Carts. General Repairing and Welding. !'hone number 79 r 12. AMOS GINGERICH - BLAKE. tf NOTICE SPRAY AND BRUSH PAINTING General Painting, Houses, Barns, Metal Roofs, Etc. Reasonable Rates. Call Phone 53, Grand Bend, LYMAN GRATTON - 4'55-8t FOR SALE WOOD SLABS for quick sate, $3 at the mill or $4.50 delivered. — F. C. Kalbfleiseh & Son. Ltd. 1-54 WANTED A grain Binder, preferrable 7 -ft. cut. Phone 90 r 7, Zurich, Earl Gingericli. 2t* e �r l?ys' SEE US FOR ATTRACTIVE PRICES ON BAILER TWINE, AND BINDER TWINE We also have a Good Supply of Weed Sprays for Corn BARB 'MIRE, IN FENCE 8 0 4 e a t 8 a e 40 8 0 0 e 1 W. Ge � �e humps n & Sons Ltd. es Phone 32 - HENSALL See ' 3 for 4 3 e 0 e 1 The Voice of Temperance OUR TOWN "We have no vote but we are vitally concerned about the outcome of the proposed vote in Our Towri .. Stayner is our home town and if we HAD a vote :we would declare lour position with an emphatic NO!" This declaration headed a netition signed by nearly 900 rural folk living League in an advertisement featuring near S.taynor. The Stayner Welfare a picture of this petition stated, `Tile goodwill of the rural peopte is of much greater importance to the busi- ness of aur town than an,y• supposed benefit thatmight accrue from the establishment of a liquor outlet.' Eighty-five. percent of 51 ctyner vot- rrs turned out on voting day. "Our 'town" stayed dry. e 40 STEEL ROOFING — ALUMINUM ROOFING — FENCING -- BARB WIRE FENCE POSTS, ETC., ETC. 2 a Fresh Feeds Always On Hand s ft TRY OUR CHICK STARTER] a Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday 1 Tattle on Saturday M fa • 4 4 44 0 a 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 e 4 4 4 Thursday, June 23rd, 1955 Your H WE. SUGGEST: Have a look at our Paints, and select your and kind suitable for your need We carry the usual line Hardware. See Us for your Heating Bathroom color of Shelf and Heavy Equipment or New We Specialize in: PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITHING Ruler & Wittlehoitz - Hardware Phone Zurich 4 4 4 .0 • • 4 0 a • 4 • 40 • • 4 • • 4 .4 9 eD • • • • 4 4 4 • 04 • 444 0 4 4 4I t.4 4 4 6 4 s P 3 • 4 4 4 • �. l y 1 es�, Hensall District Cop. 0 Phone Hensall 1 15. 8109".0100.40M•wmeaeoi001900046. Zurich 220 40 40 e0 40 40 fl e to 40 as 40 0 m e 40 fl fl 4a fl c0 • fl • • • WTJERTII Phone 84 Sprm 63. 011.11, bac AND h o Means Quality for STOVES REFRIGERATORS Washing Machines Clothes Dryers GLADIRONS and Floor Polishers 4 4 4 4, r s. 40 e4.431o00.104**044***0...*44p4 For all Wiring Jobs - Call. e • • • e Zurich ar e ELE D ° IO Shoes As most of our Spring Shoes have arrived, we advise you to see them before you buy, and you won't be sorry. Women's Pumps at 5.25 to $10.95 Children's and Misses at 2.95 to 4.95 Men' in Brown, or Black at 6.95 to 14.95 Men's, Boys' and Youths Rubber Canvass at very low prices. 1.75 to 2.95 Also some Men's Work Shoes at Very Low Prices esch Sh ie Stole Phone, Res. 130. aniaME ..r gYi;a6KM41"410"i d0 2 W+ 40 e m 47, 40 40 40 40 a a4 40 A e+ e a 40 • • fl w a OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. Main St. Hardware Store PAINT WITH T SCARF'S IX Store 82 JELLIED ALKYD PAINT It Doesen't Drip It Doesen't Run Never Needs Stirring To be used on Wood, Old and New Plaster and Cement. In a choke of many beautiful Colors Comes in Flat, Semi Gloss and Primer Sealer You can do your painting job in half the time with THIX. It needs no thinning or stirring. Try THIX. for your next paint job. THIX goes farther --- easier. Available at 40 Phone 213 40 40 4 40 0 as w 40 40 • 2 • •