HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-06-23, Page 1Established 1900 • 4. 9 4. 4, Our clinic consultant, Mr. * to all who call and make '4' with sick, tired feet See * foot health and comfort. * • care of your feet. Make 1: Ph. 82 or 130. 4+. 4 4. 4, t, ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORN ONE DAY Quarter Century 4. Of Service 1 NI MONDAY, JUNE 27th. CLINIC HOURS — 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. AT THE MILT OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich — Ontario 04, "1" 4. 4, 4, 4, 4, George Hardman t. Hardman will give his personal attention an appointment. Don't suffer any Tenger + Mr. Hardman. He can help you to better $ To keep your body healthy you must take your phone call for appointments today— 4. 4. tio 4 t, 4. 4' +4. 4. i+ as well in London, Kitchener, Hamilton, Listowel, Brantford. * t • • FREE CONSULTATION Si THE PROVEN - IN - USE FOOT AID & CORRECTOR ,++ Chronic and SevereCases .+ are Especially Invited •* .0 -0 ite We :invyou to call our clinic and make an appointment you'll be glad you did. • , now G, JUNE 23 1955 Single Copies 5 Cents, Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Y Subscription 'U.S.A., Year t2•5a• Zurich Summer Bible School JULY 4 . 15th, 1955 All Grades - Kindergarten to Gr. X. RURAL BUS SERVICE E. B. Gingerich Director P. - 79r2 Zurich Regier, Raymond Corriveau returned home from St. Mary's College, at Allan Steckle, Secretary - Ph. 698 r Brockville, for the vacation season. _ • 2, Hensall DO YOUR SPECTACLES NEED MID.10411.1010.11•11112199**0 OMB*. MN** Horne from Collage 'Messrs. Donald Bedard, Warren NORMA'S EAUTY SHOPPE Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTMENTS NORMA STEINBACH • Prop. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Marie le Order — Seth 0. Arsenic), ZurIche Ont. Phone 128. limagtnnimossaimpawanixanswalasiMMams10.61151salleallianialiMIZMINOMonewinramalinemesousinualmaammaltatiosevact=" YOUR SPECTACLES 'DRY WORD IS TRUTH John 17: 17. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SEKVICES: LO:00 a.. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service R:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8:80 p.m. 'ea-yer Fellowship ' ItrOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! , esetimitsmogatiacezzeteteenineessa4 ST. ETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH ONTARIO IO a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 4Zev. 0. Winter, Pastor. Everybody Welcome to aR Services CARD OF THANKS wish to thank all my friends who sent me cards and treats while in the Hospital. —Mrs. 'Wm. Forrester y ro Zurich Hydropower will be off this Wednesday afternoon from 1.30 titie,4, and just the time when we need it the most. However, as a result some items must be carried over till next week, as we cannot set tape as well as run our presses with "Hydro off." to supply you with new Frames any Special Service size, shape or color; your broken Lenses replaced promptly and accur• A special dedication service will held at the Evangelical 13, B ChurchatelY. Zurich, on Sunday morning July 3rd. This will be in recognition of the re- IF YOU NEED A NEW PAIR OF thililding of the church towers a few Spectacles.. Why not have your eyes mints ago, along with a, complete :*.newal of the church 'basement LOT 5S. and other church activities. Watch for further announcements reit week. On Enjoyable Trip Mr and Mrs Ed. ,Stelck of Dash- wood left last week for Bradford, to visit with their son and granddaugh- ter Mr. Mervyn Stelck and Patsy. The former are celebrating their 48th wedding anniversary, and will be enjoying a motor trip to New Ont- ario, and other points of interest. It is part of our busy life these trays to keep on the move and keep young hich Mr and Irs, Stelck are trying bard to follow. We wish them a most lovely time with safe arrving. MAN INJURED AT G. BEND A week -end holiday ended in mis- fortune on Sunday for a young Lon- don man, employed in Toronto, who made a running dive into three feet of water along the beach and suffer- ed a possible broken neck. S. Ralph Leonard, formerly of Loncien was rushed by ambulance to Victoria Hos- pital in London where he was treated Leonard, who is an employee of the You'll Enjoy Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospel Preaching — Inspirational Singing. Sundays—CHML-900 k.c. -7:30 a.m. —WRVA - 1140 k.c.- 10.30 p.m. 'The Living Christ for a Dying World." Home Bib League REPAIRING OR ADJUSTING? Why not bring them in and have them fitted comfortably. BESIDES WE ARE IN A POSITION Lyeic Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, Saturday June 2.4-25 A representative of the aoiviE BIBLE LEAGUE will speak at the 'Blake -A. Mennonite Church on Sun- day evening, June )2t6th at 8 p.m COME and receive information as well as inspiration 044440,0444.4 114 etS4.444.04.44,00-44.4 SO 4-64-04.64,44,444s94.0.4) HOFFMAN'S -4: Arrange Funeral Service To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points MEMBER Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada,the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as 4). members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. t*'> T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • Funeral and Ambulance Service Telephone 7 0-Vti 4.4,4 • 4 Three Hours to Kill DAN ANDREWS DONA REID Color by teehnicolor — A real Wes- tern with lots of fisticuffs and gun- play. Monday, Tuesday June 27-28 SABRINA AUDREY HEP -BURN Bell Telephone was given medi HUMIPHREY BOGART attention and the Hoffman ambulance A highly enjoyable romantic comedy, of Dashwood took him to Greenway, that will please ,all movie goers. 4 • where he was taken over by by an- , other ambulance /or London. Latest ,t Wednesday, Th.ursday June 29_80 reports that he is in. a critical cond- ,r Miscellaneous Shower • , JACK WEBB BEN ALEXANDER Relatives, neighbours and friends The famed T.V. Show in a full length attended the miscellaneoe shower feature. held at the home of Mr. and M. Charles Hay in honor of the recent [bride, . Mrs. Gordon Hay, nee Neeb, &Irian' Theatre lof Zurich, last Thursday evening., when the address was read 4. • DRAGNET ton , 4 4. 24 -Hour Service DA •t op4,444.4.S.44.4.404040.44 +0044,044,444,4444.4.4.4,44.044,444440. twarcummatomatmemememotziawevareameusamsigegainsairtr examined at C. PASSMORE, R.O. 247% St., Landoll. Bring in the prescription. we will fill it promptly with the newest in Spectacle Ware at a price much be- low the rates charged in the larger centres. Mr. Passmore is regarded as an outstanding Optometrist. . Sa erior Store Shop at Sur Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE 'USEFUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! 17.11DZEN FOOT.)S BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE — FRUITS VEGETABLES .FISH COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Visit our Large Crecary Department and advanta,,,t:a of the Tv ,wec..._s on Sale It time. Weedy tresn r runs, es LET US SERVE YOU I and Phrtglf. 140 - C. 14. THIEL. take f Torn Greens, - Zurich A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER ''''': 10, ' tftifaffP4topttrt,_,-,t, ili:•,..2,.•..,,,.....,,1„„.,!'•,.:,_'tt,,,.111.,,„,:. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS TOENE S. EILEI.1 LOCKER SERVICF. - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 HENSALL, ONis souriessiiiminemarmaecommillur=raMelmeakmakiMeinnearaeinmessle.MMIMCCMC GRAND BEND by Mrs. .Victor Dinnin. Miss Giwen and sister Brenda Hay, nieces or the groom, presented the bride with sev- Friday, Saturday June 24-45 eral wagons full of useful gifts. Mrs. Hay replied with .many thanks for Young at Heart Doris Day Frank Sinatra their kindness. A delicious hincheon was served and a social time enjoyed Gig Young kw all, wishing the couple much joy in their wedded AUTO ACCIDEN1 A Hamilton man was killed and a Kitchener family of three injured in a two -car collision on the highway near Oshawa. on Sunday. Frank Young of Hamilton dicta in the hos- pital at Oshawa, and is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs Samuel Hey of Blake, a former resident of Zurich where he conducted an eie.,:trical supply business, later living in illal.e for some time. He was (Hying alone at the time of accident westbound on the divided highway when his car tow- ing a boat trailer, swerved attross the centre boulevard. It bounced off the the other car which was travelling, east in the opposite lane. Much sym- pathy is extended to the bereft. Monday, 'Tuesday June 27-28 The Egyptian Jean .Simmons Victor Mature Gene Tierney Wednesday, Thursday - June 29-30 New York Confidential (Adult Entertainment) Broderick Crawford Richard Conte Marilyn Maxwell lashmar VE4N1 1414*;,,E CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park Thursday, Friday June 23-24 - Las Vegas Story Victor Mature Jane Russell Saturday, Monday June 25-27 Silver Lode (Color) John Payne Elizabeth Scott Tuesday, Wednesday June 28-29 White Tower GLENN.FORD Cartoon and Short at each Perform.. ante Cartoon and News at Each Perform- ance 0140156900013-60814)02180 a 05 Geo 0 4, 4, 4, 1 1 TEACHER HONORE?) The Kitchener public school board the other night decided to make a suitable presentation June 2gth to Miss Mary E. Walker, a thither re- tiring after 41 years in tie pro- fession. Frank Hoddle, chairman, and other board members earead ti,tat some tangible recognition should be given Miss Walker for bar years of efficient and faithful teararr. Miss Walker has some verydear friends in Zurich, where she began ter teaching career in 1914,_ when she and her cousin Miss Jessie Veiteh to.ttre en- gaged on the Zurich teaching. staif. Mrs. L. W. Hoffman being the other lady teacher.. Miss Walker stayed on the Zurich stafffor two years, go- ing to Western Can -ad for a few years when she, returned end took up kindergarten work in the Kitchener Margaret St School. We wish Miss Walker the very best that life earl, give her, in her retirement, which we presume wilt the mostly spent in the Walker home in New Hamburg, Miss Walker its a very bright and pLtant person to meet, and luring he: tea- chrn years, among other laces of interest she visited were two trips to Europe .and the Continent Among Some of her pupils while teaching in Zurich we might mention the Holtman boys, BM and the late llabe Siebert, Ivan Vungblut, and many more. It was about that brise alto wnen the • ald be 1 ANNOUNCEMENT MM The Hon. Fletcher S. Thomas, Min- \ ister of Agrie., this week announced the .appointment of ivIri,,. DOrOVAIP Fil singer, 13. H. Sc., as }tome tenon- ist for Bruce and Huron Counties, Mrs. Filsinger is a native of Lamb, ton county, and a 1955.graduate of Toronto Univ., ay' g taken t)tree years of her course at Macdonald In- ,prescnt publisher of t it , stitute, Guelph. Mrs. rilsinger will igan learning the printing trade. And have her office in Walkerton at the so time marches on, and many chang- Dept. of Agrielatireo .: • - es hasT been tisheml in ,titnte then, i 000E0 ,t4 Vatto ;wtotitgatt sakt# flt; At Licensed Em er nd Funeral 4i i ectot Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Ren FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and 1‘1. lat Service or 122, Zurich ste-040 10 : .1* Telephone; Res. 89 Ogaltealli Vito g esteseserz ,g1 4. SMta 4, 4. 4, rote We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetable.% iruits in Season as wed an Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts and Confectionery in supply, GIVE US 'A CALL 1 Memo Oeseh i-JR01.)UCE WANTED. • uric it Phone 1,65 " 04:;V,:ttil",NTIla,A1,-; lust Trived. MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES Just Arrivect — New Shipment, at Very Prices Also some Lines at Special Prices to Clear Men's Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc, 1 4, 111491ESSIIIMP Low Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on fle‘ndl rat 111LA.K.E STORE Phone 1141 Schwartzentruher, Prop, ,ftietresmos,