HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-05-19, Page 4• w • • lOt • M ••w R • 1111. 14:11 "° r'`iTARIt1 ZURICH HERALD ...4-1-z- +++44444444 4414 COME OUT AND HEAR JIM SCOTT DASHWOOD FIRE HALL WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th. 8.30 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME! Inserted By Huron Liberal Association ntreemannessinisimirosson • 4 • MEETING OF I -ii IRON COUNTY COUNCIL The Tune Session of Huron ,County Council • will be held in the Court House, Goderich, on • 4 4 4 e 9 a 4• 4 y 0 4 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th, 1955 at 10.00 a.m;', E.D.S.T. All accounts, notices of deputations ,or petit- ions should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than noon, on Saturday, ' June 1 l th, 1955 A. H. Erskine, Huron County Clerk, t • 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4. f f 4 ANNUAL MEETING HURON TB ASSOCIATION THURSDAY, MAY 19 at 8 pan, Council Chambers CLINTON TOWN HALL representatives of County Organizations are particu- larly invited. F. J. SNOW - - - President MRS. 3. 13. RUSSELL - Secretary • • g Estate Auction Sale Of Property and Household Effects, in the VILLAGE of HENSALL On No. 4 Highway, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th. At 11 p.m. White enamel Clare Jewel range (new) ; Thor white enamel washing machine (like new); 7 -ft. Frigidaire (like new) ; 9 piece walnut dining-• room suite, table buffet, china cab- inet and 5 chairs, Philco radio, 3 niece chesterfield suite, Tznright Heintzman niano (small size) ; 3 - piece. parlor suite: chesterfield bed (new) : number of occasional chairs, rockers, small tables, sewing mac'hrno, vacua- cleaner, 2 furnished bed rooms. dressers. beds, springs -mat- tresses, extension table, kitchen chairs. cupboards couch. clocks, mir- rors, floor lanios. table lamps, elec- - LIBERAL RALLY Come Out and .*Hear HON. FARQUHAR OLIVER LIBERAL LEADER IN ONTARIO JAMES R. SCOTT LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN HURON THURSDAY, MAY 26th, at 8:30P .m. Public School Auditorium, Goderich - • Seed Beans Many tests 'have shown that the badly weathered ,t. *14 4. 2 .4 4. pis• 4. 4. 4. Inserted By Huron Liberal Association • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • s • - • • • • • • • • • i • t 4. beans of last fall have Very Poor Germination 4. WHY RISK A POOR CROP? $ Sow 'Dependable Seed ' ` See us for your Seed Requirements. We have a 3 Complete Stock of Commercial ' WHITE and YELLOW EYE 1. Z. Seed on Hand 4• 4. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd, 4,4. Our Prices are Reasonable! PHONE 24 - HENSALL St. Joseph & Blue Water Area (continued) BIyi the year 1912 thousands of algrims had entered the little 'chapel 14x18' on the Mountain tin seal -0)h of cures or relief ; if was then found 'necessary to enlarge the .chapel, from the year of 1904 when the first chapel was erected. Each year after room and accomodeetion was needed, and by the year '1912 the chapel was greatly enlarged and other. *ouildings Were also greeted to shelter the staff Therefore Brother Andre and others who took interest in the work awe a deep debt of gratitude to them. In the year 1917 in the second half of the month of October in :cormpany with the late John Cantin Brother Andre came to St. Joseph and dwelt annore. ns f. ;r some time, the length of his sty* i' hevond our recollection and whik in this parish he made his home with the Cantin Families; he was et the disposal of all and many went to se, him; while he was here he attended Mass every morning in tlae Parish thatch, and on one of ;;-mini': dill thi90 4r; the religi- these occasions we are told that a !pus order, art "Dari :a1411, OP it hadliMi' C16rk5011 occasions, the Hillsgreen .iAc colxre their permanent home. vicinity, who 'would travel ,frorn that Thousands of .pilgrinxs visited the point to :Grand Bend occasionally, ihrine and let it ibe 'known: that those y chance Caught up to the Brother )tx any visitors were not only Ronan Catholics, but were comprised of all 'denominations and .sects. Many prot- estant and iether ,creeds were among the flow of callers, and they too took part by their generous offering to make it possible to accomplish and -complete the work, that is known today through the breadth and width of our land, perhaps if protestants and others hail tint gven a 'helping hand the we.,'t) on t' e I3asilira would Ilkc7t have pa ogre4sed :,o rapidly. n lies reboring froth church and ffered him a Tide, 'ka, lift, on the horse drawn vehicle, and t etng of n impartial mind accepted the ride n. a high carriage with a narrow eat 'Ele related later the two chat -1 ed freely N M Cantin, the found- r of the little+ village of St. Joseph lone• lake truron, hs to beeompliin- nted •on #;he 7re/it authority he had n making it nossihle for the saintly >rother to visit this parish and its a.r rotlrtira11,8 1 1 Seed and Fertilizer SEED CORN SEED SOYA BEANS SEED WHITE PEARL r-- BINDER TWINE BAILER TWINE AND FENCE -- BARB WIRE C.I.L. FERTILIZER FINK'S and PFISTER SEED CORN W. G. Thompson AND SONS LIMITED Hensall, Ont. - Phone 32, Nights 72 tric iron, 2 rugs, Wilton 'and axmin- ister scatter plats and carpets; quan- tity bedding, table linens, silverware, quantity dishes„ sonic antique •china, kitchen utensils; 240-1b. scales; step ladder. garden tool's, carpenter tools, 38 rifle, sealers, 'crocks and tubs. Property — At the same place, 3 p.m. the property will be, offered for sale, subject to reserve bid. 11 1-2 acres of choice land (More or less), 8 room 1 1-2 story brick house; Hydro, good size barn on cement block foundation, drive shed, lien house, and garage. This is -a very desirable 'property. Terms — Chattles Cash. Property 10 per cent down, balance in 30 days. Immediate possession. Prop. Estate of late Ellen McAl- lister. Auctioneer—Harold Jackson Clerk—E. P. Chesney. • Foz• further particulars apply to Solicitor for Estatt, E. P. 'Menzie, Clinton, or Mrs. Margaret McLean, Kippen; Robert D. Bell, 752 Adelaide St., London. Notes— Mr and iiVIrs Michael Masse and Mr and Mrs Lucien •Corriveaa motor- ed to Detroit the past week -end to visit with the later's daughter and son-in-law of that lefty. Mr and Mrs Vincent Geoffrey and Miss Shery •Geoffrev of Detroit were week -end vieitors nvitlj :their relatives Mr and Mrs Frank Ryder and; family of London spent a few .dav with the latter's parents - on this Highway, A staff of men are on the• rectory lawn making the base and other preparations for the statue which will be erected in the very near future. The work on the project of :moun- ting the statue in, this parish has started and will be completect by the end of the Month. 'Contributions to the cause has been satisifac*,r •. But there is always need for extra cash, there is still time for you to make your contribution and for those who have already done so, and if they feel that they should have donated more, there is still time; all will be summed up together when the campaign is BOY PARALYZED Fur Life, $77,213 Is jury's Award St. Catharines, Nov. 11— One of the largest single awards made in a Lincoln County Court — Young McLean was injured May 27, 1953, when knocked off his motor- bike by a truck as the was about to make a left turn— CIA recommends third -party coverage of $100,000 for bodily injury to one person, $200,000 for ;bodily injury to two or more per- sons, and 81100,000 property damage. Bertram Klopp R.R. 3, Zurich. ;Phone 93r1, Zurich. Our Motto—Prompt and fair Claim Service SEE US FOR NEW RATES! fr7117:41,VriaMMITEMITIIMEMITInt Not An, Armful Of Promises ,The Record Speaks For Itself EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton (Desch - Organist JNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7.30—Evening Worship Welcome at all Services — "Comm thou with us and we will do the; rood." . Nam. 10:29. CARD OF THANKS. I wish to thank all my neighbours nd friends for all kindness shown and for the visits, cards, and flowers while 1 was i11 at home. Mrs. Henry •Eiokmeier. FOR SALE DWELLING PROPERTY IN ZURICH 2 -storey brick house, located opposite St. Boniface Church, Zurich. Key to house is at Lorne Fleisclsauer's Zurich. For further imforrnati.on write Daniel Miller, Executor, 411 tWlharen- cliffe Rd. South, London, Ont. St. Boniface Church, Zurich, Open Pioneer Seed Corn Pioneer seed corn is tested for seed strength in cold wet soil at atemper- atu:re of 48 degrees. For hybrids 'w bh PLENTY OF HUSTLE and •BIG YIELDS, •plant Pioneer this spring. J. W. MERNER Phone 137 - Zurich, Ont. over.—Address to Rev. I. J. Poisson, Sec.-Treast,,,R.R. 2, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A number of York Sows due to farrow in May. Apply to Stanley Sauder, Phone 94r22, Zurich 2tc ft HEAR JIM SCOTT Thursday, May ,19bh, 195$1 PROVE THE FROST GOVERNMENT NEGLECTS THE RIDING OF HURON Listen to All These Broadcasts': CKNX WINGHAM Friday, May 20th Monday, May 23 Tuesday, . May 24 7:00-7:10 p.m. 7:30 - 7:445' p.m. 12:10 -12:20 noon (Keep this for future reference) THIS TIME ELECT A FIGHTER FOR HURON VOTE LIBERAL: - VOTE SCOTT Inserted By Huron Liberal Association e Cart be readily mounted la, five minutes by arta anus, Two types of pumps available pressures up to 2-50 lbs. sad' pressures up to 60 lbs. Take your choice of two booms 21 feet' or 30 feet with double swing bock action and row crop attachment. Completely made in Canada by Spramotor Ltd., London, Ontario LEN SARARAS LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE PHONE 77 r 11 ZURICH, ONT. Mr Art Schumaker of Pigeon; Mich and Mr. Arnold iSchumaker of Port Austin, Mich., spent Sunday with' Mr and Mrs Wen. H. Haugh. Thieves Enter Store Thieves broke a window in the rear of Merner's meat market early Saturday morning and entered the store. Cash, cigarettes and other ar- ticles ntitles were taken. perfect circle • discharge vents no clogging WRONd SAVE TIME AND LABOUR WITH By CLEMMER WELDING, Waterloo, Ont. Large 7" dia- RIGNS meter special tread wheels,- easy heels, easy pushing and grass pro- tection. 18" Cut Rotary Power Mower: LIFTING DEVICE for quick, easy height adjustment, from 1" to 4" by pulling ratchet lever. Lawn King Is Available With Either 2 or 4 -Cycle Motor. TIEMAN'S HARDWARE - DASHWOOD =:mar rr.. • . :,.:,: ,:.,,,. .:,.: ,.:,:,.,,, i -., u•!1?: s3 aa aa. . =t';_ =h iii i u, u. i i mi u i i as i n: u. i i : =i: a :_ - - : =n _ i _: _i_ .:1:,. ,; i:._a a ^,u.=.=- S.a€til..i:,.:l:u:::.::::..:a:.::i.::,.::.:1::. , l:.i::=II-II- ,.::,.::::.L:.:::.: ., :=;I.i::II.:.IL.dL:: ,: ::.i :. :ti.:i:., :J,.ll',:IiGil :.lli:.::.ll::w,::,:,1;:::.:1, :,:::.:::.lli.ii:all:l.11l:.11{:.. i ::i.,., ` On June 9 Vote - 11111111111,1,01.1.n. a nYgl?: M Tom Pryde Inserted By Huron. (Progressive Conservative Association.