HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-05-19, Page 1:Established 1900 4. 4. 4. ;k. 4- Jle 33 9 0 9 3 0 90 99 4 HER L ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 19 j955 Single Caplea 5 Ceuta. Subscription in Canada, MOO a Yea& Sueecription U.S.A., Year $2.50. Lakev iew GdSiiI0 GRAND BEND OPENING DANCES Saturday May 21st and Midnight - May 22nd BILLL JUPP and his Orchestra Dancing Every Saturday allso Midnight - May 29th. imanalamiammaimirmamwstm".".....mmi 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. TOWNSHIP OF HAY DRAIN TENDER. Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned Mu-nicipal Clerk until 12:00 Noon THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1955 For :the ,Oonstriction. of the Eacrett Municipal Drain con- sisting• of approximately 7;600 lineal ft. of open Dram. • Plans and Specifications may be seen and tender 'forms oibtained at the office S of the undersigned, or acomplete set of plans and specifications may be obtained by writing to the Engineer and .enctosing a deposit of $5.00 (deposit not refun- dable.) A maricea cheque made payable to the Treasurer or Hay Township for 10 pxent of the amount of the bid must. ae- company .each tender. lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. W. Brokenshire, ,Clerk,' - Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario. C. P. Corbett, P. Engineer. Consulting Engineer and ,Surveyor,. Box 75, Lurcan, ,Pntario. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to take this medium in ;greatly thanking all any friends who .so kindly remembered me while a patient .at the London Hospital and Alt home, with cards, treats, and per- 4enal -Mrs. A. Melick we** *****************s ***a ,*4-4.40,4'4,4,4-0.4)••••••"****** TO HAVE RECEPTION Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER -.------- Friday, Saturday May 20-21 --_-..7.n. Pride of the Blue Grass - LLOYD BRIDGES Returned From Hospital VERA aviuss Mrs. Chester L. ,Smith has return - Here is a racing pictureeneheneed with excitement, action and pa eve emt . d in h ia h a " a ' human ?md fyom Victoni 1.1 spit 1 London, Receives Degree Tan McAllister received his B.S.A. Monday, Tuesday way. 23-24 degree at the recent vgraduation cer- emonies at the Ontario Agricultural The Miami Story College. Mr. James McAllister and BARRY ISULLIVAN Jean of Parr line, attended. BEVERLY GARLAND To Hold Shoot A racketeer story about a gangster The Kippen Gun ,Club will hold who fights on. the side of the law. their 6th annual trapshoot on May 2.3 la, interest. starting at 1 o'clock. There will be Wed., ThursdayFriday, SatordaY two events, and all parties interested l, May 2542)6-27-28 • - tinendt1.11 sfine sport should try arid at - Mai nd Pa Kettle at Waikiki Next iMonday, .May. 23rd has rbeen 11R YOU NEED A NEW PAIR OF NORMA'S , BEAUTY SHOPPE Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTMENTS NORMA STEINBACH P RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS on a New Modern Loom, made fai Order - Seth 0. Amami, Zurialt Ont. Phone 128. YOUR SPECTACLES DO YOUR SPECTACLES NEED REPAIRING OR ADJUSTING? Why not bring them in and have them fitted comfortably. BESIDES WE ARE IN A POSITION to supply you with new Frames any size, shape or color; your broken Lenses replaced promptly and accur- ately. MARJORY IVIAIN OUR NEXT HOLIDAY PERCY KILBRIDE Victoria a. nation wide holiday as Sexpaemotianceleds.at Why not have your 63'00 Day, although this has al - Here they are again -The most nurar- ious comedy this year - Don't m ssways been May 24th, but in order tc this for laughs for the whole farP.Y.fit in better with the week -end it has been shifted a day ahead. So make sure you take Monday as a holiday. • • Ald Th eatre A BUSY SPOT Your local printing office these Spectacle Ware at a price much be - days is a very busy place with all with, 'low the rates charged in the larger GRAND BEND these elections ads. to content C. PASSMORE, 247 St., London. Bring in the prescription we will fill it promptly with the newest in and then they all get heir share of icentres. . may 20..21,Voters' Lists for the Prov. Electioni * Friday, Saturday on June 9th. So if you want to Mr. Passmore is regarded as an outstanding Optometrist. 3 se a 1 Mr and Mrs. Albert Badour of town are holding a reception an honor of their son, Theodore ,and Inc recent bride, m the .Community ,Centre, on Saturday evening, May ,128th, at 8.30. Everybody Welcome! HOFFMAN'S 4 4: 4 Arrange Funeral Service ii a, ..* To Or From * 7-..."-:$ Out-Of-Tavvn-Points MENDER 9 9 Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- 4. ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as -ro members of local and national funeral' director's associations, can 0 handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- : "I} '41 eiericy of Hoffman's service. '0•000•440041000600.0,040,004404.40.0.0•••••••••••••••••••• T. HARRY HOFFIVIAN FUNERAL HOME • -s Funeral and Ambulance Service • 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W 11, IbLt Superior Store Shop at Our Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE US El- UL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! -FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE - FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH - COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS! Visit our Large Grocery Department and take ziclvarititge of the "v --,-. • . ,,,p,.c. _3 on Sale from gime. 1 Weekly 14 resrt r nuts. . _ 'es and Greerks, ET US SERVE YOU! Phone 140 - C. 11. THIEL - Selected Short Subjects Zurich Cinemascope , f e m COiOr - spenda social hour somewhere don t Prince Valiant . . take it around a print shop these James Mason Janet Leigh days, or it will be too bad tor yaul Robert Wagner DRIVE CAREFULLY The amazing adventures, of Prince The Department of Highways is Valiant spring to life on theCine- making an appeal to the public to mascope reen. DRIVE CAREFULLY at all times, Sc . , and especially over the coming holi- day, week -end. Remember, the life you May save might be your ownSo SUNDAY MIDNIGHT Ise every caution and make it safe Monday, 'Tuesday - May 28-24, for yourself 'as well as other people, Roibert- Mitchum; T.eresa Wright and very few accidents would occur. Track of the CatCar Wash Success Cinemascope Techniaolorl The public car wash put on by the local Lions ,Club on Saturday af- ternoon and evening was a huge success, and a steady stream of oars was lined up all afternoon, and how those husky Lions did do the job ap nicely, no nore dirty carp around tomm. 'till the next rain at least. Al- though Lions as a rule do not take to water too freely, as a lion is not too good a swimmer, but these Lions ,on ,Saturdayi really enjoyedplaying with. water, ,and .we were thinking a. A mighty raelodraana of how men and women act when they think no one is looking. Newsreel ... . Wednesday, Thursday - •May 25-26 Cinermaecope . . 'Technicolor Prince of Players Richard Burton 'Maggie McNamara John Derek The unforgettable story of an bit erf Duck -Lion must be mixed in American - Immortal Edwin Booth. with the undertaking. • ' 'Cinemascope - Cartoon. 1. . 1 WINS SCHOLARSHIP 1 Nelson tIVIcainchey, 13 -year -o1 son Liashmar, of Mr and Mrs. Carl .McClinchey of . ; Hensall is to be congratulated for • . , i.vrinning the Educational Scholarship . i of $25. donated by the Huron Branch rof the O.R.IVI.T.A, awarded to the DRIVE711141 V.. in:piano solo, classes 7, 8, end 9, at icempetiti on with the highest marks I THEATRE •--':-.e.,e1 vt,t..- ''''''''-‘ itestants. Test piece was "Pheasant Huron County Festival held an God- lerich last week. There were 38 con- CLINTON - ONTARIO Dance.'? Nelson is a pupil of Miss . Greta Laaninie of Hensall. He also Next to Community Park . won the award of a Sheaffer's pen mam 19.20 and pencil set donated by Mr. F. F. --_--- ThursidaY, Friday Armstrong, Goderich for being the :"Most Promising ' Boy ,Musicmn" of Pony Express the Festival. ... (Color) Charlton Heston Rhonda Fleming TO LAY CORNERSTONE 1 Arrangements have been complet- Saturday, May Met. A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER .101101.1111111101011111•14510.1111172.1.2:21i. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOENE S. EILRF LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEn.D10 WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone. 10 r- HENSALL, ON1 ed for laying the Corner Stone of the Montana Belle • (Color) new Court House arid .County Band- ing on Monday, May 23rd. His Hon. Jane Russell George Brent Judge Frank Fingland will lay the Orner stone for the new building. --------- F arl Campbell, Warden of Huron Co - SUNDAY Midnight. and. MONDAY . arty and Reeve of Hay Township, May 22 and 23rd. !will lay a stone from the old Court Bob Hope Off Limits Marilyn Maxwell orporated in the new building. In- CE:ouse dated 11354, which will be in- - . ! pection of the ground and first floors Tuesday, Wednesday May 24-25 'ill be permitted following the cere- anony.. The public are invited to at - Elephant Walk end.. The ceremony will begin at (Color) tvo o'clock. The holiday was s el e c t. Elizabeth Taylor Dana .A.ndrews ed in order that any County Ilesid- ents who wished to attend, would be Zurich Mennonite Church free to bring the children with them. paona_. aolberrt Martin 1 4-H BEAN CLUB MEET RIINDAY SERVICES: 1 The Hensall Kinsmen 4-11. Whitt 0.00 a.m. - Sunday Sehonl . Bean, Club held its regular meeting at the Hensel). Town Hall on May 11. 1.00 a.m. - Werrthin SP rviee R:00 p.m. - Bible Meeting The meeting was called to order by x EDNESD AY, .8 n m, president Keith Lovell and the .4-H eaver Fellowchin pledge was repeated in unison. The roll call was answered by 17 girls 'OU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH USI and boys. Some of these were new You'll Enjoy Listening to- members who were he -artily vieloorned "THE MENNONITE HOUR" to the Club. Mis is the largest Club Gospel preaching - Inspirational in .liuron 'County and the onry I3ean iOlub in Canada. Enrollment forms Singing. ,, , inoculant and manuals were given aundays-CHML-900 lee. -7 :H.-- out to the new members. WRVA - 1140 k.c.- 10.30 p.m. I he meeting was turned ever' to 'The Living Christ for a. Dying Mr. Harold Baker, Associate A gric. Representative, who talked on parli- World." arnentary ,procedure. Club leader John Thompson introduced the guest ST. PETER'S speaker, &Ir. Ladle from the Oniario Church Agricultural College, Guelph, who Evangelical Lutheran(talked on field rna'negeinent and the care needed to grow a crop of .beans. ZURICH - ONTARIO .. He said that inoculant was very im- portant to produce nitrogen in the 10 A.M.-Divine Services. oil to make strong and healthy 1.1,15 a.m.-Sunday School. plants. He gave a table for the use , Pastors will be supplied by the f fertilizer on (iiiterent soils, Bill Lutheran Seminary at Waterloo arickle thanked the speaker and the . Ontario at:100611g was adjourned. -Pr:1Si 8veryhoClY Welaignek to JI Soroicook geporter, 'Mary QOM, I seseesseemeseatees•••••••••••••••••••••••••060961006t a 6 • ea0flanvalevaar 6.6•0 *Oa aaa000e aa0010000041100000100•00000000( stk* v4*itat., Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone; Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich 1 1 We All zuRiews rocery Stor are ever at your service with the obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES Fresh Vegetables, iruits in Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on Candies Nuts - and Confectionery GIVE IJS A ALLI best linea as wed El& hand in supply a •t neuno Oesch ,0 Zurich it PRODUCE WANTED.Phone 1,65 dust Arrived MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES Just Arrived. - New Shipment, at Very Prices Low Also some Lines at Special Prices to Clear Men's Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on I-landt Tux trEAKE STOREro Phone 1147 Schwartzentruber, Prop,,