HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-05-12, Page 4=MR ONTARIO Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF AMELIA FUSS, deceased, ALL PERSONS having claims l gainst the estate of AMELIA FUSS, hate of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died! on or about April 17th, 1955, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of i Ma next, after which date the estate t will be distributed having regard, only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. FOR SALE CATTLE -- 14 steers of grass cattle around 7UO lbs,--I+loyd Etue, Phone 78 r 5, Zurich. Istc FOR SALE A young fresh cow for sale. Apply to Sol. Gingerieh, phone 84 r 8, 2t* Pioneer Seed Corn Plant reliable Pioneer hybrid seed corn, produced by the coon belt's oldest commercial hybrid corn breed- ing ,company. Choose hybrids and kernel sizes available. Call or see us. J. W. MERNER Phone 137 - Zurich, Ont. Seed Grain For Sale A limited quantity of No. 1 Mit- chelite seed Beans for sale - Chas. Rau, B. W. Highway. 2tc Estate Auction Sale Of Property and Household Effects, lin the ANNUAL MEETING HURON TB ASSOCIATION THURSDAY, MAY 19 I at 8 p.m. Council Chambers CLINTON TOWN HALL "UIICH FIERAI psiM.u:agarw :4;,il:ili:usii;,i,. i.i ,Jleuale;i ill 5t1 ":teNtr a" ii31f G. B. CLANCY !Ill Optometrist Optician i l Ela (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) • For appointments phone 33, Goderich - Ont. GENERAL CARPENTRY IN Il Building and Remodeling SPECIALIZING IN - Build- In Cupboards and Cabinets; Plastic Wall Tile for Kitchens and Baths, l I Lawn Furniture made to order; t I Picnic Tables, 'Chairs, etc. `I; For Prompt and Courteous Service :I NEIL WALKER Ph. 103W, Zurich, Ont. .5 6m Iiia �It I VILLAGE of HENSALL I On No. 4 Highway, on WEDNESDAY, aVIAY 25th. At 1 pan. White enamel Clare Jewel range (new) ; Thor white enamel washing machine (like new) ; 7 -ft. Frigidaire (like new) ; 9 piece 'walnut dining - room suite, table buffet, china cab- inet and 6 chairs, Philco radio, 3 piece 'chesterfield suite, upright 1 Heintzrnan piano (small size) ; 3- 1piece parlor suite; chestdrfield bed (new) ; number of occasional chairs, rockers, small tables, sewing maerrne, vacum- cleaner, 2 furnished bed representatives of County Organizations are particu- larly invited. F. J. SNOW - - - President MRS. J. B. RUSSELL - Secretary ,4 .., , ,...s 4740,....454: , ,N;t• rooms, dressers, lbeds, ,springs. mat- tresses, table, kitclhen chairs, cupboards (couch, clocks, Mir- rors, floor lamps, table lamps, elec- tric iron, 2 rugs, Wilton and =min- ister scatter mats and carpets; quan- tity bedding, table linens, silverware, ion saint St. Joseph, where he would quantity dishes, sonic ;antique Icliina, receive encouragement. There he kitchen utensils; 240-1b. scales; step wouldv press his plans more vigor - Property garden tools, crocks -and tools, sly with his superiors. 318 rifle, sealers, crocks and twos. By the year 1904 July 28th he Property - At the sanne place, 8 •.had received the necessary go ahead p.m. the property will be offered ,for the only means in cash he had was sale, subject to reserve bid. the possession of .a few dollars he had 11 1-2 acres of choice land (snore earned working as a barber in spare or less), 8 room 1 1-2 story brick times. On or near the above date in house; Hydro, good size barn on July a young man by name of Clax- eement ,block foundation, drive shed, ire Richard had came to the institute where his uncle, also was a Brother hen houee, and garage. This is a very o pay him a visit; having heard of desirable property. • Brother Andre who had received its Terms•- Ohattles Cash.. aintly gift to help the sufferers Property 10 per cent down, balance hrough the intones= of St. Joseph pproaohed Brother Andre for a -are or at least some relief, but Brother Andre ,did not listen to his plea and since Richard was an ex- erienced wood worker Brother An- dre thought hewas the right man to hire for to construct his little church n he Mountain 1141 by 18 ; set. Claxite Richard who was a long ime sufferer of dyspepsia and for 3 and a half iyears he had not been able to work, assured the good Bro- Have New Optometrist •ther that it was impossible; but Brother Andre insisted that he work n the project, still the young man rotested due to his ailment and frail onstitution, to him :Brother Andre lade further proposals, asking him f St. Joseph would cure him, would e accept? He agreed, and the next iorning he reported for work, he ad :fully regained his health, -he corked on the :chapel till Nov. 19th f that year when it was compreted. This was not the first miracle cure erformed by the sainted Brother, ut it was tone that gained wide facie or him among his ,followers. Many Teary tpilgrians had entered the little hapel ?during those past years seek- na`relief from incureable disabilities ,tat had periled their health; and so 'St 'in numbers were visitors who eked cures .from the intersession of er Ar,dre that by the year of otice, F rrers ® a For the next three weeks we are offering a Special SPRING CASH DISCOUNT on all new "BELL IMPERIAL THRESHERS" The long standing reputation of the `BELL" assures you of the finest machineobtainable. See us or phone for an interview on this lance -in -a - lifetime, outstanding offer. Robert Bell Industries Limited 4. Phone 268 Seaforth, Ont. �atia. r ( ? A necessity on almost any farm, a good sturdy truck saves you time, work and money in a hundred ways. If you're short of ready cash for such a profit -building purchase, FIL may be your answer. A B of M Farm Improvement Loan can put a new or used truck to work for you on your farm very quickly. Why not talk it over with the manager of your nearest B of M branch this week? If your proposition is sound, you ;can get a B of M ]Farm Improvement Loati for any type of equipment 'duly (�nAN 11r, you need on your farm. !YI TO 0 N/U/01/ UNMANS Fit - the fixer... his full name is Farm Improve- ment Loan. Give hint a chance to help fix up your farm ... he's eco- nomical, conven- ient, versatile. He can do almost anything in mak- ing your farm a better farm, BANK OF MON TR EAL 4 ?tee F404 Zurich Branch: CARL SCOTT, Manager Henson Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Ctediton Branch; RAYMOND KING, Manager fashwnnd (cull.Aeency) : Open Mon., Wed. & Fri. (o)pen Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) V/ORKINC- WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK ©p UFS SIN �p�,�i.r`•w���7%�kTY�E14S[.'1C�JMi:}�PGF.liM�A%nf7.b-,.Cw✓d .4'nrlt.�C'.11et]':::k.MIF'7i�1!TCY4•Y•YI=>�INifNtFCE@::��11E R: 1$17 111 Ei Thursday, May 112th, 19.5.5 I;fish;;ilil.uii all iJa40I;ws1:Irl 131011.rIW' ,JI€10101011iRi;0111:IIl.1 :;ai.01' 1i„G;;I.,.,.:,.; ll it.i 0011u0 iie,i:i lls T COUR GOVERNMENT MEMBER SINCE 1948 YOUR GOVERNMENT CANDIDATE JUNE 9th. • AN OUTSTANDING RECORD OF SERVICE AND ACCOMPLISHMENT „ fid. ,,y 'Progressive Gansu (2.tive INSERTED BY HURON PROG.-CONSERVATIVE ASSN. •'�• Ch%J•}f{%' +} fry � •� � h 4 I.�.....-.-. _:T.,..•,,,_„ , n , I 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. . 4. 4. 4. 1 ,in 30 days. Immediate possession, i Prop. Estate of late Ellen McAl- lister. a tri+ioneer-Harold Jackson Clerk -E. P. Chesney. For further particulars apply to Solicitor for Estatt, E. P. Menzie, Clinton, or Mra. Margaret McLean, Kippen; Robert D. Pell, 752 Adelaide St., London. Mr. G.„ B. Clancy, who has pur- chased the optomettry practice ,of the Bite A. L. Cole in Goderieh, has had an optometry practice at' Mount For- est for the past five year.. He grad- uated from the College of Optometry of Ontario at Toronto in 1950. tPrevious to that he was for five years in the RCAF, in World War II. Ile is a past president of the •Cknadian Legion at Mt. Forest, a member of the Lions Club and of the Louise Marshall Memorial Hospital board at Mt. Forest. Mr. Clancy is a native coif Prince Albert,, Sask.` St. Joseph & Blue Water Are (Continued) After he had spent some ria meditating on the different myst r* 912 it, -.,,became .necessary to enlagre of life, and with a life to ng desire ica 'lie" :el-Label.(To be continued) further the devotion tort, St. Joseph,. . Attend Wedding he decided to snake a venture almost Mr and Mrs Fred Ducliarme who impossible to the average man; and pent a week in Detroit and Wind - with means or education he ventured or and while there in Windsor they to build a chapel on T the slopes of the pent the wedding of their son, Mountain de Neige. There was much Leo .Pierre, who was chained on involved in the enterprize before the Saturday last in Amherstbwrg to Miss could call it a success. Firstly, be- Ella Blanche Gignac. The Ducharnves ing known only as a Brother of his returned on Monday last with the .Sacietiyl he' had to receive permission bridal couple, where they will spend roam; the authorities, that in itself a few days with their parents and ou.ld he achieved only by one in- relatives and friends. Fnoni where pired by God, that took time and they will continue their honeymoon. In - as well some of his past good work On their return they will reside an had to be convincing. But in peril- Amherstburg. 4. ham. 4. 4. 4 a�. 4. 4. 4 8 4. 4 4d 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. t• 1' 4. 4. 1, 11111111111111111 ' 111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111110111111M111111111111111111111 "jiiil111Illjlilllllllllllllllllllllllllll I ' 1 1'1 1 l 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. nesasessassersasmeis 4. eed Many tests have shown that the badly weathered beans of last fall have Very Poor Germination WHY RISK A POOR CROP? Sow Dependable Seed See us for your Seed Requirements. We have a Complete Stock of Commercial WHITE and YELLOW EYE Seed on Hand Our Prices are Reasonable! Cook Prsas. PHONE 24 Ming C HENSALL At,Mr _ . a Can be readily mounted in five minutes by one mart„ Two types of pumps available - pressures up to 250 lbs. and pressures up to 60 lbs. Take your choice of two booms 21 feet or 30 feet with double swing back actioa and row crop attachment. A► ��e� tak, Completely made in Canada by Spramotor Ltd., London, Ontario LEN SARARAS LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE PHONE 77 r 11 tx.,rtr - ZURICH, ONT. II , it 11111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1110101111111': 1;11111'11 111011111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111 t e El of the ing of n: OUR CANDIDATE IN THE FORTH COMING PROVINCIAL ELECTION IS: Janes R. Scott, of Seaforth A young man, native of this County and descendant of a pioneer family, Mr. Scott is a citizen particularly well qualified to represent this riding. Educated at the Seaforth schools and the Universities of Toronto and Harvard, he has had an enviable record of service to this community and the nation. His experience includes teaching at three Canadian Universities (Toronto, Saskatchewan, and Western), the Department of Talks and Public 'Affairs of the C.B.C. and book editor of the Toronto Telegram. He is known throughout Canada as a public speaker and is recognized authority on educa- tion. As official historian of Huron County, he knows every inch of his riding and its problems and affairs., and has proved himself an enthusi- astic supporter of all worthwhile community projects. Mr. Scott is a widower, has one daughter, is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and has served on that church's General Board of Eder cation. In every respect, by training, ability and service, he has proved himself qualified to give the Riding of Huron aggressive and outstanding representation at Queen's Park. Your support will be well repaid by the service he will render to this constituency. THE HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION mulct ai1Cn+w:w.I I0 111111011 1111101 g11 Iii t ,.t.rj.q11,',1;t1.1:;!1:1;1111flt.g,111,g1111111 111111 0111 Oiltaingli {tlliltltiin TflTrtRll TtPSIr;�Trrrrl. •j