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Zurich Herald, 1955-05-05, Page 4
71.1 rrwtT,ItkRIO 1 1 11 • • t• t • .1 44, • • • • i • • • • • M • 3 • • • • • • • • 2 White Bea ns WE HAVE A SUPPLY OF MICHELITE REG- ISTERED No< 1 SEED BEANS AVAILABLE ALSO: No. 1, Commercial Grade FARMERS! Don't take a chance by sowing Low Grade Beans BE WISE -- SOW THE BEST! We do Custom Cleaning and Treating GRAVITY CLEANING BY APPOINTMENT Reid Beans and Seeds, Ltd.; Dashwood. Phone 87 ZURICH HERALD 2$ 4.4. 4. • 4. 2 +4. • • 4. new "BELL IMPERIAL THRESHERS" • .i Tinursdal, May 014 11\905 Notice, Farmers t t For the next three weeks we are ' offering a Special SPRING CASH DISCOUNT on all See STs for STEEL ROOF1NC,-- ALUMINUM ;ROOFING— FENCd151'G— BARB WI11E FENCE -POSTS, ETC, ETC• FRESH FEEDS ALWAYS ON HAND TRY CUR CHICK STARTER'1 :,ped 'Tuesday and Thursday `Cattle on Saturday Hogs Hemel District Co -Op Phone Hensel' 115. Zurich 220 FOR SALE Sewing 11/fachine, 8 and 3-1't. step ladders nese, whieellbarrow wheel new. Ed. Reichert, Znri©h. Ph -180 2t* F O R SALE A young fresh cow for -sale. Apply to Sol. Gingerich, phone 84 r 3, 2t's', FOR SALE A timber frame of tarn 1210x30. ft. with 14 foot posts suitable for gar- age or double deck hen house. Also a quantity of second !handl bricks.— Apply to S. 1Baechher, Zurich. 2tc Notice To Creditors I' THE ESTATE OF AMELIA FUSS, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of AMELIA FUSS, late of the Village of Zurich. in the County of Huron. Widow, who died on or about April 17th, 1119,55, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & ilt'aughton•• Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of IlVfay next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard wily to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. DASHWOOD Largely . attended funeral services were held for Mr s. Garnet Wildfong ^' accident victim, Saturday April 30, 3sr Dashwood E.U.B. Ohurch. Rev. W. Erotz and Rev. J.H. Getz of Kit. , ehener •officiated. Plant Trees The men's club of Dashwood Piave been busy beautifying the groundscommunitythey purchased' for a community centre. Last Wednesday evening they planted trees and are awaiting more trees from the nursery. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area In this issue we bring you back to or about the year 1902 when N. IlVt. !Gentili the founder of the village of ,St. Joseph. on the -boarders of Lake Huron, when then a young man also Brother Andre being in his mid- dle years, Cantin who had 'become stlbn intimate friend of Brother Andre had asked permission to Bro. Andre's Superiors to take him out for.an outing, bringing him at different places of interest, such as the Seaut- ' ies along the St. Lawrence river and the Niagara Falils and all through the fruit belt, and flower beds OfOntario. 'Brother Andre was much im- pressed of all the beautiful scenery, and what nature ,could develop, but the said all.of those beautiful things that adorn the universe all of that tame from the hands of God; lie took great interest in studying nature and s'hat it had in store for .the human 1+ T • +. 4• • a• • • • 4. • 4. •• 4. • 4. tit •1f k { The long standing , reputation of the "BELL" assures you of the finest ihachine !olbtainable. See us or phone for an interview' lifetime, outstanding offer. on this !once -in -a - Robert . Bell Industries Limited Phone 268 Seaforth, Ont. Seed Beans WE NOW HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK Of WHITE and YELLOW EYE BEAN SEED ON HAND sownwsr his future career. Many times - the who helped and donated to build • founder of this village of St. Joseph, ere from all creeds and faith, coin- :aonga. e r 1 Lake Hu on nvould 'pay the posed mostly all nationalities and ORDER `: EARLY Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd, PHONE 24 ti;:. HENSALL Phone �. Write - See Y Geo. Ti Mtckle Sens Ltd. HENSALL, ONTARIO - Phone 103 1. forA Malting Barley Contract . DON'T WAIT • Limited Amount of Seed Av - ilable We also supply Fertilizer with f '-ntracts Can be readily mounted ley five minutes by one matt, Two types of pumps available — pressures up to 250 lbs. and Pressures up to 60 lbs. Take your choice of two booms 21 feet or 30 feet with double swing back action and row crop attachment. • •Brother a friendly visit. 1Many `times beliefs, and hundreds of them receiv- • years later he would enter the little ed cures by his interview to St. chapel of Brother Andre and with Joseph, while anany others received his over two hundred pounds frame, great benefits from their visit at the • • would make gestures at the Br'otlier, Oratory. (To, be continued). • placing himself before the frail mean- • • ber and a sparring pugilist. Moments • later ,Cantin would ask Bro. Andre to pray for the success of the -enter- prize and other matters. Concerning his work at the death • of the Cantin's son by name of • Oliver, he was given Oliver's top !cleat, altho some sizes too large, the Brother enjoyed wearing it for years, perhaps that coat will be shreadded in small pieces and distrifbuted:•• far and wide across the earth as a relic. Those early years were those that the good Brother was aneditatinig° on building khe First ,c11a7;5ei 1n' 1TV0'4' size 14x18 feet, then again in 1f11:2 a cis4i, f Has stroll with Ma'• 'Cantin vas larger one was built and finally 'the tullr-saw on wheels, set sloop sleighs short, but from It 'he gained much present Orataire, which has cost to 1walking plow, set diamond harrows, knowledge, it helped Brim to develop day many millions of dollars. Peeple 1'M -H. manure spreader, Oockshutt race. Brother' .Arndre after his out- ing with Mr. 'Cantin meditatedmany how a tiny moot would develop 'into a ;growth, 'a tree, then buds, then /lowers,- n -'lastly delicious fruit. AUCTION SALE Completely made in Canada by Spramotor Ltd.. London. Ontario Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Grain and Household Effects, at Lot 28, Con. 1, L.R.S. Half mile south of ,Brucefield, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 111th. at 1 p.m.: Machinery — D.C. Case Tractor, felly equipped (like new) ; Massey - Harris 7 -foot (binder (new) ; 9 -ft. .3 -drum steel roller; Deon thresher machine' and drive belt (threshed 60 acre9) ; John Deere spring tooth cul- tivator on rubber (new) ; McCormick 1ulti packer, Bissei tractile-.- farrow Case tractor plow, & Now.. the all-new brings big -car size an ,10 LEN SARARAS LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE PHONE 77 r 11 — ZURICH, ONT. Side rake, M -H. bean scuffler and puller, cement mixer, garden scuff- ler, 32 -ft. extension ladder (new), sulky rake, fanning mill, pig crate, steel' posts, colony house 10x12, 4 shelters, electric ;brooder, steel water tank, number steel barrels, forge, Renfrew 200'0 -lb. scales, leg vise, double rope wire stretcher, wheel barrow, power rip saw and emery power post drill, Wood lathe, ;half and quarter H. P: Motors; Woods 3 H.P. motor, grinder, also roller, Renfrew electric white enamel cream separ- ator (like new) ; ham loader, hay teddar, 2 wheel trailer and r. rubber tired farm; wagon, •colivisfiin' ion 16 -ft. hay rack and grain hotikt (new) ; 2 bag trucks; root pu110011 quantity wood, feed cart. - Grain - .- 400 bushehs bush; wheat. Cattle -- Brindle cow fresls calf at foot. Quamttity Household Effects. Terms Cash . Prop? Estate of late' Alton' Stilin Aatctitom,eer": Harold Jackson. . Clerk—E. P. Chesney. Solicitor—A. W. 1Sillery. SDOD tyle to the IowpricetiO 1111 1 112 111 111,3 11111114 111 1116 1111.1 Big new POWER choice! Two big new b's, new V-8 111 1 , I17 11 1 11118111 119 11�111 10 111111111111112 The new Dodge is actually ONE FOOT LONGER than its largestselling competitor! BIG -CAR LENGTH Dodge for '55 is by far the bippesl,car in the low -price field! It's 12 inches longer overall than its leading competitor, and 9 inches longer than another. In fact, the big new Dodge is even longer and roomier than many automobiles costing hundreds of dollars morel BIG -CAR STYLE You'll be proud to sit back of the impressively long Dodge hood. You'll like the big, bold front end with glistening chrome around the twin arches of its divided grille, You'll enjoy a commanding view through the Dodge swept -back windshield that truly wraps around at top as well as bottom. BIG -CAR, COMFORT Dodge rides like the big car itis! Wider front tread, wider rear springs, ' and longer wheelbase contribute to your riding comfort. Dodge interiors are extra roomy, and they are delightfully deco- rated in new colour -coordinated fabrics and trim. r SEE THE DARING NEW DODGE WITH MOTION -DESIGN FOR THE FORWARD LOOK . AT YOUR ‘t -- tri Its Ey e cowll cutoy seeinand driving the beautiful nMg.edgThere dozen Mayfair, :Regent, plus are a and Crura nt,1gg hod 8,hwrr tine bril Custom igh- Dyaearistocratoi.theCanadian Cana of d anuia:ctureairation road! hr Chrysler Core Can da, Limited. DODGE -DE SOTO DEALER'S NOW Phone 'Tl' ox. oats M Proprietor e s l l Motor Sales 6' Phone 31 Len MaNitgbit w Sales ietor