HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-05-05, Page 1' LJ 1 H nen— :Established 1.900 ERALF1 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 5 1955 1 +.41.1.1¢11.012•11.14,0•094.0....1 Zurich Lions Club Electric Light Bulb SALE Tuesday, May 10th MEMBERS OF ZURICH LIONS CLUB Will Call on You TUESDAY EVENING to sell you a Package of Light Bulbs, worth $2.00. Entire Profit from Sale will go to Community Betterment C AR WASH SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 14th In Front of Town Hall ZURICH LIONS WILL WASH YOUR CAR Proceeds for Cancer Fund Come and Get Even with your Banker and Butcher • • • e• • • • 00• 0 • 0 • • 0 0 e• • • • • Zurich Mennonite Church Pyastor—SERVICES:-lrtMartin guNDA 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. Biible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship ' YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH USI You'll Enjoy Listening to -- "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospel Preaching Inspiraticinal Singing.. Sundays--CHML-900 t.c. -7:30'a.m. —WRVA - 1140 Le.- 10.30 p.m. 'The Living Christ for a Dying World.' CARD OF THANKS.. Mr Melvin Smith wishei,. to thank all the neighbons and friends for the cards, treats, visits, .and help athOne, while a patient a St. Joseph'e Hos- pital, London. any way bThrouagnhkt icomfYogrtu 1 i The family of Td a si..s:s- t tame in time of bereavement SPec- ; ial thanks to the T. Harry Hoffman the late Mrs. Wm. Schade sincerely thank all wIlict,1 in a funeral home. ' • Lyric Theatil- Phone 421 - EXETE ST. PETER'S ?Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURIOK — ONTARIO — 11 aau.—Divine Services. 43..15 a.m.—Sunday School. . Tasters will be suppli:.` by the Earthman Seminary at Waterloo, ,t ntario v itorybody Welcome Services sm....—. rockil um. • • 4, z HOFFMAN'S • • • 4, Arrange Funeral Service v :. . • 3 To Or From lo , •• 1/4-) • 4 L‘F till E MIA 41' 0 U t -0 f -T own -Po in ts * Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- * 4 eds., the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as : .* members of local and national funeral director's associations, can • l' lhandle all the arrangements. Yu are always assured the quiet effi- : :'ciency of Hoffman's service. • A/6 T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME * • to,• Funeral and Ambulance Service • t, 24 H ur Service DASI1WOOD Telephone 70-W : EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO — - Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist ;UNDAY SERVICES --7. 10.00 a.m— Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. -- Bible Sawa 7.30—Evening Worship Welcome at all Services — "Gown boas -with us and we will do the • T TEL'S Superior Store Shop at Our Store AND SEE THE MANiY FINE USEFUL AND Gwr ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE ftEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE -ee FRUITS - VEGETABLES • FISH COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS! Visit our Large Grocery Department and *take advantage of the Various Specials on Sate from time to time. Weekly Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOTJ 1 Phone 140 H. THIEL Zurich Friday, Saturday Ma 0,1 • r:ItE Jesse James vs The. DaltOs ,BRETT .KING • BARBARA LAWRENCE4!?:',i A real Western aibout the laWless James Boys Monday, Tuesday May 9e10 World of Ransom DAN DURYEA GENE LOCKIETART .. intrigue photographed in Singapore. Here is a story with international I::?•,', •• ,... e4,esese= "'Ittor 11=14191•011,1.1.1. 1250•11M211•1161•111,0110011165=10811 To Have Open House Next Sunday, 'May 8th, has been announced as open house from 2 to5 at the ;South Huron Hospital, Exeter. The public are invited to come and inspect the institution. Lost It's Pep Technicians were in this district the past week testing the gas wells, and find that the well west of Dash- wood which 'was so highly advertised as being so good, is now worthless, One of the wells north of Zurich showed up very good as there was a substantial, amount of pressure. Home from Hospital Mr. Melvin Sanith who was in- jured internally when the horses hit - died to the seed drill bolted and a wheel passed over his body., was in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, re- turned to his home last week and is able to come to town, going about as To Hold Nomination Thursday, May 5th hes been set for the nomination meeting of the 'Progressive Conservative of the Rid- ing of Huron, to be held at Hensell at 8 p.m. Special speaker will be Hon. James N. Allan, Minister of Highways, Mr. Tom Pryde, MLA., for Huron, has announced that he will allow his name to go before the sneetinig. was served. Had Birthday Party A surprise birthday party was held for 'Miss Edith Kipfer at Exeter at the home of Mr and Mrs Layton Des- jardine, where relatives from Zurich, Dashwood, Grand Bend and Seaforth were pesent. Some lovely presents were received, and a dainty lunch e*".•••,•••• single copies 0 cents. subscription in Canada, $2,00 a Yaw Subscription U.S.A., Year ;2.0S. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTMMTS NORMA STEINBACH Prop. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern. Loom, Made Ea Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurich, - Ont. Phone 128. ENTER THE BIG Bridal Bell Essay Contest AT HESS THE JEWELLER WIN A FREE BRIDAL BELL DIAMOND RING, A HONEYMOON AT THE WALDORF.ASTO R I A HOTEL IN NEW YORK CITY, OR BOTH. JUST TELL US IN 100 WORDS OR LESS "WHY YOU WANT YOUR ENGAGEMENT RING TO BE A BRIDAL BELL DIAM. OND". GET YOUR ENTRY FORM FROM HESS THE JEWELLER. CONTEST CLOSES APRIL 30th. A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIEN LONE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICF. ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — RENSALL, .11N711). meSEMEINMMOMmissmiO1 webseacenasomeassumrameellaIlisiMINIIMI. 00111110010S*084.041.619esea09430.0•00010110004108041004401010604101 a ea a ,. ,, : alt itaV tosiAttattg, ato . To Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director s ae- Private Car Ambulance Service : I Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent WednedayThursday1 CA FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS s, May 11712 COVE TO MEET 1 : Dragonfly SOluadrOi-i 1 NL lturcin •Couniy Conclave ,will beAeld 'Saturday and Sunday, May 7-8" at JOHN HODIAK ' Goderich, to which the public is 'cor- BARBARA BRITTON Idially invited. The main address by Family entertainment - a real war Dr. E. Crosley Hunter, former christ- melodrama of the Army AirForce lien leader will :be the speaker in the in the Korean War. I new Knox Presbyterian church. There will be special group classes for the LI 111 Theatre ,-.1:1MdPet:1?1:e held7nlis is thehe firstceu n oyf, ,and the .object is to stimulate a bet - GRAND BEIM • ter living world, with sobriety as the main issue. Friday, Saturday GLEN FORD The Americano Technicolor Lovejoy Cesar R-•,-nero A man from Texas. finds himself in the danger -laden jungies of Brazil. 3 — Cartoons — 3 Tuesday, Wednesday - May 10-11 CINEMASOOPE TECHNICOLOR Frank May 6-7 New Faces Ronny Graham Eartha Kitt Robert Clary Something new and different songs galore and wonderful dancing.' NEWSREEL Llash mar \'*' DRIVE-IN t THEATRE_ 1;1. CLINTON - ONTARIO WHITE BEAN CLUB The Hensel •Kinsmen 4-H White Bean .Club held its first regular me- eting on April 26th at the Hensel' 'Down Hall. There were1211. members present with Sill Mickle.as chairman The election of officers was held which resulted as follows: 'President, Keith Lovell; Vice President, Jack Bell, Secretary, Louise •Hyde; Press reporter, Mary Geiger. Mr. Harold Baker talked on the duties of each of the executtve. The guest speaker, Mr, Wrn. Haugh, re- presenting•the ,Ontario Bean Board, gave a talk on their plant at London. Report books, manuals, soil boxes and inoculin for our'seed were given out. Keith Lovell (president) made a speech vAiiIe Jack Bell, vice-pres., presided the 3 club leaders. ,Bill: IVIiekle, Bill Rowcliffe and John Thompson with 4-ffl leader pins, Bill Bovectiffe thanked the members. on behalf of the leaders. The meeting Iwas dismissed by the chairman Bill Wale. Canada Confereece Next to Community Park The 91st annual session of the Canada .Conference of the Evangel- --id .may 5, 6 teal U. B. Church was held in the Thursday, ay 'Appointment in Hodurous In Color Glenn Ford Ann Sheridan Cartoon Shorts • May 5-6 Thursday, Friday • The Big Sky KIRK DOUGLAS PAULA RAYMOND 'Cartoon Comedy Saturday, Monday May 7-9 Stage to Tucson ROID CAMERON SALLY MIMS Comedy Cartoon Tuesday, 'Wednesday May 10-11 His Kind of Woman ROST. MITCHUM JANE RUSSELL rottitsift Calvary .church, at Kitchener the past week. The new Bishop of the Can. Conference, Reuben H. Mueller, D.D., directed all the affairs of the Conference in a most masterly 1•Vay. and endeared himself to the entire Conference constituency. Capacity crowds were in atteridance at every public meeting. The, business sessions all gave evidence of a new awaken- ing and 'upward svdng during the past year in the work .of the con:armee, as a whole. Missionary &Angst church building programs, etc., have reached an "'all time high.' Six or seven young Men were listed as can- didates for the ministry after the completion of their education and training for the Christian ministry. Twelve ministers were transferred to new fields for the ensuing- conference year. Rev.fl. E. Roppel, pastor of the • local Svangelicd church here Vas re- I 4PPointed for another ypar, Day and Night Service I Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich *************esseaseassesestootta010.04100.04,600.00410.0. 1 zuRiews Grocery Store ........marmlnatneani NM. We are ever at your service with the best Iineo obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as weil Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL 1 !Ienno Oesch " Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 • at 4111111111.1.1.111111111111111111111111111111.11011.111111111111WerWRIMIIIPP21111111111111101INSIIIIISOWSIONSIRISSIS. Spring 7E' eds PIONEER CHICK STARTER AND GROWER CONCENTRATES, AND ALL BALANCE') FEEDS• fi OUR GROCERY SPECIAL'S n • n • Corn Flakes, largo pkg. Linn Valley Corn, 20.oz Tii7. at FAB Half -Price Deal In Cotatge Tissue 3 for GotA Supply Of Fresh Groceries always on 1 -land! THE .111A4lit STORE 1 Schwartzentruber, Prop, ' Phone i t mossaassasezzasszesarsannezzessisesseasszenesneeessznostanansizegssr,,, 25c 15c 60c 25c