HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-04-21, Page 1stablished 1900. ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 21 i 955 ayi I M t N m e NOTICE IS ILEREBY GIVEN THAT .DAYLIGHT _SAVING TIME WILL COME INTO EFFECT IN THE POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICH ON SUNDAY, MIDNIGHT, P.M., APRIL 24th. AND WILL REMAIN UNTIL SUNDAY, SEP- TEMBER 25th, INCLUSIVE.. STANDARD TIME SHALL 13E OBSERVED IN' ZURICH UN SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, BY ORDER-- VISCINCEZSMEEMEMMIEW EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . LIB. CHURCH ZURICH: ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist 43UNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7.30—Evening, Worship Welcome at all Services "Corrsar laou with us and we will do thee '•Bood." . Num. 1€029. The went ZURIC1-1 POLICE TRUSTEES Alba Theatre yrs Phone 421 � ire EXETER Friday, Saturday . April 22-23 Drum Beat ALAN LADD AUDREY DALTON In glorious •Cinemascope An outdoor adventure melodrama in Warner colour Monday, Tuesday April 25-26 Ring of Fear CLYDE BEATTY` PAT O'B+RIEN • (Adult Entertainment) taxvinumminmsaMma A real suspense thriller in Cinemas= cope, in colour Wednesday, Thursday April 27-28 GRAND BEAD . King Richard and The Crusaders REX HARRISON • VIRGINIA :MAYO. Produced in Ci.nemascopt — real sat- isfaction to all audiences, of .all ages. Friday, -Saturday April .22-23 Masterson of Kansas (Technicolor) George Montgomery Nancy Gates James Griffith • Lawrence 'Becker. toughest _ lawman • that ever M. Mary Becker is spending a against a lynch mob, in .couple of weeks with her daughter Dodge City. and family Mr and Mrs Clarence Comedy,' Cartoon & Additional Short Kimpel in Kitchener, wni'le Alex Becker spent Easter week with 'Ids ST. PETER'S 1 vangelical Lutheran Church' ZURICH — °ONTARIO 410 axn.—Davin Services. . 111.15 a.m.—Sunday School... .'Pastors will be supplied by the Lutheran Seminary at Waterloo, Ontario serybody Welcome to tall Services Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor,-- 'Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 1.I1:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 5:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, ' 8 p.m: layer Fellowship ' ;YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US! You'll Enjoy Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" "'Gospel Preaching Inspirational Singing, . 1,undays—::CHfNJ1L-94 0 k.e. _7.30 a.m. —WRVA - 111441 Imo: -,1040 Pt'n, "4°1114 ' . Living 'Christ .for a Dying World." Ladies to Meet • The L. • A. to Cubs and Scouts will hold their meeting at the home of Miss. Earl Zimmer on Thursday April 21st.' All ladies are asked to attend as there is importantbusiness to deal with, S. HURON LIBERALS SELECT CANDIDATE The South Huron Liberal . zsoei- ation held a nominating convention Sts the Hensa11 town hall on Tuesday night. Farquhar Oliver, leader of the Liberal Opposition was the main speaker. Also present was Wilfred P. Gregory QC., Stratford, president of the Ontario Liberal Association. The ;candid chosed to .represent the Liberals in the forthcoming election, likely in June, was Mr. James Scott a teacher of Seaforth. PAINFUL ACCIDENT Late Saturday afternoon Mr. Mel- vin ;Smith, of the Bronston line met with a painful accident when he and his son Allan were engaged in clean- ing out the seed drill which was at- Tnesday,.endesdbay. — April 26-27 aunt and uncle in Kitchener. Cached to t, team of horses, and who 'W • • Miss Judy Keller of London spent took fright, bolting and knocxing'Mr , )EasteKellrer. week -end with her aunt,.Grace •SmithIofone towhetheel grofoundthe, wheithvy thernaresult WOMAN'S WORLDc'irine CINEMASCOPE Technicolor Clifton Webli June Allyson days with her cousins, . Miss Jane Smith got up and thought he was not • Miss . Brenda Becker spent a • tew passing over his body. At first Mr Van Heflin Lauren Bacall Restemayer. Fred Mac,'Vturray Arlene Dahl' Congregational Family Night The phenomenon of modern times: , The Ladies Aid of Zion Lutheran brought to you 'with a star studded church sponsored a family night, .on lance to St. Josephs Hospital, Lon - cast Hilarious, tender, sparkling;Wed. April 13. Rev. nce ofenell reswa_ (ton where x-rays chairman: In the •absence the pies- y showed internal Newsreel and' Cartoon. I ident, . tVice-pies., Mrs. Ervin Rader, injury and an operation was imrnedi- -"' agave the address of welcome. Group ately performed. Reports are that Card of Thanks • 4 with Mrs. Leonard Schenk in Mr. Smith's condition is quite satis- charge had arranged a fine program factory, and his many friends wish The bereft fancily of the late Mrs. with the following numibers: duet, hini a speedy recovery. John P. Steckle wish to greatly Mary Ann Hayter and Robert _Miller, t thank the Sewing Circle, neighbors cornet solo, Ruthanne Salrnmon, l DAYLIGHT TIME — CLOCKS and those who loaned their cars and reading, Marion Rader; duet, Jane ADVANCE all who in an way assisted in their and Ruth Restemayer; piano select- Now as we are advancing into the bereavement. ion Robert Miller; solo, Anne Koeh- lotilely sprinc• season the Daylight ler• recitation Donald Rader; clar- c injured but shortly after he took severe pains. Medical aid was sum- moned and he was rushed by ambu- d 'JI S 1 and' '_Scion N. 'ng problem looms up and wheth- 0ASH.W0OD Single 'Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Yew Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.51 NORMA'ST BEAUTY SHOPPE Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTMENTS NORMA STEINBACH - Prep. ENTER THE BIG Eridall Bell Essay Contest AT HESS THE JEWELLER WIN A FREE BRIDAL. BELL DIAMOND RING, A HONEYMOON AT THE WALDORF-ASTO R I A HOTEL IN NEW YORK CITY, OR BOTH. JUST TELL US IN 100 WORDS OR LESS "WHY YOU WANT YOUR ENGAGEMENT RING. TO BEA BRIDAL BELL DIAM- OND", GET YOUR ENTRY FORM FROM HESS THE JEWELLER. CONTEST CL.OSES'APRIL 30th. onet uet, _ ai.ie a mon a u .i Turlclieirn; reading, Mrs. L. Schenk; er kve want it or not >t is here agaur, I. recitation; ., HildaSclrrioeder, duet, anr� �ye almost have to accept it. n I b: Miss Lynda Kraft. spent Easter, Mrs. Ken. Kele- and Mrs.. Allbert mo,st centres of Western Ontario it -'seek with her ,grandparents, Mi. a .;,Lader;; reading:, Mre.:.,Louis F,aydei;:;F.?,24,`take.effect'during the first min llrs. Edanun'd X.raft. ' �xi ,, .reading, Wesley'Rader. :Mrs. Scnenk ute of Sunday, April 24th but others' Master Peter Kraft vacationed t assisted bp drs. Cliff Saluron conu•'uct- including Zurich will go on the fast 44...04.404.04.d.®m®."..®4,404, ed stunts. A pot luck supper Was, trine Sunday midnight, that is when �.. served. going to bed Sunday evening turn * ' Misses :Marie, Ruthanne anc; Mar- your clock an hour ahead and, on .p garet Salmon spent a few days in ?ylonduy morning you will .be in line ®London with their cousin I3ar+aara w%tir the rest sof the community. It Anne Scott: Barbara returned home es with them and spent the week -end .will chase our poor school children v. here. I up early to catch the bus, and will 3 Mr and Mrs Wendell ,tieniroe• and give the joyrider an hour more time "4444 ot-e..4.1,,....o.a4.®bo6 a., .,1 HOFFMAN'S , ' - 0,6sgrci.e: At .. , Arrange Funeral ServicesE-4To Or Froin�� --1 Out -Of -Town -Points • MEMOER -o Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- to nda, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as -*members ' of local and national funeral director's associations, can to '1' handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- Q "to ciency of Hoffman's service. to : T. HARRY HOFFMAN . FUNERAL HOME a e� Funeral and Ambulance Service •?4 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W Garyof London spent the wee. -end :be£o:re dark. with Mr and Mrs L. H. Rader. ' the amlbitious and ElBartliff i Cl' ' of daylr�ht m Yes, it will also give Gardner an extra hour Susan Eliz. art r +o rn o• the evening, and most ton returned home Sunday after of these gardners including ourselves, spending the week with Mr and !Mrs buy most of our eats anyway at the A.. V. Tiernan. local grocery store, so we must take Miss Vera Wieberg of Waterloo, spent the week -end with her parents, it all with a smile and say "it's a Mr and Mrs Fred LWieberg. i great thing." Mr and Mrs Ernest Hutchinson j and Alva of Blair spent Sunday with: OBITUARY relatives here., losrmsEarsargoasimwseraamrosnramenernorformamsoommossarrnmtreentraamtentoessuramantomMrs. Alma Hoperoft spout: the . Late Mrs. John Fuss wee -en in London with her dauglr- I A well known lifelong resident of �.�� ter Mrs. Ruth Arthur 'and attended; Zurich in the person of Mrs. John ; the deaf and dumb Steele - klopf Fuss, 86, passed away at her home wedding in First Lutheran church, here •on Sunday, April 17th„ she was -1 Windsor, The bride was Mrs. Hop- the former Amelia Wurm and had cr+o;ft's niece. The wedding was of lived in the district all her ife, Her such interest that it was televised on ,husband died many years ago. Mrs. Sunday afternoon. Corpl and Mrs. Wilfred Travis and Fuss was always of a jolly and joval son. Gary who had spent. some time disposition and will be greatly: missed with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs by her many friends. Surviving are 1 Arnold Kuntz left Friday to take up one daughter, Mrs Joseph Schwartz, residence in Winnipeg. 'Detroit; two: brothers, Edward Wurm Mr and Mrs Donald Fritzley and of 'Markham; Jacob,'Seaforth, and daughter of Exeter and Jo -Anne Hay- two sisters, :Mrs. Louis Redinger, De- ter were Sunday visitor's with Mr and uoit, and 21U M. iMaa:y Jacobs, Chicago. 1M yrsJames amHes a er. mot S OY'S 5 0 ► at ,1Jur 5tor':. AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL AND GIFT T ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! FBC)7EN FOO7:>S BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE — FRUITS - VEGETABLES F'IISg-I - COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS ! Visit out- Large Grocery .Department and• take advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from time to time. Weekly Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU 1.. Phone I - C. H. THIEL - • Zurich A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER a a • Telephone: 4 w0)0654d0iaa0**0 , OrakvafaiDiaiMs RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS' On a New Modern Loom, Made k Order — Seth 0. -Amann, ZZwickOnt. Phone 128. IIKUOVAMMI,,-..mom ,..,_ INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS 1°aL'1 LO S. EJLER LOCKER SERVICE -- ROE FEED WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 EVENS LL, O aegaiaa"aed9aaea dDceers•510 t88�;., ;,B ,r..OlVi oeos1}:alae ae Ugh Licensed Embalmer and F eral Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rem FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service d°z Res., 89 or 122, Zurich S 3 660006 e sea (mem eco 3 61 We are ever at your service with the t lines 2 obtainable of a6 FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Emits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand . Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US 'A CALL 1 3 elan Oesch PRODUCE WANTED. Zurich 2 Phone 165 The remains rested at the Westlake MrMand MrsuGienund BMcLean and Helen, ofuneral home, Zurich, where .services land Mrs :Becker sof -New Hamburg, (were conducted on Wednesday at 2 I spent :Sunday with Mrs. Susan Sny- i p,m. followed by public service in der.' St. Peters Lutheran church, and in - I Mrs. Lydia Rinker returned home ter.:m�ent in the Goshen line Lutheran Sunday after spending the winter at i !cemetery. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, of Ottawa with her niece and family. 1 Brantford, officiating. I . Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Carr and fam- il7yl of ;Rosenthal spent the week -end Mrs. John P. Stedkle Passes with Mr and Mrs Dan Weber, Mrs. Mrs. Joui P. Steckle, 80 who died Carr's parents. at her home, ,o.n the Bronson Line Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac returned on •Saturday April 16th, she was the home last week after spending the former Velina Schantz, of Waterloo Mr. 'Merv, i Steck of Bradford, County, and }came to the Bronson anent the week -end with his .Scents, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Steck. His daughter line district after her marriage, 60 Miss Patsy, who spent the week with years at•o. Surviving besides her her grandparents, returning with hint husband, are two sons, Josiah, Stan - winter months in Windsor and re- ley Township; Elias, Wellington Co., troit with her children and grandchil- two daughters, Mrs. Memo L Yiart.in dr:en. Mrs W. 1Vlclsaac and sons Ron- • Stinley•• iMI•s. Alvin B. +Martin, in old and Donald, -Gail Spear and. Larry Wellington; two sisters, Mrs. Lena homeof Detroit ace:d:mpanied her Martin, Elmira and Mrs. Lydia A. home and spent a few days herr,. ' Mr and Mrs Reinhold Mille, aria+ Martin, Zurich. The remains rested.' Mr and Mrs Harry Hayter attended at the family residence, from where the baptismal service of the former's funeral services were conducted on grandson, 13rian 'TI•,;.inas Hindley,son Tuesday at 1.45, followed by; service of Mr and Mrs. Colin Hindley at in the Amish Mennonite Church, otli- Trinity Lutheran church. London on elated by Rev. Abe iieaiinger, and Sunday for wham Mr and Mrs Hay - interment wits mode in the church 'tel; were sponsors. They spent the day in London with Mr and Mra ^anile,. cemetery. The funeral NVIIA very 1 LaxT,`plly) attended. Austa.:anal _r al Scab -7 '..�1i ;ai,'£ +." c5'<::1 C' Sprin ;` � eer..f+ PIONEER CHICK STARTER AND GROWER CONCENTRATES, AND ALL BALANCED FEEDS OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Corn Flakes, large pkg. 75c Linn Valley Corn, 20 -oz Tin at 15c PAB H•Ialf-Price Deal . • 60c . In Cotatge Tissue 3 for 25c Go',d Supply of Fresh Groceries always on 1; _mild-:_ THE BLAKE STORE SchwartzentrUb r, Prop. i' t.