HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-04-14, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO NOTICE A PUBLIC MEETING has been leaned for the Zurich Baseball Club, Tuesday, 'April 19th. At 8.30 p.m. in the Town Hall, Zurich fl o appoint the executive for the Coming :c,ear. Everyone is asked to tome .out and voice their opinion, iSec.-Treas. - L. 'Thiel. Mr.. Edith-Mousseau of Zurich is lvisiting with her granddaughter, and gamily, Mr. and Mrs, Claire 11telick of Dashwood. Heavy Week -end Toll The ,Easter week -end run up its usual amount of fatalities, and the continent as a whole had a big death toll mostly by auto accidents, of which always takes the most lives. As long as there is so much speed we .cannot look for anything elso, ,But thanks to Providence for the good weather. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area —Introductory. Mr. Editor: It is not my intention to rule out any valuable items that you have planned for the •columns of your paper. However I will greatly appreciate it, if you find some cor- ner to put this article in print, and if our reasons EW. 3. point Pic MOTOR SPR;' Ids nterest youf Can be readily mounted in five minutes by one man. Two types of pumps available -- pressures up to 250 lbs. and pressures up to 60 lbs. Take your choice of two booms 21 feet or 30 feet with double swine back action and row crop attachment. Completely made in Canada by Spramotor Ltd., London, Ontario LEN SARARAS LOCAL REPRESEN'TATI'VE PHONE 77 r 11 ZURICH, ONT. -- Phone - Write See 1 ,Geo. T. Wale & Sons Ltd. • • 0 1 1 1 HENSALL, ONTARIO forA Phone 103 Ating alley C :tract DON'T WAIT Limited Amount of Seed We also supply Fertilizer Available with Contracts • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 9 0 • • • 1 er Da you meta MY HANK' TO 2 MILLION CANADIANS ...then t 1k to 'My Bank" FIL — the fixer ... iris £tall. name is Farm Improve. meat Loan. Give him a chance to help fix up your farm . he's eco- nomical, convenient, var. satile. He can do almost anything in making your farm a better fart:. A cream separator — milking machine — culti- vator — tractor —incubator ... these are just alt few of the many miKiern, time -saving, anot eyd making farm machines and implements you earl put to work on your farm through FIL. See yout local 13 of M manager about your harm improve. meat loan. BANK Of MONTREAL .614 Vteue 64444 Zurich Branch: CARL SCOT'(°, Manager I-Iensaa Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager Dashwood (Sub -Agency) Open Mon„ Wed. do Prl. (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) INC WITH CANADIANS PN IVORY WALK OP LIF S' SINCE Sat AB ZURICH HERALD permitted there will be each week for some time, a short article •concerning the future event. This 'Movement that I am referring to has been con- ceived and designated by Mr. Joseph L. Cantin of St. Joseph and with en- couragement help and approval of the parish priest, the Rev. I.• T. Poisson, and after careful deliberation, they have come to the conclusion to have their plans mature to the satisfaction of this parish and as well to others concerned. The object is one of the anniversaries of the founding of the St. Joseph oritoire at Mont 'Royal, and to commemorate this occasion it was deemed advisable to erect in this parish a joint statue of Joseph and Brother Andre. Brother Andre kneeling in submission to St. Joseph the patron Saint of Canada. This statue will be erected on the church grounds on the lawn of the rectory, where it will be infull view of the citizens of thisparish and as well those who travel along the Blue. Water Highway. It will be at ,the disposal of all for veneration. • The contract has been given to the T. Ca•rli Petricci Company of Mont' real. We are living in hope that it will be completed and .placed on its base near St. Peter's Church, St. Joseph parish before the 3lst day of May, 1955, on that day :Bishop Cody of London will administer the sacra- ment acrament of Confirmation in this parish, and will on that occasion be asked. to bless the statue. For the convenience of the parish- oners, envelopes :were • distributed on • Sunday last to receive their offering. Others who feel that the movement is a worthy cause, and would like to make some donation, are asked to send it to the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Poisson, R.R. 2, 'Zurich, Ont. —To be continued. Has Gone By A1ns, winter with all its rugidness is t"nirtered over with. Lenten season whi^'1 brings Easter again with: all its joys. and good tidings throughout the world. We apoligize for boasting of it, but we say with certainty that this parish was noted as being faith- ful to respond t+,: the request of the church for attending morning mass during lent and without exagerating things. the members of this parish turned out nearly as a whole for the duration. The fair sex was well re- presented every morning. They clad themselves to face the morning cold; young girls. grown ups, and granny wore kabuishea to cover their head, to prevent cold and also that their locks would not brush up in the -winds. But on Easter morn the kabu- ishea had disappeared, and more, suitable bonnets were in the vogue, and with the nice Easter day it was appropriate for the occasion. 'Per- haps erhaps we shor lr1 comment on the word kabuishea; well that is an Indian name so we have been told, dating back some ;centuries. The Indian wives of old wore that head covering made from different kinds of furs, there- fore the tradition of it, should it be different, we .will gladly submit. TOWNSHIP OF HAY Is calling for tenders to supply 500 (bags of cement, to be delivered to James Masse's shed on the Blue 1 Water Highway by May 10th, 1955.1 Tenders to state the price delivered.. All tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by Saturday, April 16th, 1955. Lowest or any tender not .necessarily I accepted. H. 1W. BROKENSWP . Clerk. Township of Hay. Zurich, Ont. 2tc 20 Years E - perie ee OUR SILOS are Built with 5"1 Solid Concrete Wall. heavily reinfor- ced with Half-inch Steel Rods thro- ughout. The -leading Farmers in any con- munity to -day have from One to Three Silos in their farms. We are booking orders daily — If interested see us at once. Wesley Hugill PHONE 204 ZURICH • Thursdays, 14th, 1955 aiVaticaa. DIAMOND RING at JEWELLER'S NAME and qualify for the National Prize "A HONEYMOON AT , THE WALDORF-ASTORIA"' 011 Citi 5 See the glamorous SAJZA2/J- by + (?, Diamond Rings $100. • $18.75 4.1 See $150: $61.75 these Fine Diamond Your friendly Jeweller is conducting a gigantic Essay Contest. It's fun to enter and easy to win. Our prize to the local winner is a beautiful Bridal Bell Diamond Ring. And you also have a chance at the National Prize offered by the Manufacturers of Bridal Bell, Diamond Rings ... "A Honeymoon at the Waldorf-: Astoria" ... seven glorious days in New York City, with all expenses paid. Come in today ... we'll show you J1oW' you can win. If you live out of town, just write us and we will send'you an entry form and com- plete details, and Wedding Rings at— ALBERT G. HESS, Zurich I 6 ;Nomination Meeting LIBERAL HENSALL TOWN HALL Tuesday, April 19th at 8 p®m TO CHOOSE A LIBERAL' CAND IDATE FOR HURON RIDING TWO OUTSTANDING SPEAKERS WILL ADDRESS THE MEETING FARQUHAR OLIVER Leader of the Opposition for Ontario WILFRED P GREGORY President, Ontario Liberal Association IN THE INTERESTS OF BETTER GOVERNMENT FOR ONTARIO Use and Encourage the Use of our Home Can- O'BRIEN'S PRODUCE, Zurich - Phone 101 adian Dairy Products and patronize the following ZURICH CREAMERY rt6e WtOhQ J !Pyo4 *id( Mith iS faileh►ig Phone 160 No one food in itself is fattening—and that includes 'Milk. Sound dieting advice puts Milk in every meal. It is a protective food that contains valuable protein vitamins and calcium. When you are dieting, slim safely, with Milk! Here is a sample day's diet, about 1400 calories: Orange juice, Poached egg, fluttered toast, Whole milk. Coffee with milk (no sugar) at all meals, if desired. Consomme, Tomato and cottage cheese salad, Mayonnaise, Whole Milk. Tomato juice, Lean Lamb chops, Baked potatoes, String beans, Lettuce salad, French dressing, Fresh fruit, Whole milk. FREE! "Calorie Control,' -handy pocket guide to safer slimming, Write toe DAIRY FOODS A Division of Dairy Farmers of Canada Wet SERVICE BUREAU 409 Huron Street, Toronto, Canada ••.Gtr.•mr"°•YHf:iii"+.•,rd'U rL:,. f11gtJ{Y ;d.... mruAYu.ofAfiN i'M. r