HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-04-14, Page 1O URICH 'Stablished i 90Q CHURCH DIRECTORY EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Gesell - Organist "-§CUNDAY SERVICES -- 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7.30—Evening Worship Welcome at all Services —,"Come ' ,bou with us and we will do thee %:food." . Num. 10:29. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO — 4e a.m.—Divine Services. 41.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 'Pastors will be supplied by the Lutheran. •Seminary at Waterloo, Ontario tverybody Welcome to all Services Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor-- Albert Martin 'SUNDAY SERVICES: „a:00 a.m. — Sunday School ;(1:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship '`IfOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH USI -You'll Enjoy Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" "Gospel Preaching — Inspirational Singing. , uudays—CI1ML.-90o k.c. -7:30 a.m. —WRVA - 61140 k.c.- 10.30 p.m. "'The . Living Christ foir a Dying World." Are You Suffering From Headaches? no have your EFes Examined Will ' he LatO.st Met and equipment ort. A. L. COLE, R.O. ' OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODIffeall ONT. Good Glasses at ]cable • ERALD ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL .14 1955 4. George Hardman + Skilled Technician + Walk better! Feel } better! Get relief + from tired feet. Mr. Hardman will con- + duct this special k clinic, giving you this personal atten- + tion and the experi- + ence of many years + of successful work. 4 + COME TO THIS SPECIAL Foot Clinic WILL BE AT MILT OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich --- Ontario Phone 82 or 130 For Foot Ills and Resulting Rheum- atic and Arthritic Symptoms Monday, April 18th 10:00 a.m. — 8.00 p.m. 26 Years ., Of Faithful • Service 4. 4. fts.momo..nve...... ,II Returned £Nom the South ,Mr. Oscar Klopp who ,spent the . past two months with his son, Mr. ,i and Mrs. Harfold • Klapp of Grand + Bend, and who were all wintering in Florida, where the latter have ,,:a comfortable home, have returned to the north for the summer nronths.We welcome them back safe and sound. 4 To Organize Baseball A meeting is called for Tuesday evening April 19th, to organize a ,baseball setup for 1955 season. We had a most interesting team last year and all -who are interested in base- ball, a very fine sport, are asked to attend this meeting and give it your full support and. boost the same. The 8,30 meeting will be in the town hall at p,m, ng is + STOP.... and THINK! See 1Vfr, Hardman for names of Zurich district people who have ; } been helped. See .him for complete explanation on hew ;MIRACLE t + FOOT AID can be orf real help to yod, Have a personal demon- - i + stration on your' awn foot condition. You'll want•to join the many 4 + hundreds who bless the day they were introduced to, MIRACLE 4, .t FOOT AID. e + e 4 4 Clinics at:—Zurich, Listowel, Kit Brantfbrd, St. Catha sea - chener, London, Hamilton, Guelph, cines and Peterboro locammatuicomizau w ass��r Women's Institute The regular Zurich Womens' In- stitute met in the town hall on the evening of April 5th with a fairly good attendance. !Meeting opened with a song.,Miss Marion Fieischauer at the piano. Mss. L. Rose, president ti ok charge of the business. Minutes were read and adopted by Secy., Mrs. Wan. Forrester and Mrs. Newell Ger- ger, also other business was _transact ed i<Ivsq lril •Meyereeepok ,charge,o the electidi ' "of officers as follows: President, Mrs: L. Reese; Vice .Pres., Mrs. L. Regier; (Secy., Mrs,. Thos. Meyers; Treasurer, Mrs. Newell Geijger; District Director, Mrs. Wan.. Forrester. Mrs. E. Hey took e•eee®"eeea•+eeeeeeo•rs*oo®••o••w♦®®aosos®ee�sass*o®s®s e . e e e 4 P • HOFFMAN'S• : Arrange Funeral Service • To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points „�„„+ 'i Wherever funeral service is sequined„ to or from any place in Can- 0 `,� `Oda, the United States or other ;points of the globe, Hoffman's, as J 'q, members of local u,d national funeral director's associations, can • handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- : `e tiency of Hof (men's service. • T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • Funeral d .Aanhutance Service 4 f• 24 -Hour Serv+iee DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W t •rteweeeee*ea�*eea®®e•®®s••+emo••se••®s•w®••eeeeo®•s®0 91111 EL'S Superior Store Shop at Our Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ---- FRUITS VEGETABLES FISH - COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Visit our Large Grocery Department and take advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from time to time. Weekly Fri Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET SERVE YOU ! Phone Imo, b C. H. THIEL - Zurich 1 Purchases Building Lo )Ltr. Keith Westlake has purchased from Mr. Charles Thiel the !building lots between the Hess Jewelry Store, and the Hay Fire Insurance block on Main Street, and has already started on the excavation for a new building to ibe used as a furniture store, etc. This will add another .place for business in town, as at present everything is slo well taken ap. Had Happy :Easter The Bong Easter week with schools closed is a welcome visitor to those concerned. Our school children and High .Sehool students ahvaya have a hard pull to. have these raster exams over, with, as they mean so much to have a good standing in charge of the program, with a read- order to get the final :exams. Row- ing' on plants and to ,be a. farmer, ever what is written is written and was well read by iMrs. Wm. Forrester;, we all have to adjust ourselves to the "When you and I were Young, Mag -conditions as they are, and we all gie” was well rendered in clostume and song by Mrs. L. Rose and Mils. Meyers; piano duett was rendered by Misses Ellen Love and Marion Fbei- schauer. This was enjoyed by all enjoyed the fine weather we had during this Happy Easter Season. Had 45th Anniversary We join the +many friends of Mr. present. Reeve of Hay Township and and Mrs George Thiel of town who Warden Earl Campbell (being the last Wednesday, April 6th celebrated guest speaker. •on the Huron County their 45th wedding anniversary. The Council ,and their different . Coriniii . d�av •w s spent as any other day, but teee/.which was very" educadrive. Tey=rl�onre ro[fviheir son's lMrtland Mrsered . Earl eoral .guitar numbers and slang weme Thiel wwhere a nice suitable celebrat- given by Mr. Clare Masse and re- ion took place. Their children, as peated by request. (Mrs. Thos. Mey- many as ,could be present, gathered ers gave a very interesting paper on for, the occasion. After ,partakingof "Did You Know" about the pioneers the evening's enjoyment nd refzsh- of Zurich, all enjoyed it very much. Iflnents all 'sreenjoyment ed to their hornes A vote of thanks was given to War- wishing Mr and Mrs. Thiel many den Campbell and ;all that took part I more such happy events. for the excellent program. Re- freshments were served by the corn-( Was In New York mittee and Easter treat: Mrs. T. Miss Carol Thiel, a Exeter Dist - Meyers, Mrs E. Hey, Mrs. L. Regier, ,riot High School student, and daugh- Mrs. Joe Regier. The prize was won Iter of Mr and Mrs Earl Thiel of by ,Mrs. L. Regier. A' splendid social .town had a most enjoyable motor evening was enjoyed together. (Bus tour to New York •City. The trip was arranged 'by the :High School and only select students were chosen as candidates for the trip. It is a 19 -hour trip by bus to New York, and those fortunate enough to be selected had a most wonderful trip, in :fact something they .shall probably never forget. We feel proud of the wonderful .privileges that we are able to •give our youth, which fits then up all the ,better for future lige. .• iLyric Theatre I Phone 42 ➢ - EXETER Friday, Saturday April 15-16 Bullet is Waiting JEAN SIM;MONS RORY CALHOUN A terrific Western in technicotor, taken in the California Hills. HYMENEAL Haywood - Klopp ,St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- ie was decorated with white lilies, palms, fern and candelabra on sat - Monday, Tuesday April 1R -i Sl urday afternoon, for the wedding of Marjory Anna Klopp, daughter of Johnny Dark Mr and Mrs. Bertram. Klapp, Zurich, d JefFrey Gordon Haywood, of Tor - TONY CURTIS onto, son of Mr and Mrs Ronald Hay - PIPER LAURIE wanood. A Story of Sport Car Racing from The Rev. E. W. Heimrich ,officiat- the Canadian to Mexican Border. ed and Mrs Fred Haberer, Jr., prov- ided musical (background. Wearing a Wed., Thursday April 20-2'1 gown of white satin and Guipure Riot in Cell Block Il `lace, the bride was given in niarrtage NEVILLE BRAND 'by her father. Her gown was styled LEO CORDON I with high round neckline and tulle A prison story with all the thrills and yoke, embroidered in lace, sequins action the title irtrplies. and rhinestones. Lace medallions were embroidered on the full skirt which formed a -train: Her finger• Q l ('� O'yf l l e "�- VLj tip veil' of double nylon net fell from Li tAilIt 6 tt tJ . V a satin headdress and she carried a bouquet of pink roses and white lil- ies. Miss Mary Klopp was her sister's Friday, SaturdayApril i i-lt, only attendant. She -chose a floor- SPENCERT!R ACY length gown of' pink nylon net over Broken Lance taffeta. with pink floral headdress and C.INEMASCOI�E Technicolor+ bouquet apink and white roses. ! Frank Buckley, Guelph, was best Robert Wagner Jean Peters' Richard Widinark The 'story of two great blood lines that built the West CinemasScope Featurette GRAND BEND 'Tuesday, Wednesday April. 19,20 The Rocket Man Charles •Coburn Spring I3yington 'George "Foghorn" 'Winslow, . An orphan kid with a foghorn voice. and a mysterious stranger from space, brewsreet Cartoon is a graduate of Auckland • U'niversity l . Additional Short ,Subject College, Anckland, New Zminndt man and ushers were Herbert Klopp, Zurich, and Terrence Buckley, Tor- onto. For the wedding 'reception at Monetta llelenards, Exeter, the bride's mother were a pale blue crepe dress with navy accessories and corsage of red noses. Following a wedding trip the couple willlive in Toronto, For trav- eling, the !bride wore a brown sult with light blue accessories and -cors- age of Talisman 'carnations. The bride is .a graduate rof the Univeraiiy' of Western Ontario, and her husband N O R M A' S BEAUTY SHOPPE Tel. 22.E Zurich FOR APPOINTMENTS NORMA STEINBACH . Prop. RADIO SPOTS Bridal Bell Essay Contest If there are Wedding Bells in your future, just listen to this! Bess the Jeweller is offering you a 'chance to win a Free Bridal Bell Diamond Ring and a seven day "Honeymoon at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New YorkCity" with all expenses paid? That's right.. you can win a Bridal Bell Diamond Ring, retail value $100. and a seven day Honeymoon. in New York City, with plane fare, hotel, meals, shows, night clubs, sightseeing tips and incidentals all paid for. The Diamond Ring is Hess the Jeweller, prize is the +big Bridal Bell Diamond Ring Essay: Contest arid you don't have to buy a thing to be eligible to win it, Just •come in to Hess the Jew- eler and get your entry form. Tben write your Essay (100 words or less) on "!Why I Want my Engagement Ring to be a ,Bridal Bell Diamond, and you may be the lucky winner of a beautiful Bridal Bell Diamond Ring, the Grand Prize Honeymoon Trip or both. Remember the place to get your entry form is Contest closes, April 30th. A.G.HESS THE JIrWELg,ER Na•eeeseeeeeseeeeeesseea eloo....lMRett. alllq® Ni s • • c Qu it* ttR*4gpoitt • a • • •Private Car Ambulance Service • Single Copier 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Yew Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.5l. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS Ona New Modern Loom, Made tie Order Seth 0. Amami, Zurie Ont. Phone 128. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOT NE S. EILEi LOCKER SERVICE .. " OE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL ti Phone 10 — HENSALL, AN IL Incensed Embalmer land Funeral Direr toL Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS_ FOR. ALL. OCCASIONS .,_,:.... Day and Night Service or 1 22, Zurich Telephone: Res. 89 eisw olipoeee •sesee•.eu••••* mea eiseesMNeeee tsseeos 1 1 ZURICH'S Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as weft as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candiea - Nute - and Confectionery in supply, GIVE US A CALLI 1 1 1 ac. Merano Oescli " Zniieli PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165. esalassaceaoaeuenitiMasusaumaateemesneareeseesseasausesonsisieseseaustemeasue Spring Feeds PIONEER CHICK STARTER AND GROWER CONCENTRATES, AND ALL BALANCED FEEDS OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Corn Flakes, large pkg. 25c Linn Valley Corn, 20 -oz Tin at .15c FAB I-Half�Price Deal 60c In Cotatge Tissue 3 for 25G Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always an Handl THE MAKE STOItE a Schwartzenituber, Prop. Phone 11-917