HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-04-07, Page 41 wi"wAatt sons whV t..1, s NW ,3 +.oint • Pic '-ppU,�';' 1 RAMOTQR S RAYER.. lit er st ou Can be readily mounted in five minutes by one plan, Two types of pumps available -» pressures up to 250 lbs. and pressures up to 60 lbs. Take your choice of two booms 21 feet or 30 feet with double swing back action and row crop attachment. la Completely mode in Canada by Spramotor Ltd., London, Ontario LEN SARARAS LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE PHONE 77 r 11 — ZURICH, ONT. • seelsotsesatteloae Phone - Write - See Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONTARIO -• Phone 103 for A Malting Barley Contract DON'T WAIT Limited Amount of Seed Available We also supply Fertilizer with Contracts ZURIC In Auto Accident Last Thursday evening as Mr and Mrs. Henry ,Clausius and son were retruning to Zurich from the Blue Water Highway where they were help- ing with work during the daytime at the home of their daughter and son- in-law Mr and Mrs Beierling, near the 14th Con, they met with a west bound car who had glaring lights and was in the 'hands of three young students of the Clinton Air School. The left front wheels. were badly damaged, fenders torn off, the Claus- ius car being damaged beyond repair. Prov. Constable Elmer Zimmerman of Exeter was called and investigated the accident. Fortunately no one was injured to any extent. DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs L. H. Rader visited on Sunday with QYIr. and Mrs Lloyd Rader Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs V. L. Becker were Mr and Mrs. Al- bert Becker and children. . Mary Jane Hoffman spent last ,week with Lynda Tiernan. From January . to 'November the •Dashwood.pos ;office will be closed ion Wednesday afternoons. Miss Barbara Becker of Kitchener spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Becker. I Mr and Mrs. Clarence 1rimpeI and Susan of Kitcbener spend: the week- end with Mr and Mrs Emil Becker and visited with Mrs. Mary Becker, • a patient at South Huron Hospital. • Mr and Mrs Percy Willert c'f. Zur- ' ich spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. tZ Aaron Restemayer. • On Palm Sunday, April 3rd, eight • Ivoung people were confirmed by Rev • Louis Higenell in Zion, Lutheran • church. Five adults were also con- s; ti firmed Monday, March 28th. • ®. TOWNSHIP OF HAY • ; ® T,. ..,,""' e' for tenders to supply • : 500 baa, na' cement, to be delivered t� Jame4 'fiase's shed on the Blue • I Water Hie'hwev by May 10th. 1955. • ; Tenders to state the price delivered. _'All tenders to he hi the hands of • , the Clerk by Saturday, April 16th, • x1955. • ;Lowest or any tender not necessarily • • I accepted. • H. 'W. BROKFNSHIRE, to i Clerk. Township of Hay, Zurich, Ont. WANTED • wi.p. pay Sc a lb. for old Horses for • Mink Feed.—Phone collect, Goderie i • 936 r 21, or 936 r 32. —Gilbert 'Bros.. .Goderich. tfnc IONEER- ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON. PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER & MITTLEHOLTZ Phone 63 -- Zurich _1 I FnR OUICK SALF A colony h»,,,. 12x14 -ft. for quick sale. Apply to Ferd Haberer, Zur- ich. tfc FOR SALE ST. RGE MILKERS and Parts One Feed Mier. Bag Trucks and Milk Carts. General Repairing and Weld} ,a_ P'hnne number 79 r 12. AMOS GINGERICH - BLAKE. tf FOR SALE Genuine light walnut dining room suite; buffet, china cabinet, table and chairs: priced reasonable. Contact Herold Office, Zurich. 2te 20 Years Experience OUP SILOS are Built with 4y" Solid ronerete Wall. heavily reinfor- ced with Half-inch Steel Rods thro- ughout. The leading: F""rmer.s in any com- munity tc•-d av have from One to Three SiI's in their farms. We are hooking orders daily -- If interested see us at once. Wesley Hugill PHONE 204 ZURICH Frigidaire "Imperial" Washer ,< Ilyii Bring Your Soiled Clothes To Our Store to Try the New Frigidaire Automatic Washer And Dryer We want you to see the finest automatic washer and dryer in action, so bring your clothes to u: for the cleanest, brightest and driest w.ash ever. You'll be surpri:;ed how simple, efficiently our Frigidaire Pair handles your laundry. There's no obligation to try these two machines—come in today, Famous Frigidaire Automatic Washer offers the best features — simple controls; easy top -loading; live -water washing action (Frrgidaire's exclusive Pulsator won't dant- age your clothes) ; 3 -in -1 Rinsing. Our Dryer has an automatic tinier, handy load- ing door, and easy lint disposal. It's the tops! Come in today. Hess Electric PHONE 107 Refrigeration. ZURICH Complete Line of Appliances New and Used Guara-iteed Service HERALD rumust rrmimimmTIMIT l<IfI(�IIIDICf 1iillflM1 dill Thursday, A.pri1 7th, 1950 111111 III 11111111111111111111111111 11 III I111111111111111I 1111 111111111 ID 111111 1111 H111111111111 11111 Illlll11111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIII 11111 Contract Barley Clover� Seed �rGrass�n SEED OATS Better Seed ,�{a Profit from etter Hyland Farm Brand life have a Limited Amount of contract Barley Seed available — INQUIRE TODAY- FOUR UNLOADING PITS — LITTLE DELAY Barb Wire and Fencing W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONT Phone 32 - Nights 72 1 1 1 11 1111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111 91HhlIlHhIlillllluu1111IB111llllluulllglN111111111111111111111 IIIih One reason why electricity serves us so well is that it can be delivered wherever wires will carry it. Ontario Hydro exerts every effort to keep safe the wires that carry this important commodity, but in spite of all precautions, lines occasionally break. A fallen wire is • dangerous ... it may be a "live wire". Never touch a fallen wire under any circumstances! Warn children not to go near them. If you find an electric wire on the ground, or dangerously low, please notify the nearest Hydro office and' endeavour to keep others away until service men arrive. Your co-operation iaay be instrumental in saving a life.