HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-03-31, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO THE STORE WITH THE STOCK New Spring Goods Let us show you our New Lines of Dress Materials for Spring and Summer Wear, such as Velva .Dure Nylons, Denims, Silk Shantung, Butcher Linens, Satins, and many other lines, and a complete range of Prints and Broadcloths of every description. DRAPERY GOODS We carry a large supply Drapery Materials on dis- play. Prices ranging from 59c to $3.50 a yard. See the new Plastics in 5 4 -inch widths in beautiful new designs at per yard $1.25 WALLPAPERS Let us show you the new Samples of Wallpapers. By leading Manufacturers such as Staunton, Boxers, and Watson Foster. Over 100 patterns in stock. Also come in room lots at less than HALF PRICE MEN'S WEAR We can supply your wants in all lines of Men's Wear, Suits, top Coats, Jackets, Fine Shirts, Sport Shirts, Ties, Sox, and a complete line of Work Clothes. See our line of Blue Jeans at $2.95 Men's all nylon Work Sox at pair 90c S'ECIALS Broadcloth Miil Ends per yard 39c Prints, Mill Ends per yard r 39c -85c 6.50 3.98 79c ' 1.00 Kitchen Towels at pr. Chenille Spreads, full size, Car Rugs, each Nylon Hose subs. at Nylon Hose, 45 gauge at each Gascho rola Groceries - Dry Goods - Men's Wear TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH flJR.Tr H HERALD I. LOCAL NEWS SVP .Mr. Ronald"t eilnrich was a recent 4 P visitor ;with his parents in !Brantford. Mr. Donald ;Dietrich left .for Kit - Q ' ,opener where he has aceentec nnr- aG ition. e TD 4G �) 4P P P ; ' The n ;any friends of Mrs. Henry IP I Eickmeier regret to hear that she fell IPwhile out for awalk and• fractured both her wrists. Dr. G. St. Piere was 4 the attending physician. IQ The L.A. to .Scouts and Cubs will hold a meeting this Thursday 1Vtarch IQ. 31st at the home of [Mrs. Arnold 1Vlerner, Babylon' line. Ladies are to meet at IWillert's Snack Shop for transportation about 8. ;p.m. !Mr and Mrs Edw. Haberer enter- tained a number of -guests to dinner on Tuesday evening. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Stelck of Dash- wood were Monday visitors with fri- ends in. Zurich. Mr. Alphonse Dietrich attended the funeral of his aunt ,Mrs. George Dietrich in Sarnia on Tuesdays. Rev. A. Kramer was guest speaker at the morning service at St. Peter's Lutheran church .on 'Sunday morning. We are pleasedto repot that Mr. Elmore Thiel is progressing Favour- ably and able to be out to meet his friends again before so very long. Messrs Lorne Rader and Ted Mit- tleholtz motored to London on zlusin- ess on Wednesday, they also attend- ed the Houe and Garden •Show, and equipment of furnaces and plumbing along with many other, varieties that were shown in the Manufacture Buil- ding on the Western Fair Groun.Cs. W. I. TO MEET The Zurich Womens' Institute will, hold their regular .Monthly meeting on Tuesday evening, April 5th, in the. Town Hall at 8 ;o'clock. All ladies are cordially invited. Committee in. ,charge: Mrs. -T. +Meyers, Mrs. E. Hey, Mrs. Lawrence Regier and Mrs. Joe TELEVISION Floater Policy 'his •1'loliey� is designed to cover Tele- vision Set and Antenna agafnst all the Hazards of Fire, Lightning, Theft 'Wind, lee, and Snow Load, Trans- portation. Exceptions Mechanical Breakdown and Gradual d:eteri:orat- on.. DWELLING RATE.: • $2.50 per hundred of Insurance for years. Minimum premium $1.2.50. For further particulars, enquire with- out obligation - J. W. HABERER General Insurance Phone 16:1 Repeat Performance OF "THE MIKADO" By the The Huronic Male Chorus At the SOUTH HURON HIGH SCHOOL ;Sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the South Huron Hospital, Exeter, On Saturday, April 2nd. At 8.30 p.m. NO RESERVED SEATS IN MEMORIAM NEE;;—In loving lnemory of our dear parents Violet Jean who passed away 12 years ago? Feb. 25, 1943; William H., who passed away three years ago, March 29, 1952. You can only have two parents Patient kind and true. Q � � Regier. ' (For all the t , GRANTS r GSD PROVINCIAL We are in receipt of a communi- cation from our Provincial Represen- tative, Thomas Pryde that the foll- owing grants will affect the Zurich jdistrict, as follows. 0 Q Hay Township Q .1)1' Municipal Grant p PublicSchools 40PStanley Township Municipal Grant VW , Public School $1,980.75 1,224;00 1,462.50 1,360.00 TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs. Bertha iKlopp is having a ! trousseau tea at her home on Satur- ®' day, April 2nd, in. honor of her daughter Marjory, to *%v'ihieh neighbors] . relatives and friends are cordially invited. Tea will be served from 3 until: 5 in the afternoon and 7 until :) in the evening. e iirysctaie ore � a We have purchased Stock and Fixtures of Drys- dale Store from John Denomy and have added various lines of Drygoods, such as Prints, Broad- cloths, Flannelettes, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, Jeans, Gloves, etc. Also' a line of smallwares. We are remodeling the Store and intend to have Grocery Department arranged for semi self -serve in the near future. Mr. Denomy will continue in charge of Store. -Your Patronage Greatly Appreciated GASCHO BROS. - Phone 98 r 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • ORM • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE, Your Fuel INeeds Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your oraers early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, f' urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- , ware always in .stook. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH ONT, QUALITY — PRICE SERV1 P impossommeettrompowenosheee 1 it loving kindness They asked nothing' in return. If all the world desert us To our, parents we could turn To those who have parents Treasure them with care, For you never know their value Until you see their vacant chair. —Ever renembered by daughter Lyla Mae, son Earl William, Mother and Dad McAdams. Men , Women!- Old at 40, 50, 60! Want Pep? Want to Feel Years Younger? Thousands amazed what a little" ppepping up" with Ostrox has done. For body old after 40 just because ow in iron. Introductory or get -acquainted" ize only 600. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pep, vigor and younger feeling, this very day. ;At all drug stores. • w • 0 • • • • • e • 3 • • 0 e • 1 • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 Good News Jim's Machine Shop HENSALL ONT. Has been made Main Distributing Centre for ()TACO Farm Machinery Sales and Service of Farm Machinery for District. Sufficient Stock of Repair Parts on Times. We are as near as your Telephone: Shop Phone 9W.. Res. Phone 170W. 1 • this 0 • • 0 hand at all a • • • i 0 • • 1 J 1 NIS' Men's and Boys' Wear SPRING SUITS Now at a Premium - SALE On Top Grade Materials made to treasure, 2 pant suits $63.50, Single $49.00. Over 70 Satisfied Made to Measure Customers Last Year. Satisfaction as to material, Fit, and Price. Top Quality Imported Fabrics. Measurements taken every day. All Charcoal Shades on sample. Spring. Charcoal and Pink Tee. Shirts and Sport Shirts now in stock. Other Spring Items are arriving daily. Boys' Suits at a Special, SPECIAL, Price All Winter Jackets, Boys and Mens, reduced to CLEAR 1 AGENTS FOR MW TOWN CLEANERS — EXETER Dying, Hat Cleaning and Blocking, Special Invisible Mending Service, Laundry, and Dry Cleaning. Get your Draperies Cleaned now atad avoid the rush! Goes Monday Bacic Thursday Goes Tbursclay - Back Saturday. Coes Saturday - Back Monday. Pick Up 3 times weekly in the Afternoon. 4. 4 4 • a s a + 444 + 4 + 4. 4 4. • 4. + 4'4p I 4 4 PewswiswatimomegmarlopMelfIllial Thursday March. 31st, 105 • • • • 8 0 • SHR.C.A.IN Pig Booster Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning :and testa • at the SHUR-GAIN. Demonstrations Farm prove sothat 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding, • • time. A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig • Booster from 10 days to. 10, weeks of age will fit so • your pigs to make the best use of their feed and reach market sooner. • Start Every Litter ort Pig Booster • • MILT DEITZ & SON Zurich; Ont. -JAW ,1( Ill ,Illf IH lug IIII IuUIIII111Bl ON Mil !lllIIIIIIII 1111111 JIIIIIIlI jl illllaHf(( III (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMI IIII) III I 8! : AND being in an • sweat was as • ground. • AND they cried Away with: Wm..• ANDD they scourged Him. •• AND they mocked Him. • • AND they crucified Him.. 0 O AND when Jesus had cried witha. loud voice, He said "Father 8 into Thy hands I commend: my' Spirit". . And having said • • thus He gave up the, C.::ost.. Luke 24: 46 • • AND behold the veil of tl,p, temple, was rent in twain from the • top to the bottom.. 1 • • Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani 111U1eNA.. agony He. prayed' more: earnestly, and His great. drops of blood falling down to the Luke 22: 44. XJ Matt. 27:51 GOLDEN 1'.2 LE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, iZ. R. 1 — Zurich, Qntario HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilill IIIIIIIilllllllll IIIIJI111111IIIIII1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I1IIIIIfl ll1IIIIIIIII11If(IIIIIIIIIIIII1iiIiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1;11 Illlll111i ,,;_;. • • e • •. a • 0 • • • 8 • 0 8 • ' s 1 1 4 t 3 Ioorweave THE NEWEST THING IN FLOOR AND STAIR COVERING. Available in both 27" and 54 -in. widths Floorweave has a rich carpet -like finish, is easy to clean with soap and water. It is waterproof, fire- proof, grease, oil and acid resisting and will not crack, peel or break. ABOVE ALL - LOOK AT THE PRICE 27 -in. Width - Only $2.98 running Yard For as little as $25.00, you can have a complete Stairway Covered DROP IN AND SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW MATERIAL ALUMINUM DOOR GRILLES Decorate your front door with these beautiful Ornamental Grilles _. Available In a Wide Variety of Patterns Ask about the low price, complete with installation. Free Estimates - No Obligations T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 240 - Zurich. a (1ljfJlllllllllllll(allllflll'' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIaIIIIII loll i!I((fallllilllallllllllllillalllllll(IIIIIIiIIIIIIII,I1,1111I11if lllfllillllllllll)p111111aiif>i ✓fin .1. ,. WALL BOARD Easy to paint oz paper. Many grades and types in stock. Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched MAP% Flooring. Per 100 Square Pool $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down „ . 30 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space can :Tae es st4h and Economically Converted gotta; extra Bedrooms or an income pre. during Apartment. . Yoe can do moat of the work yourself. Bert; our collection of plans me4 ire. FREE - ESTIMATES See Us for all your Building Needs Fred C. Kalbfleischlt Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies