HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-03-31, Page 4• 'MAIM v`VIITARIO BOY PARALYZED Foi" Life, $77,213 Is Jury's Award St. Catharines, Nov, 11 - `One of the largest single awards =ale in a Lincoln County Court - Young McLean was injured May 27, 1953, when knocked off his motor- bike by a truck as lie was about to make a left turn - that there is now provision made in our High School courses for the sci- entific study of alcohol. In addition all teachers -in -training in Ontario's Colleges of Education .are 'given a short intensive course 'calculated to stimulate interest in and concern a- bout the alcohol problem amongst our youth. These are encouraging developments. --Advt. CIA recommends third -party coverage of $100,000 for bodily injury to one person, $200,000 for bodily iniury to two or more per- sons, and $.100,000 property damage. Bertram Klopp R.R. 2. Zurich. Phone 931.1, Zurich. Our Motto--Promot and fair Claim Service S'EE US FOR NEW RATES! The Voice of Temperance OUT OF HAND "Pep1e that the thing has got ,out of „hand socially, econoimc- ally and every other wear .. There lias been widespread awakening to the ravages of alcohol." Miss Bose - trier.. an expert temperance educat- ional worker for nearly 20 years, is quoted here. "We believe," she con- tinued, "that teachers should be pre- pared whenever the question of nar- eotics comes up, to inform the child intelligently." She told of one high school Graduate who declared that she had made her decision against drinking, and smoking as the result of temperance education given in most of her school subjects. Too few people in Ontario as yet realize AUCTION SALE ZURICH HERALD Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER 'Thursday, Friday, iSatordaY Mareh 31st, April 1-2 Broken Lance 'SPENCER TRACY JEAN PETERS ,Cinemascope A powerful and gripping Western in color and the marvelous medium of 'cineinascope. Of Real Estate, Tractors, Threshing Machines, Farm Implements, Mise. !ems and Household Effects; on the premises of Matt. Finkbeiner, Lot 17 Con. 7, St hen Twp. 2( miles north of Crediton. The undersigned Auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6th, Commencing at 0.1 o'clock p.m. sharp REAL ESTATE - Consists of 18";c3 acre a of land, more or less. 'Part of Lot 11, Con. 6, in the Village of Crediton all tillable! of 'good clay loam. Will be offered for sale at the same time and place. Term are 10 p.c. on day of Sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserved bid. - Tractors - John Deere B.R. tree - tor 'on rubber, in first class eondition; Hubert threshing tractor, 20x40. on steel. in good condition; Cockshutt 60 roe crop tractor in new condition. Threshing !Machines and Equipment -Goodison 36x50 all steel Separator equipped with bagger and cutter, in good condition.; Bidwell bean Mach, ine with Hart weigher and bagger, in good running order; Birdsell No. 5:1 Can be readily mounted in five minutes by one man. Iwo types of pumps available - pressures up to 250 lbs. and pressures up to 60 lbs. 'cake your choice of two booms 21 feet or 30 feet with double swing back action and row crop attachment. 9 Completely made in Canada 184-44 - by Sprarnotor Ltd., Landon, Ontario LEN SARARAS LOCAL, REPRESENTATIVE PHONE 77 r 11 ZURICH, ONT. 'Monday, Tuesday April 4-5 The Black Knight ALLAN .LADD PATRICIA MEDINA Set in the days of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, this is n terrific production. Wednesday, Thursday. April 6-7 Bengal Brigade ROICK HUDSON ARLENE DAHL Set in India with all its beautiful scenery enhanced by technicolor photography. Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday April 1-2 Adventures of Hajji Baba CINE1V1ASCOIPE TECHNICOLOR John Derek Elaine- Stewart Rosemarie Bowe Action and adventure right out 'of Arabian Nights .. Scenes of Dazz- ling splendor. .CMernascope Featurette "Fabulous Los Vegas" Tuesday, Wednesday April 5-6 Van Heflin Anne Bancroft Richard Boine The Raid Technicolor Thrill laden 'adventure as a handful of men attack and ,caPtuke a whole town. Seledted Short Subjects 4. 4- 4. 4. 1' 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. and perhaps the 'Worst in many years. We, in the immediate vicinity should be grateful ibe-yond ,expression of words for having escaped. Much injury or damage in its duration; a- part from being confined to home, little or no harm resulted from its passing this way. DASHWOOD Mr Simon Greb of Exeter, rex turned from Florida, 'where he had spent the winter, on Wednesday and visited with his daughter and husb- and, Mr and Mrs Urban Pfile. Mr and Mrs Elmer Rader enter- tained Mr and Mrs Wm. II.augh'and Shirley, Mr and and Mrs. Urban Pfile Mr and Mrs Ervin Rader and family, on Wednesday evening, on the occas- ion of their son Douglas' second birthday. Little Annetti Zimmer of .Zurich spent last week with her uncle and aunt. Mr and Mrs Harry Zimmer. Miss Marjorie ,Sararas of Zurich, spent Friday with Miss Donna Weber Miss Marian Saunders of Exeter, silent the week -end with Miss Connie Klumpp. Miss Anne Taylor tof London, spent the nveek-end .with her mother, Mrs. Letta Taylor. Celebrate Birthday. Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Rader to celebrate Ws. Radar's birthday. The evening was spent in p!aying progressive solo. Prizes were won Iby Mr and Mrs Fred Rader and eon - solation, Mr and Mrs Louis Restem- ayer. Lunch was served 'from a table centred with a birthday take. Mr slid MS ViVOT Kraft and Mr Enigh of Lordon, V.',,ere Wednesday ent including anvil, forge, blower, visitors with Mr and Mrs Louis Res - vice and tools, 28 -ft. extension lad- ternayer and Mr and Mrs. C. Fleet. tier, 50 -ft. 'garden hose, steel water Mr Wes. Filkins and Janice of trough, large wooden water trough, Howell. Mich., spent the week -end 6 40 -gal. gas barrels, fire .extinguis- with Mrs. Filkine who is looking af- her, hog weigh scales, colony house, ter her father, Mr. Wm. Nadiger. steel pig though, iron kettle, 90 -gal. Mrs. Martha Baker arrived hanie barr'el with taps. 250 -gal gas barrels from Florida last week, after spen- with taps, 30 -gallon barrel of high ding the winter 'months there, arriv- grade No. 80 oil block and tackle ing home in the midst of one of the with extra blocks, *Quantity of steam worst storms of the winter. She said cylinder oil. wheel barrow. fattening it seemed almost unbelievable that 'crates, double harness alio eollars, such a short time before she had en - quantity of lumber, odd belting, joyed warm sunshine. 'chains, forks, carpenter tools and Mrs. Mary Becker is a patient in many articles too numerous to men- South 'Hirron Hospital, Exeter, with tion. Also a quantity of Household pneumonia. effects. Miss Eunice Frederick of London, No Reserve - Everything will be sold. spent the week -end with Miss Anna Terms - Cash. Messner of London, who is vacation- ing at her home here. clover huller. in 'good working order; 130 -ft. 7 -inch drive belt. 120 -ft. 7- ireh drive belt. like new; 100 -ft. 6 - drive belt, like new; 100 -ft. "--lf-inch cable, with hooks. like new; 1- 5 -8 -inch cable with hlocks 2. 7.t,-.4 heavy ,chains with hooks; 2 extension straw blowers. Farni Toaplements - McDeering 13 -run !hrIc fertilizer drill: 12 -run disc grain +drill. Feoat Ra Wood 111.4un grain . drill. 2 flay drills. 2 horse drawn manure spreaders. •Coekshutt 10 -ft. land nacker• Bisset 28 -plate tractor disc. M -H. tractor disc, John Deere 7 -ft. power mower. Peter Ham- ilton spring tooth cultivator. 3-sec'n spring tooth ...cultivator.. 2 -section spring tooth harrows. 2 7 -ft. M -H. binders. 4 -section diamond harrows, 3 -section diamond harrows, M.H. bean puller, Intern. team scuffler, like new, one-horse stuffier, 2 walk- ing plows, McDeering, 10 -ft. dump rake like new, rubber tired wagon like new, 16 -ft. hay rack, 2 steel tire wagons, Swpower take -off grass seeder. 2 Cyclone grass seeders, 2. sets of new bob sleighs, one horse sleigh, cutter, light wagon, power driven corn cutter, hay fork, Intern. 1.-A cutting box, with 40..ft. of pipes, like new, Smalley' iblower new. 2 -wheel trailer. Misc. Items - Blacksmih equIpm 1 1 for A Malting Barley Contract Write See Geo, T. Mid& & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONTARIO Phone 103 We DON'T WAIT Limited Amount of Seed Available also supply Fertilizer with Contracts PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW • • • 00 • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER! RADER & MITTLEHOLTZ Phone 63 -- :Zurich kaiweervese,e00,0,0010,..0,roommermouoteseistonies0 Harry Trick, Proprietor. Garnet Hicks, Clerk, Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area During the past Week -end l‘Ir and Farm Forum The Forty Hour Week in Agric. The members of' the Parr Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr and Mrs. Gordon Love. A lively disc, Mrs. Pete Geoffroi and daughter ussion was held on the topic of the and Mrs, Sarah Geoffrei Vf thia forty hour week. This Forum feels that the fory t Charline, Mr and iMrs Ed. Corriveau Water Highway -motored to Detroit. hourwe'e-7;'-'111'd MA N7'..9rilout They inform us that the going was all that could be expected, it was pleasant to travel, and so were their visit with relatives and friends. Rat the coming hack on Sunday they say was 'very disappointing. They travel- ed through snow drifts and for the last sixty miles of the home stretch, they were hitting approximately 20 miles an hour. They arrived safely on late Sunday night argil none of the worse for their experience. To -Day's Chuckle He gazed proudlY at the engage- ment ring he had placed on her fing- er only three days before. "Did your girl friends an -ire it?" he ask- ed tenderly. "That did more than that," she replied. "Two of ! them recognized it." Our Rural Life SFC/3111 or stinshire this Pane Water Aven. is a bust- centre to the house wives, much of 41-v.to 411,11re time is tIlltP,1 up ill bees. and on Tuesday last the reiolomering en ,net at tha bowie of Mrs, DOnlin- 'start on Daylight Saving Time, -but ique Geoffroi, St. Joseph, to give it doesn't matter after all he can The Storm and weather permits. her a hand out. work as late in the evening as light The slIptin ot last week is one that Now if the Federation were to 'will be remembered and go down in sign a petition in favor. of the New history, regardless of the weather Farm Service' how redicilous this predictors, the weather the past Weelt' would be. We think that local vfll- 1ved its roll. it was indeed a sur- age eotuleilS f not agreeing with the Drive to the most learned weather FetIoratioris '"P"41, prophet, to that roes to 'allow '11a that some consider - we (two livinta in an mirost -enold.With fle nnis fn i.ii1.hut, wurnv nrofint‘ hand in it. 'Phe atnala wesk was one of the worst of the winter on the farm. In the first place farm commodity prices would not permit a shorted work week. . Secondly. how could a farmer arrange hours of lab- our in this manner, If is possible in Great Britain where farm products are subsidised to supply a 'home ket. We don't think it is lower. es that is causing a shorts of farm labour. In many instarces such as a SE'E married couple is 'Oven free house, with free fuel, milk, etc. We might sum up by Raying that the same rule Thursday IlareJh 31st, 1955 Business Offer Television and Sporting Goods Store and Business, Repair Shop with large living quarters. Also two large apartments Above, (are rented. A beautiful situation and building. Everything new. Will consider part mortgage... This is a good money making Business. Reason for selling, lfirge family who would like to try the farm. ROLLIE GRENIER - Grand Bend, Ont. We Solicit Your CONT RACT FOR GROWING BARLEY CORN OATS SOYABEANS New Modern Elevator with fast unloading facilities will eliminate waiting for unloading. New type hydraulic hoist will eliminate labor of dumping trucks and semi -trailers. Automatic Scales will remove human error in weighing. Truck loads of corn can be shelled in only a few minutes and facilities for drying are available. Everything to aid the farmer ies being installed in our grain Elevator at Exeter. Seed and Fertilizer Supplied on Contract RG. SEED OATS $1.75 REG. SEED BARLEY $2.50 COM. SEED OATS $1.50 COM. SEED BARLEY $2.00 Have you ordered your Grass Seeds Yet? Don't fail to get OUR Prices on Timothy - Red Clover - Alfalfa applies to. 'agriculture as many other industries, , shorter hours of hired labour, higher producer costs for the product. This is true in one respect, that farm labour costs cannot be ;passed on to the consumer. But has anyone taken time to consider the inconvenience Daylight Saving Time „has caused in rural areas. In the first place a farmer's work starts with the sun and ends thereby. He has had *to put up with this change of time in spite of nil its drawl,neks. His harvesting rennet ....1161660•• 1,9•16,606666,06,6666 Gro Gold Fertilizer at Economy Prices Let us quote you prices on any analysis delivered to your Farm SAVE $ $ SAVE $ $ SAVE $ $ Cann's Mill Ltd. PH. 735 EXETER - - ONT, P.H. 736 4. 4- 4.4, 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 4. + 1 • AND HEAR "CANADA'S BEST TALENT DAILY AS THEY At%, PEAR ON TV ANI) RADIO i•••••••••••••. and gents' first were won by Mr and UNIQUE FARM FORUM Mrs Charles Robinson respectively.' The ladies served lunch. The next The last meeting for this season. meeting is to be held at the home of1 wn held at the home of Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Glenn Weido. I C. Pepper with 30 members present, I Mr. Tom Meyers led the discussion, Daylight Saving Tune Iwith Mr, Albert Kalbileisch as guest During the past week the news of , The Safety problems .are excessive this locality proved to be somewhat, speed and not obeying "stop" signal., disturbing for this Fol'um.' Our first carelessness and lack of courtesn observation in the Press, was the on- also cause accidents. Laws should be. nouncement of Daylight Saving Time enforced,. especially the speed taws. being adopted by the Hensall Coon The animal :meeting with D. Geiger cil, despite last year's campaign by as ,chationan resulted as follows: Seca, the Huron Federation of Agric. We rotary, 'Mr. Herb Klopp; Mr and Mrs.. think it might be appropriately called *CI Oestrailher and 4V18. and Ma's Herb "Daylight Confusing Time," am we Xliopp were appointed to open Pane have it to hear of any advantage by' Formin November. 'Recreation com its use other than -to 'confuse. Now mittee are Orville Schilbe, Mrs. Del" along coils another disruption in our bert Geiger, C. Oestreieher and 'Mrs. timetable. .'4rhe change in train sera- C. Made. Picnic' Committee -ltra. Toe from London to Clinton. We also Rid Mrs, C. Pepper, Mr and 'Mrs. ten read in our local weenies about all Werner, air and Mrs S. McClinthey, tahtli°1driveregbilvl 1):lisge'evieitliintol:;11.ar\asYcililgth°t1 the inconvenience this will .cause in Press Reporter, Mrs. C. Pepper; Mrs. Sal,A11p' Tilfle during the School term business in general. Now to all this O. ,Oestreitker, .Assti A deliciou* Vollowinv this diRcassion number we quite agree. lunch was served after which Blest of games were played. 14dies first, Thursday, March 31st, 1955 # Be The Tie that Bind" wos sting. 1,0