HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-03-31, Page 11 • ZU 1 Astabibislidd P11 ERAL ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31 1 955 CHURCH DIR.ECTORY EMMANUEL KVANGELICAL U13. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister ' Mrs. Milton °emelt - Organist flUNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7.30 -e -,Evening Worship Welcome at all Services — "Comer George Hardman 'Ohara with us and we will do thee le good.". Num. 10:29. 111 El- Skilled Technician ei ST. PETER'S Eiangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO — -40 a.m.—Divine Sex -vices. -11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. Pastor will will be supplied by the Lutheran Seminary at Waterloo, Ontario /Everybody Welcome to all Services Zurich Mennonite Church Paster-- Albert Martin atINDAY SERVICES: 12:00a.rn. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting 'WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship ' YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US1 -You'll Enjoy Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" 'Oospel Preaching — Inspirational Singing. ''%ndays—CHEIVEL-90-0 k.e. -7:30 a.m. —WRVA - 0140 k.e.- 10.30 p.m. 'The Living Christ for a Dying World." Are You Suffering From Headaches? :31f so have your Eye s Examined wi 'qfshe Latest Methods and equipment a. A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST 8: OPTICIAN GODERICH ONT. It E 3 11 = Id • iln iii Single Copies 6 cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Tear Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.5.6, I I 41 JIM, son of Frank Siebert, form- RADIO SPOTS erlY-of Zurich, has signed a Detroit Bridal Bell Essay Contest 'Tiger contract and is now in sprin.g I traieing at Lakeland Florida. If there are Wedding Bells Lhe your IJim haSbeen assigned to the Jamestown future, just listen to this! Hess the 'o di Jeweller is offering you a ichance to cluh in the Pony League as his first a step in climbing the ladder to a pos_ win Free Bridal Bali Diamond ithen on the parent Tiger Club of Ring and a seven day "Honeymoon Detroit. Best wishes to you Jim, at the Waldorf-Astotia, Hotel in New in jyour 'chosen career of baseball. ill I Have Moved to Goderich III Mr and Mas Arnold J. Stinnesen and a seven day Honeymoon, in New il and' three sons have moved their ii • York 'City, with. plane fare, hotel, ll effe,cts to Goderich where Mr. Stm- el raeals, shows, night clubs, sightseeing nesen has taken the .position of dare - tips and incidentals all etaid for. The !ill talked of Maitland Memorial grounds. HI , s We will miss them .r.t in Zurich, and '''"anm ild Ring iHess the Jeweller, prize is the big Bridal Bell Diaraond fif wish them every steccess in the i 'dt County Town. While they were un- Ring Essay Contest and you on't h ablto get around and bid us all have to buy a thing to be eligible to A fare -well they wish to extend that win it. Just come in to Hess the Jew - e ,. eler and get you e entry form. Then pare of leaving, and ,also thank the Zurich friends who were so veey write your Essay (100 words or less) on 'Why I Want my Engagement kind to them. Ring to be a Bridal Bell Diamond, and you may be the lucky winner of a beautiful Bridal Bell Diamond Ring, the Grand Prize Honeymoon Trip or both. Remember the place to get your entry form is Contest closes April 30th. In Tigertown. e'•'$,e. • NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTMENTS NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. AT THE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich, Ontario - Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, r APRIL 4th. 10 A. M. — 8 P. M. NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION "MIRACLE "IMPROVED HIS ENTIRE HEALTH ,• READ . . 312 Ingersoll Ave., Woodstook, Ont. Miracle Foot Aid, Dear Sirs: I am. taking this opportunity of thanking you for what you and Miracle Foot Aids have -done for me; hoping others will see this and benefit by it too. I am a man 26 years of age andfor the past three years have been sickly at all times, gradually getting worse and losing weight. I tiiied many different forams of treatment, but it did no good. A friend suggested it might by ..my feet that caused my trouble,' which 1 did not believe, but now I do. I came to you, and was fitted with Miracle Foot Aids. The second week after starting with you, I began to have relief. Within six months I gained 20 pounds. No aches, no pains and no sickness of any sort Not only is it helping me, but I certainly believe that I will be cured in time, so that I will not need any supports, thanks to you. Yours truly, (Signed) STANLEY SEVIELTZER STOP York !City" with all expenses paid! That's rigtht..yate can. win a Bridal Bell Diamond Ring, retail value $100. A LOVELY TREAT Your publisher is very grateful to Mr, George Deichert who remember- ed him with a nice treat of Florida ill Grapefruit, iwhich he had the plea- sure of bringalong from that sunny eiland of beauty. The quality of the fruit is just to our liking, nicely le ripened on the trees, and we think it Must be a real treat to Wander ill l,in 1.1 • e nice orchards and just help - yourself. These grapefruits will of i,coune adorn the breakfast table and we !shall be thinking of your, George, 11111 AND THINK! andethank you very much. If you have foot ills; if your walking, working, or standing is il'a 1 Was a Real Treat not as you would Hire it, due- to foot trouble, see 'George Hardmen In R v Leonard Schnell, of Saskatoon, „Le . next Monday. He will discuss your twouble with you; and show Fh• :. 1 e ou how Miracle Foot Aid can be just the answer to your foot iii Sas .eand who is general district 4 problea-n. Many people from Zurich and district have been helped. !ii sehetary of the British and Foreign ee ell Bible Society spent the week -end at 14 Drop in for names. and addresses. — Talk to them; find out leove tilt happ,y they are, with ...Miracle Foot Aid. . .. . , .. ca the\home of his uncle and: oune,Ar. TR ' S•lif• • .10...! 333 lie e.n.de\Mrs. Adolph Kalibfleisch in town. i • • :Miracle Foot Aid.lifts gently, holds properly, encl. ncreases t' MrSchnel 1 • wreal a teat tohave eirculaticm .dueisto dropping of thefoot arch. , out how miratee in tir midt, , very fluent eneaker, .can helpYOU! ' • and. also had some very interesting iImsnhieh he showed in the Luther- iparchunday evening and in the a„. Clinics as well in London, Listowel, Guelph, Kitchener, an cS B a tford Oshawa St. Catharines and Peterborot grood Glasses at Reakenahle Prices miesere. *********••••••••••• 4 HOFFIVIANS ..els-"--1$ ; ''.C.•*,4.4)40.0104:,..41)0+40.00.410.4:40*** : .3 Arrange Funeral Service P'IT,E a Inc. -; To Or From * 4, 3 Out -Of -Town -Pon -its MEMBER 43 4, 1 Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- 0 • ' °* e‘da the United State., or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as * -et members of local and national funeral director's associations, can * 4 handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet efa- ; .: ieney of Hoffman's service. 0 eises. 0 T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Funeral and Ambulance Service 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W t HIE Superior n Store Shop at Our Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL 13E PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! FROZEN FOO -OS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE -- FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH - COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE CVUR GROCERY SPECIALS ! Visit our Large Grocery Department and take advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from time to time. WeekIg Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU Phone 140 C H THIEL - Zurich DANeE Will be held in the Community Centrea Zurich On MONDAY, APRIL llth. Music by _the SYNCOPATORS Special Prize for Spot Dance. Admission 50 cents. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs Bertram Rilopp of Zurich announce the engagement of their daughter IVIarjory Anna, to Mr. Jeffrey Gordon Haywood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Haywood, Gisborne, New Zealand. The marriage will be solemnized in -St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on April 9th. E./angelical .church Monday tree. At , both of these gatherings there was a good attendance considering the con- dition of the weather. We wish Rev. Schnell continued success in his vast •country he has to cover in his work. NEW OPENING AT EXETER Sorry, we received the change of the T and T. Flooring adv. too late for this week's issue, so we are tak- ing the privilege to tell you about the opening of their new store and show room at Exeter, this Saturday April i2ind. All friends and Custom- ers visiting at the new store at Exe- ter on Saturday are eligible foe three free draws, a fibre rug, congoleum rug, and a gallon of paint. However for the convenience of any custo- mers in the Zurich district Herb is maintaining a show room at their new location, the former Illsley residence at the south end of town. . Entertained at Hensall The members of the Evangelical U.B. church. Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. Thank You! were entertained along with other Mr. George Deichert wishes -to : societies of different denominations in greatly thank his many friends who 'the United Church ,basement, at Hen - so thottghtfully and kindly rememe-i sall, which was beautifully decorated end him with get -well cards and with spring flowers. -Mrs. Rogers pre - in. ither ways showed their kindness. I siding for the .program which con - Again, I say Thank Y.ou! ' sisted of duets in song, piano ' solos, (vocal solos and readings, along with Card of Thanks ;the special speaker, Mrs. Peck, who I wish to thank my many friendssgo,faisar.syerSvVeOdrkb.y Athedeulilei-- lu'ontsi'm who so thoughtfully remembered me iuoksenchMena with flowers, -cards, treats and visits, ited Church ladies, along with while I was a patient at Victoria Hos- splendid social time with nearly 200 i guests present. A vote of thanks was I Pital, London and General Hospital, Toronto. ---,Gordon Hess. . tendered by every society' to the hos- e_._.-------- I tess' of United Oiganization for their * kind hospitality. ,(°®� Cotncert Mr. and Mrs. Christian Gascho of Sixtyth Anniversary THURSDAY, APRIL 7th Zurich, who were married 60 years One of the important purposes of ago on Sunday, March 27th would our schools is to encourage the de -have celebrated on that day, but on velopment of the natural talents and :account of weather and road condit- i abilities of the 'pupils. A school .cono ions held the occasion :on •Monday by cert helps to shew 'parents and others ;having their four childrer, 3 grand - regard. Su ch a concert is being' children and 'three great grandchii- presented by Zurich Public School on dren and their pastor and wife, Mr. and -Mrs. Albert !Martin end son to Thursday eve. April 7th enjoy together a fowl dinner and all delicies, at their home. Being with At 8.15 'p.m. in the their family consisting of: Ms's. Seth Community Centre, Zurich Araenns (Rachel; Amos Gase)io, Besides Musical and Novelty numb- Clarence Gascho, and Laura at home, en, two plays are being presented: all residing in the community. Mr. One of these, written 'especially for and Mrs. .Gee.cito are both 81 years of \ the concert, is an -up-to-date adopt- 1 age and in faiely good health and ation of .8, story in the Grade 7 received •many icongratulations, gifts, Reader. ceeds. With the best wishes, that PLAN NOW TO ATTEND! illeY May enjoy many more such . Admiseion — Adults $.5e. . High choppy oceasions together, are 'Ott t „ School Pupils ve, !Prayers Of their ninny friends, A. G HESS THEJEWELLER ardmamosseusawamicarnmegagammfta.....MISMIIMMXIMINOMMUNAMMIMMMEE ******.easamese******esessmiThempaitasossessfriOIMMIO RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS. On a New Modern Loom, Made tt Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuritk Out. Phone 128. INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOE NE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE . - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 -- liDENSALL, ON a i(.4ottaitt 4 .410$44 tint" Licensed Embalmer and Emend Directot 0 a a. Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL' OCCASIONS Day and Night Service ITelephone: Res. 89 1 1 'or i22 Zurich 4,40*****ed)100400•20636.4i064 50* soseeipeoesesompeseee..... zuments Grocery Store 4 4 We are ever at your service with the best Imes a obtainable of • FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Ve_getables, Fruits in Season as wed as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US 'A CALL 1 Menno Oeseh PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 36 Zurich .1104114141105te Cold W-ather Needs Men's Felt Shoes and Rubber Overshoes Wariner Underwear for Winter Comfort, as well as health protector. See Our Many Lines in Stock. ..GIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE . VERY BEST IN LAYING MASH AND PELLETS We can help your I -lens Produce more Good Supply of Fresh Groceries slwayis•on Handl THE BUIiJ STORE Schwartzentruher. Prop. Phone 11-.07 .0.0*****orregammar.9=csatookskamagrstat .11 • e