HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-03-10, Page 41-',I.livtlr4.4 feWf laR10
• ........
For 'Life, $77,2.13 •
Is Jury's Award
St, Catharines, Nov, 11—
One of the largest single awards
made in a Lincoln County Court —
Young McLean was injured May 27,
1953, when knocked :off his motor-
bike by a truck as he was about to
make a left turn—
CIA recommends
v , .
'Library Monday afternoon and there Irke new; 2,000-1b. laddercap. fp adorn"
Is a fine selection on hand. Come in scales, extension , bag truck,
and look them over. walking plow, single scuffler; torn
Mr And Mrs IVIelton Weber and shell.r, emery, Set of bob sleighs;
girls of Ingersoll spent Sunday with rubber tire buggy, quantity of belt -
lir and 1YIrs, Philip Fassold.
Those who Attended the funeral of
the late Egmond Bruer in .New Ham-.
burg last Wednesday vvere: Mrs. Jake
Schroeder, Mr and Mrs Bill Schroed-
"er, Mra. Tillie Restemayer„ Mr.
and Mrs Edgar Restemayer, Mr and
.The basalts were 'ohanged d.riven 650elbacape cream serrator,
third -party coverage 'a $100,000 for1Mrs. Albert Miller, Mr and Mrs.
bodilv injury to one ;person, $200,000 Reinhold Miller, 'Mrs. Gertrude Hies -
for ibodily injury to twe or more per-
sons, and $100,000 ,Eoperty damage.
Bertram Klopp
E.R. 3', Zurich. iPhone 93r1, Zurich,
'Our Motto—ProMpt and fair Claim
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Tractor, Threshini.Machine, Farm
The atertta .Sunday School meet- Implements, Hay, 'Grain., livestock,
ing of Zion Lutheran church was held and Household .Effects. On the prem -
Thursday !evening March 3, to ar- ises, half of Lots 13 and 14, Con. 14,
range program for the corning year ;Hey Twp. 114 'miles west of Dash -
and prorhotions. A special promotion 'wood and 3 miles north; or 2 miles
Sundee7i.is to be arranged ror Easter west of Zurich and 2 miles south. The
Sunday with parents in attendance. undersigned Auctioneer received in -
An invitation is to be sent O6 .each structions to sell by public Auction on
beginner. The following officers
were akected: !Supt., Reinhold Miller; TUESDAY, MARCH 22:nd.
Sects., Mrs. Ervin Rader; treasure',
Louis Restemayer; pianist, Mrs. Ed-
gar Restemayer; birthday and child's
companion secy., tIVIrsz Radalph
enthal, Mrs. Susie Snider, Miss Selma
Eifert of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs.
Huber Schroeader. Pall bearers
were his four sons, .son -in law- and
a nephew.
Thursday, 1Vlarch 10th, 1955
Pure bred Yorkshire female pigs,
2 anonthCM
s old fop salb. " be re-
gistered.—Gerald .Snider phone 98
'7, Zurich. 2,c*
in; 200 -gal. gas drum,. large iron
kettle, press drill, root pulper, balf- 1FOR SALE
barrel molases. 35 onion :crates, Cy- I A Massey -Harris Binder, .6 -ft. cut
clone seeder, new; carpenter tools;
quantity of mixed cord wood; harness
pails, forks, and anany articles too
numerous. to mention.
Houseihold Effects — fHeintzman
piano and bench in brand new con-
dition; 3-pieceohesterfield suite in
good condition; 2 .congoleurn rugs,
9x12 -ft, and 9x9 -ft; Brunswick pho-
nograph with 80 records; teureau, kit-
shen chairs, ibaby buggy, copper boil-
er, crocks, sealers, :Etc., Etc.
.NO,RESERVE, as the farm is sold.
This is a large sale, everything is in
first class condition and will start
sharp on time.
Terms — 'Cash
Walter Miller, Proprietor.
R. F. Stade, Harold Stade, Clerks.
Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer.
has three new canvass, in working
,eondition. —Franklin Corriveau, Ph.
r 3, Zurich. 2t*
Evilness Men Entertain Wivta.
The Men's Club of Dashwood
ladies' night Friday evening March 4.
They motored to Crediton 'where -all
sat down to a bounteous djuver serv-
ed by the Crediton 'Wonrens' InStitiite
n the Community 'Centre. ,Chib pre-
sident Wm. Haugh -welcomed every-
one and Alvin. Water led :in -a sing
song. On behalf of the Club Mervyn
Tiernan thanked the IrrstItute for
their efforts.
All motored to Exeter anti enjoyed
bovtding. On 'behalf the IaiRes, Mrs.
Mervyn Tieman thanked the men for
the lovely eve-ning.
Mrs.Reinhold TI1i11r spent the past
week with hea.- daughter and family,
At 1430 ip:m. sharp the following:
.Horses—Tearn of good work horses
Pure bred •Ayrshires — Reg. Ayr-
shire bull,. "16 months old, "Craigin-
brae Diek" from the noted herd of
Archie Armor, Dorchester Station; 7
Ayrshire `Heifers, carrying first calf,
some fresh, remainder due at time of
Sale. • This is an exceptional good
herd of -Heifers from high production
herds,:rich in blood lines and pedigree
Grade Cattle — Holstein cow, 7
yrs. milking with. calf at foot;
part 'Holstein and Hereford •COW, mil-
king; 'Angus cow, 8 yis. old, milking;
part Angus and Durham cow, milking
Angus cow, 6 yrs old due at sale
date; two part Hereford ,and. Hol-
stein heifers, bred Feb. 4th; Two.
yearling steers.
Hogs — 2 York Sows due at tim.e-
f tale;"York sow, bred Feb. Stly; .9.
York stockers averaging 135 -lbs. 'each.;
Mr and Mrs Collin Hinleyeof •Landon. •6 York stockers averaging 100 -lbs.
Congratulatio-ns to Mr and "Mrs.'` each; 6 . York stockers, averaging 85-
Hinley on the arrival of a son, Feb. lbs. each. ..
20. A first -grand:son -for Mr. and - Hay and Grain — 200 hales of
Mrs. Reinhold Miller. . choice timothy and alfalfa hay; quan-.
Miss Barbara -B.ecker of 'Kitchener. tity of loose hay, mostliy clover; 450
'spent the week -end eVithher parents, bushels of mixed grain•'400 bushels
of Beaver seed oats; 25 -bushels of
650 lbs. each; 3 yearling heifers
(vaceintate,d) ;12 Ayrshire iheifer talv-
es, born Oct. and Nov„ 4 calves.
Pigs — 14 York chunks, 1 York
sow, due March 5th; .
Implements — Allis Chalmers C.A.
tractor, fully equipped (like new) ;
Allis Chalmers No. 60 Harvester
(crop .coldbthe (1. yr. old) ; 2 furrow
Fleury tractor plow; 3 section Fle-
ury drag harrow; new Ideal Manure
reader on rubber (like new); In -1
ternational side make (like new) ; ,M-1
H, drop head hay loader; 9 -ft. 3
!drum land roller; 2 rubber tired wag-
ons with grain boxes; grain thrower
with pipes; International 15 disc
fertilizer power drill, 1 set sleighs;
10 -in. grinder, horse scuffier, walking
M -H. binder; M -H. mower. eul-
tivator, pea harvester, 2 iron kettles
'withstands, 5 milk cans, trailer with
stock rack, 2000 -Ib. scales, sap pan
and buckets, 2 electric fencers, hay
fork, sling ropes, colony stove., 32-
ft. extension ladder, fanning mill,
wheelbarrow, quantity of lilanks, el-
ectric pail, 2 single units Universal
.Co -Op. milking' machine, electric
'cream separator; hand sprayer, bag
truck; tarp 14x16 (lite n ;
new)) :Kock
and tackle; quantity of oats; 50 -bush
barley, mixed . grain; quantity cut
hayagorks, shovels, chains,. etc.
geinsehold Effects — Electric iron,
dithet, few kitchen utensils, aaalers,'
blankets, extension table, nic-nac
shelves, other articles too numerous
oto mention..
Extensive Auction Sale
Of Valuable Real Estate, LiVestodk,
Auto, Tractor, Farm Implernents,
Hay, Grain and Household Effects.
On the Premises, Lot 19, Con., 10,
Hay Twp. First farm south of%ur-
ich. The undersigned Auctioneer received. instructions to sell by Public
Auction on -
Commencing at 12 o'clock p.m. sharp
Real Estate Consists of Lot 19,
Con. 10, Ha Y Twp.. -50 acres •of
.goacl clay loam on which is situated
a well built 2 -storey brick dwelling,
newly built hip roof'lb.arn 58x42;. new
double garage, large implement shed,
nemb. poultry and pig stable. Farm
le well drained and fenced. Also in
enod state of cultivation.. Never fad-
,; water supply. ,Coraince yourself
bv seeing this ideal farm before day
of Sale Terms — 10% o, f
sale, balance in 30 days. Soldisubjett.'.
Terms —
to a reasonable reserved bid. Carl McClinchey, Proprietor. E.
Horses—Team of good work hors- E. Chesney, Clerk.'
es, sound and reliable..Harold Jackson, Au.ctioneer.
• - .
'Cattle — Roan ''Gow, carnyin.g sec -
and calf, due in April; 'roan cow due
n April; roan cow,- carrying fourthcalf, Milking and -due in allay; roan
cow, carrying third calf, milking, due
in May; red cow; milking with calf
at 'foot, red cow carrying '5th -calf,due
in April; 2. baby beefs averaging -
750:lbs each, ready for market; 2
yearling heifers, 5 steers rising 2 yrs
'Old. These are 'ail top quality Short
horn 'Cattle.
Hogs — 3 'Valk Pigs, ready for
market; 6 York 'Chunks.
Auto and Tractor — 1936 Chev.
Coach, recently overhadled in A-1
condition-; 'John Deere A. R. Tractor
in good zonilition, like new.
Farm Implements — jOhn Deere
binder, 6.1t..ent,like-new-i-McD. 8%-
'ft spring -tooth ,ciiltivetor, 'like new;
McMi). 11 -run fertilizer drill, like new;
.11/16D.'84urroav trattor-Plow; like new;
MeD.1114-plate. horse drawn disc; Mg).
'dump rake; 'Deering mower;
-mit; -new power take off mower
'7 -ft. cut; 'Quebec .atilky 'Plow; 2-drurn
'roller, 4 -sec. diamond 'harrows ; 3-se(.1
diam:ond'harrows; :Morse ,cultivat31',
set bob Sleighs 'like new; 24heel
trailer and stock rack; 1:harse seuf-e
eler, 2 Steel tire wagons,•new 16 -ft.
reek, .;grain box, Clinton fanning
mill and"bagger, 'like new.; grain grin
er ;ilea* 60-ft.•drive belt; new
140-ft.-7:ineh thresher 'belt, 2,000-
Ib. • cap. platform seal es; colony i
house 8x10 -ft; pig -box, circular saw, ;
rcill.woven -walking plow, cutter, ;
buggy, wooded water troi.: -4; large ,
assortment of new 'lumber; ruantity;
cedar posts, -root ,p.tilper, Wheelbar-
row;-set.britehen harness, halm 'knife, i
101/2 -ft. 'iron gate, small ga'
te exten-
slOn complete set of dies ••
to 1% 'inch In Size, genuine quality;
turning lathe, new 12. 'rifle; •new
gauge deaehle barrel shotgun; 2 cress
cat saws; 3 Togging chains, smallchains,
cheins, block and tackle, post hate
digger, 2 'horse 'blankets, 'hay fork, .
step ladder, fire extinguleher; forget;
anvil, quantity of cord wood, Chicken '
shelters., press drill, large .assortment
of valuable carpenter tools; hydraulic
jack, lawn viewer, shovels, forks, !
barrels, Collie pup, and many artic-
les too numerous to mention.
Hay and Grain — Quantity of mix-
ed hay; 700 bushels .mixed grain, 10
hush. red clover seed; 2 bush. Alf-
alfa seed 1 V2 bush. timothy seed.
This is all choice grain and seed.
Household Effects Dining roorn!
extension table,. 6 chairs, Singer sew-
machine, Kitchen table, 6 ,thairs71
Studio couch, 2 leather rockers, 31
oak rockers, antique rockers, centre
tables, large and "Small mirrors ;lamps,
4 complete bedroom sets, mats, 'rugs, !•
comforters, bedding, assortment of
fancy dishes; Glassware, kitchen ut-
ensls, sealers, crocks, 2 kitchen stomas
coal heater, 3 oak barvels etc., etc. 1
Tersm — ,Cash.
Due to this -large sale, selling will
start at 12 o'clock sharp.' Everything
is in. first clase condition. Plan to
attend — Booth on grounds.
Earl Love,Harold Reichert, Ernest
Powell, Executors. for the Estate!
of the lets David John Fuss,
Bell & Laughton, Exeter, •Solicitors.
Stade .& Weld*, :Clerks.
Alvin iWaiper, Auctioneer.
Clearing Auction Sale
No Reserve - Farm Sold
iMe? and Mrs V. L. Beclmr.
Miss Anne Taylor of London spent 'feed beans; 3 bushels of alfalfa seed.
the week -end with. Mrs. Letta 'Taylor Tractor and Threshing •Machine —
Eugene, son of Mr and Mrs. Ross
'John Deere A. R. Tractor in A4. eon -
'Guenther, had the -Mdition; Dion 22x38 threshing madhine
fracture Iiie collar 'forme While being on steel, fully equipped, in A-1. con -
tackled during a football garne at,:dition; 120 -ft. 7 -inch threshing 'belt.
Dashwool public sehool. IImplements — Inter. binder, .7 -ft.
tut, nearly new; Inter. double disc;
Had Birthda-y 'P -arty 1 8 -run fertilizer drill; Inter. 3.4urr-
Miss Anne Koehler entertained -a OW plow; Fleury 2 -furrow plow; 'M -H.
number of girl 'frietfds . at her birth- spring tooth cultivator; 2-druni steel
day party, Friday 'March '4th. Games roller; Cockshutt horse drawn roan -
were enjoyed., Cared Becker- worehigh 'ure spreader; 2 rubber tire wagons,
prize in airplanes 'bunco and jean 16 -ft. fiat rack; 11 sec. ,diarnonti har-
rows; Hay rake, rao-wer 5 -ft. cut
horse &awn ,cultivator; IM -H. bean
stuffier and pulley; Oliver puller; 2.4-
Develops the foundation for
heavy milk production in
the future.
Feed this palatable uniform
concentrate with your
more profitable
k uction.
Let us tell you
about the efficient
Master Dairy Feeding;
W. G. Thompson
Hensall, Ont. Phone 32
Guenther consdlation plaza.
The annual 13aseloall -meeting
be held Friday evening, March 11; in
the Mens Club rooms, All persons plate disc;.Vessot gram grinder; 75 -
interested in baselnillareateketl'torat- ff. harnmermill belt; ,cutting biox fan
tend. laing mill, oat roller; DeLeval -efeetric
There's a Pioneer in your past.
There's a Pioneer in your future!
Phone 63 — ZufiCla
Phone Write See
Geo. T. Mickle .& Sons Ltd.
Phone 103
: ▪ Of Farm.' Stock and Implements at
Lot 20, Con. 3, L.R.S., 14 miles
north and 1 1-4 east of Kippen, on !
At 12,30 pan.
Malting arley Contract Registered Hereford bull
is 2 yra. old; blue roan cow, 6 yrs. old,
• due end of IVIareh; Holstein cow, 4-
• yrs old due middle of April; Meek
cdw, 7 yrs, old, dun at time of sale;I
• spotted cow 8 yrs. old, freshened;
O 2 registered Ayrshire cows (vaccin-1
O • ated) 3 yrs. old fresh; 1 Reg. Ayr-.
6 shire cow (vaccinated) 2 yrs. old,l
2 bred Feb. 7-th; 2 Reg. Ayrshire cowe'
5 (vaccinated) 2 yrs. old bred Feb. 0;,
O Reg. Ayrshire cow (vaccinated) 1 1e
* we' old due in April; Reg. Ayrshire!
# team eo e ated ) 1 1 -2 yrs' old ; 2
viii:' ttee3 2 baby beef ahoei,
for A
Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association
Here is proof that the use of ,ourbulls will insure inheritance of better -than average type and Production
on the average. Following are official figures on the performance of datighters.of Holstein sires in service in
our Unit now. All are available regularly with the exception of Elmcroft Duke whose usefulness seems nearly
Daughters Actual Average
As Compared with No. Grad'd Des
Breed Avg of 100% %G.P. or better
Milk Fat Breed Average is 47%
Elmcroft ,Celebrity 14-2 yr ree.avgai0,647-382-3,68- 7 in 305 dys,all 2X 10)7% 101%
Elmcroft Monogram Duke 125-2yr ra10991-406-3.69-(3)1 in 305 dys all 2X 106 101
minuet Tradition 01-2 yr rec avg 10134,381-3.76-16 in 305 dys all 2X 105 108
Gleausfter Benefactor 28-2 yr rec.avg 11377-456.14,01-11 hi 305 ,dys 2'7-2X 107• 117
'Gle.nalton Milestone 71-2 yr rec.av,g 10982-429-3.914-40 in 305 days,all 2X 108 1114
Glenafton Trademark 15-2 yr re,c.avg 9854488-3.93-12 in 35 days, all 2X 1021 108
' 39
56 %
These Bulls are all desirably proven. The following Holstein burls are also In service ibult are not old
The 'enough to be proven through their daughters but were selected with the same: care: 'Selling '..Wing Double,
Selling Wing Pietje, Elancroft Hartog Legend, Maple Lea Skokie and Lonehn Lochinvar Envoy. A bull's daugh-
ters, tested under varying conditions as in service in an artificial Breeding Unit, is the supreme test. T
daughters of Glanafton Benefactor and Elmcrott Tradition were tested in a few herds that ere better than
Far service or information, Phone CLINTON 242 collect, between 7:30 and 10:� a.im in week lulls
&ed. 7:30 and 930 :a.m. on Sundays or Holidays':
Limited Amount of Seed Available
\Pe also sup* lertiltz,er with Contracts
Tuesday, March 15th, 1955, is the last day
upon which 1954 motor -vehicle and trailer
registration plates may be used. It is also the
date of expiration of all 1954 chauffeurs'
and operators' licences.
Secure yours at once