HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-03-03, Page 5ZURICH - ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Pest OMce Department, Ottawa. voirmossesso BUSINES CARDS N. L. iViartivri OPTOMETRIST • Mehl Street - Exeter ' Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday LICENSED AUCTIONEERS •A.LVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer or your Sale, large or small; Court- eous and Efficient Service at all °Time! Phone 57.r 2. DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Verne Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone, 7urch 92 r li.R.THUR FRASER Income Tax Reports oolilieening Service, Etc. 11. EXETER VciffICE - Cerner Ann, William Sts. ?hone: Exeter 504 VETERINARIAN On. COXON & LEITC1•1 VETERINARY SURGEONS -Mite with Resdence, Math Street, Opposite Drug Store ?Th4-96 ZURICH' BUTCHERS LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Anne Turkheira was a visitor bo Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. •Ross Johnston spent Tuesday in .11011(1011. • Me. Osoar Klopp of town wentby plane to Florida the past :week.. Mrs, A. Snell of Exeter,. es visiting with. Mr and Mrs. .Chris. Heist for a few days, Mr and Mrs Gerald Gingerich and ehildren were iSunday. visitors . wrth relatives in -Kitchener. Large crowds of imekey fans . ac- companied bhe local Flyers in the play-off games with Lucan and really - Mr, Patrick O'Brien Who .was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital., London, ..has returned to his home here. Clerk H. W. Brokenshire and me- mbers of. Hay Council attended the Good Roads Convention in the Royal York at Toronto the past .week. Mrs. L. Riese and .WITs. Newell Gei- ger attended a donimittee meeting for the -Women's Institute at. Credit- = on Tuesday afternoon. Miss: .Mary • Fisher of .Kitchener, was a visitor over Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs Charles _Thiel and other' re- latives and friends. Rev. '.and Mrs. E. W. Heirririch of Brantford visited in town last week: They alseattended the funeral of Wire Heimrich's father at Toronto on 'Mon- day. - Mr and Mrs • Ernie Laidlaw spent the week -end in Detroit .and enjoyed seeing ''Barbara • Ann tSoott skating and many other famous skaters in the Hollywood Ice Revue. Mr and Mrs Roy .Gingerich, "Mr. and Mrs. Amos'Gineerich, Mrs. Wal- lace Gingerich • and. daughter, Mrs. Curtis Gingerich and two children, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin •Gingerich near Ailsa Craig. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman of Galt. and son Robert, who is at Cen- tralia Air Base, were Sunday visitor at the' home if the former's sister, Mr and 'Mrs .Leroy O'Brien, also vis- iting with other friends and relatives in Zurich. Horne from Hospital' WITS.' Theodore Haherer who wee' a patient in Victoria Hospital,. Lond- on has returned to her home m town and is progressing nicely. -Alen Mr. Gordon Hess has returned to his home here for convalescing. s P opriT sr WITEAT MAIINET WAVE US SUPPLY Y013 WITH tfix VERY CHOICE. or FRESH 'AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, '416AUSAGES, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD - URN ELECTRIC REFRIGE.RATION. YUNGBLUT BROS PRODUCE °BRIEN S PRODIJ0 'tub Market for Cream, Eggs nd Poultry Rave Your Eggs Graded AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 Zurich Zurich CreamAry home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PMD PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE Olt ZURICH HERALD BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS 84, NOTARIES PUBLIC EIMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, 14.1.4,B, Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office EXETER - PHONE 4 Phones: 561 Office RoyalBank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratenbury, S.t RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CLINTON - ONTARIO, Mobile Sewage Disposal Modern Equipment for Pumping Cess Pools, Septics, Catch Basins, etc. Phone 205 GRAND BEND, ONT. "Andy's" Lunch FISH 8?: CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2 Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Canttn oi St. Joseph, who spent a few peasant weeks in Montreal, with their chil- dren, have returned home. Mr. Can- thewho has not been in Canada's largest city for some time,notes many changes and developments. They made the 500 -mile trip by auto Mr. and Mrs 'Franklin Walker and son of Lansing, Mich., attended the funeral of their aunt, the rate ,the Lydia Edighoffer, and were visttors at the Edighoffer home, also calling on other friends. The Mr. Walker Jr., is attending allege where he is taking a theological course, and we wish him every success. -• SEED FAIR DATE SET • The eigtb annual Seed Fair,aeon- sOred by the Huron .,County Soil and 'Crop Improvement Association is slated.for. Friday. and Saturday, March 4 and 5 in Clinton District Col- legiate Institute. Highlights of the fair will he a panel discussion on "Farm Business Management" with Dr. H. L. Patterson, direetor, farm economics branch, ODA, Toronto, as moderator. Also included on the -pan- el will be two men from the ODA, Guelph. • -Dividends of Abstinence A south same Jose. FouNp 11x20 Tire and rim, one mile of St Joseph. Owner can. have by calling on Max *Jeffrey, St. ph. 2t'i! The dividends of abstinence are a keen mind, delightful Memories and richly, keenly and -fully? Rest as- sured that thinking won't 'help. Good health is one requisite to good livinee and not' only ie alcoholism •now tilt world's fourth most •-•.n.loas disoase, but in mm;• degree the of all Who use it. Drink is a principal cause of cotillic diaster in the horre.snfl on theetreet. sound 1.vinvirles. • Would you live This is estn' liherI hv an oevewhelro- ing wet of relinlde 7statieties. Young people, there •are wore thrills - to be found in god health, en•!i1.1 :•-itermr-s• a sound family life than in all the driuking one can do in a lifetime.-Advi. -Inserted by Huron County Temp- erance Federation. Notice To Creditors REAP , on_ the table the meal is ready! LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table -bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun for le-eakfast.. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon. .piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any timd of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals - let your baker he your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tasty -N fakery PHONE 100 - ZLJRICH IN THE ESTATE' of DAVID JOHN FUSS, deceased. All persons having claims agatnst the- estate of David John Fuss, ,late of the Township of Hay, in the Comity of Huron, Farmer, who died on or albiout February 19, 1955, are re- quired to file particulars of ;same with Bell ,Se Daughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 19th day of March next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & .LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. DASHWOOD ItQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT Mi • , ss Awe Taylor Of London spent ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND I the week -end with :her 'mother, 'Mrs. Letta Tayloe, , OULTRY DEPARTMENT IN , Mr and Mrs Gerald Higneli and amity of St. .Catharines spent the CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. week-endHigenellwith his parents, Rev. and Mrs. L. . Mr and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and Mas. Minshall, Proprietor family of Waterloo spew, Sunday ______--------------- with Mr and Mrs L. H. Rader and INSURANCE Mr and Mr.i. Fred Wieberg. Mr. V. L. Becker attended the Good Roads convention in Toronto, last week. estern Farmerss mutual Sahnon spent a few days, with 'atheir 1‘1.sses Marie , Ruth and INiurteret grandmother, Mrs. Mary Martene. li , other insurance co• spent the week -end with her parents Mies Nancy Tiemen of London, OF 'WOODSTOCK Mr and Me James Hayter and tir and Mrs. Clifford Sehnon attended the H.E.P.C. convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, .laet week. Mr and ?[ns Ivan spent bhe week -end with the latter's.parents,, Mr and Mrs. L. H. Rader. They spent Sun- day With -Mr and Mrs. Leonard Res- HOUSE FOR RENT - Hydro and tentayer and family. running water. Apply to Herald Office. 2t* Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of 'cattle. For service or information Phone - Clinton 242 - collect between 7.30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 'FM and 9:30 a. ni. on Sundays. 4 4 4 4 9 4• 4 • 9 4 0 4. 44 4 4 44 4 4 444 44 9 9 4 4 4 WANTED. Will pay 3•Ca U. for Old Horses for Mink Feed. -Phone collect, Ooderich 936 r 21, or 936 r 32. -Gilbert Bros., Goderich. tfnc FOR SALE A number of brood. sows due soon, • -also a number of cows due middle of e. e 4 Thersdav, March 3rd, 1955 Your Hardware SW -Pe WE SUGGEST: Have a look at our Paints, and select your !color and kind suitable for your need We carry the usual fine of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. See Us for your Heating Bathroom We Specialize in: • PLUMBING - HEATING • Equipment or New TINSMITHING Rader Mittleholtz - Hardware Phone 'Zurich - 63. igaZatTWEEIIRMEMSSIMINDEMEEARZEEREAREVEMZIEEMEMEOEV 9 9 I' 4. 4. 4 • • czezmimizammograwgramfflasimststmcamellantorzior,rm..n...urr,..aimiegn 4. 4. : 40 . oun., s. • • • 4 0 O R0 • A N D • 4) : h 0 r .4.3•,,+t,,,.0,'' ; : • 6!) O' 4,' '4Ytk2,1,14141Q, ...aff....,,,,t' er , 4 41 ____ ,:.;Z:-...:-,7- 7 • Means Quality for • • ^' ---. l' fp • ' STOVES E Yfio_..r r2. .e • 4 L4 o REFRIGERATORS o o r- 0) 4 * -Washing Machines 4 4 a April. -Alvin Gingerich, phone 90 r (3, Zurich. 2t* FOR SALE A Gerhard Heintzman piano, wal- nut finish, in good condition. Call at Herald Office or telephone 199. * FOR SALE •Maseey-Harris tractor cultivator, 8 -ft; power lift, on steel wheels. - Charles Rau, Phone 98 r 3, Zurich 2* NOTICE Mr and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan. The Young Married People's class of Dashwood Fetif'B. church end Cred- ISOM LARGEST RESERVE BAY, iton E.U.B. churchcharterd a bus Alms OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- last Wednesday and attended the IcemFroTes at Detroit. ArAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS ' nd Mrs. Mack Z/IcDouml and ,r1 OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. Mr and Mrs John Gillingor (That- Vanortuat of Insurance at Risk on ham; Mr and Mrs Bob MeThersoe told Don McKay of. London spent Sunday December 31st, 1,950 rote Gash in Bank and Bonds. don spent Sunday -with Gli.P latter's and Mre Leonard Bender mid RATES ON APPLICATION daughter of London • and Mr and alui Mrs. Fred Cunnangton of Elim - E. KLOPP - ZURICH lnile were Sunday visitors with Mr, AGENT B d • 'ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING tODS AND ALL KINDS OF VIRE "There is no more noble and humanitarian 9rganizatiori in the whole -world than the, Red Cross", GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS 'Your donation to the Red Cross helps provide: sPreparedness for Disaster .thapost-Hospitals .War Veteran Services .Free Blood Transfusion Service. •Nursing and Health Services 611/E to Ito 1'9 If LW SS' Cheerfully- Graltefutay... GenerouLig! $5,494,100 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR ssio -705szrattacturtmommizrzgimazenttm.=:,..atmultm.rem.wa.......t.tat.....t.m 0 • • • • 1 • • Mts. Ervin Rader etecompanied Mr Hensall District C0-0 and Mrs Garnet.Patterain to London 46s Saturday and visited with Mrs. Jarn-1 es Patterson end Mr awl AIL.: 1", t Knight and Robert, with Mr and Wire Wm Heugh ,A0.810 Polia014 $1250269,726.00 talid Mrs. 'Glen .1.11:',Am of Lon - $495,607.94 ;parents, Mr and Mrs Wrn. Wein, See Us for SEEDS AND SEED GRAIN Our Seed Cleaning Plant at Hensall Again in Operation. 4. 4. 4. 4. .45 4.4.a 6 6 44 4 TJ E 11 '111 Phone 84 Clothes Dryers GLADIRONS and Floor Polishers For all Wiring Jobs -. Call. LLECTRIC - Zurich lEDUCED PRFES ON WINTER FOOTWEAR " Womens: NYLON PRINCESS REG. $11.50 NOW '$9.95. - OTHERS FROM 10 to 20.ci. OFF Mens: THERMO PAC. REG. $11.75 NOW, $9.95 OTHERS FROM 10 TO 20 OFF 4. 4. • 9 4. 4. 4. Boys' AND JUNIORS - ALL REDUCED 20'i WHILE THEY LAST WE HAVE ALSO A LIMITED NUMBER OF ANKLE SUPPORTS AT REDUCED PRICES -TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAINS Oesc •Shoe tote Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 anNatiM.1.**•••••••••=1*.ir >ma, Ar.1.••••••No000.1111,01mWein 1 logymmaiegoiammosvImte.-=4*wzmetstmgaTmiamEtrastemsom : e For Your Heating System . : WE RECOMMEND: ale 1it 5 AiThe* Arco. The Good Cheer or Forcedr and , t os e 0, flame Oil Furnaces 4. Guaranteed 04 9 Guaranteed Workmanship at Reasonable Prices : * 4-0 A fine Display of Modern Bathroom and Kitchen to 1 : Fixtures always on hand. COAL . FERTILIZER - FEEDS * SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE as : Electric Stoves - Refrigerators - Washing. Machines : ALL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES • • a 0 Paints - Enamels - Varnishes, a a a * e 11$ t* O 1 ID Electric Wiring 6, * a• * • 4* * Plumbing - Heating - Tinsrnithing, • * OUR AIM -To Serve and Satisfy. • .0 qs 1 Datars & 0en' ri . Phone 213 6 Phone Hensall 115. Zurich220 1 ,1 Main St, Hardware Store . opaumatmommoitstoravAtototox2IntomroaramaiwasztemoilotargTogmsszer '''''''-'"valti. ''''' ''''''' .. 40 TRY OUR CHICK STARTER! Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday INSURANCE , . 1 1 d 4 4 4 4