HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-02-24, Page 4VirkT DIfthiticb St, Joseph, & Nut Water Area Mr and Mrs .A.rmand Beneteau of iCona;rd River Were week -end visitors $n this nigirbi)rhood, The later being te native of this pari: h, and who has IX any relatives and friends, and the newel of thein was very enjoyable Mall. :Mr and Mi:: F. Ducharme of the W.:Highway spent a few days with Elie Hartman Family of the Goshen Zink. south, during this week, 4 4 lL rr 4" 4 Ni• 4 4. 4 4 + 4. 4. 4 4 4 •4 11. 4 her e'u'chre party will be held i:n Forcier's Miall, Thursday evening, Feb. 24th. During the game much interest is shown. All are elaniotir- j ing for the prize given .to the winner and apart from that it means that (people get together for a good pass 1 time evening. It gives them the priv- ilege to review past incidents, and to exchange views and opinions of the .past and present events; and besides their little contribution to take part MO Middlesex S Jed fair Western Fair Grounds, London March 1, 2, 3, 4, 1955 (Including Essex, Kent, Lambton, Huron, Oxford, Perth, Nor- folk, Elgin, Bruce, Brant and Middlesex.) Extensive classes for Township, County and Inter -County Ex- hibits. 85 Commercial and 25 Educational displays. A FEW PROGRAM FEATURE'S: Tuesday Evening — Variety Show and European Travelogue. Wednesday Afternoon _� arire s, W. al .a Watson,CasTropto. PEvening — Step Dancing, Square Dancing, Fiddlers. Thursday Morning — Junior Judging Competition. Afternoon Address, Harold Shiry, Preston, and Prof. A. C. Robertson, O.A.C., Guelph —Demonstrations - "Focus on Beef", —"'Clean Milk Production," Evening — Ontario Junior Farmers' Choir Festival, Friday Morning — Conducted Tours of Fair. Afternoon -- Food Show Talks. —Auction Sale. 1;300:00 in Door Prize.. .Entries to be forwarded by February 26th. Secure Prize Lists and Programmes from: -ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Rooni 210, Richmond Building London - Ontario and County Agricultural Representatives. Tenders for Library Truck SF aLFD TENDERS will be received for the supply of .one 1ii55 chassis. one ton, 122 inch wheel base with Metro Body, Air Condition Heater & Defroster. Extra Dome Light. Undercoated. oversize battery. 60 inch double rear doors, signal rights, Richt Hand `rigor. right hand added seat. Present 1947 chsgsis with Metro Bode* to be traded in. In submitting prices, please give all specifications and ne't price after trade-in. 19:4''1 truck maybe seen at the County Library Office, (Nel- son St., Gaderich. Tenders will be received until Saturday, March 12th, 1955. The "lowest or any, tender, not ,necessarily„ accepted, . A. H. ERSKINE, Secretary, Huron County Library. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 0 • • • 0 • • • • •• .. • • • • III 1111111111111111118 1. 1111111111'. 41 a PIONEER MAN POWER CHAIN SAW 'SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future? FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER & 14 IIT TLEHOLTZ Phone 63 -- Zurich Phone - Write - See 44• Geo. T.® • • • ll�k� & Sons • • • HENSALL, ONTARIO - Phone 103 • • for A • • • • • 'ley Contract z • as • • Malting B DON'T WAIT Limited Amount f Seed Available We. ,•ilso supply Fertilizer with Contracts at fit - AlRICI r ER ALD INCREASE EGG PRODUCTION With Master Laying Pellets When the feed intake of your laying flock drops off, egg production suffers, too. One way to keep your hens eating their full quota regularly is by feeding them Master Laying Pellets as a supplementary feed. Sprinkle Laying,, Pellets over,' the noon feed of Red Head, or following the Scratch Grain at night, and you'll find your flock eating heartier, laying better. Take home Master, Laying Pellets today greater feed intake for high egg product- ion. W. G Thompson AND SONS LTD. Hensel', Ont. - Phone 32 September - October - November - January - March - April May and June Mrs. Lloyd Hey ofCrediton spent anevening last week .with Mr and Mrs. Ed. Stelck. Mr and Mrs Milfred Meaner ent- ertained the trustees and wives of Zion Lutheran church and Rev. and Mrs. L, Higenell, Sunday evening. Had Choir Supper The Women's Society of Calvary Evangelical church had its annual World Service Day Sunday evening, Feb. 6th with Mrs, W. C. ,Smith of Grand Bend as guest speaker. Mrs. C. Snell, chairman of the spiritual Life Committee was in the chair. Other members of the Women's Soci- ety took partin the service. The choir favoured the audience with an anthem, and Ronnie Snell sang a solo. The offering was for missions. At 9 o'clock Sunday evening the young People of ,Calvary churoh were hosts to a large gathering of Young Peo- Thursday Felbruary 24th, 1.956 ple ,from various communities of S.. Iiuron. The service was in .charge of Miss Joyce England, president of the. local Youth Fellowship. Douglas May read the seripturejesson end Donna Eagleson led in prayer. Neil Wildfong sang a solo. The main' feature of the service was the colored audio - visual * film "1 'believe His Glory," with Rev., E. N. Molar . of Crediton, operating the projector. After the service the young people over one hundred in all,. met in the church (basement for an. hour of fellowship, Douglas May dixu• ected the activities of this period,, and the looal young people served the refreshments. An item of business. was the selection of a representative from each of the communities repre- sented to form a committee for sport. soring further Youth Rallies .of this. nature..The ,Committees represented , were: Exeter, Centralia, Thames Rd,. Zurich, Grand Bend,Crediton anal Dashwood. 4. 4. 4, d. 4. 4' 4. 4. 4. WE ARE NOW TAKING CONTRACTS FOR 1955 ON THE SAME BASIS AS LAST YEAR CONTRACT EARLY! Cook Bros. Milling Company Phone 24 CONTRACT BARLEY In the program goes for for the ex- tension of a religious cause, for Church help. Your co-operation will add greatly. Attend and follow the crowd! Mr. Raymond Hartman of the Goshen line South left on Tuesday morning to visit relatives and friends in Windsor and Detroit. Advertising? On the front window of a Grocery Store was written. "Boy Wanted" Below was sc''i'-bled "I Want one"too" —signed, Sally Juenne. DASHWOOD Miss Therese Zimmer or London,- spent a few days with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Harry Zimmer. Miss Anna Messner of London, spent the week -end with her parents. Mrs. Egmond Bruer of New Ham 'burg is _visiting with her mother, Mrs Jacob Schroeder Mr and Mrs. Harold Maine and family of Kitchener were week- end Visitors with her parents, Mr and Mrs Reinhold Miller. Miss Ellen Gilbert and Paul Eck- meier of Kitchener, spent the week- end with Mr and Mrs Courtney Burmeister. 'Library Meeting The library meeting was 1,('•1 at the Library Saturday, chairma• " Mrs 'Harold Kellerman presided ar-i secy. Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan reported there had been 26 adults and 20 children with cards. There was a circulation ,of 111950 books and a balance on hand of $153.36. Mrs. Wni. Wein was re-engaged as Librarian at $10 a month. Miss Marian Rader is ass- istant. Each reader must hold a card $1.00 for adults and 50c for children "with special rates for visitors. The'. board consists of James Hayter, Mrs. Harold Kellerman( chairman; Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan Secy-treas., Mrs. L. Taylor, Mrs. Garnet Wildfong, Art Allemang, Mrs. Howard Klumpp, Mrs. Len. Schenk and Mrs. Ervin Rader. Auditors are Albert Miller, and Edgar Restemayer. Mr and Mrs Mervyn Tieman and Linda attended the Spanish Art Ex- hibition xh'bition in Macintosh Galleries at the University of Western On., Sunday afternoon where their daughter Nancy was one of three students from the •Music Teachers College, .who performed. • Nanny played Hay- dn s ay-dn's Sonata in D major and Greig piano concerto in A minor. Miss Lyla Sohwartzentruher held a surprize birthday on Sunday for her father, Mr. Joseph Schwartzen. truber who was 7i8, and the follow- ing guests were present: Mr. and Mrs Sam Gingerich, Mrs. Chris Gaseho and Laura and Daniel Gascho, all of. Zurich and Jahn and Edward Gack- stetter. Mr. Elmer Rader who has been ill with rheuMati- fever is making fav- ourable progress. Miss Betty Gaier and girl friend were week -end visitors with Mrs. Cora Geiser. Rey. and Mrs. Mohr and Mr and HENSALL, Ont. 1 TENDERS for WARBLE FLY TREATMENT Township of Hay Sealed Tenders plainly marked will be received by the under- signed for the contract to spray cattle in the Township of Hay according to the Warble -Fly Control By-law .and amended By-law (Amended By -Law exempts calves under six months and cattle over three years of age unless they are infected.) Spray material will be supplied. Contractors to suppry all equipment. Work to be done under the direction of the Town- ship Inspector. Tenders to ;be in terms of price per head per single spray and also on an hourly rate. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by Maroh 5th, 1955, at 6:00 p.m. Lowest orany tender not necessarily accepted. H. W. BROOKENSHIRE,Clerk, Treas. Zurich — Ontario APPLICATIONS The Township of Hay is calling for applications for inspector to supervise the spraying and treating of cattle in the 'Town- ship of Hay, treated according to the Warble -Flys Control Act. Inspector to collect payment for spraying and treating done. Applicants to receive instructions from the Council of the Township of Hay. All applications to be in the Clerk's office by -March 5th, 1955. LOWEST or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. W. BROK'ENSH'IR,E, Clerk, Treas. Zurich - — Ontario Among the benefits of Branch Your local bank is an essential link between your community and the whole banking world. WIE..fi3:.si.: Y,t..`r`.:`�.NMSE. ,.tom•E x r�,,.`c '•s' .'�' `E,,:, �s., cM?.c Yc ,y sen As co1Ynounitiea develop, banking services are made tivlhable to moot now and growing deeds. 4 anki g In remote areas, Canadians enjoy the same broad range of bank services, the same sense of security. ti�><•,�4w' ' ;¢:•,. �y : w,,. a �. , r x z...;•,.ewe:,; . 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