HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-02-10, Page 4r rl> icli ros-rJaaio Direct from Leading Night Clubs - THE Amazing Damant Hypnotist in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, - ZURICH IS HYPNOTISM FAKE? OR SCIENTIFIC FACT -- SEE FOR YOURSELF ! ! On FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11th, and -• SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12th. Fantastic - Fascinating - Funny Nightly 8.30 Admission. Adults 60c5; Children 35c. Sponsored by Zurich Chamber of Commerce OF CLEAN OUT ITEMS To Make Room for Spring Merchandise, we are Offering Winter Goods at a Real Saving to you! rice Check this List for Bargains that You can't afford to miss! 'All Misses and Womens Dresses All Womens C,oats All Childrens Coats All Childrens Station Wagon Jack- ets. All Womens and Childrens Winter Underwear An Assortment of Womens Sweaters A selection of Drapery Ends. A selection o Dress and Skirt Yardage Rack of Specials: This Rack contains various items of Blouses, Skirts, Jackets, Maternity Wear, Children's Dressing Gowns, Etc. All Goods will sell at only a fraction of their cost. LOOK THEM OVER! 1 -3rd Off all Children's Snow Suits Nylon Hose - 1st Quality - Assorted Shades, To clear at only 59c pr. There will be many other various items on Sale. Come in for Real Money Saving Bargains Irw.in's Ladies' Wear Hensall - Ontario PIONEER ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW 4 4 + 4 4 + 4 + + + SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER & MITTLEH•OLTZ Phone 63 -- Zurich Clearing Auction Sale • Of Auto, Tractor, Threshing Machine Farm. lnaplernents, Grain, Livestock, Poultry, and Household Effects. On the Premises, Lot 8, Con. 3, Hay 11„i. miles west and 2 miles north of Exeter. The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions to sell by public Auction on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18th 1055 ,Commenting at 1.00 o'clock sharp Auto -1940 Pontiac 5 - passenger Coupe in good condition. • Tractor -1951 Ferguson tractor, equipped with 2 -furrow hydraulic plow and loader. Threshing Machine '-- George White No, 6 threshing machine, on steel in A-1 condition. Farms trnl,lc.mcl ts_.lnterrationnl binder, 7 -ft, cut, no new; George White trantor 'sre:atic'r, rrsnl;, ,•,.,,.. ..H. ;prin:-,c,„' raltivat,' �Y_:.l brawn . cu. xt:,:;< �,d bei.) p,-• ZURICH . HERALD Akion Theatre GRAND BEND Debra Paget Dale Robertson Friday, Saturday Feb. 11'1.12 The Gambler from Natchez Technicolor His biggest :gamble was the 'wager- ing ;For :his own life, Additional Short Subjects Tuesday, Wednesday Feb. 1546 OINEMASCOPE Technicolor Night People Gregory Peck Broderick Crawford Anita Bjork Rita Gam A thrilling page from today's history flmed in postwar Berlin. Newsreel and Cartoon averaging 450 lbs. each. Poultry -230- New Hampshire pul- lets laying 75%. This is an excellent flock. A quantity of Household Ef- fects. No reserve as the farm is sold Terms — 'Cash 'Mrs. Bertha Bieber, Proprietress. Garnet Hicks, Clerk. Alvin Waluper, Auctioneer. DASHWOOP. The Women's Institute is holding a euchre in the public sc..o,oa, on Friday eve. Feb. 11. 'Mr and Mrs M. Dougall of Hensall. were Wednesday evening visitors ,with Mr and Mrs Ervin Rader. Miss Barbara Becker of Ritehener stent the week -end with her parents Mr and Mrs V. L. Becker. Mrs. Matilda Piefer returnee. home T'h• -sday after spending a month in Chatham with her two sons and fam- ilies. Mr and Mrs Jack Prefer and• Mr and Mrs. Earl Piefer were in London with her sister and family, Mr and Mrs. David Baird. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr .and Mrs Boib Mernervirige of Detroit spent the week -end with the latter's mother and !ohor memb- ers of the family on the Blue Water south. Mr and Mrs Ted Laporte of Wind- sor, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Leonard Ducharme spent the week- end visiting relatives and friends in this neighborhood. •On Thursday evening next, FeJbu- section diamond harrows; 3 -section diamond harrows, 2 -drum steel land roller, International 5 -ft. mower; In- tern. hay loader; M -H. 11 -run fertil- izer. drill,jr4-plate horse drawn disc, Case Crl.Hammer Mill. 2- furrow tractor plow, rubber tired wagon, steel tire wagon, rubber tire buggy, 2 cutters, steel water trough; 16 -ft. fiat hay rack, 2 iron kettles, fanning hill, Hay fork, bag truck, root pulper, Gilson 21/2 h.p. gas en- gine, pump jack, hydraulic tractor seat, 3 tons lime, cutting box, harness pans, forks, shovels, chains, 'ana many articles too numerous to mention. Grain -400 bushels of choice mix- ed grain. Livestodk and Poultry Horses Team of good work horses.. cattle 4 Hereford heifers averag-! ,a:g 800-ilos each in market condition.. r llertrforr! yearlings, averaging 550, +; in mallet condition 4 r.crt l arrhaatn and Hereford ;yearling. Z I Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. HENSALL, ONTARIO Phone 103 for A I Malting Barley Contract • • DON'T WAIT = I Limited Amount of Seed Available • We also supply Fertilizer with Contract Lyric Theatre Phone 421 ., EXETER Friday Saturday Feb. 1142 The Moonlighter FRED QVfcMuRRAY BARBARA STANWYCK• An outdoor action thriller that holds you tense all through. Monday, Tuesday Feb. 14-15 Yankee Pasha JEFF CHANDLER RHONDA FLEINIING A romantic swaslibuckling melo- drama. • Wednesday, Thurs., Friday, Satur'y Feb. 15, 17, 18, 1.9 White Christmas BING CROSBY, :DANNY KAYE' ROSEMARY +CLOONE•1` VERA ELLEN Here is the picture of the year! Pleasing, entertaining for the whole • Family. Admission for this engagement only Adults 75e Students 50c Children 35c ruary lCth another euchre party will be held in the Forcier Hall, at St. Joseph. Attend and win. for yourself a valuable prize. Mr and Mrs Roy Rau of Seaforth were Sunday last visitors in St. Jos- eph with Mi and Mrs. Dominic Geo- ffroi. Mr. Arnold Denoanme of the Drys- dale district and Mr. John 'Ducharme, the grand old man, .85, years young, were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. Ed. • Corriveau of thts Blue Water Highway. —As We See It!— Ground Hog day was closely? ob- 'served on Tuesday last Feb. 2nd, and many have drawn their conclusion as to the next six weeks. Well, it was a sunny day and very much general throughout the country so there you have it. But if you look at it in another angle you will be convinced that the-Groung Hog even tho he is a dumb ,creature, he 'possesses a cer- tain amount of intelligence, and as Phone - Write - See • • • 0 • • • • • • • •- • 4. 1. Cook Bros. Phone 24 Thursday, February 10th 1i)55 CONTRACT BARLEY WE ARE NOW TAKING CONTRACTS FOR 1955 ON THE SAME BASIS AS LAST YEAR CONTRACT EARLY! Milling Company HENSALL, Ont. PM FOR YOUR FEED jhenoQ_ SELffiVRHOGS! Ask us about the You will find this method .of hog feeding convenient and profitable. W. G. Thompson -. AND SONS LTD. Hensall, Ont. Phone 32 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. you are aware onground hog day it was bitter cold, and with all twigs and grass frozen stiff and nothing for hien to survive on, it would seem only reasonable for him to. immediately return to his winter quarters with out looking at his shadow; so there you have it, you are in your f rights to make your prophesy, oat tit you fail in your prediction, you +Val not be too greatly disaplpointed get you will have many followers. Haa& ever in the mean tune, watch weather, day to day, there will at your answer. Banking the way you like it ®, Today's bank is a bright, pleasant, informal place, where service is both efficient and friendly. s.id . ,c" . ,..fit• , .:.�xi ..,•• : .,.a . 171#?; ki::.:.: :..ny .,i>. ,.nag+� :.,i.1��> iii. ..•:kd•.,,"....n. �. .'�1.,. .A 4":;.4.44 Than manager's door is always open -his experience, .kelOw%edde and judgment will be useful to you. 4 People use the bank for many purposes–to deposit savings, arrange loans, buy travellers cheques .. . ;?`;64i',a°},•.`�,�,i>:.,,+r,.Se, ,gin,;, • ;S•S" qS;:+�... , •'4' ^CSX+! says.:,?•.•i W.., "•'sRZi ,x 'pn. v'•ssr � .,...t•: ... .• .. sty.. aw }i., % ;,''S. i *•..:t ` '2.::,.o-•• ° i:'�: n,; q: :2:..y.. y:.. '..k 4k:. .\''ske; 'i: is ':g, v.3i{ #Sin,<iS.:...Ni:'<it::U:>:7..:.a.: g::.<..,: :;t.,;i , ,',,:..,13:,.:f " x:°c'�f ' '�,:,...., G �'::,v:Y.•S:iSI�"„`.'(!`i.:.....::"i�i�:�:1ti��:N.,.ti%>'T' `:�:{iL"SS"4,"::�^t}' v:}:};}:• Nowadays people drop into the blank as ,casually as into the corner store. The neighborhood branch is an integral part of the life of the community. The 4,000 branches of Canada's chartered banks make available an all-round, nation-wide banking service—a friendly personal service keyed to Canadian conditions and the everyday needs of millions of customers. THE BANKS SERVING YOUR CO °dUNITY'