HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-02-03, Page 4rapers% . DN. -reit itt; 4 in the • COMMUNITY CENTRE, , ZURICH .•4t. IS HYPNOTISM FAKE? OR SCIENTIFIC FACT -- 45 SEE FOR YOURSELF On FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11th, and Geo. T. Male & Sons Ltd. • e - X a COMMUNITY ZURICH HERALD Ham Supper TOWN HALL -- ZURICH TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15th SUPPER SERVED 5 — $ p.m. MENU SCALLOPED POTATOES PEAS AND CARROTS CHERRY PIE • • • • • • • • • CABBAGE SALAD COLD HAM Sponsored by local Womens' Institute and Catholic Women's League ADULTS MOO CHILDREN 50 Cents Proceeds for Local Community Improvements Everybody Welcome Direct from Leading Night Chubs THE Amazing Damant Hypnotist 4 4 4 4 4 &idol' Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday 'eb. 4-5 Seige of Red River' Technicolor Van Johnson Joanne Dru No •greater story has the West to tell—Only one man 'could turn the tide at Red River Selected Short Subieets SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12th. Fantastic - FasCinating Funny Nightly 8.30 AdinisSion. Adults 60e; Children 85c. Sponsored by 7urieli Chamber of .Commerce Phone – Write Tues., Wed., Thurs — .reb. 8-9-10 OINEMASC OPE Warn ercolor The High and the Mighty John Wayne Claire Trevor Laraine Day Plus Many Other Stars Here% is a motion picture that marks a milestone in screen history Newsreel • • See • • • • HENSALI, 'ONTARio for A !tin rie Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, Saturday Feb. 4-5 Taza, Son of Cochise ROOK HUDSON BARBARA RUSH Photographed in technicolor — Lots of fast action and meto.lramatic sit- uations. Monday, Tuesday Feb. 7-8 Father Brown Detective ALEC WANES'S JOAN GRICIENWO 0 t) - A comedy full of laughs - jukes - that will roll you in the aisles. Wednesday, Thursday Feb. 9-10 al111110111111111111111.111000111.11111011111e..,.. Thursday, February 3rd, 1955 1 CON TRACT BARLEY Cook Bros. Milling Company Rhapsody LIZ 131,11TH. TAYLOR VITTORIO' -aAS.SMAN• This romanti.! drama is enhanehed by lavish production values, fine -photography and good east. Simply .An Ass "Of course the ananwho drinks so much tonight that he feels terrible tomorrow and will then. repeat the process toniorrow.night, is simply an ass. Not much can be done for him." We quote from a recent well known column in a metropolitan daily. True as can be, in part. Such a anon IS a fc -1. It is possible too that not much can be done for him. But in dealing .vit'e this grave health problem -(al- coholism is the 41h most serious dis- ease in the world today), -why ignore as se many •columnisis and other writ- ers do, the prevention, aegle of this topic, "If you -drink dont drive, if you drive don" drink." That slogan originated first by the 0. T. F. has been adopted- for and wide with ex- cellent results. Let's try this— "Never a drinker, never a drunk- ard." This is ABSOLUTELY truth. This Advt. sponsored by Huron Co. Temperance Federation . • • a • - Phone 103 . * e. ontract •6 • • • , • DON'T WAIT Limited Amount of Seed Available We also supply "Fertilizer with Contracts . Joseph & Blue Water Area The Stansberry family of Detroit Mr. Pierre Ducharme of Windsor and Mts. Ella Gignac• of Ahmerstburg, were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs Fred Ducharme. Mr and. Mrs Slorley Fournier and children of London spent a few 'days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cori -West, Mrs. James Masse tof St. Joseph, ?pent a few days the past week in London visiting her children. Mr. Charles Bedard and two sons of Courtright were visitors to ' Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard and tlso his mother over the week -end, calling on other relatives. On the coming Friday, Feb, 4th Mrs. Joseph Bedard the grand old Lady of the parish will celebrate her cilst birthday, Mrs. Bedard is the oldest citizen of this parish, and she well recalls the pioneer life of this parish. Not too far from a century ego. Mrs. Bedard is confined most of the time to her bedroom she is fair- ly active .considering her advanced 4g,e and many tines she wilt talk of little incidents gone by many years ago. We cannot say that she is hale Catharines General Hospital on Sat - and hearty, we must expect some urday Jan. 2iith,He operated a bak- change as the years go by. Regard- ery in Dashwood for some time, and less how robust he may have been was also employed in Zurich.. He had in her early years, she is in residence ;been a resident ,of St. Catharines for with her son and daughter-in-law, over 80 years, Mr and Mrs Leo Bedard and within Was Big Success ...fifty rods fr-qn the place she was very successful tea and bake born. On behalf of relatives and 11.1- .sale, under the auspices of the' 'W. 1. ends of this' parish we wish this grand was held in, the Legion Rooms,, Sat.. .old lady to enjoy life in the future afternoon Jan. 29th. earty .apprec- as she did in the past. God bies her ,iation is extended to the conimittoes with more birthdays. I who had charge of the complete. ar- Carri Men t ;rangements and to all who assisted. The month of Jan., the first month Celebrate 40th Anniversary' of the new year has passed away and Mr and • 'Mrs Robert McLean, well except for a few day 4- on the last lap !'known Hansall district cOnple, mark -- was an excellent nice month, .nice to led the occasion of their 40th wedding get around, nice for'travelling, and anniversary, Married on Jan. 20,1915' In all the atmosphere was pure and healthy. It Is true the last few days' were snowfall was very Much welcomed by • the farmers and gardeners as it was necessary -to moisten the soil, and January 1e. the month -looked upon for that, etherwirse the cold February month would freeze the land and cause it to drv. withoot suffiment famed, A. surprise 'party was held at moisture. Msr»h is the luottll of the home of Mr and -Mrs David Mo- dem, wir-1 . Vint too is bcneficiai to lif:81), when their son and wire, Mr. 4.1e eoll, and • is always accompanied full Mi. David Keith McI,Nin cnfer• by April ehowers, and April the Lai!;fsi j t1vr atiAto.r, VI":3330.10.7i1:". :33 month of showers bring out the May flowers and so it goes from month to month, and each one plays its role, and each month something flares up; to some we believe, they are helpful, to others they are despairing. But let nothing be annoying to you, first setteled down and and await what future has in store for. you, regard- less of a green or snowy January, only time will tell what reward you ill receive for your labor. So in the mean time; Cherio. HENSALL The repeat performance of the Pantomine "Cinderella" was enjoy- ed by a packed house - in the Town Hall, Friday .218th, many fine com- ments have been heard regarding this wonderful production.' Miss Eleanor Cook and Miss Bev- erly Prytle, Toronto, spent the week end With the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Mrs. Catherine Hedden received word of the •death of her brother„ Wrn. Rethaermel 07, formerly of the Dashwood district, who died in St. at the home of the bride's parents the late Mr and Mrs. John Mahaffy, for- mally of Mitchell, the couple took up residence near Hensel!, where they have resided since. 'the occasion was celebrated in the form ,of a dinner party at the home of their daughter and sonein-law, Mr and Mrs Wilson Broadfoot, where guests were enter - COMING — Feb. 16-17-1810 WHITE CHRISTMAS Bing Crosby Danny Kaye STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. T. Pitt Of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Don Barker of King- ston and Miss Margaret IVIcClymont of Toronto were -visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred lVleiCIymont. The young people of. the ,commun- ity are enjoying the skating in the rink where the ice is now very good. 'The Royal IScarlet 'Chapter ,of St- anley met in the 'Orange Hall. for its annual meeting and election lof offic- ers. William Arnold ThoMpSon Wm. Arnold Thompson passed a- way Jan. '8,'55 ix). San Francisco, Cal. where he has resided since he return- ed from the First Great War. Tie was the only son of the late Bernard and Ellen Thomson and was born in 1881 He had three sisters, two ixk-Celiforn- ia and Mrs. John Fisher of Hensall. DASHWOOD Skating Party .7 ; • The members of the 'Walther Le, ague of Zion Lutheran Church ewo,-- ed a skating party. and social evening with members of the Blue 'Water Zone in Mitchell ;ocanmunity centre) Wednesday evening. . . . Celebrate Anniversary . On the occasion, of Mr ancr Mrs. Aaron Restemaym"s 24th wedding an- niversary. Mr and Mrs. Leonarrz Res- temayer held asocial even'ee in their honor. The evening 'WV —elle in . dancing and cards. Miss Vera Wieberg of Waterloo, spent the week -end with her parents Mr and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Miss Anna Messner of London, sp- ent the week -end with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Fred Messner. ;Sunday li.sib,rs with Mr and Mrs Ervin Rader were. Mr and Mrs. Mar- tin. Laub- of Parkhill and Mr and Mrs L. H. Rader of town. Mr and Mrs. Louis- Restemever, Mrs C. Fleet and family spent the week- end in London with Mr and Mrs Vic- tor Kraft and family to eetebrate joint :birthdays for Mrs Kraft and son Robert who bad 'birthdays last week. Mr. Hartman Elsie for many years a plumber here before retiring, dis- posed of his household effects at an auction sale on Saturday. He is mov- thg. to the County Horne at Clinton this week and the best wishes of the Cornmunitvl go with him. Miss Thelma Eifert. of Detroit is vacationing with Mrs. Tillie Reatam, ayer and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ReSte- niever. Mrs. Jacob Schroeder received word :011 Sunday Jan. 80th that her soxi-mmrlaw Mr. l' -rind 'Brewer of. New Hamburg had passed away. The funeral was held i' 'erre- Traiin-mrg on Wednesday. As e fernier Dashwood resident Mr. Brewer is well known to many. Mr and Mrs Glen Drown of Lon- don spent Sunday with .NIr and 'Mrs Wm. Wein. Miss IMargaret ",hade of near Zurich spent a emmles of days with her grandparents, Mr alid Mrs. Dan Weber last week. The Dashwood W.I. are holdiner euchre in the public school on Friday evening. Feb. 11 th Late William Rothaermel, Rotheerrnel, 67, formerly of Dashwood and Hay ToWnship area who died at ;St. .Catharines Oetierat Hospitel, 'Saturday, operated. a telt- ery here for some time and Vira$ also employed at Zurieh. Surviving is his wife, the former Ella Keller. The body arrived in Dashwood Sunday, and rested at. the lIonntan funeral Home 'until Tuesday at 2 pan, When services 'were conducted by Rev, L. Higinell, 'Interment was made in the Lutheran Bronson line eemeterY, WE ARE NOW TAKING CONTRACTS FOR 1955 ON THE SAME BASIS AS LAST YEAR CONTRACT EARLY! •,......•••••••••• Phone 24 HENSALL,. Ont. Marks 95 Years Mrs. Agnes Baird, a widelT) known resident of Stanley celebrated her 95 birthday Sunday Jan. 30, she was born in Newark, N.J., came to Ashfi.- eld Twp:. with her parents when a year old. Married at 19 she moved to %Stanley, where she has resided for over '76 years.' In splendid health,she marked the event quietly with mem- bers of her'family at the home of her son Thos. B. Baird, iBrucefield. Westlake - Langille The living -room at the home of Mr and Mrs. Cecil Langille, Windsor was the scene for a quiet wedding on ;Saturday afternoon, Jan. 15, of their second daughter, Margaret Ethel, to Garfield Harold Westlake, New West - minister, .B.C., youngest son .of Mr. and Mrs Walter Westlake Bayfield. Goshen W.M.S. Mrs, Richard Robinson was hostess for the January meeting of the Gos- hen W.M.S:. Following the program in the iMissionary Monthly, the devote ional was taken by Mrs. Clare Mc- Bride with scriptures read by Wire. Arnold Keys, Mrs. james- Keys and Mrs. Will Clark who led. in prayer 'The business session was -conducted by the new president, Mrs. John Arm. strong. There were 26 present. Cards were read from Rev. Pitt, Mrs. Erratt Mr and Mrs Elmer Hayter and Mm. Robert Ribinson. It was decided to make a print quilt. Two mernhers,Mts Bruce Keys and Mrs. Robert Peek were made life members. Reports were given from the treasurer of thea Baby Band and the ;birthday fund secys. The study book was in charg% of Mrs. Arnold Keys, Mrs. J. Keys and Mrs. W. Clark. An inetrumentat trio was played by Mrs. Wan. Taylor,. Mrs. C. McBride and Mrs. B. Keys, Some Other Day?. The aneetring 0144 sed with a hymn an prayer. • A special message to Home -owners frond :MY BANK' Do you need MONEY for HONE IMPROVEMENT? TO 2 MILLION CANADIANS There's no need to hold up improvements or repairs to your home for lacleof ready cash.. You can pay for them outright at less expense • — with a. low-cost B of M loan. If you want to add an extra room or Iwo ... erect a garage or carport ... install a new plumbing, healjng or electrical system ... build a bkilement playroom or even paint your present one ... Or make, any at her home improvements or repairs — see the manager of your nearest B of M branch. He will be glad to discuss your plans with. you and to explain how a B of i11 Home' Improvement Loan can help you. now is the time • TO TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT YOUR HOME Spring is just around the corner; ... and that's the best season. to make repairs -- or to modernize. It pays — in hard cash — to give your home a careful "once over" every year. Every bit of repair work neglecter!, every crack, every. flake of peeling paint means a loss in dollar valor, — a depreciation of one of your most valuable assets. Enlist the 1 of "SI's help . Idly not see your ighbourhood manager today. BANK or MONTREAL egoecue4:4740 Vas4 Ztlxidi Wench: CARL SCOTT, Manager Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton Brandt: RAYMOND XING, Manager (Open Ttiesday, Thursday and Satutday) SAIOkl< ING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK tlft SINCE 1131/ Dashwood Oa -Agency): Open Mon., Wed, & se "3 Mi4".."'"'401"n0'4"'""0::"'"......071..'.0".70),INettaSk130031:4113/11ftwkiwiwiMelOsono3tr.m."74