HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-02-03, Page 1!Established ,l900 ERA ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3 1955 F1URCH DIRECTORY I; 1 h EMMA,.NUEL EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist BUNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7.30 --Evening Worship Welcome at all Services — "Come 'thou with us and we will do thcr -gfood." . Num. 10:29. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO .-- -,.t a.m — DRvpne Services. i1.15 a.m.---rSunday School. Pastors will be supplied by the Lutheran _Seminary at W ter1oo, Everybody Welcnnie to ell Services Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Marlin SUNDAY SERVICES: 11):00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting 'WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowghip ' ',YOU ARE INVITED 11 TO WORSHIP WITH'Xou'11 Enjoy Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" 'Gospel Preaching -- Inspirational Singing. o undays*GH1ML-900 k.+e. --7 :30 a.m. —WRVA -.)1'140 k.c.- 10.30 p.m. -"The Living Christ for a Dying World." George Hardman Skilled Technician • SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF AT THE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich, Ontario - Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7th. 1A ' A. M. — 8 P. !M. SEE and EXPERIENCE ug „a u For your health's sake if yob suf- fer from feet consult FootMiracefad d. you. should Sores have found bodily ills clear up when they sought the amazing re- sults of !Miracle and ,found correc- tion for foot ailments through this scientific method. No matter if you haven't walk- ed a step in years without exper- ' •L Returns From Hospital The anany frienls of Mr. Leroy O'Brien are pleased to learn that he lhas returned from St. Joserph's Hos- ipital, London, and is progressing verylfavourably, Midgets loWical t\t! idget Hockey team en- l.tertaiszed the Clinton Midgets the other evening and were a bit too much for the visitors, winning Saw His Shadow for Foot COMFORT for Foot HEALTH iencing the most excruciating pain because of bad feet, no matter if your foot trouble has ,been,be-come o el, ti chronic and you've given up p we stili, invite you to consult the rMiracle Foot Aid Clinic. Thous -E. them a very safe and profitable trip. ands of others who thought theirs case beyond repair have been de-: The insurance business of Mr. Hab- ever will be looked after by Mr. E. lighten with the results obtained though Miracle Foot Aid. j F. Klopp during his absence. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE - Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTMENTS NORMA STEIINBACH - Prop, - Single Coples5cents, Subscription in Cam's_, $2.00 a Y0041 Subscription TJ,S.A., Y ear $2.50.. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made tto Order — Seth O. Amann, Zurich*. Ont. Phone 128. Your_ Spectacles DO YOUR, SPECTACLES NEED REPAIRING OR ADJUSTING, WHY -NOT BRING THEM IN AND HAVE THEM FITTED COMFORTABLY. BESIDES WE ARE IN A POSITION TO SUPPLY YOU WITH NEW FRAMES ANY SIZE, SHAPE OR Today, Wednesday, is groundhog COLOR; YOUR BROKEN LENS day, and although cold, but nice and REPLACED •PR.OMPTLY AND AC- CURATELY; sunny). - Tradition has it that the little fellowsif he sees his shadow will hike back into his winter quarters for an- other six -weeks. So let's see what the weather will be Like in six weeks ,front now, at least it will 'be spring around the :corner. Off to Florida W;od has been received from 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yungblut who have recently left for Florida that they have arrived safely at their destinat- ion. and Earl enjoyes the fishing they have se abundantly, one day catching fifty pounds, and so they win have lots of sport as well as eats. This Thursday morning Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Haberer and Mr. George Del- ehert are leaving for the land of sunshine and warmth, and we wish SEE MR HARDMAN NEXT MONDAY OUR FIVE MINUTE TEST IS SIMPLE AND YOU ALONE ARE JUDGE OF THE RESULTS • HOCKEY NEWS Flyers in Semi -Finals Last Wednesday night in the local Arend the regular scheduled season of �11 ho.ck* games to a close with the St. i Mary s, team. being up and the Flyers l, l;e took this one which put them rn sec- tors, ,{I and place Lucan having undisputed eli first palace and Ilderton in third place. € i With a bit of luck in these ptayoffs the St.:Marys tearn9shosfinished at zi m _iii the 'i ett= should prrove a threat as NI they have comae through wits some hard games this season. The semi- finals for the group title and the MacMillan Trophy will get under way Friday Feb-. 4th, with Ilderton at Lucan and St. Marys at Zarici',I3oth •1 take this opportunity to thank semifinals and finals are on a nest- + all that remembered me with cards, of five basis. The winners of time two ®treats, visits and flowers, while 1 was series to .play off. Following is the • a patient at Seaforth Bospitat.'1Irs. schedule for Zurich and St. Marys. • Ed a Oswald 3—St. Marys at Zurich NO NEED OF A NEW PAIR OF SPECTACLES, WHY NOT HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED AT C. PASSMORE, R.O. 247 4 Dundas-' St., London. Bring in the prescription we will fill it promptly with the newest .in Spectacle Ware at a 'trice much be- Iow the rates charged in the larger centres. Mr Passmore is regarded as an out. standing Optomertist. Are You Sufferer From Headaches? Hamil Head? r 9 CLINICS: Zurich, London, Listowell, Guelph, aQshawa and Peterboro. so have: your Eyes Edd Rita u.3 Brantford, St. Catharines, r.e Latest Methods and equipment a ujl A. L. 1LE, ' `R.O• i OPTOMETRIST a 't..PTICIAN GCiDERI — O - Contact Mr. .Ha dman for Names and Addresses of Zurich Di People who have found 14liraele Foot Aid of great benefit. I;i wood Glasses at Basso/sable Prices a 1,•♦•.o.,A•a4.e•.•a9,♦♦♦♦♦••••••♦• HOFFMAN'S .Arrange Funeral Service From vo.♦444.44'4444444444.0444444. To Or 1 ',•-� Out-Of-TowTh-Points ♦ Wherever' funeral service is required, to or from any place in Cas an- & • ado., the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, can ♦ members of local and, national funeral director's are alwaysassured athe quiet effi- ♦ • ♦ Card of Thanks uI -handle all the arrangements. ♦ viency of Hoffman's service. NE FUa� RAL k I('�l�%Il T. HARRY HOFFMAN ae Funeral and. Ambulance Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W • 24 -Hour Service A���•Af►9AAaP <a d>b 'baR♦♦A♦♦0♦♦0AM♦♦Ot)N♦♦♦♦♦♦asa�nsoosse-s T I ' Superi r Store Shopat Our More AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL FUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE SHALL BE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE -- FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH a COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR 'GROCERY SPECIALS Visit our Lame GroceryGroceryDepartment and take. . advantage of die Various Specials on Sale from time to *rte. Weekly - F Fruits' Vegetables " and Greens. • LET US 'SERVE YOU ! Co'none IL40 H. THIEL. Zurich n• r—St. !I4Iarys at Zurich. II --Zurich at St Marys •Had. Perfect Attendance Congratulations go to Mr. Leonard Merner, 14th Con., who he's the ad- mirable record of perfect attendance for 15 years in the Evangelical U.R. 11—Zurich at St Marys 14—St. Marys at Zurich All the Ilderton and Lucan games are played at Lucan on the rollowing dates. Feb. 44, 8, 11, 15, and 18th. AT A. G. ; ESS THE JEWELLER Sunday School. A very splendid nee- Large attendances are anticipated ord and a good example. l mt these playoff games, and we hope old roan winter will stay with us for Plenty Winter? a few more weeks so we have a few of these games here in Zurich. Snow, cold and more snow and cold was- the menu last week. There is quite a cit of snow around town, and with the mercury dippin.e around the zero me k nightly, it mares one think of the good old Canadian win- ters we enjoyed when a youth. But in those days- we. did not have the ided for the program. The meeting equipment to push aside the snowj'sopeeed by singing the Institute Ode, The Women's Institute The Zurich Women's Institute .met in the: local Town Hall on Tuesday evening for their regular .monthly meeting. Mrs. Chester L. ,Smith pre - banks, just drove over them with the horses as long as the vehicle 11d not upset all was .well. The big plow did a most splendid job around town. pushing around the snow, and with a bit -of shovelling most of us can now get out the car and travel delux. OBITUARY Late Charles Fritz One of Zurich's oldest and well 'known former business men died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Wednesday, January 26th, in the per- son of Charles Fritz, 80. Born at Morriston,and began his al prentice- ship as a shoemaker in Crediton, later conducting his -own business in Dash- wood and then Zurich. In. later yearn he was associated with his son Ward young talent who are ruble to Cake in the automobile business, the firm their place in home life as well as cenu mmnity, it given a chance. l'hanks followed by praying in unison Lord's Prayer. Miss Shirley Guenther of Dashwood favoured the well at- tended meeting with several numbers on her lovely piano aecomdian. Read- ings were given by Mrs Harold Thiel and Mrs, Newell Geiger, these were very good and splendid thoughts to put into every day life. Mrs. a E. Hey sspeaker of the evening, g' on Citizenship and Education many useful thoughts were expressed on the family life at home, as well as in the community, if all were put into action, what a change it woutd make to everyone. Misses Mary Lou Witmer, 'Marion Fleischauer rendered several fine piano duets. We are proud of our INVITFS YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOY NE S. ETLEE LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEED! WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 HENSALL, Va0(B6106041i@f01111101110411Y1Ali00B0, ®®6MWMt•O•44401101kiM®191i 0 0 0 00 a 0 e a se 0 0 0 I i I being known as 'C. Fritz &. Son. I. wife the late Rebecca Fried died 11 1years ago, Ile was a niem.bcr of the )Huron Liberal Association 'e:.ecutive for many years and a sportsman et Inote in hi, younger days, a member of the Evangelical U.B. church, act- ing as, treasurer for some years. Sur- viving are Mrs. Harvey Cowen (Por-' iothy) of Exeter, Pearl and Ward of Zurich. The body rested at the Westlake Funeral Flome, Zurtcti till Friday when a public service was held in the Evangelical U.B. Church,- ' which was largely attended. Inter- line* was made in the Monson lint. , ;Evangelical cemetery, The pastor, ltev, 1l., t4. Roppel oilieift11 i .. of appreciation were expressed to al who took part in the program and to those present to assist make the meet- ing a success. Conmmittce -in charge, Mrs. Wm. Forrester, Mrs. Harold Thiel, Mrs. Newell Geigel and Mrs. C. L. Smith who served refreshments :and a fine spirit of a social evrning was enjoyed together. Mrs. L. Rose, nresident took up the business; two ».ew members were received and the meeting closed by singing >; 'l he Queen." Misses Helen Stewart and Leona 1eheiner of Clinton spent the mn week end at the home of the letter's Mather) 1 Mr:a Anne "!''ittiatreincir, Moffatt* t11,4044.i Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director - Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service. Telephone:- Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich tRI t4' rocer Store We are ever at your service with the beet line obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Seamon as wed as . Canned Fruits and 'Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts - and C4nm.tectio.ex�r in supply. GIVE US 'A CALL eseh r uric . PRODUCE WANTED. sisllsesesessunismarstiasmairs COI Phone 05 air{A ''ue s 1 s Men's Felt Shoes and Rubber Overshoes Warmer Underwear for Winter Comfort, as well as health protector.. See Our Many Lines in Stock. ..GIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE VERY BEST . IN LAYING. MASH AND PELLETS We can help your Hens Produce more Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl 0 L THE ULt.KE SNORE!! Schwartlentruber, Prop. Pbrix, 1 t X9'7 3 i