HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-01-27, Page 1N IT !Is At Hospital Mr. Leroy •O'Brien who underwent ,an ,'olperation on ',Saturday morning . ' at ,1$t. Joseph's Hospital, London, is :getting along well. His many friends f ii was' ? him a speedy recovery. Had Goderich Speaker 1 a well •attended gathering of the i�! At Men's Brotherhood. •of the Evangel- -U.B. Teal U.B. 'Church last Wednesday ev- ening., in their monthly get together, they were treated to a guest speaker in the person of Rev. R. G. MadMillan ott Goderch, and who is pastor of the ne' Knox Presbyterian church, which ii is the talk of the community being so modernistically designed. Rev. .Mr. MacMillan gave a very interesting and helpful talk on fellowship. 11111 �Ia ZURICH HERALJ � itatikblishod i9i10 CHURCH DIRECTOR/ 'T» EMMAIUEL EVANGELICAL UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Rappel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist SUNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. 7.30—Evening Worship Welcome at all Services — "Caw:, thou with ua and we will do the: geed.". Num. 10:29. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO — 10 a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. Pastors will 'be supplied by the Lutheran !Seminally at Waterloo, Ontario Everybody Welcome to all Services Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service " 8:00 p.m — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellow3hip YOU ARE INVI'T'ED TO WORSHIP WITH US! You'll Enjoy Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospel Preaching — Inspirational Singing. Sundays--4GHMIL-900 k.c. -7:30 a.m. —WRVA - 11'140 k.c.- 10.30 p.m. "''The Living Christ for a Dying World." Are Yo :l Suffering From He5 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORN Nc, JANUARY 27 i 955 Single Copies 6 Centa. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Yeas Subscription U.S.A., Year $2..50. Cinderella if Because We had to turn away so many Patrons We are giving a Repeat Performance BY POPULAR DEMAND Of the English Pantomine sponsored by the Hen- sall Girl Guide Association in the TOWN HALL a HENSALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th, ..at 8:15.p.m. Reserved Admission -- Adults 75c; Students 35c. Children 25c. Advanced Tickets available from Zurich Girl Guides. CARDS OF THANKS - ;Mr and Mrs Bryce Mack wish to thank all their friends and neigh- bours for the cards and messages of sympathy received during their rec- ent bereavement. Special thanas to the Rev. ; H. E. Roppel, the Westlake Funeral: Home and G. St. Pierre. We also wish to thank everyone who sent cards and gifts to Philip during his stay in the Hospital. so have your; E'en >ti:xami led vel , I • reatl .thank every one that has e "Latest; Mlas and erlt�ipsyaeut si& > Y .sent 'arie cards, .heats, visited , Me" A. li,.„ ILE, i4., .O. while a patient at St. Joseph's -- Q`�°. Hos- pital, London, which I appreciated. I GODl i O Il oM DERIO OPTICIAN f say again Thank You !—Mrs. Rose Memel.. Good Glasses at 1`. erasable Prices ! .'7":..***41:44'.vo nt$*+bfay&•aa....01)o.4es.4,4-Cr4DGWS•6.4-141.44.,. .e4,0044,444, • T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME• • Funeral rector -- Private Carr Amb ''ante • r Member of Ontario Funeral Association 4. HOLDER OF ST.SOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AI CERTIr I- • CATilE, — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT a, A. • • HOSPITAL BEDS T t° RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN • FRESH FLOWS SUPPLIED FROM , MITCHELL NURSERIES • IP WE . WIRE ANYWHERE 0 o NOTICE There will be a supper held in the Zurich Town Hall on. Tuesday, Feb- ruary 15th, sponsored by the Catholic W. League and the Womens' Instit- ute. Watch for particulars later on. vet AND ANNUAL ME Of the ETING HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERAT IVE INCORPORATED In the Community Centre, Zurich On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY loth Women's Institute The regular monthly meeting of they Zurich Womens' Institute will be held in the town hall, Zurich, ,en Tuesday evening, Feb. ' lst at eight o'clock. All members try and be present for important business. Come and 'bring a ,friend with you. Comm- ittee in charge :.Mrs. Wm. Forrester, Mrs. Harold Thiel, Mrs. Newell Gei- ger, Mrs. Chester L. .Sanith. . HAD CLASS MEETING The invitation was accepted when Mrs. E. Hey of town on Thurssday evening of last week invited the Bethany Sister S. S. Class of the Ev- angelical U.B. church, of which she is a member, to her home to hold their ;annual election of officers and combine a social 'evening. About 27 'neinbers and friends enjoyed the ev- ening together. A program was giv- en with Miss Jane Lamont, president of the class who also. took charge of kt. ,infixed: progrdm an4. otpened:, with ,prayer. Mrs. Hey gave a, fine opening -'address of welcome that made every one feel at home, and had all join to sing "The -IA -ore We'll G,, : ogethe , the Happier We'll be." Mrs. Lee W. Hoffman presented the teacher, Mrs. Menno .Steckle with a book. Election of offi,eiers followed by l�ev. H.oppei officiating, and who offered the clos- ing prayer. A contest by Mrs. M. Williams refreshments .were nerved, vvith thanks to Mrs, Hey for her kind hospitality, it being high tinge for all to say "Adeau" for this grand Christian Fellowship together. Rev, H. E. Roppel took cvH ,rre of the ele.tion which resulted as roll- mvs ' ie ident Mrs, ('h.ster L. 'inith, Vicom plc . 'i J. 4 . :denier; Secy. L. W. t 0 tntln As,t, Sec y.,lll s Guest Speaker---'':'Ir...IcKague, L. C. 0. Director Time: 7 p.m. Tickets $1.10 Ladies Welcome •- Dance to rollow Tickets available at Hensel] and Zurich Co -Op. Offices or any of the Directors, Roy McBride, President. Bertram Klopp Secy-Treas. HYMENEAL Hcr; ea .•+ °11. a "rjo re Will- .:. 24 Hour Service Dashwood. Tel. 70W e.6• 0 -$41.00.4,4,000000.0,600.44c,40,1>. i,^ut.+ ,+fav^ri'b�'rF,afifipd:+C+'3+ r'�ia�ra�Zh•��A@�&+9•v� TheIiia i el1iC,1 LT, Ii. Church - O'Brien 1=============z, -...ms= saiaz"aIIklRS IIFZurich, was the setting for the car elle- lig t ceremony, uniting ill nialr,lage l luniz th Alice f tlet ) daughter of I ti_i and i load O'Brien, t i i • and P .nald Charles, son of lir and :;Urs. Irvine Oke, (;odel•d:11. • n 4f G1 Storesir p t rlt St, re AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN C INAWARE, ETC. WE S ALL E PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE — FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS ! Visit onir Large Grocery Department and take Advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from tine to time. Weekly Fresh Fruits, 'Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU I Phone 140 - C,, H. THIEL r 'Zurich HOCKEY NEWS Two inter,r..sting hockey ganles \V1) 0 ,'layetk 111 ;:ltc Folli, It _-1:rt:'+1.I over the tt-.in n'i, in 1a 1 the on1 r : tes vi • ,1111 interest. The i 1s : cing 011 MA e" al ," v h 11 ti it i1tr011,.1 The pride given 1n mug 11ij, l by ih 1 l ' :ii; • gt:o 41 i o t,111 I) ' 11. ( LI Olil•s atael, 01050 n gown o1 1141ti dati11 lice!lc.er town. i1 ti in ,.neral fashioned 011 l7i.nC 11 0',1 ilii lg in_ 1 d some p Lt 1e 1 t 1 itl t' In i •1 Tot NjYiS, t0 a long train.Her headdress of of scoli1 y 1 t1, doll with the locals ch ..n+,11 lo.,' studs 1 ,.,,:th ,bine I o:,1 nr o�At- oil t n While t game stones and pearls Held 'rier f:lnlilt 1 : d no leagje significe0 In lit scan - heirloom veil. of French silk iiiusion 1'I1YIg, ye't t.i(_it •. 111 l,lnnty Of 0l.fha5 She carried a hand bouquet of t`ln and a lot of fun, Am- erican Beauty Roses. Elle second game did not faro so Mrs, Catherine Webb, as her ,,i,„_1 well with the Flyers on Mont17•' ter's matron of honorwore 11 Wtlitr, ning when the Irish boys 1'1 ill ,':'_an length gown of ]loyal blue velvet defeated the locals 5-3, ,coring all with matching headdress and carried their t als 711 1'10 fust two periods, a hand bouquet of gold mums. Mrs. Lucan bots were never in trouble Maxine Gould, sister of the groom Storey topped the winners with two and Miss Gloria Deitz as bridesmaids wore red and gold velvet waltz length dresses and matching head- dresses, carrying hand bouquets of gold mum's. Miss Bonnie Lou Weber, niece of 1 the bride as flower girl, wo. s a floor length gown of gold velvet with mat- ching headdress and carried a petite hand bouquet of gold baby mums and red rosebuds, Master Brian MacLean, nephew of the bride was l ingl'learer. Kenneth Oke, brother of t!'.e groom 1 was best man. The ushers were Murray Oke, brother of the groom, and Eugene O'Brien, brother of_ the !.bride. The First Division., Zurich Girl Guides formed a guard of honor for the 'bride who is their Lieuten- • ant. The wedding' dinlner wan ed at the Dominion Hotel, Zurfcserv- h. ?or travelling, the bride chose a navy suit with matching accessories and a corsage of American I3eauti ] Roses. The couple will reside 11 W . ;Zurich. , NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTMENTS NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made k Order — Seth O. Axon, Zwick Ont. Phone 128. en! GET A REAL SHAVE With a PHILI SHAVE ELECTRIC RAZOR Ask the Man who has one. The Phili'Shave has a real Brush type motor, never needs oiling or greasing, self sharp- ening, shaves much closer, yet you never feel it. Only $25.95 fully guaranteed. Come in and try one. AT A. G. HESS coag 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENS LOYNE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEED ' WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 -- HENSALL, 1ilw 000000 0000000000 0000 0000 000 0 Licenr flitfttV Emir g9ouggi 'Am* er, d Funer'€aI Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service Telephone: Res. 89 - or 122, Zurich 00 00 0100 uTdt3t04e0+096000000-00 0641006000060e 80660 >� dD ei 0 sI 0 Wea et. e ever at your .dery ice with the , obtainable of FRESH GR.00I I -,d S Ali Fresh Vegetables, Fruits an Season Canned Fruits and Vegetables on 't Tine alas well hand Candies Nuts - and Confectionery in cup* GIVE US A CALL iDeseli notch PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 65 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 V$00000 es*09 ,,�rt+'an'&tqW`Pr:'a:litm11.E.aTgl2Elxi'r�.�v:.EZZ:3r'ZZ5.11iIt'iMa"'%'v::;ixad,.:.al,aim`:r.a.:3�bra•'f'X..t:.wer goals with singles going to Valit]nette Stretton and Bond. For Zurrl.et, Bob and Jim Hayter scored singles along with Homes. The • win.ners had a 2-1 edge at the end of the first period, and increased their margin to 5-2 to start tie third. The homesters were able to pay off with only one goal in the final twenty munites of play. St. Marys will be playing in Zurich this Wednesday evening which will wind up the regular schedule an the teams will then go into the playoffs. Although the playoff dates have not been set, the first and fount+, place teams will meet and the second and third in a home and home aeries, goals to count. The winners will then meet in a four out of seven 801105 to decide the championship. Lucan is on top •arld will likely play St. Marys leaving Ilderton and 'Zurich' to fight it out far a ,place in the tma4s. it should develop a lot of enthusiasm, and we hope some games wit, be held here in Zurich, if the cold weather contittttea us it has been, Men's Felt Shoes and Rubber Overshoes Warmer Underwear for Winter Comfort, well as health protector. See Our Many Lines in Stock. ..GIVE YOUR LAYING FLOCKS THE VERY BEST IN LAYING MASH AND PELLETS We can help your Hens Produce more Good Supply of Fresh Grocerie' always on Hands THE LIKE STORM Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11.97 b