HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-01-13, Page 7•
4 &mit 9neyektoot
• It was more annoying than funny at the
time, but, looking back now, we find a
certain degree of hilarity marked the end
of the Olympic Games.
And df all things, the laughs were pro-
vided by the sombre Russians. When they
Were .edged out on total points by United
States atLletes, on the standard scoring system, they promptly
invented their own, and proved that they were the winners. It was
so childish, so obviously in the naive Russian mould of propaganda,
that at this distance, it's good for a chuckle.
And it's our notion that the international importance of the
Olympics, as proving that any one country is physically better than
another is just plain silly. Ideally, the Games are competitions
among individuals; not between countries. Some countries have
these individual stars at various times, some haven't. For popular
consumption a newspaper scoreboard is kept. But triumph doesn't
necessarily represent a national superiority over the countries
which didn't do so well.
This being so, we're glad the United States won the mythical
title. For the difference between a Russian and an American
over-all points victory is that the Soviet propaganda machine
would have made this a tremendous spring -board for boasting the
decadence of the `imperialistic" countries, as compared with the
virility of Stalin's empire. America will merely boast its undeniably
great athletes and attach no blobular political significance to the
Superiority in running, or jumping, or throwing weights
proves nothing as indicating one nation is more virile, stronger
than another. If it did, then Czecho-Slovakia would outrank all
others, for they sent to the Games the greatest athlete of all,
Emil Zatopek, the man who scored the umbelieveable triple. We
suspect that Russia went into the Games to prove what the propa-
ganda machines would label national superiority, and they almost
did it. We suspect, too, that the Soviet master -mind would not
have allowed a Muscovite team to enter unless they were con-
sidered loaded; lest the. cause of collectivism .be set back by de-
feats on athletic fields.
That's the reason there developed that childish stratagem,
a re -arrangement of the scoring values, to convince the folks at
home that Russia really won, but was robbed by the money -barons
of Wall street.
Let's forget any national significance or racial superiority
that points -victory in the games might be taken to prove. Our
own Canada didn't get many points in the Olympics, but we
happen to think, even so, that Canada is a very swell country in
which we prefer to live in preference to all others, even if we
never score another Olympic triumph.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Eimer Ferguson, c/o Calver; House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto.
A mere fourteen years ago the'
world's record run for the game of
Snooker was 138 points—and as it
Muck there for more than a decade,
-snooker devotees figured that it
s6oiglit never go higher. That per-
fection—a break of 147 would
ever be reached was almost unthink-
able; for a 147 snooker break is
comparable to a golfer putting to-
gether a round of 18 holes -in -one.
* * *
Yet in all probability, before the
present snooker season is over one
or more of the top professionals will
.have made the grade. It might be
Joe Davis of England, or his
brother Fred. It might be the
!Canadian George Chenier; or it
might be the veteran New Zeal-
ander, Mark McConachy. As a
matter of fact the latter once ac-
tually did ring up a 147 score—but,
alas, when his record came up for
ratification, it was found that the
pockets of the table on which he
played were slightly over the stan-
dard width, so it didn't go down in
the books. -
* *
Here, for the benefit of those who
didn't misspend sufficient of their
youth to understand such things„ a
little explanation might be timely.
Actually the game should be called
Snooker's Pool, it having been in-
vented by a certain Colonel Snoo-
ker while serving in India. For
many years the game was con-
sidered to be just a sort of disrepu-
table cousin of billiards. and it
wasn't even allowed to be played
in high class billiard rooms. But,
following the end of World War
One, snooker calve on with sue} a
rush that, in England now, three -
ball billiards is about as rare as a
three -headed elephant.
* * *
To explain what is meant by the
'147 break, it is necessary first of
all to explain about the game of
snooker. it starts with 22 balls
on the table. There are 15 red, six
various other colors, and one white
which is always the cue ball. A
red pocketed scores one point and
the colors are valued yellow 2,
green 3, brown 4, blue 5, pink 6
and black 7. The reds once they
are down stay there but the colors
are returned to the table until the
last red has been put away. Then,
the colors are played in order of
v al u e. Thus it is possible; • by '
potting a maximum - registering
black every time after putting down
a red and then taking all the col-
ors in turn, to score 147. There is
another way by which 147 can be
exceeded but it is regarded as .too
freakish to consider seriously. What
has to happen is that a player has
to be snookered unfairly and claim
a free ball before any single one
of the reds had been put down. In
this way a 155 break is' possible.
e * *
Snookering is the negative side
of the game and consists of exe-
cuting, or persuading your oppon-
ent to execute, what are termed
"foul" _shots. These are too numer-
ous to be enumerated here but the
main ones are usually perpetrated
by hitting a ball other than the pne
you should; missing the objective
altogether; or permitting the cue
ball to enter a pocket. You can
best persuade your opponent to do
any 'onet or two of them by inter-
posing a ball between the cue ball
and the ball he is required to hit.
If you do thit you are said to have
"laid a snooker."
* * s,
Joe Davis, already mentioned,
Me?-1'ln Famous?—"Paul," pet mongoose who belongs to Anthony
Sheridan, 13, of E)stree, England, can't quite believe he's famous,
and Anthony is a little in awe of his pet from Calcutta, India.
Paul is the father of the first mongoose to be born ,in captivity in
England, cold survive. "Titch," Paul's mate, refused to come out etnd
be photographed. Previous efforts to breed the little snake -killing
animals in captivity have failed,
Series-Serious—Thomas Fleming is a New, -:York baseball fan who
was determined to keep posted on what; happened to the three
New York teams in the final days of the pennant races. Via two
radios and television. set, Fleming saw and heard simultaneously
the Giants, Dodgers and Yankees, in and out of New York City.
A huge scoreboard recorded results as they came it.
held the world title for 20 years,
raising the records point by point
till it reached 138. There it remain-
ed until, in 1949, good old Joe
struck another high with 141.
* * *
The following year the game be-
came international among the lead-
ing professionals and in February
of that year George Chenier, of
Winnipeg, set the ivory -rolling
crowd agog.with a new world mark
og 144. But the Canuck's reign
wasn't to last long. Within a
month, playing against Chenier,
Joe Davis rolled them for 146—
just one point short of perfection.
And there, unless somebody upset
it within the past week or so, the
record still stands.
Sold. Themselves to
Help Their Church
The auctioneer cried "Sold]" and
the school superintendent's secre-
tary became a scrub woman for a
day. A church elder was bought as
a coal shoveler. A schoolteacher
found himself sold to his mother-
in-law as a ditch digger.
These were only a few of a steady
stream of Fisk, Missouri, residents
who mounted the auction block and
had their services knocked down to
the highest bidder. But it was all
in fun and for a good cause—to
help pay for the $6000 repair job to
the First Presbyterian Church.
For years the church had been
struggling through bake sales, ba-
zaars, rummage sales and suppers
to help meet expenses. Everyone
was pretty weary of these old
stand-bys. Besides, they brought
in little money.
Elder Brad Jolly decided it was
time for a change. The old methods
just couldn't raise enough to meet
the costs of the church remodeling.
There must be something else the
church could sell that the towns-
people would want. There must be
something new that would arouse
their interest. "We've sold just
about every product we can get
donated except one," he told his
wife. Helen. "We've sold people's
cakes, pies, covered dishes, attic
castoffs and whet have you. But
we haven't yet sold their services.
People who can work, who can do
anything. We'll sell their skill and
their muscle to the highest bidders."
Mrs, Jolly liked the idea—and 'so
did the other elders of the church.
It was cold and damp the•day of
the auction, but practically every-
veryone in the town of 520 souls was on
Shand to buy or sell. Mostly they
did' both.
The school superintendent's sec-
retary brought $8 as a scrub woman.
Elder Jolly's .services as a coal
hauler and a shoveler were valued
at $13. The school teacher was
worth $7 to his mother-in-l'aw. A
young baby-sitter brought $4.50, as
did a b^rl'-- 'ale', offered six hair-
Someone decided the services of
a hunting -and -fishing guide were
worth $13, but a painter brought
only $8. A man and his tractor
went for $12 and the use of a grain
combine brought in $35. Paper
hangers, dressmakers, handy men,
carpenters, cotton pickers, cooks,
bakers, electricians found their way
to the auction block, flexing their
muscles to prove they were able
to satisfy the highest bidder. Two
professional auctioneers did their
stuff without pay.
Just to snake sure that no op-
portunity was missed • to collect
every possible cent, a community
store was set up and brought in
$37.. The sale of Christmas cards
netted another $50. One church
member went around measuring the
waists of everyone she encountered,
fining thein a penny for each inch,
The idea was worth $30. .
The day's total receipts amount-
ed to $778:38, far, far more than any
previous event bad brought into
the church coffers.
"It proved a fine way to raise
money for the church," Brad Jolly
says. "We had a lot of fun and 'our
members as well as the towns-
people who helped out were drawn
closer t o g e t he r." From 4The
Country Gentleman."
Stopping Hiccups
Old wives' remedies are effective
in stopping simple hiccups. But
cases lasting several days or weeks
may require nerve operations. Two
Boston physicians recently report-
ed to the American Medical Asso-
ciation that blowing, or pressing on
the eyeballs will stop simple hic-
cups. These devices are counterir-
ritants' — they produce irritations
that stop the nerve impulses which
cause the hiccuping. Sipple hic-
cups often ',come from an overfull"
stomach, urine retention or irri-
tating foods, tobacco or alcohol.
Hiccups may become dangerous
when they persist and cause vom-
iting, malnutrition and exhaustion.
In such' cases, medical attention is
needed and the hiccups may be
stopped by injections to block the
nerve impulses or by crushing or
cutting the nerves.
a e
Phone Mi. 3169
Check the discomfort of a
cold—fast! Inhale 1Vrinarcl's
Liniment. You'll breathe easier,
feel better. Just tsy it -=you'll see.
DAY old and started chicks, three, four.
five, ° els, seven and eight weak old for
immediate delivery, tion -sexed, pullets,
cockerels at rock bottom prices. Also
ready to lay and laying pullets at re-
duced prices. Catalogue.
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean-
ing? Write to us for information: We
are glad to answer your questions. De-
partment H. Parker's Dye Wnrka Limited.
791 Yonge St. Toronto.
DRESS CORN SALVE -For sure relief.
Your Druggist sella .CRESS.
PULLETS, several thousand HollYwoori
Strain White Leghorns, Bamp X Roollii
Rook X Leghorn Crosses, 4 to 6 months
old at 81.75 to $2.15 each. now through
October, Raised on green Ladino range.
Shipped in new crates. Hawkins Feed
Company Hatcheries, Tilleonburg, On-
GARAGES—Portable, prefabricated, rust-
proof, 5120, $150. Sheds,. Range Shelter
Roofs, 545. Sectional Buildings. Shaw -
bridge, Quebec.
ALUMINUM—New, Corrugated, 28" x 6'.
Beat Canadian Price:— Delivered:— 81.40
Sheet, $10 Square. Buiiding Materials,
Lac .Guindon, Quebec.
FEED MILL, Sacrifice at 54,100. East,
Terme. Must sell before rush season
due to 111 health. Write Jack Robinson.
330 Nelson. Wallaceburg. Ontario.
Motors, Electrical Appliances. Hobbyshop
machinery Dealers wanted. Write: Waren
Grease and Oil Limited. Toronto.
PLASTICS. leathercraft, figurines, t/ood•
burning. jewellery, etc. New 1953
Wholesale -Retail handicraft Catalogue
and Samples 25c. Kidder Maniafacturing,
138. Danforth Ave., Toronto. •
100 Acre Farm 01 miles from Port Hope.
near paved road. Fine solid brick home.
modern bath and kitchen — outbuildings
very good, with complete equipment, tor
spraying, sorting, grading and storage.
30 acres Bearing Orchard, 40 acres work-
able, balance pasture and bush. Write
for full particulars!
Other Farms, Businesses & Homes Listed.
Port Hope
Realtors Rhone 8603
The 1952 catalogue 18 off the press. Write
for your copy or visit the new ware-
house and see for yourself the model
bathroom displays in white and coloured
f ixtures, in standard size bathrooms with
tiled or painted walls, just the way you
want a bathroom in your own home.
We have ainlcs and sink cabinet unite,
lavatory basins and toilets, pressure sys-
tems and electric water heaters, range
boilers, pipe and fittings in copper, gal-
vanized and cast iron, septic and 011
tanks, refrigerators and electric ranges,
a complete line of furnaces, air condi-
tioning units and hot water heating sys-
tems with convector rads. We deliver to
your nearest railway station, You pay nn
Streetsville, Ontario
TOTAL .ACREAGE—nineteen. Accommo-
dation for 100 to 125 guests. All build+
Ings in good, clean condition. Overlooking
lake: boating, fishing, swimming. Tennis.
courts and golf course nearby. No ex-
treme cold. no hot sleepless nights. "This
Is an Estate Settlement." Fall price
only 844,500,00, all cash. Term price
$49.500.00. with 529,500.00 down. Fur-
ther information'. on request. S. B. Hirtlo,
Real Estate. Oliver, B.C.
graded Rams of all ages. Also good
breeding ewes and ewe lambs. Maurice
Tolton, R.R. 3. Walkerton, Ont.
MOTALOY gives Motors, Valve and Ring
job while driving. Money back guarantee
for 200,000 miles. Free Information,
write: Ernesto Sales Co., Formosa, Ont.
iT'S IMPORTANT! Every sufferer of Rheu-
matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's
335 Elgin Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
WHY suffer If there is something that will
help you? Hundreds of thousands of sets
nave been said on a money back guar-
antee. So easy to use. After your symp-
toms have been diagnosed as Asthma, you
iwe it to yourself to try A sthme nefrin.
Ask your Druggist.
No Pills No Druge
As used by reading London Hospitals
and Medical Specialists, bent on receipt
of Postal Order One Dollar to:
SUPPLIER. 42 Tnvfsteck. Place, London,
W C.T 6338 T T.S.-A00
TWO nurses wanted far United Church
Mission Hospital on West Coast, Inter-
esting work. Good salary and other
benefits. Information, Dr, John Whiting,
F,i:etnr, fiat,^ria.
Here's a bargain— 00,000 yards of extra
wide 68-00 inch all wool material at
lower than store prices, And our new
way lets you see and feel material before
you buy. You mail us 25o for samples
and we will refund your 26c on first
order. Write P.S.S. R., Jinx 172, Renfrew,
t€. 1
Everybody gets a b't run-down now and
then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe
bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing
seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic
condition caused by excess adds and
wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys,
and so help restore their normal action of
removing excess acids and wastes. Then
you feel better, sleep better, work better.
Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now, Look for
the blue box with the red band pt all
druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52
107N CANADA'S LEADING 8('171101
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Pleasant dignified profession, good wages,
Thousands of euoaesalul starve! graduates
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358 Bloor St. W.. Toronto
44 Ring St., Hamilton
72 Rideau St.. Ottawa
BE Indepet,dentl Manage own magazine
subscription buaineaa spare time. Lit-
erature free. Elliott'e. 252 Gatneboro,
"SHARE The Profits," Become Member
of Richardson Enterprises, Details
51.00. We pay Dividends twice a Year. •
Box 4324, Station "A", Dellse 8, Texas.
last a tested, proven hair restorer.
Quickly promotes hair growth in all
cases of baldness, regardless of age or
condition. Sold on full money back
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tributor Thalia Herbal Products, 72 West
Ave. South, IHamilton. Ont.
OVER 1000 TESTED Money -Making Tips.
Many good HOME Projects. Postpaid
82.00. Satisfaction guaranteed. You can't
lose. W. THARP, Box 528-C, Omaha,
AN OFFER to every Inventor—List ut in-
ventlona and full informs tion sent free.
rhe Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Minn,
eeys .278 Hank Street. Ottawa
tent Solicitors. Established 1890 350
Say Street. Toronto Rnnkiet of Infra -ma.
don nn request
.NEW ruga made from your old rugs and
woollens. Write for catalogue and price
list. Dominion Rug Weaving Company.
2477 Dundee Street West, Toronto. Ont.
RAISE Hamsters. Make extra money.
Pair $3. Trio 54. Aristocrat Ham-
etery, 259 Chalmers, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
WANTED — used office safe. roll top
desk and adding machine. Apply Irving
Keyes, Glamis, Ontario.
H E?
Then wake up your liver bile ..
jump out of bed rarin' to go
Life not worth living? It may be the liver!
It's a fact! If your liver bile is not flowing
freely your food may not digest . . gas
bloats up your stomach ... you feel con-
otipated and all the fun and sparkle go out
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Carters Little Liver Pills. You see Carters
help stimulate your liver bile till once again
it is pouring out at a rate of up to two pints a
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Carters Little Liver Pills. Always have them
on hand. Only 35c from any druggist.
Protect your BOOBS and CISH from
FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size
and type of Safe. or Cabinet, for any
purpose. Visit us or write for price,
eec., to Dept. IV.
145 Front St. E., Toronto
Estn.biisbed 10514
u If you suffer from acid indigestion, gas,
heartburn, scientists say baking soda can add
to your upset, destroy vitamins, cause
alkalosis, acid rebound.
!enter meals I had indigestion and gas
pains, and I practically lived on baking
soda," says Peter George,'Lothbridge, Alta.
"Then I started taking Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery and the pains went away
and I could eat and enjoy my meals again. I
gained 30 pounds and felt much better."
Thousands who suffered such distress, due
to no organic causes, tried Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery with amazing
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non-alcoholic medicine, with its wonderful
stomachic tonic action, have been sold to
date. And no wonder. First, taken regularly,
it promotes more normal stomach activity,
thus helping to digest food bettor so you
won't have gas, heartburn, sour stomach.
Second, with stomach activity improved, you
eau eat the foods you like without fear of
after -distress.
Try it. Got Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery et your druggist, today!
Farmers Attention—Consult your near.
est Harness Shop about Staco Homess
Supplies. We sell our goods only
through your local Stec* Leather -
goods dealer. The goods are right
and so are our prices. We manufac-
ture in our factories; Harness Horse
Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blankets
and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist
on State Brand Trode.Marked Goods
and you get satisfaction Made only by
42 Wellington St E., Toronto
-Write for Catalogue —
ISSUE 41 1952