HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-01-13, Page 4C#NTARIQ su Face The Facts Providing for your family) is a man's job — a full-time job. Should death or disability take you out of that job, your Life Insurance stands ready to take over— If you 131an now for adequate. proteetion, And the cost is low. See me for particulars of a plan suitable for your family. T. Harry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFrE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company -- All Profits for Policyholder, Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. ZURICH HERALD attend. Lunch will .be available. Cpl. Thomas Miller, ReC.H.p, of IMeDonald Man., is vacationing with his father, Slain .Miller and other re- latives, Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft and fam- ily ;of London spent last week -end with .Mr and Mrs Ernest Koehler and family. All were visitors with 1Vir. and Mrs. Ed. Willert. Miss Vera Weiberg• of 'Waterloo, spent 'the week -end with Mr and Mrs. Fred 'Weiberg. Mr and Mrs Helmuth Messner, the daughter and 'Miss ,Surrnen of London were week -end visitors wiiih air and Mrs. Fred Messner. Mr and Mrs Wendell - Gamble and Gary of London, spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs L.H. Rader, • Mrs. William Wein. spent tie week end in London with Mr and Mrs, Glen Brown. 1Vlr and Mrs Gordon.. Eagleson, Franklin and Peter of. ,Southampton, ' • were week -end visitors with .Mrs. Hy. Eagleson and other relatives. Mr and Mrs, Merton Desjardine of London .spent IS.unday with Mr and Mrs. Gerald !Mason. The annual Library meeting wall be held Monday evening, Jan. 17 at 7 p.nn. in the Men's Club rooms. The public is urged to attend. } W.S.W.S. Meets. - The W.S.W..S. of the Evangelical Of Baby Chicks will be fed On... FOR THE gAR' odof ORDER MASTER CHICK STARTER KRUMS-TODAY YOUR LOCAL MASTER DEALER ...again in 1935 "HIGH EFFICIENCY" MASTER CHICK STARTER KRUMS is designed to produce faster gains per pound of feed. Recommended by hatcheries for quick feathering, for liveability and increased vigor. (Mervyn Tiernan presided for the bus- iness. Plans are being made to quilt again this year. Following lunch the 4. meeting closed with mizpah eenedet- ion. Agricultural Highlights .4* Or M W. G T . of pSon AND SONS LTD. Hensai.l, Ont. Phone 32 s are G as your telephone COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE LW ,;. ES Ili OHTANI Cali RAYE B. PATERSON„ IfIrust O1icer Hensel!, Ontario, Phone 51 For e Estate Planning and Wills e Real Estate Services • Investment Management and Advisory Service • 3%% Guaranteed Investment, e 21/2% on savings—deposits may be trailed Or Cornea Anir Office Of R TY T r,',l 1LS COMPANY O1F CANADA Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor • 1Viagarm Fells • Sudbury • Sault Ste. Marie Calgary, a Vancouver 1 e ho a so m ch to protect This Canada of ours — is ours to enjoy at a price — the price of constant alertness, We cannot take for granted our freedom to worship, to vote, to educate our children, of to order aur home life es we please. All these freedoms are ours only as long as we ore willing to do everything necessary to maintain and defend them,. All honour then to the Canadian Soldier — the steadfast guardian of all our free institutions. Without men like him, the Canada we love might cease to be. We have so much to protect. East us all do our part, without let-up, whatever way our duty. lies. SERVE CANADA AND YOURSELF IN THE ARMY To be eligible you must be 77 to 40 Years of age, skilled.tradesman to 45. When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age. Apply right away -- For lull information write or visit the Army Rotru ting Centre nearest your home. No, 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont, —Tel. 9.4507 Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St. Kingston Ont — Tel. 4738 Canadian Army Recruiting Centre, 00 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. --'fel AM. 6-e341—Local 278 No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Eiltebtth Sts: Landon Dnt, •—lel, 4-1601 Army Recruiting Centre, 230 WO St, W., North Ray, bnt. — lel. 458 Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St, E., Hamilton, bnt, -- tel. JAckson 2.8708 ozrw-O DASHWOOD Clinton Office Jan. 8,'55 Hatchery operations report a be- low average demand for chicks for this season of the year. , There leas been an increased demand for Farm Account Books from this office:'Whil.e there is very little snow, recent ice storms has made travelling ,conditi- ons on country roads very, treacher- ous. Important January Farm Meetings! Jan. 11 • Annual meeting, Bayfield .Agric. S.o'ciety, Town Hall, Hayfield at 1.30 p.m. Jan. 15 - Annual meeting, Huron Cen tral Agric. Society, Agric. Office Board Room, Clinton at 1.30 p.m. Jan. 20 - Huron Co. 4-H!Club Lead- ers Assn., Agric. Office Board Room, Clinton at 8.30 p.m. Jan. '•216 - Annual meeting and Ban- quet - Stephen. Twp. Federation of Agric., Coinmunity Hall, Crediton, at 7 pan. Guest speaker, Rev. W. A. Young, Padre at the O.A.C., .Guelph Jan. 27 - Huron Co. Soil and Crop St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs Victor Brisson and family of Detroit spent the week -end United Brethren church nerd their monthly meeting with India as their topic. IVlrs Harold Kellerman in India costume presided Mrs. Mervyn Tie- rnan led in prayer, following a hymn. The scripture was mead by Mrs. Wes England, Mrs. Gerald Mason sang, Go Tell it O'er the Mountain. Mrs Carl Oestreicher, a New Years poem. A piano solo was played by Mrs. Harvey Pfaff. Rev. Krotz gave the study book on India, after which a a Mr and Mrs F. Ducharme of the prayer for India was given byMrs. B W. Highway also took advantage Stuart Wolfe. of last Sunday to welcome their chil- A -short playlette was gwen by dren and friends as they too were Mrs. Letta Taylor and Mrs. Harold absent on New Year's Day. Kellerman. The president, Mrs. Mrs Valerie Contin of St. Joseph in St. Joseph with the later's mother, and brothel. On Sunday last was the finishing touch of the Yuletide family gather- ing and those who were absent from their homes on New Year's Day took Sunday last to get together and at the home of .Mr and Mrs Dominic Geoffri of St Joseph, relatives and friends mothered for the occasion.. I at 7:00 p.m. to not be alarmed when !the siren sounds! F+ Citizens of Dashwood are asked to Dashwood W. I. are holding a trite that the firemen are )holding euchre In the irublis sc'hoor, Friday, den Weed, of each month Jan. 1,1th at is p.m, All are invited to 1 Thurs'dav, January lath 1955. FRE Films! Fun! Food! FOR FARMERS DOOR PRIZE TOO! TOWN HALL — ZURICH Monday, January 17th, .At 8 p.m. THE LATEST CASE and New Holland Machines Shown in Action- EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT left on Sunday last for Detroit where she will spend a .week with Bier chil- dren. Mr and Mrs Lenard Sopiha or De- troit spent the week -end with his parents on this Highway. The C. W. L. of this parish are sponsoring a Euchre party on Thurs- day eve. January !113, at St. Joseph in Mr. H. Fortier' s hall, for church purposes. Follow the crowd and enjoy yourself. It Was Understood 'The bride said: last week we re- turned from our honeymoon, and since my husband was a bachelor, if run by local service clubs. Fair boards should strive to promote local. competitions of entertainment. Prop . resolve euchre followed: Next meeting- will be held at the home of Mr and things were a little .disorderly in the• home. On the back of a chair a pa of trousers had been left; and to create for myself a name as a goon! wife I started picking things up. First putting the trousers away, he• stopped me, put them on, Honey, he. said, what for I protested, he sandleda to find out what he had in -mind, I put them on, they were about size: sizes too bag, do they fit he asked(' Oh Darling r, said, they don't, they are much too. large, he then pulled hie to his side gently and said, they are my size, I'll wear the pants. IN 1954 tkekQ uxus Piw9n& Throughout the land, Canadians made progress in 1954. They prospected,,staked, drilled and mined; they cleared, ploughed and planted; they fished and they hunted; they planned and constructed; they manufactured, and they bought and sold. And working with Canadians in their ventures from coast to coast — helping with counsel, service and money — was the Bank' of Montreal. In 1954, B of M loans and investments -- amounting to some two billion dollars — worked for Canada and Canadians. 'Wholesaling and retailing enterprises .. , petrochemical, smelting and mining developments of every type and manufacturing in all its phases ... farms and ranches ... the grain trade . { ; co-operative productionand marketing ... housing developments .. municipalities , churches, hotspitals and schools .. , .many industries, many organizations, and many people in all walks of life counted on the B of M for counsel and credit. Canada is on the march today. And moving ahead with the nation are 625 B of M branches from coast to coast, at the service of the men and women who are forging the Canada of tomorrow. 'Yes, where there was progress in 1954.. woostite Rank, KW/tea • ' ° : MY fI AM F'. , . avorrkfrr, with Canadians in every walk elf life rinse 1817 r0? AijU/ON CAOAO/A t MAIM IRON ORE FROM UNGAVA . . brought byrail froth these fabulous' ore fields to Seven Islands, seaboard terminal of Quebec's great mining_ project. The B of M was the first to open a full-time banking office at Seven Islands ... six years before the -first shipment of ore last July, ALUMINUM FROM• KITIMAT ...., giant.B.C, development, one of the.• world's biggest industrial under. takin s. Constructors of Kitimat shared B of M support. The Bank of Montreal founded the first bank- ing office at Kitimat — in January 1952, when there were but two hundred workmen carving out the, setdement with their bull -dozers.. Il%ll'�l ll�l%BY ST, LAWRENCE SEAWAY AND: POWER PROJECT . long discussed and now under way, destined to. open the Great Lakes to world shipping, and cement friendship be- tween two great nations.The BofM opened the first•banking office et Mille Roches, near Cornwall, Ont.,. ' last October for the convenience of seaway workers. 1$ ATOMIC ENERGY Al CHALK RIVER, r>h> . Canadian enterprise in this. ne' vital field has made Chalk River a famous name. Nearby, at Deep. :•>fi s River, townsite of Defence Indus- tries Limited, the Bank of Montreal. opened the first banking office—in r„vhf May, 1945,.to_ serve scientists and workers at the Atomic Energy plant,_ OIL — AND GAS — FROM THE RICH; WEST .. The Interprovincial Pipe- line speeds the flow of oil from_ source to market and cuts trans- portation costs. 'rite 13 of M assisted in the financing of this great under. taking. And it is equally ready to. assist in the plan to pipe gas from western wells to eastern markets., NEW HOMES FOR CANADIANS . , When the Government of Canada asked the Chartered Banks to add the making of mortgage Loans to their services in order to increase the building of new homes for Canadians, the B of M responded promptly from coast to coast. It made the first mortgage loans on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts alike; it tnade the first in the Prairie Provinces—the first in Ontario-- efirst in HerewasQuebec. laehreothe financing of thousands of new hous- ti< „ ing units started in Canada under the National Housing Act in 1954. .s.