HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-12-09, Page 5ZURICH t. ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Pest Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS . N. L. Martin OPTOMETRIST Main Street Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday tICENSED 'AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER. PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer Por your Sale. large or small; Court - *oust and Efficient Service at all irldnes Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Forms Reasonable, Satisfaction GrjaraflteeCl Phone, Zurich 92 r 7 1%.1- ITHUR FRASER Income Tay.. Report, 'Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER - Corner Ann, William tts. Phone: Exeter 564 VETERINARIAN Ars, COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS ORice with Resiaence, Main Street, 'Opposite Drug Store Viiene-96 ZURICH ;sr BUTCHERS Zurich' s; Popril ftr WinE A T Ivr A REV IllAVE US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRRSH AND CURFD MEATS. BOLOGNAS. SAUSAGES. ETC:, ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD- ZRN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGBLUT ;ROS. PRODUCE OBRIEN's PRODU Cash Market for Cream, Eggs cand Pret41try fiave Your Eggs 'Graded on AUT'ONIATIC . EGG GRADER • LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich 17 lurid a er ur home trrlarket for Cream Eggs andoulttry HIGHEST CASH PRICES AID PLUS A 'PREMIUM FOR 'DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GI'VE EFFICIENT CCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEP ART M E NT IN CHARGE OF THOS. 'MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, P/roprietor INSURANCE Western Farmer Weather Insura Mutual e C. OF WOODSTOCK gell LARGEST RESERVE BAL. MIME OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- A4 COPY DOING BUSINESS ON' THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . Rineemat Of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 • 20)810 Policies $125,269,726.06 Cash in Bank and Honda $495,607.94 BATES ON APPLICATION E. K KLOPP - ZURICH A G E T ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING 'VP& A.No ALL KIND3; PP FIRE INSURANCU ZURICH I-JERALD ''14 LOCAL NEWS IMr and Mrs Fred Raderor flash - Wood were in town on Tuesday. • IMr. Reg. Illsley o Lamibeth was a recent ,caller in town. Mr and Mrs. ,Clarenee liotrmen of Galt Were•Tuesday visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs Ross Johnston were in Detroit for a. few days lase week. Mr and 'Mrs C. L. Smith macre -a business trip to Goderich on Friday. Mr and Mrs Emanuel Koehler Detroit, were visitors with rerataves in Zurich, last weeik. aVirs. Weido of London, is visiting at the home of her daugh- ter, Mr and Mrs Lawrence Bedard. Mr and Mrs J. W. Haberer spent several days the past week in Tor- onto on business. • Mr and 'Mrs Ward Fritz who spent the past week in Windsor and De- troit have return -ed borne. 'Mr. James Hayter of leasnwood, made a business visit in town on Monday, Mrs, Robert McBride of Kippen, was a recent visitor with Mr and iMrs Roy McBride, town line. Mr and Mrs Herbert Kraft or De- troit enjoyed the week -end at the home of IMr and Mrs R. •Stade. Judge Here • Judge Lang, of ,Stratford, Perth County Judge, presided at the Tenth Division Court held in the Zurich Town Hall, when a heavy 'amount of business was to be dealt with, which vas 19gke6.After th.09'0d MEET AT VARNA, The Goshen :and Yana ;United Church Yourg People's Union met at Varna. Berne McKinley presided in the absence of the preeident Nev. T. J. Pitt gave a talk on the work of United Church missions -in Japan, In- dia and Korea, using the . booklet 'Our Father's Business.' Recreation followed and the meeting closed. Miss Lola Chuter was the pianist. UNIQUE FARM FORUM The Unique Farm Forum met at the home ioif 111/Ir and Mrs Leonard Mer ner with 24 members present. Mr. Leonard !Merrier and Mr. C. Oestreich er and Mr. .Geo. 'Greiner ,commented on the Annual ,Meeting of the 'Huron County Federation of Agriculture. We felt the Medical Hospital and other health services were satisfact- ory. .111/Ir, Aaron 'Oestreicher will be next week's speaker on "Getting Started?' This meeting will be. a Christmas meeting. - The hostess ser- ved a. very delicious lunch. DEDICATE NEW C•arenacal Official opening and dedication tf the ,Christian Reformed ^Church, 'Clin- ton, was held On Dec. 3rd 'with the reeve of Hullett Twp. and Huron Co. Warden W. J. Dale and Mayor IVIor- gan J. Agnew attending., 'The thureh was built by, about 100 families who have come over from 1-lidliand and settled there. The building is 'in the shape of a T and the arms tar the T are an auditorum lithcher and rest rooms. Upstairs in file 'T are six rooms to be used by .3 organizations which the church runs. The audit - juin holds about 50,0 peeal-e. Weather Looks 'Better Over the week -end following the heavy fall of allow and ice last Thursday, and then 'the cold spell with the mercury around the zero at nights, the weather to -day, Wednes- day looks much better and is warm- ing up a bit, for v,;hich we are very grateful, and. e.specially the many fanners who still 'have corn out stan- ding in the Adds. With the heavy blanket ,of snow on the fields, and the torn stalks 'seem to 'hold same, there Is little if any frost below the •cruet .of snow. Rad the frost come before thc snow fell, then there would be something 'to 'bear up, but perhaps this will •come soon and the fine big, well loaded corn cops, that. we see coming in out of the fiekle, where possible, will all 'be garnered in, as corn is a very substantial kind of feed for Stock. Mail Early for Clstmas The Post Office Department of •Canada is appearing to 'the -citizens, to do their Christmas mailing early and assure delivery in plenty of time. The dates suggested by them is as follows. To U. S. A. Mail before Dec.'8th; British -Columbia, niaU befere Dee. ail. Newfoundland, etc., before Dee. 11.; Alberta, Sask.., and Manitoba nefore Dec. 13; iMaritinee Provinces, before Dec. 18th; 'Ontario' and Quebec be- fore Dec. 15th; Local deliveries, mail before December 17th. If 'later, the Post Office can only do its best. Christmas Cards in unsealed envelop- es may be sent at the 2e rate. for the first two ounces and le Art01'00/110 2 ounces, to each separte address. It is to your advantage to lave First, Clogs, Mail for Christmas cards---athey may be sealed, include written messages, and are •eligible for air transportata ion. ,Parcels -Pack and tie your par-' cels seettrely-fully addressed with return address included inside and out. For additional information ,get in touch with your local post office. ATTENTION READ CAREFULLY Do, you want a business of your awn? Serve o ers with large Rawleigh line of Home necessittes in ioc'alll;y consisting of Townships Hay, Stephen, and McGillivray. Pleasant end permanent oeeupation. geed profit. Real opportunity for a I.,.,4:^o^1,21 7 trw- i •.; BELL & LAO GHTON aARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. L4UGHTON, L.L.B. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m, at Zuri0 At Township Clerk's Office EXETER PHONE 4 Mobile Sewage Disposal Modern Equipment for Pumping Ceis Pools, Septics, Catch Basins, etc. Phone 205 GRAND BEND, ONT. "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 21A Gallons C. ANDERSEN. B.A. Station - Dashwood " OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK .FOR SALE (Muskrat Shorty Fur Coat, size 14- 16, in good •condition for quick sale, reasonable, - Phone 112, ^te NOTICE Anyone wishing to have their cattle sprayed with Warblcide contact Bill Watson, Dashwood. Phon 37 r 19. Auto For Sale For Quick Sale, A 1950 Chev. Sedan, very good 'condition., family owned. 26;000 mileage. New tires. A.pplly to Asa Steckle,' RR. 2, Zurich; Phone Hensel]; 698 r 12. FOR SALE A Hereford Bull, a year old, Reg- istered. Apply to Percy Willert, Ph. 94 r 10. OTICE SPECIAL HAND-WOVEN REV- ERSIBLE RAG MATS For Sale, Low Price. -Seth 0. Amanns, R.R 1, Box. 3 Phone 112t8, Zurich. 3t* FOR SALE A 50 -foot corn crib roof. Apply to Curtis Gingerich, Phone 79 r 20, Zurioh. 2-t4( FOR 'S-ALE: Reg. Dual Purpose Durham hei- fer, due within' two. weeks. -Ted Geo- ffrio, Phone 93 r 19, Zurich. 2te - . 'WANTED Will pay 3c a Ib. for old Horses for Mink Feed. -Phone collect, Goderich 936 r 21, or 936 r 32. -Gilbert Bros., Goderich. tine 441 • 4. 4. 4. fe 4. 4. • 4. 4. 4. 1 READ On the table ,,•a• the meal is ready ! LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table ---bread for, your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns for la,"eakfast., . luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon..piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Breal in variety, too, for snacks any timi of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals - let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! V mrsh asty- 'pakery PHONE 100 ZURICH Big Saving TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FOL- LOWING BIG SAVINGS: Was Now Major Craft Automatic pop-up Toaster and butter Warmer $29.95 19.95 Alcamatis Deep Fryer and Cooker 39.95 19.95 13 pieces, Royal Chef Alum- inum ware Heavy 69.95 19.95 50 rubber Cords, rubber Sockets and Guard 3.50 COME IN AND SEE FOR YOUR- SELF. CHECK QUALITY AND PRICES Order for orYourself or as Gifts! St. Joseph Service Station Phone 87 r 17 - Zurich HINMAN MILKERS Having been appointed Local Agent for the well known Hindman Milkers, am in a position to give service as well as being salesman of same. If in need of repairs or service, or wish- ing to purchase a new unit, be sure and see me. FRANCIS 'KIPPER - ZURICH DAIRY. Phone 16.i •381 3 8 3,ij8010:10113 "I SUPERLATIVE jam 3: 16 1The Ri^:hest Possible Mercy-- cod ksizsg "the world." . Shown at The Highest possible Price - 'the Gift of "His only begotten Son" for The Largest -possible Number --- that "whosoever" you, me, or anybody else might not suffer The Darkest possible Doom "perish", but have The Greatest passible Riesling - eternal life .-. on The Easiest possible Terms - "Whosoever believeth" with The Best possible Security - God's WORD for it all. -.Ahonyrtio,ts. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 -- Zurich, Ontario 5 5856 8585 85 a 85 6 6 6 85 85 85 85 Mill6301SVERGOESIMEITOMBEZTUZIEDINIMIRMINISTEMMENOIDELMEINIEIEEEIMINIMMULTIMMEMEE819311M3=veiEm 4. 0 0 • 4. 4. 4. 4. 0 • It s u 1 ply Yo WITH YOUR FUEL NEEDS! COAL - FURNACE OIL Snow Fence and Fibrun Paper for your corn crib or temporary Silo We are again Cleaning Clover Seed and Seed Wheat at our Hensall Plant. How about your Fertilizer Requirements for fall Wheat and Pastures Hensall District Ca -Op 4. • Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 Main St. Hardware Store vensAnnin.,64.4...o66okote...._ w.„E )7:s4trtP,4-‘,40at.•-•,...aga, ....401le^.3.-...4--,10.s.4.„44^twe,t444,04,aetratkalkkarktta-eatAtiamo,igtomor 4. 4. 4. 4. 85 4. 4. 85 0 0 4.4.8 4. 85 4. 85 0 8544 85 85 85 44o ! * e e 85:85 85,44 * 4.4.85 49 e u• ; Thursday, December 9th, 1954 (1. 4. 4. 85 1' • 4'4.4 4 44 39 4. ft • • 854 39 85 Your Hardware' Store FREE DRAW In Appreciation for the Patronage received during the past Year We are giving away the following Prizes: 1st Prize - Pop up Toaster. 2nd Prize - Clothes Hamper 3rd Prize - Reviere Fry Pan Just sign your name and deposit in our store Draw will be made 4:30 p.m. Friday,'Dec. 24th. You do not have to be Present to win. Wishing you all the SEASONS' GREETINGS! Rader Itt&rnRz flardvywo Phone Zurich - 63. 85 85 ^.z• 3 8 '0202818110818111effatai"d88E1E80=akeeetteDa2=etaiiitatetiaftemeseow . 4 4 4 4. 4. 4. 4 Point for Point ---- Dollar 4. 4. :for Dollar. Here's the 4.• Biggest Washer Value to- • :day • This Beautiful Washin 6. • • •4 achine: 4. 2 •• 4. 4. • 4. Trade in the old Machine. • • a a ttt For 85 4,° 85 85 4°0 Phone 84 As Low As $129.00 -.PMERIMKIREMICENLI all Wiring Jobs - Call. E Til SeariOnar0512NEESESISMAMEM31111MSEIST0 LEO_ Zurich IC) . . 3 WOass,r 43334 434•3 - 4.4.0 40 4.• • 4.4. 4.• 48• 4 tto, 0' • 4.• 4. 48 85 4, 4. 4. 40 4. 4. • • 4.4. 4. 4. • 4. WARMER FOOT EAR Damp, Cold Feet is the main cause of the Common Col d which can be avoided by wearing footwear for the occasion. Stop at the Oesch Shoe Store and see for yourself the kind of footwear to keep you comfortable and healthy. MEN'S -Brawn and black Dress Shoes $6.95 to $14.95, Also work shoes $6,95 to 9.95. No splits. WOMEN'S -111k Kid Ox, $8.45 hi 8 widths and 2 different heels. CHILDREN -Red Strap, Brown 2 Strap. Oxfords and Patents Get your Winter Footwear NOW- and be ready, for the first Cold Snap. Oesch Shoe Stole Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 ii"tma,.e.iraiT2,Firag.7.7406-tliMaltseat.7raftlalliTaaireleaallta.MreataittalZateti-MEWEaelaei- 4. 4. 4. 4. 85 4. 6 6 4.4. 4* 4. • 4. 4. 44 4. 0' 85 4. 85 85 85 4. 4. For Your Heating System WE RECOMMEND: The Good Cheer or Forced Air and The Arco - flame Oil Furnaces Guaranteed Workmanship at Reasonable Prices A fine Display of Modern Bathroom and Kitchen Fixtures always on hand. SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE Electric Stoves - Refrigerators - Washing Machines ALL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Paints - Enamels - Varnishes Electric Wiring Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing OUR AIM -To Serve and Satisfy. tar a( A r „,e 343 4. a 5854. 44 4. 44 4. • 04 85 85 4. • 4.4. 85. 85 3 Phone 213 39 5 39 44 .45