HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-12-09, Page 1+. • '4.1777,77.7777 '.1'777,'7..147477.41:4t17,7 "P: ' 0 we 0 0100 00 00 .0 00 4 0 .14.0 “ 4 0 0 00 AL tilitittlatea 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, 111-11URSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9 1954 DIRECTORY FOR EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL UB. CHURCH ZURICH ONTARIO — • • - Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Gesell - Organist .INDAY SERVICES— , 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — I3ble School. 7.80—Evening Worship Welcome at all Services — "Come li-hou with us and we will do thee good.". Num. 10:29. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church S o9 ZURICH — ONTARIO — OIRV. E. • W. HEIMRICH, P ASTON'. au a.m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.80—Vespers. Taeorybody Welcome to ell Services Zurich Mermonite Church Pastor-- Albert Martin SUNDAYSERVICES: il:00 a.m. — Sunday School al:in a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting `WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship ' trOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH USI ;You'll Enjoy Listening to— "THE IVIENNONITE Houp." Zospel Preaching — Inspirational Singing. Eundays—CIIMIL-900 k.c. -7:30 a.m. —WRVA - 11140 k.c.- 10.30 p.m. IsThe Living Christ for a Dying World." FOOT ILLS AND RESULTANT BODY ..SYMPTOMS • SEE . GEORGE". •HARDMAN SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF George Hardman Skilled Technician AT THE MILT A. Zurich, Ontario .$ PESCH:T....40E STO" E A P1191* , 82 or 130 MONDAY, DECEMbi*:-',:'-:13t1i. 10 A. M. — 8 P. aviit. NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION nere itee, ,,,,helhe ege " -10ePe-Teeee, • ' t'Stehrates Birthday Cli4e4t.Tritz celebrated his 56th hirthday::elest week, Dec. Znd. trew the yeare' roll along. One should 1,in so thankful tohave health to en- oy liehasp. anipye..: W.ledyzissh. Charles many NOTICE'TO AV 1. The Zurich,:WoMens' Institute will p,estpOnetheft ':Ohristmas regular o Monthly eneetiXie: ',for the present nne. There Will not be any meeting J•lield on December the 16th. • „ mo • tribrir.srara Hospital We are,PleaSid to report that Mr. —F r FOOT COMFORT and.FOOT'HEALTH 0,13 . • ,„„ • eiciy • nen las recovered sume- Are You Suff." From Headaches.? s have your Eyee Examined with 4. • OPTOMETRIST IL OPTICIAN GODERICII ONT, I _ have beesn food Glasses at Reseonable Prices fiteteeeeteeeeeeee ee,eeeekeeneea49004.004Peeedeteeee 00004-041.04-00.400 . . gently too retarri •tie•lais home 'here on See and..-EPepelle . e...,,Wtdnesday; although he is lti.11 in the .:Ye600,ating stage, but e:eeee hope to see exi.ore" of hirn as time 7.73. 40 •,0 .'''':.' 'Tel on. i‘il.,any of us have had. their For your health's sake, if you suffer from bad feet, youis,-(44ecealaindddeoowunragine hhaesaltehra, tabouatuspatto- ei . pat - should consult Miracle Foot Aid. Scores have found"bod-g,- ily ills clear up when they sought the amazing results of 12,1,140 well and take our place in life. eVV•e wish Leroy a speedy recovery. • Miracle and found correction for foot ailments through ; Closed For Repairs this scientific method. in'.. No matter if you haven't walked a step years without.,S6 .,,,- chool Section No. 11, Hay Town - experiencing the most excruciating pain because of bad ril pfi.iy., has been temporarily closed for feetno matter if your foot trouble has become chronic ::tpialys, being closed when the Dual - to consult te !e • was declared unsafe. The school ,and you've given up hope, we still inVite_ you Ilva'aght tg ' itcated on the Blue Water ,Highway, the Miracle Foot -Aid clinic. Thousands of others their case beyond repair have been delighted. with the re -.1 Anout two miles south of b -c. Joseph, sults obtained through Miracle Foot Aid. walls of which were buitt m 1894 Miracle provides easy comfortable correction almost immediaterY, 11111?" iie;;Vee.re badly in need of repair, and the and. in easy stages builds again a steono, and sturdy hone structure in,' .4th concession. This arrangement FREE CONSULTATION! Individual Attention' Workmen are Busy The steeple jacks who undertook 'rebuild or repair the steep/es of iThthe EN -angelical U.B. church, are bus- h51i, engaged, although the weather has 'at been. good for outside work, still 114 keep on doing masonry work. 'lest of the woodwork will have to be ',Viewed, in fact they say it is a 'Seeder the hell did not fait down htheeeeetPw 'Are- noor, is t1e Weed. This was newly erected in 0 • , 1e26, when the addition was put to MR. HARDMAN will be glad to give you names of local people Wil.0 the chinch. The new tower will be IIRALE A FOOT AID. of a more watertight design which should prevent it from so early decay. 0' the foot. It relieves pain the natural way! tait Md - e until next summer. 41; upils of the school will attend No.15 of Dashwood, and No. 12 on the Phone Zurich 82 or 130 MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! fie OUR FIVE-MINUTE TEST' IS SIMPLE- AND • YOU ALONE ARE JUDGE. OF THE RESULTS! O ,........,e,...e.a...-.................------,,e,e----eeeee-e: •ep You'll never know foot comfort until you walk on Miracle Foot Aid.' 00.0000000,00000.000.0**0.00001*****seme. *Rid your day of of aches and pains, get relief from Arthritis and 6 , • • • ' , 6 rneuiriatic peens clue to foot ills, Enjoy a happy, contented. life again. „_. o Results are truly amazing, months or weeks are not required to im- O prove yourcondition. Miracle has brought relief to thousands ofh 0 es others hie:twenty-five years, 'ger 'Oro, St. .Catliarnies. , • Single Coed5 Centa, Subscription in Canada, ;2.00i a YeeN Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,00. N R A S BEAUTY SHOPPE Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTMENTS NORMA STEINBACH •• Prop. poniskaawarmacampunemenskermesinosommonlammunsuramismilammosemulammammantspromeemannalszker-wamiumic.MANMEMW RAGS, RUGS and CARPET On a New Modern Loom, Made let Order — Seth 0. Amann, Lerida, Ont. Phone 125. ran „. liavra; T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME * • • Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance O Member of Ontario Funeral Association • c• . • • CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT -- INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN ;.,. 0e FgEsti FLOWERS STJPPLIED FROM 'MITCHLL NURSERIES WE WIRE ANYWHERE, OLDER OF ST. JOHN'S .A,MBUANCE FIRS T AID CERTLI • 24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W 11} • 46444P 4.4 04)4.604.0.4 4,0..0. .44,0644 4. 4. • 4:-. soscseecesereoaeosemorteteame • It Su erior Store Shol at Our Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! NOTICE For the Convenience of our Shopping Public this Store will be open every nght.until 10.p. m., commencing Dec. 15th, including each Wednesday afternoon during December prior to Chrstmas. Wishing each and every one of you the COMPLIMENTS of the SEASON EL'S GENERAL STORE • *Mt, D,TrO, L..41.1:1011?,.47 CARDS •F THANKS I wish to greatly thank our _Pas- tor, Neighbours, Relatives and Fri- ends for the many cards, flowrs, Miscellaneous Shower A lovely social time was spent in the ;basement of the Evangelical UB. visits and good wishes extended to me church on Tuesday evening a ie during my illness at '\,ictoria Hasp- neighbors, relatives and friends held •ital. and at home. - —Edward Haberer. I wish to thank my many friends who so kindly remembered me with Cards, Flowere' and Treats while patient at St. Josephs Hospital, Lon- don, and since returning home, Leroy O'Brien. Bazaar On the Evening of December eith, a Bazaar will be held at ST. Peter's PARISH HALL, ST. JOSEPH Reels Fish Ponds Religious Ilboth miscellaneous shower M honor fol. Mrs, jellies Howe, London (nee El- more Hay) daughter of Mr and Mrs Wm. Hay of Zurich, who was recent- ly married to Mr. James Howe of that city. The bride was invited to take her place in a well decorated pink and white chair. Miss Ethel Gable read the address while Misses Donna Kipper and Gwen Hay drew several loads of gifts in their decor- ated wagon, holding the basket con- taining the gifts which were mane and useful. Mrs. Kenneth Breakey and Miss Gabel assisted the 'bride in opening the gifts, Mrs. Howe replied in appreciation with many thanks for theekindness that was given her. Christmas Carols were sung and deli - Wear a ris' Watch ONLY $22.50 LADIES' or GENTS' OUTSTANDING VALUE 17 JEWEL WATERTITE SHOCK RESISTANT EXPANSION BRACELET FULLY GUARANTEED WRIST WATCHES SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW AT ESS INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LONE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICF. — ROE FEEDI WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALI, ONT. and Handy Craft on Display; Draws , -bride, The evening came al toe ,. • tee its Adeau, WEDDING AT ZURICH e • last 2.6th in the Community Cen , White reums formed an attractive was a decided success, with proceeds be.ckground in ,St. Boniface R. C. very satisfactory. The bazaar incud, 'Church, Zurich, for the wedding of ed a bake sale, fancy work, chine. .141tary Helen Cambell, daughter of table and country store, candy and Mr and Mrs Earl C,ampbell, of Exeter afternoon tea 6erved. In the evening ,t John Lawrence Cionyn, on of Mr bingo was a highlight of the affair and Mrs Charles Cronyn, of dada - and other interesting; 'features. The ; hoye. The Rev. Father M. D. Mona - following were the lucky winners ixi .ghat performed the ceremony ansi. a draw: (1) $50 cash, Miss .Agnes !, 'traditional music was played. by Mr, 3,1iller, nashwood; ( 2 ) $30 cash, Phil- Paul Dietrich. Miss Bedard was lip •Masse, Zurich; (3) $20 cah, Elsiesoioist. The bride those a gown of Corriveau, Zhirich; (4) $15 cash,Berth Chantilly late over nylon with pearl Klopp„ Zurich; (5) Doll and ward- itrimmings, Her -veil of .orlan net was robe, Gerald •Gingerich, Zurich; (6) (caught with a hale of seed .pearrs and bedspread, Bob Regier, Zurich ; (7) Ishe carried a bouquet of roes and Flashbulb Camera, Joe Hoffman, ung. Miss Anne Cronyn, maid of Zurich; (8) mystery prize, • electric. thoor, ware a powder blue g -own with ' , rcious refreshments were paatalen. on a Fancy Quilt; also on a Christmas Best wishes and much joy to the Cake. Keep this date open. BAZAAR BIG SUCCESS The antual bazaar, sponsored by St, Boniface R.C. Church held Friday 4 00, cc? 000 00 00 00 Gee@ 000$003$6,000 00 -44344 4tiost, Licensed Embalmer and Ftmeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day axxcl Night Sex -vice .5,44 ,or,, Telephoe; Res. 89 trosage almaavaaaaotroaarea 0a esaakeeeeseeeeeaaaa • or 22, Zurich • Matching headdress and came bee -meet of pink white mum. Homer Campbell was best man and Jim Cronyn and Gleen Campbell were ushers. At the reception, held at Monetta menard's Exeter, the brides Mother received wearing navy sheer with a corsage of pink mum. She was as- sisted by the groom'e mother Who shaver, Benny Stinnesin„ , U IJ door prize, Ge.rald .Maseer, !lesson, Ont; guessing beans, Edgar _Hoffman Zurici; naming of doll contest, Derie nie Ducharme, Zurich. TO OUR ADVERTISERS -------- Owing to the heavy volume of ex- tra advertising the next few weeks owing to the holiday season we would wore a wine dress and toisage 0 ask our advertisere to kindly iurve white inures. For their wedding trip their copy for ads. in no later than to New York City, the beide chose a Tuesday lliorning, otherwise theyble dress with rdaccesseries and a will have to be carried over till the6areels hair top coat. Mr and Mrs. following wek. We will apprecate. Cronyn Will smite their home tit Erge.‘ your ,eo-per6,tiort. Thanks! ..ter. ..A., 4 We are ever at your service with t.. best Iinea obtainable of FRESH G OCERIES All Fresh Vege-tables, Fruits in Season as weil Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US 'A CALL 11 PRODUCE WANTED. "10:4'1'X$T5::**• ZairaSelifeettiraa P.' or. ;14701'0 rife a Phone 165. ' " • 0., '7.0' 0","b01,t. Christmas Beason 4 • IS APPROACHING AND WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE AND INSPECT THE MANY USEFUL WE ARE SHOWING FOR EVERY MEMBER 0,F THE FAMILY Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Ha GIVE US A CALL STORE OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY ALL DAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS Tin BLAKE STORE Schwartzentrber, Prop Phone 1147