HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-12-02, Page 4ONTAarlt2 tmlorti Notice The Business of HERBERT K. E1LBER CREDITON — ONT. HAS BEEN PURCHASED BY BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Exeter Ontario AL3., DOCUMENTS AND VAULT CONTENTS HAVE BEEN REMOVED TO THE OFFICE . OF BELL Is LAUGHTON EXETER. THE EXEMITORS. H RBT K. EMBER ESTATE NEW! CALVES USE .revenuer TABLETS Give at Birth STOPS Scours, Etc. MASTITIS Get GARGETEX and Keep the Cows MILKING! Middleton's Drug Store at Hensall, Ont. Ph. 20 NOTICE Anyone wishing to have their cattle sprayed with Warblcide contact Bill Watson, Dashwood. Phon 37 r .19. Auto For Sale For Quick Sale, A 1950 Chev. ,Sedan, very good ,condition, : f2mily Owned. 26;0,00 n311eage. New .tires. Apply to.Asa Stec -Me,' R.R. 2, Zurich; Phone Hensall, 698 r 12. c WANTED Reliable man as Dealer in Town - Ships Hay, Stephen and ;McGillivray. t` cperience not necessary. A fine orivortuinity tri-:stepinto• old- profit- able business where Rawledgh Prod- ucts have beensold for years. Big profits. Productsfurnished on credit Write Rawleigh's. Dept. L-458-163, Montfeal, P. Q. FOR SALE A. Hereford Bull, a year old, Reg- istered. Apply to Percy. Willert, Ph. 94 r 10. 2t* age, and with the gift of ability to take their places in the highest pos- itions of society. They will be enter- ing on the 8th day of December this year, that they may be entrants of the (Marion year. If they would accept the honor, it would 'be in order, if one or more of the parish societies 'would get to- igether and give them a parish recep- tion in the parish hall. Perhaps not in many ,generations such an event willoccur again. It is an honor for this parish and we should get to- gether and show them lour respect, RETURNS ARE UP The Huron •County Christmas Seal Campaign total as of Nevember 29th period (first two weeks of sale) in 1953 $11,946.80. • SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS The University of Western Ont- ario announces the following Huron County Scholarship's of $100 each. William A. Andrews, Clinton; Barb- ara Gaunt, Belgrave. Huron County Bursaries of $100. each. to: Kenneth Arkell, R. 2, Bayfield; Beth Boyn, R E. 2, Walton; Leslie Leitch, Goderich Helen Machan, Wingharn; Shirley Campbell, Biluevale.—A. H. Erskine, Huron County Clerk. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Those who motored to Windsor and Detroit on Friday last were, Mrs. (rank Denomme, Mrs. Wm. Duch- arme Jr„ Miss Loretta Ducharme, Miss Bridget Laporte and Mr. Mattew Denomme, returning to their tomes on Sunday. air and ;Mrs Leonard Jeffrey of Goderich were Sunday visitors on the Z.W.H. and also in the Blake dist- rict. Mr. A. Cumming of Wingharn was a week -end visitor in the old Beaver - town neighborhood. The object of his visit has not as yet been disclosed, but presumably was a :prospecting tour. Mr and '.Mrs Lenard Masse of Lon- don were. Sunday visitors at the home of the latter's parents on the B.W. I3ighway, also on the .Bronson line 'way. Mr and .Mrs Victor Hartman of the Goshen Line south, were last Sun- day visitors with Mr and Mrs. Avila Ducharme of the B'WH. The Catholic Womens' League are busy of late snaking preparations for the Bazaar to be held in this Parish Dec, llth. All indications are that it twill be a success. Come and bring your friends. Answering the Call! Two, of amongst the most highly respected girls in their teen years of this parish, in the persons of. Bridget Laporte and Loretta Ducha,rine, after much deliberating with their nonsel- +nee have come to the conclusion, that they ,ire culled to enter info a religious •or'ter: they have c y'cT.ted to **••ter the Tirsuli.ne Order or. Nuns,.�.'.,.,� ft.. •+•..t1.,,.. TTP. ., 4...:2i Ch'+t'h•- p,.,: Botn ^•iris are eighteen yer+rs rrt ZTJRICH HERALD... rom the Depths of our beats to give lean the necessary courage by OW presence with thea' on tyke eve of their departure. Regardless of what will take place, we wish thea' hap- piness; we wish them peace and con- tentment of heart 3n their new Ifteld of labour. (They are• the daughters of Mr and Mrs. Noel Laporte, ` and Mr and Mrs. Williaan Duaarme, Jr. DASHW.0D Mr and Mas. Lenard-Restemayer and family, Mr and I1VIrs. Elmer Rader and family) spent:. • Friday evening with Mr and MrS Elgin :Bader and feraniiy, Miss Ellen Gilbert tof Stratford, spent the week -pend with her mother Mrs. •Coustney Burmeister. Mrs. James Patterson, Mr and Mrs Ray Patterson and Jimmie of Grand Bend were visitors with Mrs. Ervin Bader, Saturday. Mi and Mrs Donald Restemeyer and girls of London, spent the week- end with Donald's father, Mr. Otto Besteenayer. The" .books were changed in Dash- wood Public Library on Monday and there are now a ,choice assortment. Trustees Returned to Office. . The Village Nomination meeting Waterloo ` Cattle Breeding Association WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED Promotional Educationalmeetings will be held for those in Huron County interested, or who may become interested in artificial breeding,. DATE: Tuesday, December 7th, 1954. Place: Forrester's -Hall, Belgrave at 1 :30 p.m. Town Hall, Exeter at 8:30 p.m. Program: Slides and talks with a question and answer period. + was held on 11VI,onday, Nov. 29th. The three trustees, Mr. James Hayter, Clifford ,Salmon and Harold Weber, were returned to office by aeclamtat- iion. They were congratulated on the fine work they had done during the past year• with a new fire hall, fire engine and drains. Business Men's Club donates .$35 towards a !banquet for the Peewee and Bantam ball teams. The Men's Club are very proud of the junior ball teams with the Pee Wees winning the W.D., A. A. D. championship and the Ontario Pee Wee D. championship. The ,Bantams won the W.O.A.A. Bantam D. Cham- Thursday, December 2\5th, 1934 pionship. Officers for 195445 are, President, Wm. Haugh; 1st Viee-Pref:, James Hayter; 2nd Vice -(Fres., Mer- vin Tieman; 3rd vice, Aaron Resta.. znayer; Secy.-Treas, Harry Hayter,. Attendance and tfemlbership commit,. tee, Aaron ,Restemayer, Otto W illert: and Ken McCrae; Finance iCommittee. Albert Miller, M. Monier and T. }L Hoffman; Press Reporter, - Rader; Programme and Entertamm- ent ,committee, Chas. iSriell, Reinhold'; Miller, Harold Zeller izan, Ervin.. ,Schade and Alvin 'Wolper. The Club is serving a supper for, the memlbers next Monday= at elook.. Play Safe! For dependalble results, it doesn't pay to "take a chance." Tau take no ,chance if you depend on Life Assurance to provide the protection you and your family need, And the cast is low. Let me call and explain more fully. It won't talke long and you will be under no obligation, T. Harry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company — All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Quit, froythiies Ike ntime! 55 DODGE BIGGEST CAR IN. THE. LOW-PRICED FIELD More than a foot longer, inches wider and'lower—years ahead in inspired styling—new in everything. but name—that's the daring, new Dodge for '55! You'll sense aiew trend in motorcars in ifs long, slim lines and Olean, taut surfaces that give it an exciting` "eager -for -action' look. Inside, intriguing new interior fabrics live in perfect harmony with exterior colours— and literally breathe richness and luxury. • There's'a dramatic power story, too, for the '55 Dodge offers a great new V -S and two dynamic 6's. And eager Dodge power, responsive to your slightest command, can be harnessed to PowerFlite*, finest •of all automatic transmissions. Learn the whole exciting story—see the daring new Dodge on display at your Dodge -De Soto dealer's now. *PowerFlite, power steering, and power brakes are optional at moderate extra cost on Mayfair, Regent, and Crusader models. Power window • . lifts and power seat are also available on Mayfair and Regent models at extra cost, V8andfP New Horizon full -wrap windshield differs from ordinary wrap-arounds because it wraps around at top corners where you really need it, as well as the bottom. There's full vision from every point of view. Gently sloping rear deck, extended fender dine, and recessed taillights accen- tuate the car's low, graceful silhouette. Front seat of two -door models folds 1 -2/3 allows easy entrance or exit without disturbing front seat passengers. V9 ) (LA Ed 0 PowerFlite* Flite Control lever, a new styling treat- ment, is now mounted on instrument panel. Follow the crowds CRUSADER REGENT MAYFAIR V-8 or b Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited attend the b +q ANNOUNCEMENT PARTY at your DODGE -DE SOTO dealer's! Hensall RAW Sales Phone 31 THOMAS COATS, Proprietor LEN. McNNIGHT, Sales Representative