HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-11-25, Page 5• ZVRIPill 4 ZURICH HERAI..I APuMiorized as eecond class zr ail., Poet Office Department, Ottawas. I USINES CARDS N. L. Martin OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter OEvery Week Day Except Wednesday EN'SED AUCTIONEERS &LVIIv WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer Por your 'Sale. large or small; Court - •u•• and Efficient Service at all 'zymes l DASHWOOD Phone 57 r 2. E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kerma Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone, Zurich 92 r 7 ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports oo eeping Service, Etc. EXETER it CL , Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 504 VETERINARIAN .• COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS tfilice with Residence, Store Street, Opposite Drug ZURICHP 101414--96 1fJ' CI4ERS Zurich's Po a1 Et MEAT MARKET HAVE US SUPPLY YOU WITH 'THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC., ALWAYS ON AND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD- ZRN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGBLUT BROS. PRODUCE ' OBRIEN'S PRODUO Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on AUTOMATIC EGG. GRADER LeRoy O'Brien,. Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich Creamery Tour bone market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PAID PLUS A PREMIUPM I FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, • Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. ZURICH HERALD LGCAI, NEWS Mrs. Wrn, flay visited with her daughter at 14iidon, nn .Nloncray Last. Mrs James Morriss of Goderich vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. :E. Chip - chase of :Hen»all. Mr and Mr., Kenneth 'Greb and family of near Exeter visited with re- latives here on Sunday. ' Mrs. Caroline .Price of London is spending the week visiting with re- latives and friends in Zurich. Mr and Mrs Alvin Gingerrch and son David visited the week -end with relatives and friends at Kitohener. Mrs. Won.. Thiel has returned home after spending several days last weak at the home of her daughter, Mr and Mrs. Earl Heywood of Wingham. Mars. Louis Weber left on Sunday to spend part of the winter months at the home of her daughter, Mr. and 'Mrs, Teed Foster at Detroit. Mrs. Arthur Haugh and daughter of near Dashwood called at the :for- mer's aunt and uncle, Mr :and Mrs. Sol. Zimmerman on Sun,aay after- noon. Mr and Mrs (Milne Rader, Mr and Mrs Victor Dinnin and Mrs. Ted: Rader 'motored to Woodstook one day this week to visit with the latter's daughter Mr and Mrs. Horman. :Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz motored to Ludknow on Tuesday, where they took their uncle Mr. Anson 'Girvin, of Saskatoon, •Sack,, 'who is visiting with friends there before returning to his home. Celebrated Birthday The children and three grandchil- dren and three great grand children gathered at the :home of Mr and Mrs Chris. :Gascho in honor of therr fath- er's 81st birthday last Friday even- ing. A lovely social time was enjoy- ed by every one, along with delicious refreshments that were served. All wishing Mr Gascho many more hap- py :birthdays with health and hap. pjness. Returns Up! 'Phe first four days' returns from Christmas Seal letters mailed to re- sidents of Huron :County total $416. This, said the president of the Co. TB Assn., Mr. Fred ,Snow, is a good start on the 1955 ,bodget for TB prevent- ion Although only 144 persons have sent in their contributions so far, it is quite evident that last year's mark will be passed. Do your bit. Keep Huron County free of T.B. if at all possibl e. FARM FORUM The raguier meeting sof the Parr Line Forum was held at the home of Mr and MrsStewart Blackwell, Mon- day eve. ;212nd with 27 present, the topic "Farm .Insurance" was consid- ered that auto insurance was the most important of all, as one major car accident could ruin a farmer fin- ancially. Fire insurance came next in importance. Farmers should •carry public liaibillty insurance on all their tractors and implements. Farmers do in general not carry enough insurance Next •meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Soldan. OF WOODSTOCK MI LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANAi)IAN MUT- NAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS e OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .. mount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 trojno Policies $125,269,726.00 . rat al Dash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION ' E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO RODS IN MEMORIAMS RANNIE — In loving aneinory of a dear Husband, William Alexander Rannie, who passed away one year ago, December 2nd, 1953. He left us so quickly, without e. good bye, To meet his dear Lord, up in the sky. Oh, how we miss him, for no :one can tell "The Silence". But just a short time until we meet him again. —Lovingly remembered by his wife, Laura May. STRAYED From Lot 21, :Con. 7, Hay Town- ship, a:21 -year-old red heifer, has tat - 0o mark on ear. Finder notify Ger- ald Regier, Phone 84 r 9 Zurich. NOTICE SPECIAL HAND-WOVEN REV- ERSIB'LE RAG MATS For •Sale, Low Price.—Seth 0. Amanns, R.R 1, Box. 3 Phone 125, Zurich. 3t* BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC EWER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. nat Zurich At Township Clerk's Office EXETER — PHONE 4 Mobile Sewage Disposal Modern Equipment for Puirnping :Cess Po:ols, Septics, Catch Basins, etc. Phone 205 GRAND BEND,, ONT. "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons And 21/4 Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR SALE A 50 -foot corn crib roof. Apply to Curtis Gingerieh, Phone 70 r 20, Zurich, 2t* NOMINATION POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICH Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors o1 the Police Village of Zurich, will be held in the TOWN HALL - GURICH FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1954 At the hour from '7 to 8 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of nominating candidates for Ont Police Trustees for the Year 19'55 and if a Poll is demanded, a poll will be opened on MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1954 at the Township Hall, Zurich. Said poll to be opened at 9 o'clock, a.m. until 5 o'clock, p.m. When a proposed Candidate ' is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfact- ory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. H. W. Brokenshire, Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, November 9, 1954. P eDar, V. M. A. MIX FOR . SWINE USE YOUR OWN GRAIN. PEI.LA- GREX SUPPLIES TI -:2 MINERALS and VITAM INE S, FEED ECONOMICALL Y AND MAKE MONEY! WANTED Reliaible, man as Dealer rn Town- ships Hay, Stephen and 'McGillivray Experience not necessary. A fine op- portunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh. Procructe have been sold for years. 'Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. I(-4.58-163, Mon- treal, IP.Q. • CATTLE BREEDERS For artificial insemination at its best for all breeds call the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days and 9:80 on Sundays. Phone collect Clinton 242. tfnc Dead Stock Middleton's at Hensall DRUG STORE Phone 20 Complete Stock of all your Medicinal Needs. NOTICE STRAYED CATTLE BEAST— Onto Lot 10, Con. 6, Hay Town- ship, For further information) con- tact Garnet Jacobe, Zurich, Ont. R.R. 1, Lot 22, •Con. 6, Hay. Owner may have same by provinig ownership and paying expenses—Garnet Jacob e. 3tc READ Thursday, November 25th, 19514 • • • • • On. the table • • • the meal is ready ! LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun: for •b.:eakfast .. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon.. piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Breai in variety, too, for snacks any tim4 of day or night. So don't get wrink, le`s worrying about variety in meals— let your baker be your menu maker. See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Na Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH Big Savings TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FOL. - LOWING BIG SAVINGS: Was (Major Craft Automatic pop-up Toaster and butter Warner $29,95 l Alcamatis Deep Fryer and Cooker 39.95 13 pieces Royal Chef Alum- inum ware Heavy 69.95 5:0 rubber Cords, rubber Sockets and Guard Now 19.95 19.95 19.95 3.50 GOME IN AND SEE FOR YOUR - SEW. CHECK QUALITY AND PRICES Order for orYourself or as Gifts! St. Joseph Service Station Phone 87 r 17 - Zurich HINMAN MILKERS Having been appointed Local Agent for the well known Hindman Milkers, I am in a position to give service as well as being salesman of same. if in need of repairs or service, or wish- ing to purchase a new unit, be sure and see me. FRANCIS KIPPER DAIRY. ZURICH Phone 164 FOR SALE Girls' 3 -piece Coat set, red, size 6, good condkion. Phone 85 r 17, Zur- ich. c WANTED Will pay 3c a Ib. for old Horses for Mink Feed.—Phone collect, Goderich 936 r 21, or 936 r 32. —Gilbert Bros., .Goderich. tfne FOR SALE A Reg. Dual Purpose Durham hei- I fer, due within, two weeks.—:Ted Geo- fi'rio, Phone 93 r 19, Zurich. 2tc • • FOR SALE A McClary oven cook stove in good condition. Also a small Quebec Beater, apply to Harold Zehr, Phone 75, :Zurich. 2t" FOR SALE A numlber of •Spanish Onrons for quiicksale. Apply to Mrs. William Leibold, Zurich. 2c Let Tis Supply You WITH YOUR FUEL NEEDS! COAL FURNACE OIL • Snow Fence and Fibrun Paper for. your corn crib 1° t. ee 4 or temporary Silo We are again Cleaning Clover Seed and Seed Wheat at our Hensall Plant. • How about your Fertilizer Requirements for fall • Wheat and Pastures •• • • •1 0 DEALER IN LIGHTNING AND ALI." KINDS OF F'il i .7:i Erich. Prompt & rdice for e INSURANCE? 4 1 `rt' . „kid; Il' Ilian•!1. C':ill • Pho„e, • Hensall District Co -Op. Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 a a s 4 • • • • 0 0 4 4 4 4 • 0 4 4 0 4 0 4 0 • 42, • 4 • •• 1 4 4 Your Hardware Store Are you ready for the cold weather? Give us a call and we will "give your coal furnace and oil bur- ner a complete checkup so you will be ready for winter. We can supply you with any new type of furnace or oil burner as well as the Anthes Advanced de- sign furnace.” Come and see our fine bathroom display. We also carry Electrical Appliances, Ped- lar, Beatty, Areo, Duro and McDougal Equipment. Plumbing 1 - Tinsmithing - Heating Oil Burner Service and Installation Rader & Mittleheltz - Hardware Phone Zurich . - 63. • • 4 9 9 0 5 4 s p i ., 9 s • 4 4 9 • • • • • • ss. • • 4 •• • • ITHOR Gives • 4 • Point for Point ---- Dollar • • for Dollar. Here's i Biggest Washer Value • o day This Beautiful Washin•g • • a', Machine: 4 As Low 'As $129.00 in the old Machine. the You MORE 0 • • 4 • Trade • • • • 4 0 • For • • Q e 0 9 b a 9 all Wiring jobs - Call. WIJEETH ELECTRIC Phone 84 Zurich • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n • •' • • • • r • t e • 4 4 • • • • • • • • • 0 • 1 WARMER FOOTWEAR Damp, Cold Feet is the main cause of the Common Cold which can be avoided by wearing footwear for the occasion. Stop at the Oesch Shoe Store and see for yourself the kind of footwear to keep you comfortable and healthy. MEN'S—Brown and black Dress Shoes $6.95 to $14.95. Also work shoes $6.95 to 9.95. No splits. WOMEN'S—Bek Kid Ox. 43.45 in 2 widths and 2 different heels. CHILDREN—Red Strap, Brown 2 Strap. Oxfords and Patents Get your Winter Footwear NOW and be ready, for the first Gold Snap. Oesch Shoe Store Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 Your Home and Garden s ® Headquarters • 4 FOR — Rotary Lawn Mowers Garden Tools, 0 Garden Hose, - Wire Fencing - Mops • • and Brushes - Polishes and Cleansers 0 Paints - Enamels - Varnishes e 0 Shelf and Heavy I-Iardware 0 aElectric Stoves - Refrigerators Washing Machines All Electric Appliances 4 • Electric Wiring 994 0 Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing • OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. : Dat rs (x 0' rien• Main St. Hardware Store Phone 7.,13 1 4 0 • • 0 14 CIA 4 • • • 4 • 4 • 4 0 0 0 • • • • • w • 2 w 4 4 0 4 4 • es • • 4 14