HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-11-25, Page 1• J. CH latablished 1900 ERAL ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25 1954 02, (George Hardman 14 Skilled Technician GEORGE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF AT THE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich, Ontario - Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29th. 10 A. M. — 8 P. M. NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION RHEUMATIC OR ee ARTHRITIC PAINS DUE TO 11 FOOT TROUBLE 1 P., urt THEN WHY NOT LET Thank You! / So The bereft faantly of 'the late H. g ert K. Eilber wish. to greatly tIteelilfa : those wtho so kindly gheit'e Ott-, • service and Sympathy &feting .. ......—__,....., pasture of the .. deceased. i.a1 i ion Friday 0 , thanks to Rev. H. N.. hr, Re:;',.. ':,Priday lathe day of the annual nom- 14:0-n7,1....,,ar..........„--,„.......--....................----. I Parrot, Rev. ai. E. RapPele lee04.2120 se Forest Lodge, A.F. and A.M., tiee WEI be called upon to give an ac- all.a3.,,,,,,att9/1 when those in municipal off - Mutual Fire IiienEtanv.ancegeiCkoai Ladies' lel ocam:t of' the year's doings. And also Aid Crediton, to, Set Up new candidates for 1955. 0 church. 'Let eve:ryone who tan be epirit min - TENDERS WANTED. ,t; elsel a.nd attend as many of these T4 ,,,,,, meetngs as you. 'can, it will help those Or Tenders ler ICapertaker of the ''''''', int Oftlee to be interested in public : eTnotiwn:oshNip Mem. Arena for the colinetl, drairs. a ing seasonwillebre saacmeeeptteod.bnepste°3Iti)ta..„ file • Zurich Clikieber\'of Commerce , Chamber of 'Commerce 41 or delivered to .aVIr, Milfreci. tSche et.f Met last Thursday evening, 18th of 9 Director. 0 - 1. Nov. One of the. many matters dis- . . 0 cussed ;that of having business * . Bazaar p1p.ces remain open all day Wednes- ea day when a Public Holiday occurs 0 :" -7: t-freterithin the same week. . The Chamber Baz • i: On the Evening of December fl'effe.b. 'ads d,e d.ed to work .m ,con3unction witele thel 0 o PARISH ll HAL11,dsart. jiSoTs.EriPete:"{e.;, e e.ce' vvith regard to the petrvioning e Hensall Cl'xamber of Comm- oi.,the Dept. of Highways re: tonstr- : Reels, Fish Ponds Religious .Booth .'e,-(,aon of..No. 84 Highway. The guest rand Handy Craft on Display; speaker of the evening was Flying • , on a Fancy Quilt; alsro on. a Chrisfiria .9fficer G. E. Moll, from the London . : I Cake. Keep this date open! ,.; ev Filter Centre of the Ground 3 Obser- , Ver Corps. F-0. Moll eCHURCH DIRECTORY pqke with re- ' -4' lation to organizirt an Observer o - 4 Carpe in Zurich, to aid in air defence e programme. After some discussion ST. PETER'S ,, ,: wfilton. Dietz was appointed Chief . . tt,,,•Observer of the Zurich and District Evangelical Lutheran Churc,h' GrOund Observer Corps. —Pub, Sec. , e ...: : What Causes Foot Trouble? When the main foot arch drops, the cords and muscles that hold it, 0 stretch. That effects the circulation In the feet.The Metatarsals become e loosened, you walk in the ball of ..Niur feet and callouses result The escurl and bring corns, on toes :tPOT,'!2,04e,s. The ailkie 4°11t td c lr„cfsk lad' r.apsuikoF,..turther up "fiV itig*as4 . .ax4.',41-:,?decsolt., AtAaeoi,k Aq4 b:0;": • sore hipjoints, backadhe and stiff * neck, irritated nerves.. To over- * I' There is only one way to see what 'IVIIRACLE" will do for you in your e own case --, phone Zurich 82, c,... 130 for Free Consultation. . 2 ----25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE —INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION 0 * 0 • =INCREASES CIRCULATION DUE TO OBSTRUCTION 0 4. * :For Names of People in Zurich and District who have used Miracle 02 4 Foot Aid with Good Results Contact Mr. HARDMAN. 4, 4 0 .0 You judge the results; the test takes only 5 minutes. 0 4 Clinics — Zurich, London, Listowel, Kitchener, Guelph Hamilton, 4 0 Brantford, St. Catharines, Oshawa, Peterboro. come these symptoms, you must* overcome the first cause, which is the fallen arch. . How It Can Be • Corrected ! * THE MIRACLE FOOT. MANIP- g ULA.TOR4 CORRECTS BECAUSE OF ITS CONSTANT EXERCISE, $ y(.1) Increases circulation df the •1i1rhod ;due to, ..dropping •of ek, (2).`".4R4Ia'.i'es ter -,e' (3) Builds the foot to proper arch form. slt Sponsored by ST. BONIFACE PARISH . Zurich, Ont. At the COMMUNITY CENTRE On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th. Afternoon Tea — • 3 to 6 p.m. Evening Entertainment Begins at 7:30 CAMFS - WHEELS - BINGO FISH PONDS - PRIZES - FUN FOR ALL DANCE -- Following Bazaar EVERYBODY 'WELCOME PRIZE COUPON (Write Your Name and. Address Clearly) „NAME .. ADDRESS .. • •• • .4 • • • * • •• Oa. • • • Please Bring this Coupon. Drop it in Box at Door. You May win ta Valuable Door Prize. ADMISSION MEE TO BAZAAR Mac DUCHA13VIE'S ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY AT THE ST, BONIFACE BAZAAR D.ANCE. ADMISSION SO Cents. :€11 ZURICH — ONTARIO t EV. E. W. IIEIMRICH, PASTOR. 10 a.m.—Divine Servicea. . 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School. .1: 7,30—Vespers. • •t: erybody Welcome to mil OBITUARY Late Herbert K. Eilber Herbert K. Eilber,73, of Crediton passed away last Wdnesday, Novena - .bei' 17, 19541, after being ili for a Iveek in Victoria 'Hospital, London. A, native of Crediton, Mr. Eilber was one of the most prominent and belay - Ad men of the community. To kno-w and have dealing's with him was a'great pleasure, as fie was always of EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH -0' Sterling quality. ZURICH — ONTARIO father.was the late Henry Bit- - '. who ;for 22 years represented ' -tt eq•"" 4#4 rd -a .kirsZer:rloiivir" Rev. ,H. E. Roppel, MinieterA..:equeh Huron in the Ontario Legis- Mrs.OeOrgenjet' Hie another was the rorraer f . ea' his a.m.-. of Stephen and from 11:00 a.m. — I3ible SchooL '1,2Pi to 195?. he WM manager and EMMANUEL 7.30—Evening Worship Welcome at all Services. ,5Comelsecretal7-treasurer of The Hay Town- .houwith and we will do the I ship Mutual Fire Insurance Company, [med.". Num. 1029. • He was pest (president of the Ontario , Vutual Fire Insurance Company. Mr Eilber was ons of the leading o cas e vangei cal U. B. Cleurch. For nine years as a , young men he was •organist of the church, and for many years was teacher of the men's adult bible class. He was a member of Lebanon Forest. Lodge, A. F & A2111., Exeter; of the Scottish Rite, London; and of the Exeter Lions Club. Mrs. Either was the former Mary Girvin and predeceased him in 1948. Surviving are one daughter, nerniece (Mrs. Ward Fritz), of Zarich, and one granddaughter, Mary Louise Fritz, of Alma College, St. Thomas. The remains rested at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood, until Saturday at a p.m. when a pub- lic service was held in the Credit= U.B. Church followed by interment in the Crediton' cemetery, with Rev. B. N. Mohr officiating. A Masonic service was held at the cemetery. TH USI Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service R :00 p.m. — Bible Meeting NEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship YOU ARE' INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH USI Y You'll Enjoy Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospel Preaching — Inspirational Singing. Sundays—CHML-900 k.c. -7 :30 'a.m. -[--WRVA - 1140 k.e.- 10,30 "The Living Christ for a Dying. World." • rIIINSZEMIdMINVID Are You Suffering From Headaches? so have your Eyes Examined with he Latest Methods and equipment at A. L. COLE, P- O. OPTOMETRIST A OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. ;ood Glasses at Reasonable Prices ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET The Hay Township Federation of • Agriculture banquet and annual me- eting' was held in the Community Centre here on Tuesday evening, with a fairly •good attendance. Not as large as same years in the pest, but a nice orderly gathering enjoyed the fine supper catered to by the Evang- elical U. B. Ladies, who received a lot of worthy praise, Delbert Geiger was chorister with Mrs. H. G. Hese at the piano. The President, Carl Geetreieher was master of ererrion- ies and introduced those at the head table, which inelnded Thos. Pryde, 1VI.L., and :Mrs. Pryde; Elston Cardiff, 1VI.P., and Mrs. 'Cardiff M. P. of Hur- on; Gordon iCeeig, Secy., of Huron County Federation, who was the first speaker and brought greeting from the County and their, annual meeting 111 i 1 of E i will be held at Londesboro on Nev- ember 30th. 31r Greig was appointed as re -organizer which he did very nicely; Secy. ,Cliff Pepper read the last year's, minutes and in the treas- urer's report there are $101,52' bal- ance on. hand. Ted Steinbach read the nominating com. report as follows President, Carl Oestreicher; lst vice - Pres., ,Lloyel Hendrick 2nd Vice Ross Love; directors, Len Werner, Harold Reichert, Herb Kopp, Geo. Grenier, Harold Willert, Jack Faber, Elmer Rowe, Harold Rader, .Clift. Weido and Theo. Beoffrio. Two short films were shown by Gordon Greig and Harold Baker, of the Agric. Rep. office, Clin- ton, who alga spoke on the TB Act 'and mentioned it alionid be enforced in the province. Other speaTers in- cluded, Thos. Pryde, Elston Cardiff, and the main speaker was introduced y Gordon Greig as the Rev. Mr. Bert Daynard f Staffa, farmer and United Cfiurch minister who choose for his subject "'Human Dignity" which includes freedom, reepectabil- ity, courtesy, huneoi, little things that count, but togeher we can solve most of our problems, we must believe on the basic things of life, work together as a .community. need good policies, good thinking. Vice-pres. Lltoyd Ren- wick thanked the speaker for his fine and educational address. After the meeting a. free dance was erloyed *Kb musts by the Masse orehestra. A few numbers were given during the program by local talent which way$: are well reteirids •4 ona.1.10.0211611111•4=3.1111.11,14 Single Copies 5 Cents. subscription in Canada, $2.00 a YO*0 Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Tel. 223 Zurich FOR APPOINTMENTS NOR.MJi STEINBACH • Prop. •}. RAG RUGS and CARPE •••••••••••••••••••••Sumasm•uswira On a New Modern Loom, Made f4 Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zuwichv Ont. Phone 128. Wear a rist Watch ONLY $22.50 LADIES' or GENTS' OUTSTANDING VALUE 17 JEWEL WATERTITE SHOCK RESISTANT EXPANSION BRACELET FULLY GUARANTEED WRIST WATCHES SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW AT A. a HESS .12.9.11WINEM11110116SAMEStlikalt9:2=ktiSICSA TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS hOENE S. MEIJER, LOCKER SERVICE • - ROE FEED WHITE ROSE FiJEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, ONL *0 gh00000 0 00 000 0 v,uatto 404:41. 40144it Licensed Embalmer and FuneralDia' entor Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent , FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, -Day. amt. -Pugin ..lery e. - J Tele:plione: Res. 89 or 122, Zurich 3 rtk 000000600666 066 666 6 066 06 0 4**•••••im•••••0••••••=11.5srpenlisscsoaamdmenizamoSsomonatt• 1 006 Aft :Nee 6606066666 0 t. OC r Ne are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh 'Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned bruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuts and Confectionery in supply, GIVE US 'A CALL 1 Memo sch PRODUCE .WANTED. vs== 411100010 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, a 4, •it 4, eke 4,4 Vhone .165 Men's Work Clothes WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF NEW MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ALSO ALL STAPLE MERCHANDISE GIVE US A CALL GROCERY SPECIALS Lynnvalley Cream Corn, 20 -oz. tin 15c Jelly Powder, McLaren's 3 for 25c Corn Flakes 8 -oz. at ..... 17c Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl TIRE BLAKE STORE Schwartzentruher, Prop. Phone 11 1 1 1 1 • 1.