HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-11-18, Page 7tHECatVErt SPORTS COLUMN 4ti efie'c rE Beyond the athletic magnificence of the British Empire Games, climaxed by the greatest mile race In history, there glittered all the greatness and the solid- arity of the Empire itself. Fundamen- tally, this was an Olympic Games among friends, and the example of sportsman- ship is something I very much doubt the Olympics could match, with or without Russia. Quite apart from record performances was the imposing array of nationalities within the Empire that posted vic- tories or scored points. England, Jamaica, Scotland, Pak- istan Australia, Canada, South Africa, Uganda, Hong Kong, Northern Ireland, Trinidad, Nigeria New Zealand were all on the list, which reminds you that the British Empire and Commonwealth, despite economic ups and downs in these troubled times, is still quite an institution. And it made you feel proud of the sport tradition of this great Empire that with millions looking on, two runners, Bannister and Landy put on a miracle display of speed and stamina. They might have loafed along, outside the 4 -min- ute area, and still have won. But with literally the eyes of the world upon them, Landy disdained to withdraw be- cause of a 4 -stitch cut in one foot, kept the injury secret lest it might be thought he was establishing an alibi. And so, they put on a magnificent display of speed courage, and class, the greatest cinder -path battle in world history. These Games provided an added thrill to any thinking Britisher, because Britain is the cradle of sports, and can boast that it was the original developer of more strictly international modern sports than any other nation. In the list we may include boxing, soccer, football, cricket, rugby, track and field, polo, thoroughbred horse racing, tennis and golf. And the thought calve to us that if the far-flung Empire and Commonwealth countries could enter the Olympic Games as a unit, instead of 25 or so separate countries as of today, it would be a major threat to the -United States' continued Olympic supremacy. Your comments and suggestions For this column will be welcomed by Eimer Ferguson, c/o -Calvert House,•431 Yange 5t., Toronto. CaLveit DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO When Proof -Readers et Out Of Town 1(n the Akron (Ohio) Beacon 4ournal: "The lovely white blouse on the top of the hill out ;Medina Road, is open once again. * * In the Magnolia (Arkansas) Banner -News, an ad for a dry- cleaning service: "Get them in Friday. We will have them black Saturday." * * From the Bridgewater (Nova Scotia) Bulletin: "Last evening !NAMING YOUTH — "Enlighten- ed" majorette Mary Ann Baker tiwiris a flaming baton between halves when the pep squad takes the field during night games. it's a hobby for Cham- paign High's top twirler, but Mary Ann is so proficient that she gives lessons to Tess illumin• ating persons. the Tennis Club Ball was held at the Community Hall. Seldom has there been so splendid a display of Beaux and Bellies." * * * From the Eirie (Pa.) Dispatch - Herald: "She was struck in the no parking area by Marinelli's truck." * House and Garden caused merriment years ago when they overlooked this item in their pages: "Nothing gives a greater variety to the appearance of a house than a few undraped widows." * a a And here are excerpts from that one-time famous radio pro- gram, Hobby -Lobby. The col- lector who grouped these could easily explain why every ad- vertising agency has the jitters: "He had been under the doc- tor's car for about two years, suffering from a nervous break- down." "The bride was accompanied to the altar by tight brides- maids." "The game warden's office has given orders to pick up all dog owners if they are caught run- ning at large without muzzles." "Tanbark should be placed in an ordinary basin of water and the hands soaked in the solu- tion. Then the hands should be removed and thorouoghly dried." "The automobile in which they ,were fleeing collided with another car two blocks away," INVITING If you're driving your car through Texas (and your wife isn't with you, of course) look for a place called Comfort. It's a town just an hour's ride from San Antonio. On either side of this town are two villages nam- ed Alice and Louise, Outside an auto camp is this inviting plea. "Why not sleep in com- fort between Alice and Louise?" TIRING HOME THE BACON—Joseph lengauer's gave birth to a record litter of 21 pigs on his many, farm. Two were not strong enough to critical weeks, and two 'others died under their 300 -pound pig Seeshaupt, Ger- survive the first mother's weight, AND IT'S ALL IN LONGHAND—Pfc. William DiSilvestro, stationed in Osaka, Japan, is all wrapped up in this stateside communique. The letter, sent to him by his girl friend, Anne Fiore, measures 35 feet, 7 inches long, and 18 inches wide. It supposedly took the young lady two or three months to complete the letter. eer-iovhig Pigs Casual visitors to the res- taurant "Schuetzenhof" in Bonn, West Germany, sometimes get the shock of their life when a boar comes dashing into the . dining -room. However, in spite of its threatening appearance the 200 - lb. animal does not attack any- body. Humble and dog -like, it begs for tidbits, and quickly the horror of the people changes to laughter. It was just two years ago that a hunter presented Matthias Schulmeister, proprietor of the restaurant, with "Fritzi," a young wild boar. The name "boar" stuck, but Fritzi is actu- ally a sow. Matthias nursed the young lady with loving care and pa- tience. Now she is quite tame and perfectly mannered. As soon as he whistles for her, up she rushes to her master, greet- ing him affectionately. "Fritzi simply adores cake and chocolate, the sweeter the bet- ter," explains Herr Mattias. "On' the whole, her taste is some- what out of the ordinary. The other day, some skittle players in high spirits offered her a bucket full of. beer, and Fritzi neatly finished it off in no time." Fritzi likes to pay regular visits to the nearby bus stop. Knowing precisely when the busses arrive and depart, site manages to put in an appear- ance dead on time, in order to accept peanuts and other dain- ties from the passengers. Friends of this outsize lady sometimes worry about what will happen to her later on. They are reassured by Matthias: "Fritzi is faithful like a dog. 1 love her, and I shall never have her slaughtered," he emphasises. riadd Reasins For Ruined 4r''om aces Which would you prefer — a life of luxury or regular meals of fish and chips? An English girl chose the latter, She was engaged to a South American millionaire, but on hearing that no one in his coun- try could cook her favourite dish she turned him down. Differing tastes in food have broken up many an engagement. Three days before their wedding, Raymond Fritsdh, of L i 11 e, France, jilted Danielle Carter. They would never be happy, he decided, because she couldn't prepare his favourite dish of pickled calf's head. When a man fails to pay suf- ficient attention to his girl it's not surprising that she throws him over. One has every sym- pathy with the Yorkshire lass who refused to marry the young plan who'd been courting her for several months. He made her sit on a wooden ehair all even- ing, so as not to disturb his dog which was lying on the only comfortable seat. Surprisingly, a man can con- sider his fiancee's tastes too much. An aircraftman was jilted by a girl who said he was too silly for her, as he did every- thing she told him, A French student made the same mistake. To please his sweetheart he spent a year walk- ing from France to India. On his return he found she had mar- ried someone not quite so oblig- ing. Sometimes, of course, it's the person who imposes the condi- tions of marriage who is left on the shelf. There's a girl in Brit- ish Columbia who is regretting that she ever tried to test her fiancee, Engaged to a wealthy young man, she doubted if he could survive if forced tei fend for himself. So she promised to marry hint only if he managed to exist for a month in a hut in a pine forest, eight miles from the nearest house. l?'or thirty days he did so, eat- ing; fish and game caught by him- self. Then he returned to the girl with the startling announce- ment that, having grown used to life on his own, he'd decided he'd prefer to 'remain a bachelor! a' man begins to lose his •' hair he's just as likely to lose his girl friend, or so a Wrexham man alleges. When he went bald he was left in the cold. Yet few girls care for a man who is over -fastidious about his appearance. Of her ex -fiancee, a Swiss girl declared: "He was very attractive, but he spent more time making himself ready for a party than I did." A mistimed joke has cost at least one young man his bride. A young couple called on a Cal- ifornian court to inquire about a marriage licence. Said an of- ficial in fun, "It'll cost you a hundred dollars." In the same vein, the bride- groom -to -be retorted, "What? It isn't worth it t" His prospective bride's sense of humour wasn't equal to his. Taking him seriously, she walk- ed.; out on him for ever. Net every girl who jilts a man s tg be censurA Lancashire giz�i. •went to joined., her fiancee in South Africa. Three months lat- er she returned home. She had lost too much weight through worrying about the family she'd left .behind her. And you can't blame the Rev. George Harvest's two fiancees for breaking their engagements to 'him, He was an absent-mind- ed clergyman who lived in eighteen -century Oxford. Twice he forgot to turn up at the church, and neither lady was willing to forgive. Extreme meanness on the part of one prospective bridegroom led to his wedding being can- celled. The couple found a fiat and then the girl thought about her bridal outfit, "1 want you to have a train fifty-six yards long," he said. Surprised, she inquired why and was told that was the exact amount they'd need for curtains. Women in Tra ce While Shopping Nearly every housewife goes into a' trance while shopping for the family groceries, a social psychologist in New York says. As a . result, she sometimes makes hash of the family food budget, It seems the big, attractive stores cast a spell over shop- pers, according to psychologist James Vicary. The moment they set foot in one of these food palaces or "supermarkets," housewives go glassy -eyed. Nor do they snap out of it until they are on their way home, loaded with many more items than they had meant to buy. When Vicary noted that people in stores stared vacantly as they" examined the produce, he decided to look into the mat- ter further. Armed with notebook and stopwatch, he studied the shop- pers' eyes and they way they blinked their lids. His figures showed that people about to enter supermarkets normally blinked their eyes at an average rate of 82 times a minute. The instant they got among { Was tVear{y Crazy Very first nee of Soothing, cooling liquid D. D. D. Preetriptiose positively relieves raw red itch --caused by eczema, rashes, Gtip irritation, chafing—other itch troubles. reaseless, atainlese. 39c trial bottle must Satisfy or money back. Don't auffer. Ask your drttggletforD.D.D.PRESCRIP'i'ION USIO! 42 -- _017A,SSIFIED ADVERTISING. ARTICLES FOR SALE 0fiE DICAf- A, SAVING up to 50% on Gift Items.. Free pamphlets: Salee Manager, 5470 Van Horne, Montreal, wont ornate Bream= Growers. Whether prices are good, fair or bad 1t will always pay you to fill your Pens with the beet broiler °bloke that money will buy all let generation stock, Our beat •- Indian River Croes, we afeo have Nichols New Hampshires, Arbor Acres White Rooks. Pricee competitive Place your orders well in advance. TWEDDLE CHICE: HTATCIiERIES LTD, FERGUS ONTAR/a TINGEN'S offer 2 outstanding Broad Breaeted White breeds and of top quality B.B. Bronze Poulto for 1055. For the best in White Turkeys write today TINGION'8 TURKEY RANCH and HATCHERY; Har.. row, Ontario. CANADIAN approved started chicks at very little more than day old prices. New Hemp X Barred Rock, Red X Rock, Light Sussex X Red, Light Suseex X New /lamp, New Ham]) X Light Sussex, White Rock, White Wyandotte Bieck Australorp, Jer- sey White Giants, Barred Rock, New Hampehlr•e, Light Sussex. Rhode /eland Red, 2 week old non -sexed 217 95; pullets 018.95; cockerels $13,95; 8 week old add 30; 4 week old add e0; 5 week old add 9e; 6 week old add 120 to above prices. Assorted breeds 2o per bblck less, White Leghorn, Black Minorca X White Leg- horn, White Leghorn X Red, pullets 2 week old $82,95; 8 week old $35.95; 4 week old $38.95; 5 week old 841.95. TwEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO BOORS " WE FIND books on any subject. Rets. onable, Cockburn, Books, Po. Box 602, Ottawa, Ontario. FOR SALE BOWLING ALLEY, Four Lanes Good industrial town. Leagues every alto, Open Sundays, Box 120, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. PIIOTO XMAS CARDS. Something dif- ferent. Send your Xmas eards this year with your Personal Photo on them. Send me your favourite Negative and get 25 cards for $2.60. Envelopes included, MURRAY PARKER LTD Bolestown, N. B, NEW and USED SCHOOL BUSSES Immediate Delivers' REQ MOTORS INCORPORATED (CANADIAN DIVISION) BUS DIVISION 86 Yorkville Avenue Toronto Telephone WAlnut 4-7831 DO IT YOURSELF — SAVE MONEY 4 lbs. vinylite plastic mill ends $2 00. Make curtains, runners, tablecloths re- upholster furniture. C.O.D. contact. Refunds guaranteed. PLASTEX, 4580 Carlton Ave., Montreal, APRONS Special for Christmas; regularly sold for $L29 to $1,59, only 69 cents or 2 for $1.10. Bib Aprons each 70 cents., 2 for 31.85. Bib oversize $1,00, 2 for $1.95. Cobbler Aprons $1,25 each, 2 for $2,40 Please enclose 10 cents for mailing. G. Ladner Mfg„ Reg.'6, 2007 Kimberly St., Montreal: PREPARE FOR WINTER DRIVING ROOCUARGIT Battery Restorer: removes sulphation, ends terminal and cable corrosion, then generator keeps battery fully charged, Easily applied, 41.00 prepaid, Agents wanted, Brooks' Cor- ner Texaco Service R.R.1, Markham, Ontario. RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS, never used; guaranteed as new: shop worn only; big vaductfonstmelte for: list .ale° latest catalog. Scope Sporting Goods. Box 852, Ottawa, Ontario. the stacks of food, the rate dropped to a subnormal 14 times a minute. Upon arrival at the pay desk the blink rate hit an average of 25. But at the sound of the cash register bell, followed by the clerk's gentle requests for money, eyelashes began to flutter at the startling rate of 45 times a minute. 9 Agricultural FRIDAY, NOV. 112th TO SATURDAY, NOV. 20th, 1954 See champion livestock, prize horses ... fruit and vegetables ... world's championship seed and grain .. biggest poultry show OR the continent ... plus dozens of other outstanding agricultural exhibits. • "Queen's Guineas Competition! • "Sale of the Stars" Livestock Auction, • Royal Horse Show, • Square Dance Contest! ca Beautiful Flower Show, See your local agent about rerhured rail fares C. S. McKrs, General Manager Royal Coliseum TORONTO Dive ittei °,h Care A' PROVEN REMEDY -- Every sufferer et! Rheumatic Paint or Neuritis should try DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 3114 Elgin pttaw* $1.45 Express Prepaid SLEEP naturally, awake refreshed. lror big supply age. old, recognized nerve food, .send 42 Health Aid, Box 108, Sherbrooke, Slue. rli IrESIIINEE • One woman tells another; Take euperior "F1n119IINEX" to help alleviate .pain dis- trees and nervous tension aseoc1ated with monthly periods, *9.00 .Postpaid In plain wrapper POST'S' CLIEMIOA.LS 689 QUEEN ST. EAST TORONTO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema raehes and weeping akin troubles. ?oat's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, pealing, and burning eczema,. sone, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless, odorlese ointment regardleee of bow stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICE 82,50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price 8899 Queen St. E., Corner et Logan TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. BRIDES TO BE — FIN your Rope Cheat with FREE household merchandise. Write RIRBY'S BETTER CANADIAN HOMES LTD. Dept. BR, Fort Eris, Ontario. START a Home Business in spare time. Make extra money. Experience not es- sential. Literature free. NE MAN, Box 822-E, Penticton, B.C, WE wish to engage in your locality a. representative to solicit new and renewal subscriptions to the Saturday Evening. Poet, Ladies' Home Journal and all other magazines. This ie a chance to build a well paying business In and around your own home town, Now is the time to start when many people give maga- zine subscriptions as Chrietmas gifts, Highest commissions paid. Write for sales. kit to: Davis Circulation Agency Ltd., Oakville, Ontario, - WE have a fund raising plan for any organization. Dept, P, I18CH Ltd., 32 Queen St., Fort Erie, Ontario. ACTUAL jobs in Canada, U.S, So, Am., Europe, To $15,000. Travel paid Write Employment Info, Center, Room C-187 816 Stuart St„ Boston. AGENTS BARN big steady income in business -a11' your own, retailing ladies' quality nylons, and other speclaltles, direct to consumers, Write: Top Lines, 551 Chatham, Mont- real. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 501800L Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Bloor St. W., ,Toronto, Branches 44 Xing St, Hamilton 72 Rideau St, Ottawa NEED Extra Cash? Earn at borne. Ne selling, Several ideas to choose front. Send for Free Folder. 'The Mail -Mart, 98 Applegrove Avenue, 'Toronto. TOU may know about the World's greatest Wonder for 25c. Have it in your own home. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Address: Co-operator, Box 108, Sherbrooke, Que. PATENTS il'PITHERSTONBAVGB & Comp a n 9 Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 600 University Ave. 'nrnntn Patents ell countries. AN OFFER to every inventor—List of 1n. ventione and fust Information sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent At. torneys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest Catalogue included. The Medico Agency tilos 124 Terminal A. Toronto. • Ontario E R LIVER if life's not worth living it may be your lived IVO a tact! It taken up to two pinta of Lives bide a day to keep your digestive tract in top ahapel IS your fives bile is not sowing freely your food may not digest - , . gas bloats up your etomacb ... you feel constipated and oil the fun and sparkle go out of Life. That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pine help stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your digestion starts functioning properly and you feel that happy days are here agarol Don't ever stay eunk. Always keep Carter's Little Inver Pills on hand 77d tt vmrr ,3rneei,t, Try GDOREN, guaranteed herba treat- ment for arthritic pains. Pleasant., cafe, effective Month's supply $5. Money back guarantee. Write -for particulars, PIOEWOOD PHARMACAL CO. LTD. 51ilton, Ontario.