HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-11-18, Page 4Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED Farmer owned, Farmer controlled, Farmer de- veloped, and Farmer promoted, means Perman- ency, Stability, and Security, for the many thous- ands of farmers buying service from their own non-profit organization. This co-operative has grown and grown be- cause it has provided, is providing, and will continue to provide good service and better sires. This has been accomplished because the people using this service have dictated its policies through the board of directors which the members elect. Directors represent districts and breeds. Everyone has representation. • Service Research is continually going on. An example of this research with frozen semen in co-operation with the Ontario Veterinary College. This will enable the -farmer's choice of the country's best sires. This is now available to a large extent. Better Sires In their selection, many thousands of miles have been travelled and great thought has been given by men whose judgement and experi- ence have earned the confidence of farmer memb- ers. Every available means is used to measure. transmitting qualities of the bulls selected for service. We suggest that you check record of Perfor- mance lists, show awards, progeny testing results and 4-H calf club results and you will find that the get of our Unit sires have won superior ratings, especially where given equal opportunity. You are invited to use our service. The cost is very little.. For service in your area phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, Clinton 242, on week days between 7:30 to 10:00 A.M., and on Sundays and Holidays, between 7:30 to 9:30 A.M. NOMINATION TOWNSHIP OF HAY • S • i= EffilfifillEgEMMEE — + PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with By -Law 'No. 10, passed October 4th; 1954 under authority of Chapter 266, Section 76 of the Municipal Act, a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Hay will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL; ZURICH, ONTARIO On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1954 The Clerk will be in the Township Hall, Zurich, from 1 to 2 p.m. to receive Nominations for one Reeve, one Deputy Reeve, and three Councillors for the Year 1955, also for three Hay Township School Area Trustees for the years 1955 and 1956. When a proposed Candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is attached thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be so nominated. A meeting of the Electors will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich, at 2 .p.m., on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1954 To hear proposed Candidates, and in case more than the required loaallikT of carrd$datps to fill the office are nominated, and a vote cjemFIiiecla 4 M Till bQ helot qn MONDAY, 'DECEMBER 6th, 1954 From 9.00 'a.m. until 5.00 p.m., at the following places: Fell telling Place i.ehool House No. I, School House No. 14 7,urich Town Hall 4. Zurich Town Hall 5, School liotise l o. 1 6. Earl Guenther Block '7. School (douse No. 3 8. Jas. Masse Residence Dated at Zurich, Ont. November 9th, 1954. D.R.O. Pe-r`cy Campbeii Hugh McEwen Leroy O'Brien, Albert Hesd liil.ton `i'rueinner PM'hhold Miller Sas. A. McAllister Fred Ducharme H. 'W. Poll Cleat- -•n Cottle virapMan Ed. McBride Gordon Surerus Lorne Klopp Cliff. Pepper Sidney Baker Glen Weido Ed. Corriveau BROK.ENSHIRE, Returning Officer ZURICH HERALD IN MEMORIAM visited with Mrs. .Go -!die Graham. To Celebrate Gol en Wen ddr In lo:vin memory of Mrs. Emaline d g g Farrell, who passed away one year ago, November 16, 1953. A. year has passed since that sad day, The one we loved was called away, God took her home, it was His will. But in our hearts she lieenh still. ---Ever remembered by husband, &uirhter and grandchildren. TANLEY TOWNSHIP •.fr and Min Tonne Pepper Niagara Falls vi-ited John E. Pepper and ram - flee Mr tri ' T^,1",a.q Ttrnelfo. t, Jr Gast Mrs \'via,, T tl,;7r ;ri,• of Thursday, November 18th, 1954 Tuesday eve., to give them a roust- Mr and Mrs. Burmeister macre a very ting chivari and welcome, a anoclt wed- suitable reply. ding was staged with Mrs. C. Fleet County Convention. as groom, Edwin !Miller as bride and A nunriber of ladies from the Dash-. Mr Ed. Stire the minister. 'Mr. and wood W. L attended the county con, Mrs. Burmeister were !presented with vention of the l9V'.L at Blyth fast, a lovely chair and a suns of money. Tuesday. ry The New Plymouth TI -IE FIRST SHOWING ' The most Beautiful Plymouth in Plymouth History We extend a most cordial Invitation to everyone in Zurich and surrounding district to come and look these Cars over. We know you will be r p*e than satisfied with these Cars, powered by SIX and EIGHT Cylinder Motors. Reg- Armstrong Motors Exeter Pellagrex V. M. A. MIX FOR SWINE USE YOUR OWN GRAIN. PELLA- GREX SUPPLIES THE MINERALS and VITAMINES. FEED ECONOMICALL Y AND MAKE MONEY! Middleton's at Hensall DRUG STORE Phone 20 Complete Stock of all your Medicinal Needs. Banquet AND ANNUAL MEETING Of the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture, in the Community Centre, Zurich On Tuesday, November 23rd. At 7 p.m. Guest Speaker: Rev. Bert Daynar1, of Staffa, Ont. Tickets $1.50. Get your 'Ticketsearly All in the Community are cordially invited to attend! DANCE to follow Program Masse Orchestra. Dance Free Plan to attend and Boost your Fed- eration of Agriculture President, Carl Oestreicher. Secretary, Clifford Pepper. NOTICE STRAYED CATTLE BEAST— Onto Lot 10, Con. 6, Hay Town.- ship, ownship, For further information con- tact Garnet Jacobe, Zurich, Ont. R.R. 1, Lot 22, Con. 6, Hay, Owner may have same by proving ownership and paying expenses—Garnet Jacobe. 3tc tion in the United Churrh, Varna, on Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 8 p.m. Had Supper About 125 Orangemen with their Ontario and "some ofthe Hien came for more batteries. A group of men organized and were ready to help in the search when cord was received that Rose Marie was found. Lost doll 'blankets kept the men on the trail. The little girl had apparently followed the fam- ily (ding to the bush, became confus- ed and was finally found in an open tfield on Adolph Keller's fem. 'whose .property is Jbehhnd Weigand's Mr and Mrs Fred Youse and tson of. London spent the week -end with Mrs. Henry Beaker, -Sr. Mr and Mrs Melton Wolper and daughters of Ingersoll and Mrs. Nelda Routledge of London were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs. Phftip Fas- sold. Mrs Geo. Merner, Mrs. A. V. Tie- rnan and 'Charles opent :Saturatay in Kitchener with Mr and Mrs. Elgin Merner and famii . Miss Anna Taylor of London spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Letta Taylor. Miss Anna 'Messner of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr and;; Mrs Fred Messner. Miss Barbara tBe:cker of Kitchener, spenii. the week -end with her parents 1VIr and !tdrs. V. L. Becket-. Mrs Fred Weisberg and Mns Ad- olph iXeller spent a week at Brant- ford wath the tatter's daughter, Mrs. Ea'ti`s ic '1`pl`fei and farimily `1Vt itt k�W. 13115v an accomp- anied ii ii'I r and IMrs M. McDougall of Chatham visited at Buffalo and Toronto recently: Had Successful Bazaar. Approximately $202.0'0 was reaI- ized by the Ladies' Aid and WS.WS of ,the E.U.B. Church on Saturday at their tea:' (bake sale and !bazaar. Lad- ies attended from ,Grand Bend, Zur- ich and iS.hipka as well as Dashwood. A short picogram was enjoyed as well •consisting of readings by Mrs. Geo. Anderson, piano solo by Bonnie Mc- Crae, troinbine solo by Donna Eagle- son, accordian solo. Shirley Guenther; organ selection. Mrs. Ken. 'iVFcCrae, anda trio ,consisting of Mrs. 'M. Tie - man, Mrs. McCrae and Mrs. Pfaff. The WSWS has already 'contributed 315 to Korea; $10 for milk for babies, 'in Japan; t5, for .Blind; $5 for Wod- eden and $t5 for War Memorial Hos- pital. ,T,nndnr x ' Couple Honored About 70 neighbours and relatives of Mr anal Mfrs Courtney Burmeister wives and .families filled the Orange newlyweds, gathered at their home Hall Friday erre last for their an- nual Fowl Supper followed by a pro- gram of addresses and slides shown by Mr. :Spencer of Hensdll, Mr and Mrs John H. McEwen are celebrating their golden wedding on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. ill7th at the home of their sloe -in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Stewart Mid- dleton. Miss Betty Heideman, nurse -in -tra- ining at Stratford was a visitor with ,Miss Ruth tOlarke. Miss +Phaime Logan, London, who has ,been visiting in Varna the past month,. is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. The Women's Assoc. of the United Church held a Successful bazaar in the Orange Hall, Saturday last. Ther Huron County Tempera•' Fedee:.a",io:+ held their ,annual convey HENSALI., To Retire from Office A. W. Kersle'ne, Hensall has an - intention :'is intention of retiring office this year. He has spent', eight years with the village •council, and for only one of those terms did he have to run for the position. Ac- clamation was received on seven oc- casions. In 1953, 1.4 -lo ve Kerslake served as Warden of Huron tCounty. Had Parade Rernemlrrance Da-" .'as observed here with ceremonies under the aus- 13lces of the Canadian Legion. No.468. A parade composed of Legion and by the Bannocldburn Pipe Band of Varna, marched to the town hall for the memorial service. Guest speaker was the Rev. Normae Knox, or Exe- ter. Wreaths were placed at the ceno- taph by representati\ c.; of the prov- ince, veterans, the village, Tucker - smith and Hay Townships. (lour trumpeters sounded "-he Last Post," Grealis - Switzer. fASHWOOD AUCTION SALE Of Furniture and (terns On. the Premises, Pari of Lot 'fid, S.B., Hay Township. 114 Miles east of Dashwood. The undersigned Auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by 'Public Auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24t1h. At 1.3'b o'clock, pail. The following Items: Furniture -- Dining Room exten- sion table with 6 matching chairs; kitchen drop leaf table; 6 kitchen cabinet, ;corner.•cbooik case, hall tree, 2 large mirrors, antique table, 2; end tables, 2 bedside tables, towelrook, medicine kabinet, New Williams .SSew-! ing machine, antique style bed spr- ings and mattress; commode, 2 toilet sets, kitchen clock, oak rocrer, Lawn chairs, clothes drlyler, 2 card tables, 2 trunks, 8 storage (boxes, suitcase, roll of new linoleum, ,carpet rugs, pictures and frames, vacuni cleaner, electric toaster and iren; elumnlurin set, assortment of dishes and kitchen utensils, tSea•lers, etc. Other Items --- Quebec combination. stove and heater, small Quebec heat- er; :Beatty .electric washer in brand new condition; step ladder, scythe, wash tubs, copper boiler, work bench, garden tools and many articles too numerous to mention TERMS —CASH A. P. Cunningham, Mrs. P. T -I. Budd, Executors for the Estate of the late Mrs, Louis &toren r.. Alvin Waiter, .A—edict/neer, Little Girl Found Safe. Four-year-old Rose. Marie Weigand daughter of Mr and Mr:,, Elgin Wei- gand of the 1.4th Co'•. of Hay was found by her father still clutching to her doll in one arm, carrying one boot in the other, one lost mitt and feet cold and wet after Elgin and his neighbours had searched, not only his om 5 p.m. until well past seven. •hwood citizen became aware of arch wi:e') flash lights 'rive out. Miscellaneous • • • • •• • • a • • • • • • • 0 • • JO Y ! Who experiences true joy in this life and life to come Will pleasure and material riches bring it? In Ecc. 2: 10-11 we read. And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejo%usd in all my labour; and this was my portion of ail my tabour. Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought and on the labour that I had laboured to do, and behold all was vanity and vexation of spirit and there was no profit under the sun. JOY is a fruit of the spirit, Gal. 5:22. But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, gogd- ness, faith. JOY is experience by believers I Peter 1:8. Whoin hexing not seen, ye love, in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing ye, rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glom. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER • • sit IMMINIMMINIMMININMIM Box 50, R. R. 1 — Zurich, Ontario MEETING OF HURON . COUNTY COUNCIL GENTLEMEN: The November Session of Huron County Council will be held in Court House; Godericir, commencing at 2:00 p.m. Monday, November 22ndt' , 1954 All accounts, or notices of DeputatiQ.ns must be in the hands of the County Clerk not Pater than. Friday, November 19th, 1954. A. H. Erskine, Huron County Clerk, Goderich, ()Mafia a• tst***+4,111.*** The Lady Or The Tiger? In the famous story by F. R.., Stockton, the principal character' must open one of two doors. Behind' one is a lovely lady, the other hides a fierce and hungry tiger: Facing all of us are two, doors; One opens to a planned; secure future; the other :to, the deadly dan-. gers of improvidence. Those who plan carefully an adequate, up to date Life Assurance programme have chosen the Doorway- to, Security. Let me help you• acquire security through •earefu'1; estate planning, There is no obligation. To Harry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN A Mutual Company Phone 70-W LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY — All Profits for Policyholders, Dashwood, Qnt<. Nit always keler with 89% of urban Canadian housewives prefer Butter to any other spread Naturally you prefer butter! It's a natural dairy food, made of rich wholesome cream, delivered to your creamery while it is country -fresh. Butter's flavor is all its own ... mild, delicate, creamy. For good eating, good living, there's nothing like butter! For a booklet of grand new dairy food recipes, write to Marie Fraser. DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU A Division of Dairy Farmers of Canada 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO ddb