HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-11-04, Page 5ZURICH e ONTARY ZURICH HERALD 1.111t1erised as second class mail, INA Office Department, Ottawa. WJSINES CARDS N. L. Martin OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday '11:2CENSEI:1 AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer 'Per your Sale. large or small; Court - and Efficient Service at all Titles Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone, Zurich 92 r 7 ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Boipkkeepirm Service, Etc. EXETER tISTICE - Corner Ann, William Ste. Phone: Exeter 504 , VETERINARIAN tirs, COXON & LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS OM* with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store 1491* ---90 ZTJRICH IIUTCHERS Zurich's Popular IWEA.T MAR -RFT WANE US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURFD MEATS. BOLOGNAS. SAUSAGES, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD - RN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGI3LUT BROS. -PRODUCF • OBRIEN'S PRODUCE Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE LOCAL NEWS }Mr and Mrs Ed. Deters spent Wed- nesday last at London. Mr and ,11/1r.e. Donald Hartman were .Sunday visitors in Lonaon. lar and 'Mrs Edmund Erb and dau- ghters, Mrs, Cleve Gingerich, spent Tuesday at London. Miss. Ruth 'Golding of London, spent Saturday with her friend, Miss Mary Lou Witmer. Miss Gloria Dietz of London, vis- ited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IMilton Dietz. Me. and Mrs Lloyd Geiser of Crede iton were Saturday visitors at Mr, and ,Mre. Wm, Decker. Mr. iCampibell Krueger of Kitch- enea was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr and :Mra Ivan Yungblut. Mr and Mrs IMusselman of Water - leo spent the week -end at tee home of the former's sister, 'Mr aria Mrs. 'Peter -Gingerich. Mr and Mrs Ray Schilibe and chil- dren of London, were recent week- end visitors in town with the form- , er's father, 'Mr. iMilfred Scafibe. Miss Mary Lou Fritz, who is at- tending Alma College, at St. Thom- as, was a week -end visitor at the ,home of her parents., II& and Mrs. Ward !Fritz. Advertising Does Pay! During the :past week we experien- ced another assurance of the effects of a bit ,af advertisingwhen two last ads were placed in the Herald, and in the matter of a few days after the tparoer came out the articles lost were restored to their rightful ownere whlo, were very happy to receive same. Your publisher is always glad to help you sell or find articles, wanted ads. and anything we can help you. So try an adv. next time you have some- thing and watch results. HOCKEY ORGANIZE At 'a well attended meeting of the Zuridh Hockey enthusiasts on Friday evening last, in the ,Community Cen- tre, it was decided to splonsOr hockey team this winter in Zurich. This team will be included in a league somewhere when schedules and gro- upings are drawn up. IMuch ent'hus- iasm is being shown with a strongly executive zet up, feed a lot ot push behind the undertaking. A list of supporters is ,being passed around and the support is terrific. •So here's hoping for •a real snappe 1954-55 team for Zurich and district. DRILLING FOR WATER Exeter in an attempt to find another water well to augment town supply. PUC Manager Ken Lamprnan stated the eomrnission hoped to find a well which would Produce from 400 to 500 gallons per minute. This would ibe larger than any of the three mow being used in the system. TOURST DECREASE ,GoderiCh A decrease of 52-6 in the number of tourists who regi- stered- at .the tourist information booth, compared with last year's num iber, was reported to Town Council, made by Miss Beatrice Braddlord, who operates the. booth for the summer. This year's final figure was 1.963, compared with 1,789 and 1,487 in 1952. Majority of the Canadran vis- itors were from Ontario and the maj- ority of the U.S.A. people were from the State of [Michigan. Wintry Weather. Following a week of nice fall wea- ther it has now turned to much cool- er weather, with some snow on the ground, and on Saturday considerable main and wet snow fell which did not help the cause any. The crops chat are still out are about a aelplees thing of the past. Some farmers are hit very heavy who had late crops. evhile others have their crons all tuc- ked away nicely in their barns. So we must try and get along with what we have and W: for another year. November alwa.ys bring in the win- ter season, but same yeare real nice weather will prevail. But don't count on it too much. Western FarmersMutual 1 Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK RESERVE BAL- INCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS 1,, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO ,-keeetint of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 trete Cash in Bank and Bonds. e$495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING IkODS AND ALL KINDS OP FIRE , INSURANCE LARGEST ZURICH1-1Ertit1LT) ELMER D. BELL, B,A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXffTER, ONT, Wednesday, 2 to 5 p,m. at Zurich At Township Clerk's office "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2 Gallons C. ANDERSEN RRA on. the table 0 I0 ci 9 6 4 4 4 5 9 the meal is ready! LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! B.A. Station - Dashwood..YOUR BAKER not only suppes OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 'delicious wholesome bread for your HINMAN MILKERS table—bread for your recipes. Out of his' fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to Having been appointed Local Agent crown the menu of every meal! Frag- for the well known. Hindman Milkers, '• rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun: I am in a position to give service as' for beeakfast.. luscious fruit -filled well as being salesman of same. 1.1' in need of repairs or service, or wish- ing to purchase a new unit, be sure and see me. FRANCIS KIPPER ZURICH DAIRY. Phone 164 GET OUT OF THE MUD! Your and WITH HALF-TRACKS on Tractor, made for all makes sizes. SEE OR CALL— H. PETERSON DASHWOOD - Ph. 31 r 15 FOR SALE Cabbage, !Carrots, and Cooking On- ions, etc. Apply — George Bullock, Phone 80 r 19, Zurich.. 2t* WANTED Fifty to one hundred acre farm ,near Grand Bend with or without buildings. Give full description, acreage. under cultivation, bush, pas- ture, etc., location and price. Write! Box 220, Grand Bend. ' • ATTENTION! HUNTERS and Outdoorsman, Fine Binoculars, have been reduced in mice to $41.50 buys a 7x50 Coated Lenses. 'Come in and see our select- ion. — Hess, the Jeweller. Former Supervisor Passes Mrs. Blanche McAllister, 5a, who died Oct. 15, at her home, Parr line, Hay, was a former'supervisor of Clin- ton Hospital for many years. Her hus band, 'William McAllister,' died in 1926.. She lived for many years m Hay Twp. and as a young woman, graduated as a nurse e t Clinton T-Iceee pital. 1Sbe was one of the oldest nVe- !label's of Hensel]. United chureh. Sur- viving are two stepsons, Robert Mc- Allister Stanley Tvep and jetties MsAlllister, Hay. The gady rested at the family residence till the auneral was held 18th with Rev. W. J. Rog- ers, Hensall, officiating. Interment in Hillsgreen :Cemetery. treats for luncheon. .piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner... Bread in variety, too, for snacks any timd of day or night. So don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals— let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu takery PHONE 100 — ZLJRICH Big savings TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FOL- LOWING BIG SAVINGS: Was Now Major Craft Automatic pop-up Toaster and butter Warmer $29.95 19.95 Alcamatis Deep Fryer and Cooker 39.95 19.95 13 pieces Royal Chef Alum- inum ware Heavy 69.95 19.95 50 rubber Cords, rubber Sockets and Guard 3.50 COME IN AND SEE FOR YOUR- SELF. CHECK QUALITY AND PRICES Order for orYourself or as Gifts! St. Joseph Service Station Phone 87 r 17 - Zurich WANTED A Stenoghapher ca. Bookkeeper Apply to Kalbfleisch Milis, Zurich. c WANTED Will pay 3c a lb. for old Horses for Iffink Feed.—Phone collect, Goderich 936 r 21, or 936 r 32. —Gilbert Bros., ,Goderich. thee Exeter M. D. Passes Dr. James .Gordon Dunlop, practic- ing !physician at Exeter for more than 25 years, died at his home on Nov. lst. He was a native of Wallace - burg and graduated from the -Univer- sity ad Western Ontario Medica1. Sch- ool' in 1927, was a member or the Presbyterian church which he served at an elder, a past presidene of the Exeter Lions Club and the South Huron Hospital Assn. Surviving are his wife, the former Muriel Bryan, and one daughter, Julia, a student at Western University, a brother and a sister at Wallaceburg. The remains rested at the Hooper Hacking Funer- al Home till Wednesday when inter- ment will be in the Exeter .cetnetery. Huron Home Annex Opened Clinton Oct. 29, - Official cpenir of the Huron County Home adaitio•• took place this afternoon in the snac- ions auditorium with the Hon. Wm. A. Goodfellow, minister of .public health and welfare far Ontelea offi- ciating. Mr. Goodfellow remarked to the large audience on hand that, while his department can build and renovate—we are far Teemed from the actual, problems itit tgoop) we cannot reathiiinleIostelatiOnial which you an Wain M1MOO ,eomenerity. IETe pat ti hEI Huron 'County Home .committee, of waieh Roy ";1, Cousin, reeve of lam- SP1e is eaeirrean. to the Huron Corm - HOW IMPORTANT IS JESUS TO YOU? Paul says — Believe on' the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16: 31. Peter says — Neither is there Salvation in any other name under heaven, given among men whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12. JESUS SAYS -- 1 am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. — John 14: 6. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 ir."--gEL_Taum e • 0 0 2 • • • • • 0 ty Council for the e467.000 teilidine, 0 -- Zurich, Ontario Us Sup ly You WITH YOUR FUEL NEEDS! COAL — FURNACE OIL Snow Fence and Fibrun Paper for your corn crib or temporary Silo We are again Cleaning Clover Seed and Seed Wheat at our Hensall Plant. How about your Fertilizer Requirements for fall Wheat and Pastures a 0 0 0 a 0 9 00 0 400 0 • 4 • • • • • • • • Your Tb•ursde,y, Noienlbet 4jh, 1054' aware •StOre... 5. Are you ready for the cold weather? Give us a call and we will give your coal furnace and oil bur- ner a complete checkup so you will be ready for winter. We can supply you with any new type of furnace or oil burner as well as the Anthes Advanced de- sign furnace. Come and see our fine bathroom display. We also carry Electrical Appliances, Ped- lar, Beatty, Areo, Duro and McDougal Equipment. Plumbing Tinsmithing Heating Oil Burner Service and Installation Rader itilehnitz - Hardware Zurich 63. Phone 1.0 4 4 5, 4 4 9 84 4, 4 womennemzersommarzeimitervionmazagesameggrawmmezzatietketwananTemo 4 4 0 9 :Point : for 4 Biggest • • day This • • • • • for Point ---- Dollar Dollar. Here's the 4 • 444 • Trade 4 • • 44 414. 4 Or 45 00 4 Washer Value to - Beautiful Washin Machine: As Low As $129.00 . in the old Machine all Wiring Jobs - WURETH Phone 84 e -- *Iffammt. ECTRIO Zurich • 4 • • • • • 4 4 44 0 44 4 4 0 9, 4 40 4 • 0 4. 4 4 4 • • • 43.• ---9ffIZSMCOIEMESSIZ=Itaffill=41011944. . • WARMER FOOTWEAR Damp, Cold Feet is the main cause of the Comrnon Col d which c n be avoided by wearing footwear for the occasion. Stop at the Oesch Shoe Store and see for yourself the kind of footwear to keep you comfortable and healthy. MEN'S—Brown and black Dress Shoes $6.95 to $14.95. Also work shoes $6.95 to 9.95. No splits. WOMEN'S—Blk Kid Ox. $8.45 in 3 widths and 2 different heels. OHILDREN—Red Strap, Brawn 2 Strap, Oxfords and Patente Get your Winter Footwear NOW and be ready for the first Cold Snap. Oesch Shoe Stoi e Phone, Res. 130. 1:rinM1717.r-e*Witall. • 4 4 4 4 4 FOR — Rotary Lawn Mowers Garden Hose, - Wire Fencing - Mops and Brushes - Polishes and Cleansers Paints Enamels Varnishes 0 Shelf and Heavy Hardware Electric Stoves - Refrigerators - Washing Machines - All Electric Appliances • Electric Wiring, Plumbing -. Heating - Tinsmithing Store 82 Your Home and. Go rden Ilea& uarters Garden Tools, OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy, Herman Distnet :,% C.) Brien 0 Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 S Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 , • ilt,..00=45$01;-;4„"vozi ra..n.wmcm,0400,0,..,.....10..q..000,,m-Avronotogostmoormsettpx.mers..1- 4 • • 0 • 0 8 a 4. a 45, 8 07' • i."oket v11.4-11. ')egan .1.,••` • tai ' • .', '',".-!••