HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-09-30, Page 423,R1ONTARIO
Place of Sale; Varna of Henry Claus -
Complete Dispersal ius, Lot 25, Con. 9, Hay. Saxe will
be in charge of Henry Clausius,
Pound Keeper.
Auetioneer: Alvin Walper.
Dated at Zurich, Sept. 27, 1954.
40 Choice Durham, Holstein and
ateasey Heifers. Selling at the farm
;iabylon Line, 114 miles east of Zur-
ich and 21/2 miles south or 23,f Hailes
east of Dasibrwood and 2'32.5 miles
The undersigned Auctioneer has re-
ceived instructions to sell bypublic
;unction oil
Commencing at 1.30 p.m. sharp
Offering Includes
Brindle cow, due latter part of Oct-
ober carrying third calf.
4 Durham Heifert due in October
2 Pure Bred Jersey Heifers due in
4 part Holstein and Jersey Heifers
due 'around Sale date.
2.5 Holstein Heifers, some due to
freshen at tale date. Remainder
in month of October.
5 Open Holstein Heifers.
This is an extra choice herd of Heif-
ers, well matured and from leading,
blood lines. Calfhood vacinated.
Guaranteed in calf as specified.
Inspection invited before day of sale.
'Neil Gingerich, 'Proprietor
R. F. Stade, Clerk.
Alvin Walper, Auctioneer.
', 13. Tested and Vaccinated, on
At 1 o'clock, p.m
At the farm Half Mile west of Green -
Way, 81 Highway 8 miles north of
Parkhill, or 5 miles south of Grand
18 Bulls. Cows with calves Dy side
bred and open heifers. Sale under
Lunch served on grounds by Green -
'Way United Church W.A.
G Bruce Eagleson, Proprietor.
V. S. O'Neil, Auctioneer
O•f Strayed Heifer under one year,
'Unto Lot 25. Con. 0, Hay Township.
Owner can have same by proving
property and paying expenses, before
or on date of sale which is
At 2.00 o'clock,,pan
Carnation milk route, 1950 Chev-
rolette three ton Truck for sale,
Wm. R. Talbot, Jr., Bayfield, phone
LAND and DWELLING Property,
Consisting of 16 acres of loam rand,
has frame house, partly furnished,
being part lot 12, Com 8, Hay Twp.,
Babylon line. For further particu-
lars apply to Jacob Battler, \R.R 3,
Zurich 3t*
Mr and Mrs Roy McBride were
visited by the latter's sister, Mrs.
Robb and Mr. Robb of Lucknow
Mr and Mrs Abe Zapfe, of Bruce -
field were honored recently wnen re-
latives gathered to. honor them on
their 25th wedding anniversary. They
were the recipients of many neautr-
ful cards and gifts
Mr and Mrs Rudy Oesch of Blake,
accompanied their son and wife, Mr
and Mrs Wag,. Oesch of Goshen Line
north, and Mr ,and Mrs E. Faber of
Ki their daughter. on a visit to
Mr. Oeseh's sister at Hixon, Ont.
Mr and Mrs `Ward Kraft and fam-
ily of London were Sunday visitors
with Mr and Mrs Ernest Koehler and
i family .
Mr and Mrs. Harold Maine and
girls of Kitchener spent the week-
end with the latter's parents, Mr and„ S r ser.in strained glass in the Me
Mrs. Reinhold Miller. n ;al Court of Honor in the Getit
Mr and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg o, , ,:01eum. Foreat Lawn was. found
Waterloo spent the week -end with 1 ,1 he /belief that it shouldbe as
day Sept. 25.
Week -end guests with Mrs Henry
Martene were a number of her child-
ren and relatives who also attended
the wedding: Mr and Mrs Peter
Sayler trf Petersburgh, Mr and Mrs,
Chas. Seyler and Marie of Kitchener
Mr and' Mrs. Elvin Bearss and family
of Port Colborne; Mr and Mrs Allan.
Swain and txtmily of London and Mr
and Mrs, Joe IlVfartene wf .Soulll afrnp-
Rev, W. F Krotz and Mr. R5 Goetz
attended the Canada Conference
Brotherhood Congress at •Sebrin'gville
.lharsday, Septenalber 30, 1954
most 'colorful !because of its Pink
+Cliffs formation.
Non-Swinim'er Float
Everyone was looking forward to a
eadm in ,Saltair, the Great Salt Lake,
which as so buoyant it is impossible
to swim in it Even the non -swim-
mers were surprised they 'dould float.
;inside 'Norman, Temple square in
JSalit Lake City, one finds the Mar-
anon Teruiple, Talbernaele and the old-
est house in the leiter Our group thor-
ioughly enjoyed the organ recital at
the Tabernacle with Alexana e r
'Schreiner at the 'organ. After visit-
ing: the museum we stopped next at
On 9,000 Mile Bus Tour
(Continued from last week)
We travelled down Hollywood Houle.
evard, which becomes Santa • Claus'
one from Thanksgiving Day to New
Years, to the well known Grauznen's
'Chinese Theatre. A tfantistxc struct-
ure, intended to represent an o'er-
+sized Orential pagoda, this theatre is
intersationally famous for its fore-
court where concrete slabs have
captured the foot and hand prirts and
signatures of movie stars. it is at
this motion picture theatre palace
that the premieres are 'held. One .is
' able to see Jimmy Durante's nose.
print, Sona Hanle's skate blades and
the profile of the /rte Jahn Larry-
more. Further down Hollywood
Boulevard, one finds araumzan, is Egy-
1gvptian Theatre eihere Iegypiien patut-
ings, scenes, waterfalls and. statues
decorate the long patio-li ;:e forecourt
Tour to Mars
One of the highlights; of the trip
was Forest Lawn •Me}maria/ Park
where ,copies of ;1V[ichelangelo. and
Leonardo de Vinci's works. are found
Very impressive was the showing of
Jan Stykah's painting 'The Cruerfix-
ion. and Leonardo de Vinci's `Last
their parents, Mr and 'Mrs Fred Wei -
berg and Mr and Mrs Victor Tyler.
Mr and Mrs Slgin Rader .and fam-
ily spent Sunday in London with Mr
and Mrs W.endell Gamble.
Miss Lois Geiser of London spent
the week -end with her mother bier's.
Mr and Mrs Lorne Becker and
fanuly. Mr and Mrs Henry Becker
and Shirley, Mr and Mrs Valentine
Becker and family,' Mr and Mrs Rud-
olph Becker and family and Mr and
Mrs Edmund Becker and family at-
tended the Groff -Eckstein wedding at
Kitchener on Saturday Sept. 25.
Mr and Mrs Harold Kellerman and
John and Mrs. Cowen spent Sunday
at Hanover wth Mr and Mrs D.Derby
Mr and Mrs Eben Weigand and
family, Mrs. Mary lelartene and Mrs
Henry Marten attended the Martene
Dixon wedding at Brinslev on Satur-
; r A Pi00111 OR IV ?
1 i 1
1 tr.;
r s i I i
1 ;ro- ••
If you need more room in the farm house
for the children, more accommodation for hired
hands, more all-round convenience for everybody
in the home, a spare room for visitors ... or
if you simply need more space for relaxation,
don't let a shortage of ready cash stop you from
going ahead with building plans now.
If your proposition is sound, there's money
for you at the B of M ... in the form of a
Farm Improvement Loan, Talk it over with
the manager of your nearest
B of M branch this week.
70 2 11110 02 CACJDIANS
FIL — the fixer . .
his full name is
Farm Improve.
ment Loan. Give
him a chance to
help fix up yam.
farm , .. he's eco-
nomical, conven.
fent, versatile. He
can do almost
anything in mak.
ing your farm a
better farm.
Zurich Branch: CARL SCOTT, Manager
Hensel' Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager
Crediton Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager
(Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday)
Dae. -rr 4 (4'u1,-:1gency): Open Mon., Wed. & Fri.
ditree•'n: ['rem. other 'cemeteries e as
sunlight i:: from darkness, should be -
a lovely tra ' Mil garden free of ugly
inartistic tor.abetones.--a place where
the beauty of sc uli t„re and fine land-
scaping enhance the beauty' ornate
ure. We also visited Church• of the
Recessional, the Museum, Court of
David, Court of the Christians and
the Mystery of Life Gardens.
We left Long Beach and- embark-
ed on the S.S. Catalina and later dis-
emberked at Avalon, Catalina ,Island.
Marilyn and I took a combinative
taur to the Seal Rocks, a bus tour a-
round Avalon, the only town on- the -
i. -land, and a boat ride to the under-
sea gardens in a glass, bottom ;boat..
See Handicraft
In Tijuana, :Mexico, which de very
dirty, we saw Mexicans tooled leather
goods and spun silver jewelery. Nezct
stop was Knott's Merry Farm. .et
Buena Park. Here; the frontier scen-
es of early days have :been recreclted,
with gold rush tou m, stage ooaclhes'
and trains. After sampling their 'fain-
ous boysenberry jam, we almost wish-
ed we didn't have to leave.
From Banton, the desert wlarch ;is:
studded with area cactus, sage brie4
Joslrlua trees and the yucca, tree .
heeded::fer' Las Vegas, Nevada; "',
Monte Carlo ,of Niorth America
wide-open gambling town in the ,1 ii
dle of the d&seat is a sight one .,teees
not forget. We toured the gairelleig
houses, Horseshoe, the Golden Nue-
get, Las Vegas, California, and :Monte.
Carlo for souvenirs.
In. Utah we camped at Zion .e'an.-.
yon and drove 'around the mourutains
to zee the. Great White Throne and
the Court of the Patriarchs. The 14
mile -long tunnel had five windows so
we could see the 29 switchbacks we
had left behind us.
In Arizona we -visited Grand Can-
yon and returned to Utah to camp at
Bryce Canyon which I believe is the
Utah's State Capital Building 'which
consists of state 'offhees ancr ectucat-
:ionittl exhibits.
Of do'u'se we coudn't miss Old
Faithful, the geyser nuilaicria erups a -
!bout every 64 minutes and Mornin:g
rtt ,
long the way Iwe saw many interest,.
ing rock formations including the,
Holy City, Laughing Pig and Threes
,Men on a Pobaggan. We passed,
Buffalo Bill Dam and reservoir be-
fore v,to entered 'Cody, the home of
Glory Pool. Both of these are situ- '13111 Coady 'or Buffalo Bill,
ated at Yellowstone Park, Our walk I enjoyed the swim at Tff erneepolis
around the geyser cones, Emerald Wyoming, the site of the world's.
Pool and Beehive, was very educat- largest hot springs, Before we reaches.
ionlal. Thisbeing our last .campfire, ed Ohicago we had to crass N<braskaa.
it was here we presented the Too- and Iowa.
re the managers anct the All our time in Chicago was spent:'
glooas, waw a
drivers, with gifts. As we neared in cchopping. Again we +crossed the.
Fisherman's Bridge we •eould see the line and arrived back in London one
Dragon's Mouth and Mud ciey4ser. A- Sunday afternoon, August 22,, 1954..
have he n
IF YOUHOLD Fourth Victory Loan 3% Bonds (issued May, 1943 to mature
May, 1957) they should be presented for payment on or after October 1st
through any branch bank in Canada. AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHER
INTEREST WILL BE PAID. Interest coupons due November lst, 1954
and all coupons dated later than this must be attached to the bonds when
they are presented for payment. Payment will be $101.26 for a $100 bond
(and for other denominations accordingly)., This payment includes $1.26
which is interest at 3% from May 1st to October lst—the period• since the
last coupon became payable.
Government of Canada By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent
54 -BC -4
.c�a,,,yaG,«..�..rx�'c: •rmac.:.,.�..
KITCHEN---rtnning water cuts
kitchen chores --laundry and
dishes are done in half thetime.
BA1 HROOM-•-all the conven-
fence of a city home to protect
your family's health and add
to your comfort.
BARNS—So much easier to
water the stock ... and so much
extra protection against tire.
. Th54 . .
Ern * g^t `'ass
Co., Lirnitti d
20 - 34 Jackson St. W.
Hamilton - Ontario
bugger planf
Why lug water by hand any longer? Install. a•.
Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running•
water as you pay for it. Save time, save labours .;
cut operating costs.
for pump, fixtures and installation, too
The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your corn...
plete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen
and bathroom fixtures, taps in. all buildings,
and the cost of installation. You can have the
whoTe job done NOW—and pay for it over the•
next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the.
cbsrof1abottrand,'•inaterial.worked` out,:on the” "+
EI CO Budget Plan. Then consider how much
work it can save you, the extra leisure you can
enjoy by installing your water system right awaye
Visit Or Phone Us Without, Delay '6
.m..e ®a a..max ,.m... a•. am. ...Vat MD •••• wow maa m.w—.maeuaBSnY4!!Fin,.
Zurich - Ontario
wer to
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Hydro generates much of the power
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Dominion's security.
Radar is another way in which
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anent, made possible through electric-
ity, contributes to our way of life
. , . another example of .
Information concerning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by writing
to your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto.