HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-09-23, Page 5C' ST SI BON — Louis Arm t °'one of the great jazz per- formers of hist day, does`a r*,rt,lfe mopping of his brow to imitate the characteristic pose. ortrayed in the painting above him. Louis will portray King (.diver, the first "jazz king," on a forthcoming TV show, 35 per cent at the corner . Pump So the Smart young husband and the Clever wife did all these things. Thenceforth they heat- ed their Home cosily for noth- ing, and buzzed' around the coun- tryside right merrily for Half Price. And they lived Happily. ever after. But, remember, this was a Very Far country where the r Decimal Point is optional—From The Christian Science Monitor: average boy of fourteen has an $.Q. of 140. People who have $.Q's of 140 and over are regard- ed by educational psychologists s "geniuses," and are rare. Only one per cent of the population have I.Q.'s of over 130. Each test is rigidly timed. Ilere are some typical questions. • They are ' deceptively simple - ;looking, yet 8 per cent of child- ren flail: Vocabulary; Cascade means— drum/ box, firmament waterfall (choose one.) :. 7ur]Ser+el: "raid the ;' slumbers" '21, 19, 23, choose the ;number that continues the series l--3-5-8-12-17. Classification: Earth, Venus, ;Wars, Sun. (One word does not belong with the others. Which is X11?) Analogies: Day is to 365 as week is to 7, 38, 52, 12 (choose one. Opposites: (underline the word !Fame, Opposite, or Unknown); Kind, Cruel: Same, Opposite, or Unknown. Droll, Odd: Same, Opposite, or T1nknown. Best' Answer: The saying "A Miss is as good as a mile" means: A girl can walk just about a mile: *suers cannot be forgotten; to fail by a little is still 'to fail (choose one.) WHERE YOU RIGHT? (Turn page upside down for solutions.) 1TaI 03 Hl1as st 614311 a .4q 1! 03 'aanns ..'atV 4seg :awls °113 sae pp° pun. o:1C 'saltsoddo ase tans° pun teur2 'salIsodd0 :gg 'sat olnuy, fns 'uop.na ISsa1° !gg 'aauanbas .ROCIU nN :iTe aluA9 'dauingeooA a' $}\\.,::a::•})D}."v,'vR:.:: Dli?::Ja{!.:: L::.r:•ie,. .•i\F- \.v,.F::r \.:: a''nd"S :'��`,,n�3x8`o.• :,,t•...:.5.. .o .............<:ta<•:}aar.:}.. ., e�tiigt;,. ;�. '`�S.F,;;.G,v,• `?:}��:.�y�;?�;t`...�s•:{n.,"�t "°;> � . t�;�O�' v AFTER THE STORM—A National Guardsman stands guard over a restaurant and 'boat that were wrecked by Hurricane Carol at Onset, Mass. The boat was hurled 100 yards inland by winds. MI king Roc trds Among Eskimos As soon as the hunting or oth- er work was over, I set my mar- vellous machine working and re- corded songs, old stories, vocab- ulary, etc., on the tape, The re- cording machine was a success from the start. , , On it the Eskimos were able to hear their own speech and their own songs; they laughed heartily and thought the whole thing a queer, amusing game. , Curiously enough, the Eskimos SRN AT SEA—Navy Communications Technician James W. Henry has his twin daughers, Cynthia Sue and Valerie Lou, pointed out to him by his wife after her arrival in New York obeard the Navy transport Geiger. The girls, first set of twine' to lbs born on a service transport, same into the world 150 miles o f Casablanca, have taken to the microphone as if it were the most natural thing in the world.. , . Now there are floods of songs; I 'find, indeed that this isolated people in the depths of the mountains has preserved a mine of them. They love singing — through it they express the changing moods of daily life; they abandon themselves to it with a kind of intoxication. A hunter may be sitting in his tent gazing in front of him, when suddenly the urge to sing comes over him, When he begins, the others — men, women and chil- dren — join in from time to time. The chorus grows strong- er and the tempo quicker; a storm of strange notes fills the skin tent. , , . We had had a musical even- ing in the skin tent, with gaiety and laughter. One Eskimo after another had taken the micro- phone and sung, and a few of the women had participated, even the reserved Kaliksuna who had sung an amusing ptar- migan song. The children had made their contribution, tunny little verses and jingles, follow- ed by outbursts of laughter. Then' I turned the tape back and let the Eskimos hear their own voices, to the delight of all. Then I said to Paniaq; "Now call the animals as you do out hunting•" Paniaq took the mic- rophone and started. He gave an animal concert so astonish- ingly true to life that we might have had all the beasts in the wilderness about us. He called caribou, moose, mountain sheep fox, raven, owl, yellow -billed Won, ptarmigan, ground squirrel, ;find all the rest. Last calve the wolf. And the wolfs howl rang out, so perfectly true to life in Its harsh dissonance that I felt a chill down my spine. Suddenly he received an an- swer, The dogs which had lain asleep in the snow outside the tent awoke, raised their muzzles to the stars and howled, too 'zona "Nunatnuita Arming Alas- ka's Inland Eskimos,'° by Helga biota& Lindbergh's First Sight of 11tabini The Thirty -First Hour.. . • For aviators approaching from the sea, a coast line choose be- tween two methods of appear- ing. When air is crystal clear it announces itself delicately, subt- ly, as a fine, dark line, barely breaking the evenness of the hor- izon; rising, growing, flowering gradually, giving one plenty of time to adjust to its presence, its shades of color, its intraca- cies of character and shape. But in heavy haze or fog it can loom up with terrifying suddenness, not even leaving time to turn from its crushing impact. On one day, it uses the curvature of the earth as a cloak. On another, it veils itself with different shades of mist and weather.. , , The coast of England is well above the horizon when I see its outline, pale and whitish in the haze. Then there's no fog ov- er Cornwall. I can let go of Ire- land completely, and move for- ward another, notch in the sachet-` of. my •mind. No matter `v.'xlat' happens'. nuw,',111-uot, xe- 'turn to .those hilly, bouldered, fields for safety, or land in the waves beside some Celtic light- house keeper's house,, If by any dwindling chance I s t i 11 have to turn back from Paris, I now have England for a haven, Above the sheer Cornish cliffs, rising straight out of the sea, farm fields break off abruptly where the soil has tumbled down into encroaching waves. As a schoolboy I read of the slowly changing surface of the earth, of clam fossils found on hilltops, of glaciers building and melting, of drifting continents and dried- up seas. But all these things were measured on a time scale that made little impression on my mind — hundreds of centur- ies , — ages before the Sphinx was built. Here, I see the earth actually in the modeling, in terms of time that I understand. The signs below are fresh, un- mistakable. The road, and little houses and barns on top of the cliff, are all set back from the precipice, leaving a strip of green fields along the edge, a few generations' worth of land to delay the inevitable collapse into sea. -From "The Spirit of St. Louis," by Charles A. Lind- bergh, THE QUEEN , — Lovely Henries ette Lambert, left, beams after being named "Queen of the Riviera," in Nice, France. Con- gratulating her is Dominque ertin in of .luan•Les-Pins,. {la itP 1111,11. • Playa ri Wr::1ng"">�s It was a great ooeaeion when the President of the Lebanon Republic, Kama Chamoun, re- cently arrived here on a Stat9 visit to Brazil. The red carpets came out, flags waved, and bands )allayed stirring music. Amity between nations seemed to be the theme of the celebrations staged to welcome the distinguished vis- itor. Outside the steps of the pres- idency the Lebanese President inspected the guard of honour and stood stiffly to attention while yet another band played the national anthem of his coun- try. At least that is what the band though it was playing. And ap- parently no one noticed the slightest flicker of emotion pas across Mr. Chamoun's face. If only they had known, this was evidence of supreme self-control en his part. For, as has since come out, the tune the band was playing with such gusto as a compliment to Brazil's honoured guest was not the national anthem of Lebanon but the national anthem of the neighbouring State of Israel. And officially, a state of war still exists between Israel and the Lebanon. SEES THE KITTY—Born apparent- ly blind, 17 -month-old Vivial'8 Mae Raftery learns what a cat looks like, after being fitted with special, all - plastic glasses. Daughter of Major and Mrs. R. G. Raftery, Vivian can now see a distance of six feet, and doc- tors hope that her vision will be corrected to near normal by the time she enters school. CI S 1 + — T 4GENTS WANTED AGENTS, Clubs, etc. Sell Canada's finest line of Christmas cards and novelties. Our large assortment includes Feature, Religious, Humorous, French, .Everyday, Velvets, Personal cards, Gift Wraps, Ribbons. Mirror lights, Phone - Deg, Toys, Books, Stationery, etc. Prompt service. Liberal commission. W. V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 86 Kensington Ave. No., Hamimlton, Ont. BAB? CHnoas THOSE that buy their chicks early in October, and November we expect will cash in on good egg prices next year. Our reason for saying this is, there won't be as many early chicks sold as last year. We have six special egg breeds that lay more eggs on lees feed. Get full details about them. Also special broiler chicks all. from 1st generation stock; Indian River Cross, Nichols New Hampshires, Arbor Acres white Rocks. Turkey poults; laying and ready to lay Pullets. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHER/ES LTD. FERG•US. ONTARIO. BROILER Growers. We have one of the best in broiler chicks that money will buy and at competitive prices. All our broiler chicks are garanteed from 1st generation stook, Indian River Cross (columblan pattern): Nichols New Ramp - shires, Arbor Acres White Rocks. You are in the meat business buy We type chickens, not dual purpose. We have both. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CH:XCx HATCHERIES LTD. , ERC 17S - ONTARIO, um!). BELL, FRESH : EGGS White Leghorn pullets, Range reared. Highest large white egg strain. Laying and younger, • MORRIS. Hillaburgh. Ontario. FOR SALE 6IONU1IIENTS And TOMBSTONES We have the finest and lowest -priced Monuments in Canada from stook or made to your special rettuiremente. Nothing le too big or too small for us to handle. Consult us for the best in Monuments and Tombstones. Box 118, 123 Eighteenth Street. New Toronto. Ontario. SEAL Your Favorite Snapshots In clear plaetiol Adds beauty. Permanent lam- inating process. Wallet size, 50o. Ptaaticaae Co., 1057 Valle St., New York 50, N.Y, LOWER PRICES ON USED PIPES HIGH quality used pipes and fittings. Complete stock—all sizes cut and thread- ed to requirements. Posts, boilers for culverts, angle. channel, structural steel and plates. Deposit required. Globe Sera» Metal, 158 Eastern Ave. Toronto. MING TREE Kiti Makes wonderful gift or beautiful, decorative addition to your home. *3.75, two for 57.25, Fred Timm, 409 Bon Aire, Dallas, Texas. COFFEE 3 pounds, 51.501 Send 250 for address. Free Photo -Postcard, cir- cular, Rice, 2224 N. Colorado Street. Philadelphia 92, Penna. ORNAMENTAL Iron Railings for Your home. Write for literature to Kuepfar's Welding Shop, Newton, Ont. winnow, HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES GOOD RESULTS. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid FEMiNER e One woman tolls another. Take superior " FEM1NRY" to help alleviate pain dia. tress and nervous toneton associated with monthly pei•10de. 85.00 Postpaid in plain wrapper POST'S CHEMICALS 889 QUEEN S7'. EAST TORONTO Try EIuitLIN, guaranteed herbal treat- ment for arthritic Pains. Pleasant safe. effective Mont b'a dnpoi& $6. Money bark guarantee, Write for Particulars PICRWOOD enAR:NACAL CO. LTD, �rilton Ontario, MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE $ANISE the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint von. Itching, scat mg, and burning eczema acne ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odor- Iess ointment regardless nt how, stubborn or boplese they seem. PRICE 52,50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free on Receipt. or Price 889 Queen St. It, Corner of Logan TORONTO ACME ARTIFICIAL LiMB CO. 2184 Dundas St, West, Toronto, Ontario. Specialists in featherweight English Wood, Metal Limbs, Polio, Cerebral Palsy Braves, wheel' Chairs, Canes. Crutches, Aluminum, adjustable, Write direct to factory. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN THE BIBLE is God's Word to man. Fifteen minutes daily with aid of special booklet of charts, helps, reads it though in year. Free. Enclose anis 26c to help advertising costs, etc. T. CrIap. Box 75, Clarkson, Ontario. BECOME Manufacturers Representative, Details, Literature from Twenty votive Factories, six months Advisory Service,• all for only $3.98. Watkins, 2620 N.W. 34th Street, Miami, Florida. ' FFts"Oa�aCvt-:eo.-. v?�lta-.x,..=.ULwns..._frnm Machineless P1astIo Laminating" (Mall - order or locally) with complete work- ing outfit for $1.00. ATA, 312.74' Bell. Yeadon, Pa., V.S.A. ARE you interested In Drafting? En- gineering Draftsmen are in great de- mand. Train at home In spare time for these well -pard secure lobs. Low Fall fees. Free Folder, no obligation.. Primary School of Drafting, Dent. W, Box 123, Station "Q" Toronto PRESERVE Color - beauty of living flowers indefinitely. Tremendous profits, fascinating work! Free details. Write Service Bureau, P.O. Box 696-11, Toronto. BE A HAIRDRESSER 50811 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant. dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful 'Marvel grad- uates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Can MARVEL, HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 968 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Branches 44 King St., Hamilton. 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PERSONAL 51.00 TRIAL otter. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest Catalogue included. The Medico Agency. Box 124 Terminal A. Toronto, Ontario PATENTS F'ETHBRSTONHADGI3 & Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1890, 500 University Ave. Toronto Pstenta all Countries. AN OFFER to every inventor—List of In- ventions and full information sent free. Tho Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent At- torneys. 273 Bank Street. Ottowe IT MAYi►,'E j LIVER 1f Wee not worth living it may be your liver! it's • hist! 1L takes up to two pints of liver bile' a day to keep your digestive tract in top shape! If your liver bile is not flowing freely your food may not digest . . gas bloats up your stomach.. , you feel constipated and all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your digestion starts functioning properly and you fool that happy days are here again! Don't seer etay sunk, Always keep Carter's Little Liver Pills on hand. 970 at your druggist ISSUE 39 -- 1954 p MOLL If OWE Igait4 A m ER ETTES Ear rTH