HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-09-23, Page 4Time was whreu Iiia Women's Institute was thought to be an organization intended mainly for the benefit of rural women who were anxious to get to- gether, primarily for the pur- pose of exchanging recipes, plant slips, knitting patterns, quilt blocks and for organizing quilting bees. That may be true --- and still is, for that matter -- but to all such domestic pro- grammes there is now a mighty big "plus"! Yes, country women still exchange recipes and many Of them love a quilting party but they are also interested in social studies, literature, inter- national affairs, history and art, in all of which the are participating more and more. No one can doubt it after the excellent exhibit of original ]paintings that were on display following a competition that was sponsored by the Salada Tea Company and for which prizes were offered on a pro- vincial level. Entries reached the provincial -competition by a process of elimination. The best pictures were chosen, first from -the branch, then from the Dis- trict, and finally from the Con- vention Area, each painting fea- turing a Canadian landscape. The competition may not have brought to light any outstand- ing genius but at least it will have done much to satisfy and encourage the artistic andcrea- tive urge in many women — talent that may have been dor- Cher! Lo,� &! 4691 SIZES 2--10 X141$ WARDROBE for Brother and Sister! Overalls, playsuit, blazer, blouse and shirt are for both. Sister has a Little jumper too. Mister Elephant is a pocket they level Pattern 4691 in sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, for boys or girls. Size 6 blouse 11/4 yards 35 -inch; over- alls 21 yards 35 -inch nap; blazer 1% yards; jumper 11 yards. Instruction for elephant Pocket too. This pattern easy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit, Has complete illustrated instructions. Send . THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35l) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. IN A MESS—Mike Dougherty, 2, is all tangled up with his goats, en route to the Fair at Pomona. Mike hopes to straighten .ei, the mixed up four -week -olds in time to win a couple of /Ilk blue ribbons and some of the $61,000 prize money. mant for years. How many wo- men, when looking at a beau- tiful sunset, or a particularly attractive garden, have said with a longing sigh — "Oh, if only I could paint, what a pic- ture that would make." In years gone by a few of them ever made the • attempt, But of re- cent years night schools in many country districts included classes in art. The result was amazing. Women who apparent- ly had been interested only .ski culinary arts cane out of the kitchen and went to .work with paint and palette. At one night school where classes had been held for three years two en- tire classrooms were given over to paintings -- one for elemen- tary students and the other for second -year advanced classes. And most of the eudents were from rural areas. One time there was a young lad who was asked if he could play the violin. He replied — "I don't know yet — I haven't tried!" The same answer would be equally commendable com- ing from a person if she were asked if she cduld paint a pic- ture. Naturally, only a person with outstanding talent and abi- lity can play or paint without some form of training, but there are hundreds of persons, wine µwith .ti;. 1411e e{,ncoura. ,> zr}er t} ' • c ul}d t� rtr ililax < are arnazed to find within themselves latent talent that was never even sus-• petted. So the Salada Tea Com- pany is definitely helping the cultural life of rural Ontario by sponsoring such a worthwhile project. The judges were two well- known artists — Palmer and Casson. I was interested in one criticism they made — that the artists showed a tendency to copy a scene exactly as they saw it. "Sometimes," said Mr. Pahner, "there is more in know- ing what to leave out of a pic- ture than what to put in ' it" That takes a little digesting but if you mull it over long enough it sounds so reasonable. After all a painting is not a photo- graph -- although, come t o think of it many photographs would also be improved if a few of the details were left out! But a painting . . . take a shapely elm for instance, its lovely sym- metrical branches sheltering laz- ing cows beside a stream. It is a beautiful tree but it has quite a number of dead, disfig- uring branches. A camera would photograph those branches but an artist would never dream of letting than appear on his can- vas. Isn't that typical of what the critics meant? By the way, I thought Mr. Casson had a wonderful idea. He suggested that the Depart- ment of Educaticn set up a truck with an instructor to go out to amateur art groups Sift into a bowl, 1 c. plus 2 tbs. once -sifted cake flour, 1% taps. Magic Baking Powder, >/ tsp. salt, % c. line granulated sugar; mix in % c. desiccated coconut. Make a well in dry ingredients and add in order given (do not stir mixture), x! e. corn (salad) oil, 2 unbeaten egg yolks, % c. plus 2 tbs. water, 1 tsp. vanilla, 2% ozs. unsweetened chocolate, rnelted a' d cooled: Stir liquids a bit, then stir in dry ingredients; heat until batter. is smooth. Measure into a large bowl Ye c. egg whiles (at room temperature) and sprinkle with % tsp. cream of tartar; beat until whites are very sift- much stiffer therefor meringues, etc. Add fees flour :mixture, about a quarter at a time, and"'° fold atter each addition untilbatter and egg whites are well combined. Turn batter into an ungreased $" angel cake pan; bake in rather slow oven, 425°, about 1 hour. Immediately cake cotes from. oven, invert pan and suspend cake until cold, Always Dependable lord „ II;';: a warned! Lest Junior return to echoil this fall with the notion that "mechanical brains" have made. the "three ft's" a dead language, let him be warned: At least two of them will just keep on r -r -rolling along fors quite a while yet. Why are we sc. Sure? Wall, limier, we got it right from the • thinking machine's mouth — or a' any rate its mouthpiece, an ekpeet in one of the companies 'tliat makes those ponderosities. j This expert' says his company ie constantly sending its office personnel back to school to learn treading and writing, particular- ly of figures, because (how do you like that?) the basic food of , the complicated calculators is hand -gathered, hand -copied re- cords which are fed to the ma- chine.' Yes, Junior, its disappoining. It's confusing and disillusioning, too. It is like learning that your favorite supergadget, ' rocket - propelled, remote - con- trolled space -ship of the outer ether has to be kept in a box tall and fed oats in a nose bag .dust like old Dobbin. Of course, you won't learn that—but you'd better learn • your hand-writin'. — From The Christian Science Monitor. throughout the Provinces, lease - show them how to buy ani handle material. Now there'S a , constructive' suggestion if ever•': there was one. Which reminds me, I. have .am reprint of a beautiful picture .by A. J. Casson, P.R.C.A. It is call- ed "Canadian Spring" and fea- tures white trilliums. Early last. January when old calendars were being discarded I saw this,: picture hanging in a feed store. I asked the manager what he was going to do with it. "Noth- ing — take it if you want it:'. 4 I often look at that picture and think what a treasure I rescued from the trash can, Well, I seem to have let pic- tures and painting run away with my space. But we're still here on the good • old farm. Partner has been getting a pen ready for our pullets, then he dug my flower bed ready for geraniums next spring. The 50- odd cuttings I set out in the garden - appear to be quite healthy — and I keep adding to their numbers. When it comes. time to pot them ready for win- ter storage it could be that my enthusiasm may suffer a slight set -back. F001,,IS' Bet,ty`s�ttbi. lYR10d,e" a a ` v ,4y know, Betty," "' ` she ' explain.ed� "when I was a little girlI had to do what my mother told me, end when grandmother was a little girl she had todo what her mother told her." "H'm," said Betty. "I Wonder who started that silly game!" Hitler Apologized Twice T oxo Late It was the boast of the late unlamented Adolf Hitler that he apologized to only two men in his life — Field -Marshal von Brauchitsch, who had constantly stressed the importance of rocket research, and Major- General Walter Dornberger, the soldier -scientist in charke of soldier - scientist in charge of who did more than any other man to develop the V2. Why did the mighty Fuhrer • so humble himself? Because he had never had faith in rockets as a war weapon; and when in 1943 he had a dream they would never be operational against • England he refused any prior- ity. Too late — he realized his blunder. Hence the apologies. Between September 8th, 1944, } and March' 27th, 1945, 1,190 V2's were launched against London, with deadly effect. Nearly 3,000 people were killed and over 6,000 seriously injured. But in his book "V2" a fascinating ac- count of German rocket devel- opment from its early begin • nings in 1930 - Walter Dorn. berger reveals • that but . far Hitler's blindness it might have been possible to have launched that number every month from 1942. Would such a barrage of V- ' weapons have altered the course of the war? The author believes so, and quotes President Eisen- hower's war history "Crusade ! in Europe," hi which he wrote; "If the Germans had succeeded in perfecting these new weep. ons six months earlier and puts them into action as opportunty arose, it is probable that our in- vasion of Europe would have come up against tremendoufs difficulties and might have be- come impossible, "I am certain that after six months of such action, `Opera- tion Overlord' — the attack on Europe from England — would have had to be written off." OfvicVsz.74, Ars ROLIS They "pans Oglf" perfectly % new Active INR �'e.;� a tdi No more yeast worries! No more yeast that stales and weakens! New Fleisclunann's Active Dry Yeast keeps FULL STRENGTH till you use it — FAST ACTING when you use it! Needs no refrigeration — get a month's supply and keep in your cupboard! OATMEAL ROLLS Stirring constantly, quickly pour 1 c. boiling water into 3/ c, oatmeal. Scald % c. milk, 2 tbs. granulated sugar, 11/2 tsps, salt, 2 tbs. molasses and 3 tbs. shorten- ing; cool to lukcwarrm. Mean- while, measure into a large bowl 1/2 c. lukewarm water, 1 tsp. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 1 en- velope FIeischmann's Active Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir well. - Mix in oatmeal, then lukewarm milk mixture. Stir in 2 c. once - sifted bread flour; beat smooth. Work in 2% c. (about) once -sifted bread flour. Knead on lightly - floured. board until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl and grease top of dough. Cover and set in „a warm place; free from draught. Let rise until doubled in bulk. Punch down dough and turn out on board sprinkled with oatmeal; cut into 2 equal por- tions and cut each portion into 16 pieces. Knead into smooth balls and arrange in 2 greased 8" square cake pans. Grease tops. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake in moderately hot oven, 375°, about 50 minutes, Yield — 32 small rolls. 611 r:Stith.es 41, Frosting of flowers is delicious touch on this jiffy -wrap halter that tops shorts, slacks, skirt! Easy to sew -- easier to em- broider. Little yardage, use remnants. Pattern 658 conies in sizes; Small (10, 12); 1Vl'edium (14 16); Large (18, 20). Pattern pieo0111, transfer. State size. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be ao- ceptod) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor. onto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER and SIZE; your NAME and ADDRESS. Don't miss our aura Wheeler 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! 79 ens- broidery, crochet, calor -transfer and embroidery patterns to send far --- pita 4 complete patterns printed in book. Send 26 cents for your copy today! Ideas for foifts, bazaar sellers fashions. XSSDE 39 — 1964 L ''PACK U 1 1°Oft 1.IE.ACCP ROOfFPNW des you cats have d�olk Leakurs proc4 Perforrenano d l otag Life in one &A- light battery. Secret of this unequalled performances a now macroscopically th n thermoplastic barrier that takes up less space floe leakproofIn —leave. room for a/ad/size power cell that givxs longer life than event Say good-bye to oozing batteries and corroded flashlights .. , get a longer life of brighter light with "Eveready" Heavy Duty Leakproof Flashlight Batteries, MORE PACT USSO MR POWERG "Lvrrradq", "Nine Live"al,d for C,et S.wabal Ore tra»'e•nrarkr a/Clhion Carbide Conaria Litralird NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY Drvf$10N of UNION CARRrDt CANADA itMIYtD din ORM()