HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-09-16, Page 4MUM 011117kR I 0 IN MEMORIAM In memory of lack Merne, who , rPassed away one year ago, 'Septem-, 2nd, (1953, vohe. aehing Void God only under- stands. And He alone earl fill it with His love He takes our empty yearning out- stretehed hands Within His own to draw our hearts above. With loving memory, from his wife 43,nd children, the ;community in 'which he has served as priest, but he has kept a very ;close contact with his any friends here in the community of his birth. Always having a warm spot in his heart •for his home parish. He was a very dear 'brother of Mrs. Adolph Sophia, Mrs. William Denomme, Mrs Maurice Durand, all of Hay Town- ship; Mrs. Lawrence ,Regier, of Stan- ley Twp, and Able Ducharme, of Windsor, in his 62nd year. The re- mains rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, until Sat- urday at 3:00 p.m. then at the home of his sister, Mn. William Denomme, Hay Twp. where he rested until Sun- day at 2:00 p.m., and then to $t. Peter's Church," Si. Joseph, where the body lay in state until alonda-A September 13th, when Pontifical Re- quiem High Mass was sung at 10:00 aan, with interment in the adjoining cemetery, Most Rev. John C. 'Cody, Bishop of the London Diocese was in charge of the ceremony and was as - 111•111.1.61....0.6a • St, Joseph & Blue Water Area . Late Rev. Fr. Isaac John Ducharme There passed away at St. Mary's • 11espital, London, on Friday, Sept- •ilMtnber 1011, 1954,.Rev. Isaac John Ducharme, of Paancourt, Ont., son Of John Ducharme, of Stanley Town - and of this parish. Father Du- obarme, as we knew 'him, has a wide, ;thole of warm friends, not alone in 4, uniumunniummmiimmitdifoilli 11111111111111111111111111111111111111E11111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ZURICH HERALD sisted by the various priests of the vicinity., who paid their last respeots of the beloved Father Isaac Joh Duieharme. • Miss Eleanor IBeelter spent last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Alert 13ecker at New Dun- dee. I.VIr and Mrs Louis Smith and Tom- my of Buffalo, spent the week -end with ivi,r ;and Mrs Elgin Rader. Mr and Mrs Garnet Weiberg and family visited with ,their parents, Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg and Mr and Mrs. L. R. Rader. Mr and Mrs Ivan Taylor and boys. of Waterloo and Mr and !Mrs Wend- ell Gamble and Gary a London, vis- ited with Mr and Mrs L. 11. Rader. Rev and Mrs J. H. Getz and fam- ily of Kitchener, visited with friends in town. Mr and Mrs Melton 'Wainer and, I daughters of Ingersoll visited with 11118111111121111EAllt 1111111EMI111111111113 DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs Philip Eassold. Mr and ars Elgin Kerner and Joyce of Xitchener, :with Mrs. Susan Monier and other relatives. Had Rader Reunion .,Alout OU descendants of the late Henry Rader gathered .at Jowett's Grove,tSundaySept 5, to held their sixth annual picnic, President Alvin Walper welcomed every one and con- ducted a good line-up of sports pre- pared by the ;committee inicharge,:nr and Mis. Ivan Taylor and Mr and MrS. Garnet 1Weitherg all of Waterloo During the supper hour one minute's silence was observed in memory of Mrs. Edmund Waiver. ;Several inter- I esting prices were awarded to those entitlied thereto, and reorganization ; was held, The next year's picnic will be the second Sunday 1n August. Members were pa'esent from Buffalo, London, Waterloo, Exeter Zurich ani Dasfhwood , . • Mr and Mrs Vern Schatz and Mr and Mrs. Garnet Patterson spent Sunday at Detroit. • Decoration Service The E.U.B. Congregation were favoured with ideal weather for their .decoration services at the Goshen Line Cemetery. The perfeet, calm brought -out many to attend the serv- ice as conducted . by Rev. W. F. Krotz Rev H E Roppel, Zurich, Rev. E. N Mohr, Crediton and the choir, the Dashwood Band ;.Mr, T H Hoff- man with remarks ;concerning the upkeep and Rev. J H. Getz of Kitch- ener with a fine address. A liberal ;offering was received by Jno. Bender Mrs John T. Huffman of Port Col- borne spent a week with her sister. Mr and Mrs Milton Webb and other relatives, Mr Huffman was here for the week -end. Mr and Mrs Wm. Haugh and Mr and Mrs Uran Pfile of the 14th. con. metered to New Liskheard and vis- ited with Miss Mary Johnston and other relatives. They 'crossedinto the States at the Su. and visited in Pig- eon, Mich with Mrs Wm. Sehumaker and other friends Mr and Mrs Milton Webb, accom- panied by Mrs Latta Taylor and Anne motored through the Northern States, Duluth and other points. Master Teddy Webb who .suffered injuries in a farm mishap is ;able to be home and much improved Dashwood Business Men's Labour and greatly enjoyed by all. Congratn- I lations go to Miss.Anna IVLessner-who Won the '54 Chevrolet. Anna has just • enrolled at St Josephs Hospital school of Nursing. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H111 1 11111111 Fun for Every One! - EX --.....T ER CENTENNIAL WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Sept. 22 - 23 Special Centennial Features HISTORICAL FLOATS - SKITS - DISPLAYS. FAMOUS 82 PIECE ALL - GIRL Sarnia All -Girl Band PRETTY GIRLS — COLORFUL COSTUMES 1.11141way Horse Show 4-H DISPLAYS Arena Display Dance! THURSDAY NIGHT EXETER ARENA Earl Heywood BARN DANCE GANG Vaudeville Grandstand Programme WEDNESDAY NIGHT •DANCERS ..ACROBATS - SINGERS COMEDIANS - JUGGLERS - BAND 111 111111i1 1 1111 . Enjoy Yourself ! ring the Family ! 11 11111111 1111 1111M 11 111111111111 HIIIIIHI W 111111111111111111.1111111111110 111111 • Nes",.r•erf•osalos" `Thursday 'September 116, 1944 Face The Facts Providing for your family is a man's job — a full-time job. Should death or disability take you ,out that job, your Life Insurance stands ready to take over— If you plan now' for adequate protection. And the cost is low. See me for particulars of, a plan suitable for. your family. Llashmar— T. Harry Hoffman NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company --- All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. • - 3 • • 3 1 1 fa 6. • 1 • • • vessmonsassiswassismoseassoisimassmassups • • Let Us Supply You WITH YOUR FUEL NEED6!, COAL — FURNACE OIL ts, Snow Fence and Fibrun Paper for your corn crib or temporary Silo We are again Cleaning Clover Seed and Seed How about your Fertilizer Requirements for fall Wheat and Pastures 'Wheat at our Hensall Plant, HensallDistrict Co -Op. Day eelebrations were well attended Phone Hensall 115. Zurich 220 ft 5ouay for it on the ' KITCHEN --running water cuts kitcnen chores—laundry and dhesare done in half the time. BATHROOM—all the conven- ience of° city home to protect your family's health and odd • to your comfort. BARNS—So much easier to water the stock ... and so much extra protection against fire. Ti -54 Empire Brass Mfg. Co. Limited LONDON CANADA 20 - 34 Jackson St. W. Hamilton - 0 -Mario ATER budget plan! Why lug water by hand any longer? Install' Ilk Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running, water as you pay for it. Save time, save labouri, cut operating costs. AS LOW AS 10% DOWN' UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your coni.. plere water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen, and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings. and the cost of installation. You can have die, whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked out on the EMCO Budget Plan. Then consider how much work it can save you, the extra leisure you can enjoy by installing your water system right away Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay 4.4 ameleigellIMIllik FOR SALE BY: STADE & WEIDO Zurich -. Ontario 4•••••4•4•••. •111,44,4M44••••••• Planners for Better Living Ontario Hydro has 108 Rural Operating Areas. The manager, with headquarters in the Area Office is a specialist in rural electric supply. He is an authority on the most practical and the most economical use of power. But his prime purpose is maintainmga dependable electric service to all his customers . . providing a low-cost hired hand to speed work on the farm, and help make life in Ontario's rural areas, comparable in convenience, comfort and efficiency to that in the largest cities. ti iltlTARID.JIYDRO WORK FOR.,Y011 AND ;10lIRS Information concerning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by writing to your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto: DO YO0 KNOW? Since 1945 your Hydro has more than doubled the number of its rural customers, from a total of 156,566 to 371,749, as of June 1, 1954