HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-09-02, Page 5ZURICH. - ONTARIO ZURICH 1 Thu ZURICH HERALD A;lt!ilIorized as second class mail, ,'.'art Office Department, Ottawa.. BUSINES CARDS N. L. Martin OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday LENSED 'AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer Sale,Por your and ffic ent Service Court - Was at Service !rims I DASHWOOD Phone 57 r 2. E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER terms Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone, Zurich 92 r 7 ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER timer - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 504 VE.TERIN'ARIAN Drs. COXON '8r. LEITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS tfiNice with Residence, Mi Street, Store Opposite DrugZURICH P nit -.-96 BUTCHERS Zurich's Popt l ar MEAT MATOTE T HAVE US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH ).ND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD- ERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGBLUT BROS. PRODUCE OBBJBN' S PRODUCE Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE 'DIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN • cI3ARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Loci NEWS Dr. and Mrs. G. St. Pierre spent Sunday at Windsor. Mrs, Carrie Stickles of Detroit is visiting a few clays at the home of her sister, !Mrs. Mary Brenner, Miss Joyce Fisher is spending the week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heywood, at Wingham. Mr and Mrs Ward Fritz and Mary Lou were visitors in Win;gham last Friday. Mr. Gerald Gingerich and son Gary spent several days at Kitchener last week. Miss Gloria Ullner of West Monk - ton, returned to her home after sev- eral weeks' vacation at the home of Mr and Mrs Gerald •Gingeric'h, Mr and Mrs :Morley Witmer of De- troit were week -end visitors at the home of their relatives here over the week -end. Mr and Mrs. tWm. Witmer and' daughter !Mary. Lou, spent a day at Kitchener to visit with relatives and !friends. Mr and Mrs . Wallace Ross and slaughters of Seaforth called on Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith on Sunday af- ternoon Mr and Mrs. Ralph Uttley and family were visitors at their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Witmer last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Schneiker of Mil- verton spent a day to visit with her sisters at the home of Mrs. Mary Brenner. Mr and Mrs Donald .Hartman have moved into the new home they re- cently; purchased from Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch. Mrs. Morrissey of Mount Carmel is visiting for several days at the home of her daughter, Mr and 1VIrs. Dennis Bedard. At London Hospital., Mrs. 'Chris Zarb is proggressmg av- ourably at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. We wish her a speed recovery. Mr and Mrs Alphonse Dietrich and daughter Diane; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Watson and sons Paul and George, spent the week -end at the Martyrs Shrine at Midland. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Reichert and Mr and Mrs E Laidlaw left by motor car last Thursday for a three week trip to visit with Mr Laidlaw's parents and relatives in parts of the Western Provinces. Much Crowded With the last final rush of holiday week -end ads. that poured in on us, we are very much !^rowded and just cannot accomodate all thenewsiteans we would like to publish. • Mr and Mrs Morris Neil of Detroit Were week -end visitors at the home of her father, Mr and Mrs. Alf, Melick. They also visited at Goder- ich, Dashwood and Centralia. Mr and !Mrs Walter Johnston and children; Mr and Mrs. Geo. Wilson of near Bayfield; Mr and Mrs. Brink- nell and child of Moley, near London, were Sunday visitors at the home of their parents, Mr and Mrs. Edward Beaver. Mrs. Daley and daughter of De- troit -anent a few days at he Home of her mother, Mrs. Dennis Bedard, also attending the mist. shower held in honor of Miss Shirley Fairbairn at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Jeffrey. Mrs. James Parkins and daughters have returned home after a pleasant visit with. their uncle on Manitoulin Island. TVIr. Parkins motored to Tub- omory and took the boat over and spent a few days on the Island, re- turning with the family. Rev. and Mrs H E. Roppel have returned from their summer vacation and are back on duty as usual. Mr. Roppel will be in •charge of the wor- ship and preaching service at the Evangelical U.B. Church, again next Sunday morning at the usual hour. Western Farmers' Mutual IWeMher Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK VRB LARGEST RESERVE BAL. a1PdCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- SAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS •, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO.. "Atstount of Insurance at Risk on December 31st, 1950 • 20b610 Policies $125,269,726.00 1.l°otal Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR EXffTER, ONT, Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m, at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream I for Picnics and Parties, in .+ the meal is read Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% !LET YOUR BAKER Gallons C. ANDERSEN Be Your Menu Maker! B -A Station - Dashwood YOUR BAKER not only supplies OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK delicious wholesome bread for your table -'-bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag. rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns for -b•eakfast .. luscious fruit -filled treats for luncheon.. piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Breai in variety, too, for snacks any tim4 of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals— let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! READ LLonthe table kM HINMAN MILKERS Having been :appointed Local Agent for the well known Hindman Milkers, I am in a position to give service as well as being salesman of same. 1f in need of repairs or service, or wish- ing to purchase a new unit, be sure and see me. FRANCIS KIPPER ZURICH DAIRY. Phone 164 Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS • ----- IN THE ESTATE OF JULIA ANN KLOPP, late of the Village of Zur- ich, in the County of Huron, who died on July 14th, 1954. All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for- ward full particulars to the under- signed not later than September 20, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, August 16th, 1954. Byr Donnelly & Donnelly, 118 The Square, Goderich; Solicitors for the Estate. Mr and Mrs Wm. S. Johnston were at Woodstock a few days visiting with relatives. Their niece, Mrs. Edward Horman and infant daught- er returning with them to Zurich. Rev. Robert Schnell of !Sase:atoon, Sask., is visiting his uncle ancr aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Kalbfleisch of town. Mr. Schnell is a professor at the Sas- katoon University, teaching the Heb- !rew language and the history of that great race of people. The Western Fair Buy Western Fair Grandstand Tickets The majority of people attending the Western Fair at London, Sept. 13 to 118, twill. want to see either the afternoon or evening grandstand per- formance, which is very good, so don't miss it.The best way for out-of- town visitors to be absolutely sure of the best seats is to write immediately to Western Fair, London, naming the date for tickets and whether after- noon or evening performance. Send stamped self-addressed envelope and money order, or cheque payale at par in London. Afternoon prices at $1 for adults, a small reserve section at $;1.50 Children 35e every after- noon except Monday, 25e. Evening grandstand prices are $2, $1.50 and $1, There will be eight super-duper vaudeville acts in addition to the gorgeous Hamelin presentation which includes a colorful water ballet. Av- oid disappointment. Write for West- ern Fair grandstand tickets... and be sure of the best seats your money can buy. DASHWOOD ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE Notice To Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of Edward Etue, late of. the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on ,or about the 24th day of August, 1954, are required to file the same with full particulars with the .undersigned by the 25th: clay of September, 195141, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be distributed. DATED at the Town of Goderich, im the County of Huron, this 31st day •of August, A.D. 1954. R. 0 .HAYS, Goderich, Ontario .Solicitor for the Estate. • A nuanber of ladies from Dashwood W.I. were guests •ef the Hurondale W.I. at a picnic at Riverview Park, Exeter Wednesday afternoon, Miss Marian Rader has returned after spending the summer at Beach 'O'Pines, Grand Bend. Mr and Mrs Talbot Brown o1. Dut- ton visited with Mr and Mrs Wm. Wein, Wednesday last. Mrs, W. Pilkins and ,Janice of Howell, Mich., are spending some time with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Wm Nadiger•, Mr and Mrs Russel Roundtree and Tommy of Woodbridge :pent the wo- o' -end o-o,,-end wit's :kl: 1:,„ Hrprrott. Tasty -Nu akery PHONE 100 — ZURICH VENI FOR ANY SIZE Tires and Tubes SEE US FOR PRICES! 20% OFF St. Joseph Service Station Phone 87 r 17 - Zurich sieSanossissolassallor WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood — Phone 35r19 Dead Stock $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone 24 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-'50 FOR SALE `A'Scoteh Shorthorn Bull, Register- ed, and Accredited.—Fred Brown, Crediton, Ont. • • • • • • • 0 1 0 r 0 • e e • • • • v • ••• • • • • • • esus Goderich Business College OPENS Tuesday, September 7, 1954 SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects Modern Equipment — Friendly experienced Teachers High Standards — Placement Service TUITION: Our Tuition Rate is STILL only $17 per month PROMPT REGISTRATION ADVISABLE In order to obtain best results, we urge all students to com- mence on the opening date. • CALL 428W or 1272 FOR APPOINTMENT. Ask for the Bulletin of Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools Association. j • • • 1 1 •. • i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 rmstrauseessiressurantuesamsoreassieusitsmvh Let Us Supply You WITH YOUR FUEL NEEDS! • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • 0 COAL — FURNACE OIL Snow Fence and Fibrun Paper for your corn crib • • • • • • • • How about your Fertilizer Requirements for fall 2 • • • or temporary Silo We are again Cleaning Clover Seed and Seed Wheat at our Hensall Plant. day, September 2nd, 1954 4 4 • 4 G 4 0 4 b 4 « 4 4 • u 4 4 • • 4 e S e V 4 4 i Your Hardware St,ore What a heat, but just the right time to remind you to check your furnace for repairs or if in need of a new one, we can supply your needs. When you decide on a bathroom have a look at our fine display in the basement. You will see just what you want. We carry electrical appliances and have a spec- ial on sharp freeze and refrigerations. Come and see a bargain. Just a reminder that we do spray painting, barns, houses, sheds, roofs, etc. We Specialize in Heating, Plumbing, Tinsmithing Oil Burner Service and Installation. Rader & Mittleholtz - Hardware Phone Zurich - 63. Wheat and Pastures Hensall District Co.Op. Phone Hensall 115, Zurich 220 • • ITHOR • • • • • *Point for Point ---- Dollar • •o for Dollar• Here's the • Biggest Washer Value to- o• :day i This Beautiful Washin • • • Gives 4 0 2 Machine: As Low 'As •A $129.00 • • `Trade in the old Machine. • • • • • For all Wiring Jobs - Call. • 9 • WTJER.TII 4 a 4 Phone 84 ELECTRIC Zurich i • • • • 2 • • Y • 0 • • • • •• • • 0 SUMMER WEATHER REQUIRES SUMMER FOOTWEAR Such as Scampers, Sandals and Canvass Rubber for Men, Women and Children See our Various Lines for Prices HERE ARE A FEW: Womens' Canvass $2.95 to 3.95 Men's Cauv- $3.95. Basket Ball $2.95 to 5.95 Boys' Basket Ball $2.85 - 4.75 Youths' - $1.95 - 3.25 Something for All. And Prices to sutt Your Purse GIVE US A CALL Oesch Shoe Stor e Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 1 • • • Your H e ome and Garden ie • Headquarters A • • • : 2 • FOR — Rotary Lawn Mowers - Garden Tools, • S 2 Garden Hose, - Wire Fencing Mops a • • 2 and Brushes - Polishes and Cleansers • i 2 1 • • Paints - Enamels - Var nishes •• • • •Shelf and Heavy Hardware 2 • • Electric Stoves - Refrigerators - Washing w • o •Machines - All Electric Appliances • •• Electric Wiring e 0 • •• - Heating Tinslnithing • Plumbing 2 OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. 's Deters 9 irie • • • Main St. Hardwareea Store • Ir,:. S Phone 213