HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-09-02, Page 3"The bigger they are, the hard- er they fall" is a sports saying so Old that we would hesitate to quote it except for the fact that khe Duke of Windsor's newest suits are reported to have turn - op cuffs en the coat-sleeves—and 9,'HEY are older style than even our quotation. Anyhow, just about the biggest rand most dominating figure in this articular line of sport is Harry particular the non-playing captain Df the Australian tennis 'amateurs," whose list of suc- cesses is almost on a par with that of Casey Stengel of the base- ball Yankees. Now, there are tumours that Mr. Hopman is in line. •for the same sort of treat- ment as was dished out to another baseball., notable, Mr, Charles Pressen. Dressen, you will recall, was 1dfired" as manager of the Brook- lyn Dodgers last winter after he had led his team to its 'second straight National League pen- eant. The Dodgers brass, it ap- peared, would settle for nothing short of a World Series victory. Hopman is stillmanager and brushes off reports of the Aus- tralian Lawn Teln.is Association's tnsuccessful effort to censure biro. "They can censure all they like from where they are doing it," was Hopman's terse reaction 'while at Longwood where he was managing a six -man Australian team during the National Doubles. "It doesn't bother me * bit, They can't possibly judge trur team from that distance," 'writes' Harry Molter in the Christian Science Monitor. Wire-ry Chap — Fred - Tonelli *Appears to be using the tops of Iwo chimneys to assist him in his -Alghtrope-walking act in London. Tonelli is a member of a famed 6errnan circui family which continually defies death on the ttlghtrope 120 feet above the ground. Hopman is secure for the moment. The censure movement has been dropped till Harry re- turns to Australia early this fall: But where there's smoke there may be fire and there apparently ie, friction in the Australian LTAA, headed by influential Norman Strange. Some quarters voice the observation that there is pressure to remove Hopman in favor of someone like Colin Long or John Bromwich, Meanwhile lineman need only point to his record. In the four years he has handled the Aus- sie Davis Cup squad it broke the U.S. grip on the Davis Cup in 1950 and has held it ever since in the annual challenge matches. The Dodgers conceivably re- leased Dressen begausse they wanted a World Series victory in addition to two straight National League pennants. Just what the Australian LTAA wants from Hopman above and beyond the Davis Cup is somewhat vague, since the Davis Cup matches are the "World Series" of tennis. Before the. Aussie LTAA goes any further in its apparent at- tempt to defy an old sports adage which: Never Break Up a . Win- ning Combination, perhaps they should check into the plight of the Dressen-less Dodgers. Sup- posed to walk away with the National League pennant this year. The motion to censure Hop - man was made at a meeting • of the Australian LTAA in Mel- bourne and was based on Hop- man's criticism of what he con- sidered a pro-Drobny gallery when the veteran Egyptian player defeated Australia's Ken Rosewall for the title last July. The censure motion.. was made by Norman Strange. Also cropping up were reports, of "complacency" by the Aussie players who failed to get past the quarter -finals in the recent Newport tournament, This is the same. word—"coni- placency"-which crept into the firing of Phil Cavaretta as Chi- cago Cubs manager last spring and in the trade which sent pitcher Vic Raschi from the New York Yankees to St. Louis Car- dinals also last spring. Perhaps, ras Hopman dryly in- dicated, the important thing is not did you win or lose, but to con- vince observers, as he put it, that you are not complacent in defeat, just because you are wearing a gay Hawaiian shirt in the club- house afterward. Meanwhile, Hopman comment- ed: "By the time we get back to Australia to prepare for defense of the Davis Cup, we'll all have 1 forgotten where Newport is located. Bankruptcy, as every lawyer knows, is where you put your money in your hip pocket and • let your creditors take your coat. Face Meets Fist—Middleweight George Johnson's facial expres- sion tells the story as he reels back from a stinging left jab by • Bobby Jones in a bout in Madison Square Garden. Composer 'e - 1J . lied After 14S Y °ars After being separated from the rest of his bones for 145 years, the skull of the composer. Joseph Haydn has been reunited to them. In a triumphant procession, the skull was recently taken from Vienna a distance of 45 miles , to Eisenstadt where the rest of his' body lies in "a tomb built speci- ally by the composer's friend and patron, Prince Esterhazy. Haydn was originally buried in Vienna. When his body was exhumed for reinterment in the Eisenstadt tomb, the skull was found to be missing. It is new known that it was stolen by two of the composer's friends soon after Haydn's funeral, in 1809. At dead of night they crept into the cemetery, dug away .the broken soil and opened the cof- fin. Working by lantern -light,, they cut off Haydn's head . and took it secretly to a phrenolo- gist to be measured and anal- yzed, They left only a wig grac- ing the headless body. Years afterwards the skull was found preserved in a private shrine. Since then many attempts have been made -to reunite the composer's bones, but always fate intervened in the form - of wars, politics and so on. Haydn's - head was preservedin a bank vault during the last war. But eteey it has mrade its la journey from a Vienna musetun in, a flower -decked hearse to Eisenstadt, where music -lovers hope it will be allowed tq re- main undisturbed with - the rest of his bones for. ever.• THE JOBS THEY GET Frankfurt University, like most universities of West Germany,. maintains a service by which students can be hired at a moment's notice for any work re- quired. Each term approximately 1,200 students find work for longer or shorter 'periods through this agency. Carpet beating, wood chopping, coal carrying, car cleaning, baby sitting, and gar- dening are the most usual jobs. Recently, however, for the first time, the agency was asked to provide a student for making an over -fed pet dog lose weight by riding a bicycle with the dog trotting along beside him. A t so prefas Modcrati 1 faT ? C .A theJ-touse o f $ea9.P ; raaYY<i1c�{ 1} i,x n !., ridilYu it 4 .•.. v1L1sH�,7..!�a'a.. �+ y9 �i>.G�r'W:.,r'�•csA�-.-. • 'e • • e N ttrL* • e R ''4.g3.u,hfn.Jci4.,hYaffMMr^�+,��' k Meg who thi»k e P • L t $ B.c. ..4.'le.m'5 Faith's Fur — Now it's the fur pocketbook, just launched in Paris by Jacques Fath. This model is in grey broadtail com- bined with suede. "The Policeman's Lot Is ! of . • m � � The other day two officers of the Flying Squad crashed through the roof of a London cinema while chasing suspected thieves. One of them, a detective- inspector, was previously injur- ed in. 1948 when Flying Squad officers battled with a gang df T1ndits who attempted a raid on ,a bullion warehouse at Londieii Airport. The police regard all such in- cidents—which may range from an occasional black eye from a drunk to serious injury in the line of duty—as normal occupa- tional risks. But there are other, less spec- tacular consequences of the job. A policeman is but in all weath- ers and at all times, and the re- sulting bronchial and digestive troubles far outnumber the cases of those injured on duty. There are also certain troubles which appear to be peculier to policemen. Sir Bernard Spils- bury, the great pathologist, was horrified when, in the Crumbles Murder, he found a policeman handling human remains with- out the protection of rubber gloves. In another case of mur- der, a detective worked hard to clear the name of a dead man and bring home the crime to its real. author. Despite all his ef- forts he failed. He resigned from the Force and died .shortly after- wards, it was said, of a broken heart. - in yet another case ---a grue- some trunk ]murder, the investi- gating - officer was so affected by his work that he fell intoan ill- ness- and died a few years later, ascribing his bad health to the sights he had endured in the case. At one time, in the North of England, the authorities were puzzled by a curious illness which was affecting certain pol- icemen. Expert medical opinion was sought, and eventually it was established that the men had been suffering from a type of skin poisoning due to habitual handling of finger -print powders which contained toxic .metals, Everey man is a born collec- tor! First, he collects beetles, toads, and marbles; then girls, kisses, and fancy ties; then money, troubles and a family; then golf cups, after-dinner stories, andold pieces of string; and lastly aches, symptoms: and memories. .r 'a orro W ee ohh Pion today nr CiASSIFIED ADVERTISING liAHr Qmc *19 We batch *hicks for every purpope every Week in the year, Special breeds that lay white, *roam or brown colored eggs, Special breeds for broilers and dual pur- pose. Also turkey poults, older pullets laying and ready to lay. Oa logue. TWEDDLEOIXICEe HATCHER S 74TD, FERGUS NTARIU Broiler Growers — Watch for special announcement in next edition of this Meer. It will be first on the "Hit Parade" with all broiler growers. It le Columbian Pattern: it is a crone -breed, both male and female of the . crops aro meat type birds. TWEDDLE CRICK HATCHERIES le the only licensed hateb- ery in Canada to produce this eensational profit making bird which is currently Weeping the United States, TWEDDLE CHIC% HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTATIIO FOR SALE GENERAL store, Write for full oartiou. lave. Box 218, Kincardine, Ont. NEW WSRRGOT'1° THRESHERS Variety of used threshers, including a No. 0 George White. Full width Straw Shredders, for any make of thresher. Grain Throwers for combines, and Instal- lation on threshers. Drive belts. Forage Blower hoods, 9" $24. Leas for mailer sizes. Farman la Tractor with loader. FTERRGOTT THRESHER CO. LTD. St. Clements, Ontario. Waterloo County. LOWER PRICES ON USED PIPES HIGH quality used pines and fittings. Complete stock—all sizes cut and thread- ed to requirements. Posts, boilers for culverts, angle, channel, structural steel and plates. Deposit required. Globe Scrap Metal, 168 Eastern Ave., Toronto, OUTDOOR TOILETS—Cesspools - Septic Tanks cleaned deodorized speedily, safely, completely. Just sprinkle a little PEPTON and your emptying problems are at an end. No more Dumping, digging or moving necessary. No mess, no smell, There's absolutely no more work to cleaning toilet dugout, cesspool or tank. Giant 62.98 size PEPTON sufficient for any Job. 61.00 - 51.95 for 1 full Jobe. See for yourself all the advantages of PETTON at no risk. Order right away, send cheque or money order to HILLER'S SANITARY SUPPLY, 124 PORTLAND STREET, TORONTO, ONT. Happiness Within Americans' have always been known in some parts of the world as dollar chasers; but ac- cording to a recent scientific re- port, the concern of many people for money goes almost beyond belief. Dr. William Kaufman, a Boston physician, told the Ame- rican Association for the Advan- cement of Science that emotional upsets over money can cause all sorts of symptoms of physical ill- ness. Headaches, stomach trou- bles, and back pains are among the ailments which he has traced to "money -sickness." Anyone who makes mucn of a study of human unhappiness and tragedy is sure to be impressed witn the overwnelming tendency of men and women to bring dis- asters on themselves by their own action. Mere' is'just -such a situa- tion. And certainly no aches and pains ought to be more avoidable than those brought on by undue preoccupation with money. Since the beginning of record- ed history, the world's greatest religious leaders and philosophers have preached the dangers of materialism. Their words are still true—truer and more signi- ficant than ever before in this money -mad post-war world, Money alone will not bring hap- piness. Financial, social, political success will not bring happiness. Happiness comes from spiritual, not material success — from in- side, not from outside, Try it yourself! See if going to church won't do you more good than going to the bank. Star Journal (Pueblo, Colorado) ANCIENT PERSIAN CARNET An area - in southern Siberia, just west of the River Ob, has been the scene of recent archaeo- logical excavations which have proved very rewarding. It is re- ported that workers have un- earthed some extremely valuable objects in a number of tombs which it is believed date back several centuries B.C. The tombs were protected by a hill which was completely frozen over, se that when the archaeologists made their way into the vaults they found there numerous ar- ticles in an almost perfect state of preservation, Weapons, masks decorated with gold, and even textiles are among the relics found, One of the most interesting finds is a closely- woven woollen carpet measuring •about six feet square. It has a rich design of eagles, deer and horsemen surrounded by an elaborate border of lotus leaves. The carpet would seem to be of Persian origin, What has hitherto been thought to be the oldest of all Persian carpets is one dating from only the ninth century A.D., but the Siberian "lotus" carpet is said to antedate this by over 1,000 years, 5EJ2D1UAJ. 4jIOCID ADVICEI EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS QR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'$ REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 835 ELGIN, - OTTAWA, $1.25 EXPRESS PREPAID Ono woman tells another. Take superior i/1EMZN1,X" to help alleviate pain dl* tress and nervous tension associated with monthly periods. 85.00 Postpaid in plain tveat/Dor POST'S CHlEMiCALS 889 QUEEN ST. EAST TORONTO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Jl3ANISB the torment of dry eczema �x0�,,abee and weeping skin troubles, Post's Slope= Salve will not disappoint you. Itching. scaling, and burning eczema aone ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainlose odor - lees ointment regardless ni how stubborn or hopiese they neem. PRICE 82.50 PER JAR -POST'S REMEDIES Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price 888 Queen St. E., Corner of Logan TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR WEN AND WOMEN ARID ypu interested 10 Drafting? En- gineering Draftsmen are in great de- mand. Train at home - in spare time for these well-paid seeure jobs. Low Fall fees. Free Folder, no obligation. Primary School of Drafting, Dept. W, Box 128, Station "Q" Toronto. Sparetinre Work/ New list, over 200 'com- pares offering propositions $1.00, (10 different "gag card" snippier, price .list —10c.) Carpenter, Lorkbox 5322-A, Tu/aa, Oklahoma, U.S.A. VANCOUVER belp wanted columna air ,trailed 51.00 Shore Acres. Dept P-8, Box 1675. Ladysmith, B.C. START your children back to Sunday School with a new Bible, Free cata- logue of King James and Revised Stan- dard Versions ava4iable. Thomas Nei - eon & Sons 91 'Wellinaten St. West, Toronto. ACME ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. 2184 Dundas St. West, Toronto, Ontario. Specialists in featherweight Engl11a4 Wood, Metal Limbs, Polio, Cerebral Pala" Braces, Wheel Chairs, Canes, Crutcheal, Aluminum. adjustable. 'te'rlte direct 9e factory. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant. dignified profession, good wages. '.Thousands of successful Marvel grad- uates. - America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 Bloor St. W., Toronto. • Branches 49 Icing St., Hamilton. 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa PERSONAL 41.00 TR/AL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest Catalogue 9n*luded. The Medico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A, Toronto, Ontario. MININGi Did you know for $2.00, yon can get the booklet, "Caution! Investl- gate Before Investing," an inside look 0t Canadian mines, and a list of 800 Mining Companies. P. Plaunt, Box 24., Adelaide Street P.O., Toronto, Ontario. PATENTS IIRBTHERSTONHAUGR & Company Patent' Attorneys: Established 1890, 1300 University Ave.. Toronto, Patents all countries. AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of 11St- vontions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent At. torneys. 278 Bank Street, Ottawa. TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER for PSS No. 1, B. F. Salter. Grades 1 to 8. One -room in school fur- nished for housekeeping. State salary Suss Mowry, Sec.-Treas., Massey, Ont, Y6u can't go ALLIED' T 1/41 1/4 move u Fee! These days most people work under pressure, worry snore, sleep less. This strain on body and brain stakes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tires! -out" heavy - headed - feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action., Then you feel better—sleep better—werk better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug. counter. St DISTRICT SALESMAN WANTED SELL HARDY CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK We offer full or part time Sales Position and need man with drive and initiative. Exclusive territory — commissions paid weekly. Our Sales proposition offers you distinct advantages, For detailed information write to: STONE ,& WELLINGTON LTD. "The Fonthill Nurseries" 49 Wellington Street East Toronto, Canada )Sstitr 36 .µ AAAAAAi. IAA Al