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Zurich Herald, 1954-09-02, Page 1
ZURICH HERALD? Established 1900 • ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MOIL Church Directory ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR Ig a.m.—Divine Services. 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 'Evening Service lifted for Summer Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL 1SVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist 'SUNDAY SERVICES - 10.00 a.m.. -= Divine Worship. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. Evening Service lifted for Summer Welcome at all Services — "Come thou with us and we will do thee good.". Num. 10:29. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Aubert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 a.m. — Sunday School 11:00 a.m. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship W YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH USI Are You Suffering From Headaches? LT so have your Eyes Examined with e Latest Methods and esluipzieit at 'OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH ONT. hod Glasses at Rewaxble Prices A.lcl.on Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday WALT DISNEY'S Living Desert Lyric TTheatre Phone 421 - EXETE'F Sept. 3-4 ON OUR WIDE VISION SCREEN Friday, Saturday Sept. 3=4 Plus A Cartoon Novelty BEN AND ME All in Flaming 'Technicolor Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday Sept. 6-7 Carnival Story (Technicolor) Anne Baxter Steve Cochran An adventurous slice of exciting life in the raw Cartoon and Newsreel Wednesday, Thursday Sept. 8-9 MARLON BRANDO On The Waterfront (Adult Entertainment) Karl Maiden Lee J. Co Born in a free world; yet terror hold them in it's grip Cartoon MAGOO GOES SZ I-ING Sea of Lost Ships John Dexok Wandra Hendrix A romantic action melodrama of the sea centering around the coast guard G, SEPTEMBER 2 195 4 Monday, Tuesday Sept. 6'-7 Magambo Clark Gable Ava Gardner An excellent romantic adventure, melodrama revolving around a loge triangle that is set against a back- ground •.of a safari through the• jungle. Wednesday, Thursday Sept. Give a Girl a Break Debbie Reynolds Marge & Gowen Chanvpion;.s A real round of entertainment :',� offered in this technicolor anusacal Cob Watch for "THE ROBE" a full week September 13-18 Is At Hospital , Carl Thiel is progressing nic- tter being ,a patient at Clinton itea We wish• her a speedy re - Purchases Home . Donald Hartman who is em - at Pearsons Motor Sales, has Cix teased the home on Goshen St. 1i t'h, from Mr. Ivan, Kalbfleisch, Yrrfrerly - occupied by the Cundy �t ni1y. Is At Hospital fr. Wallace Rose had an operat- 1M-his hand at St. Joseph's Hosp- ;London, caused by an infection is hand caused by a sliver lodg etween the thumb and first fin - His many • friends are pleased €earn that -he is progressing fav- iy. Purchases New Property Francis Kipper has purchased 1 ,lovely new dwelling property . has been built the past year by "Charles Hay, located on John 3t3seet. An ideal property, landscaped d::garage built in the home. We isip the Kipper family the best of erything so they may enjoy their e"::home for years to come. To Open Festival +hones Garner, of Ontario Depart - tint of Agriculture, wilt officially elf the Ontario Lean Festival to be ;old , at. Hensall Community Park, on Ypbor Day, Sept. 6th. There will be :float parade with bands at 1.30 p. ,;.!and an afternoon ball game, Hen - 11 and Clintons Old -Timers. The bean riper will be served from 4.30 to 7 la:rri. There will be exhibits and dis- plays in the arena and a street dance at::.night. The event tis .sponsored by the Hensel] Kinsmen Club. NO •PAPER: HOLIDAYS With the completion of this issue tlfe'. publishers of the Herald wiII be qiz on holidays and our place of bas- rfiness 'will be closed for one week. e expect' to_ return to be. on: the job. about Sept. 9th, and trust all will }yell till then. 'We usually do nojr•. "h '*44$4tAhei.'4004,0tAlacatAeme CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. ,Chris. Erb of town wishes to greatly thank all her friends tor the appreciated Get -well -cards, Prayers, Flowers, Visits, and many good wish- es during her illness at St. Joseph's Hospital, London and et home. I wish to thank my many friends, relatives and the Lions Club who showed their kindness with • cards, flowers, treats and especially those who gave their time to help with the seeding and harvest. — Karl Decker. - Announcement - 1 •.,12e. held .:ln .•the onan*;of ,, 11 Valrb`a x *.'.dnd Donald -Bedard • in .the Community Centre, Zurich, at 8.30 p.m., on September 4th, 1954. Everybody welcome._ ,,...*************.o********.;,..*********************** + T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME• Funeral Director — Private Car. Ambulance Member of Ontario Funeral Association a HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIri- ; le.CATE— PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT • la HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN a 1, FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES ;® WE WIRE ANYWHERE •• .4 .24 `Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W e? T 11 IB L'S Superior Store Shop at Our Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE --- FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH - COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE OUR GROCERY SPECIALS ! Visit our Large Grocery Department and take advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from time to time. Weekty Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU ! Phone 140 - Cs H. THIEL - Zurich Sunset Drive -In Theatre. 13 MILES EAST OF GODERICH ON HIGHWAY No. 8. Friday, Saturday Sept Man from Colorado Glen Ford • William Holden Comedy Cartoon Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday Sept. 5.4-7. Appointment in Hondut Len• Ford -Ann .Shenide Office opens 12.01. Comedy Wednesday', Thmesday • • t this ,year it looks -to be plenty Ce. 8.9 Folbowftg• the very warm wen' we et„a.cooi,unless it should change rapidly. Sept COOLER NOW •••••••M•®••ao•®••�B•9d®•6• •. ®•••®8•** ( .had `last ,week, much cooler weather Tell it to the Jude .has now moved in. This is due, the Single Copies 5 Cent". ,.,V Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Yew Subscription U.S.A., Year $2,50. NORMA,'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Closed for vacation Aug. 20 -Sept 4th Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prep. RAG RUGS rtnd CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made tea Order -- Seth O. Amain, Zurlak Ont. Phone 128. �© G HESS o INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST F FRIENDS LORNE S. 'i ILE LOCKER SERVICE 'ROE FEEDS! WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL,, ONL Z • • • • • • • • Gkeee&Bes•• 00t, 0 iff+41114484 • OO Licensed ? , ; er and Funeral Diector Private Car 'Ambulance Serum j Hospital'' Bed and Wheelchair for Rena' FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day_ _ d, ht; Service. . ........... • • Telephone: Res. 89 ®m+Omarel or 12Z Zurich Rosiland. Russell Robert Cuaarrnfngs weather announcer says, is' di o! t the big tropical storm that is manuv- Comedy Careoo'i Bring` around in the Atlantic' Ocean nr i;he,Florida area, and is moving ups Box Office Open 7..30, F`irs't show ,at towards the central eastern States; net when it will hit ]land is not Dusk. Children under 12 in cars free known as they change their course a.,,,, 'often, and when they do hit land Rthey usually demolish everything ei that comes in their way. We hope Y.' .twill- not' come too closely to carr pl�ce_of abode. CLINTON - ONT.,- Miscellaneous Shower �# Last Thursday evening relatives ed friends were invited to the home f :Mrs. Clarence Jeffrey in honor of liss: -Shirley Fairbairn, bride elect. n address was read by Mrs; Pauline linmons (nee Hess) of Exeter, to HEIDI - -. present an overflowing decorated Elsbeth Sigmund - i - asl et in pink and white with beau- Elsbeth Sigmund and useful gifts, also assisted Heinrich GretTer i_ opening them. Shirley replied — &ND — , ttz many thanks for the kindness 'f every one, and to Mrs. Jeffrey and White Mane erg, assistance. Delicious, refreshen - Alain Emery , entre were served. The trouseau was dslhnown at the home of the bride el'ect's Sept', "•sister, Mrs. Lennis ••O'Brien; with ',Best Wishes" and much joy,. to the bride to be. The splend'ett eventwas ;brought to a adieu. LAS UNel DRIVE-IN THEATRE Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Sept.. 2, 3, 4th. DOUBLE FEATURE FOR 3 DAYS Sunday Midnight • MALE WAR BRIDE (Adult Entertainment) Cary Grant Ann Sheridan Monday only Sept.. 6 CROSSED SWORDS (Color) ERROL FLYNN Tuesday, Wednesday Sept. 7 I,+i'Suinmer Season, the travelling. people are asked to use every precaution to I, THE JURY avoid accidents, and' make the High - (Adult Entertainment) DRIVE .SAFELY` With the coming week -end' eenting }p which is the last holi'd'ay of the Preston Foster Peggie Castle ough, there will be a rot of traffic sys a safe .place to be sea Sure Thurs., Friday Sept. 9 - 10 GOLDEN MASK (Colour) but the highways are niad'e to take care of a lot of traffi'e„ Jihad is if pre- caution is being used. The Depart- ment of Highways makes the follow- ing appeal to all' motorists: "'Keep ,your mind on your droving. Don't Van Heflin Wanda Hendrix Cartoon and News at Each Pei, formance First Show at Dusk. a Complete ehgage in conversation with others Shows Nightly in the car if it takes your attention Childs en's IFlground—Under 12 in from your driving. Signal for turns, Cars Free _ I slowdowns and stops well before taking action, and avoid abrupt stops.. These rules are your best guarantee of having a happy holiday week-esd, and returning home safely,' says, the Ontario Safety League." Our Vacation NOTICE- Starting Age of Children In the Zurich School The Hay/ Township School Area Board of Trustees have authorized the following restrictions: That only those children who are six years of age on or before Dee ember 31st, 1954 will be allowed to start going to school in Zurich .Public Sehooi in September 1954. IL W. BROKENaHrE , Secretary Trea neer, ;flay Townsh°c Sch0ol Area. • • • 903041/004)11116986 ZURIQ-I'S Gros ry t We are ever at your service with the best linen obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh. Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned' Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply; GIVE US A CALL 401110 As the vacation season is rapidly slipping away, the puSblishers of the Herald, as in fornne;r years will be taking a week off lever Labour iiay. Closing on Thur day, September 2nd, for one week. i IRENNO O'1:SCR rg Zurich PRODUCE 2 WANIT. D. Phone .I'65 • Men's Work Clothes 'd': HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF NEW MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ALSO ALL STAPLE MERCHANDISE — GIVE US 'A CALL ! GROCERY SPECIALS Lynnvalley Cream Corn, 20 -oz. tin 15c Jelly Powder, McLaren's 3 for 25c Corn Flakes 8 -oz, at 17c Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl ME BLAKE STORE Schwartzentruber, Prop, i Phone 1147