HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-08-26, Page 4MUCH MIM .. �. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND — DANCING NIGHTLY --- Monday thre Friday 0:30 to 12:30; Saturday 9 to 12 NEIL McKAY'S ALL-STAR .ORCHESTRA Only two more weeks to enjoy this outstanding Orchestra (Midnite Dance Labor Day week -end.) SUNDAY EVENING CONCERT. AUG. 29th. on the Beach THE LISTOWEL BRASS BAND HEAR THIS FAMOUS BAND ! IR • 1 • 1► • r r a 1 1 v Soldier Apprentice Plan offers young men of 16 et bright future ENROLL NOW! Training begins Sept. 13 The Canadian Army's Soldier Ap- prentice•Training Plan is a carefully planned programme to help young .man of 16 to prepare themselves for the future and a career in the Army -- to develop mature judg. ment, self discipline and build a strong, healthy personality. - As a Soldier Apprentice, a" young man will get a thorough trade training in one of 19 military trades. --academic training in such subjects os physics, chemistry, algebra opal English — a general military training of the Canadian Soldier ▪ he will be living and working alongside ent!Susiastic, happy Can- adians his own age while getting a combination of military training schooling, plenty of recreation and expert trade training • . he will be eligible for all Army benefits including 30 days annual leave. • . he will, receive half regular Army pay while 16 and on his 17th birthday will draw full pay. To be eligible, a young man 'must be 16 years of age but not yet 17, and must have a minimum of Grade @ education. For an interesting booklet with more information on the Soldier Apprentice Plan, write, phone • or visit the Army Recruiting Centre nearest you. Do it now, training begins September 13th. Get your application in tight away. No. 13 Personnel 0epo1, We%Gr Howe. Rideau & Charlotte Sts.. Ottena, Ont, — Telephone 9.4507 Canadian Army Requiting Station, 164 Wellington Stieel, Kingston, 0111. Canadian Army Recruiting Centre. ' 80 RlsAnoeASI, W.. !wont°. Om,—Telephone EM. 6.8341—Local 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot. Wolseley Barracks. Word & Elisabeth Sts.. London. gni. — Telephone 2.3261 ibbY etrulling Unice, 230 Mans St W., Muth Bay, Ont.—Telephone 456 Canadian Army ReeruiNng Station, 184 King Street East Hammon, gni. —Telephone JAckson 2.8738 avw•o Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill! Bony limbs fill out; ugly hollows fit up; neck 110 longer scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly "bean -pole' look, Thousands of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, are now proud of shapely healthy -looking bodies.They thank the special vigor -building, flesh -building tonic, Ostrex. ' Its tonics, stimulants, invigorators, iron, vita- min Bs, calcium, enrich blood, improve appe- tite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishutent; put flesh on bare bones. Don't fear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained the 5 10, 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Costs little. New `get acquainted" size oniy 80c. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablelts for new pep, vigor and added pounds, this very day. .At all druggists. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs Roy Aldrus and chil- dren of Detroit spent the ween -end with Mr and Mrs Avila Ducharme of the Blue {Water south. Mr. Rent'tliCt 11etiartie after spelrtl• - ing his vacation with his parents. In this heighberhottd, will return to ,• \\ indwr to resume his work. Mr. l'i'vid tteoli'roi of Detroit, is enjoying his holidays with his .gond mother and other wln;tive>s on the Blue Water highway, Mr and Mics Michael Verenieh of. Windsor left on 1\rednesday after .t visit for a few days on their honey- moon. They will continue their .wed- ding trip to New York and other American cities, The bride beingthe former- Chaarolette Laporte of this • parish. Much of the harvest has been threshed and stored . away !between ,unfavourable and good Weather. Farmers report very interesting re- turns for their labors; all excepting !prices. Wheat at present at a low I level with no proiniseing future, et least for some time, and naturally 1we would expect the product anarin- ifactored from wheat such as bread, 'pastry and other products to coin- pare with the .present ,wheat prices. Mrs. James Masse motored to London on Thursday last. Miss Madeline Papineau of Wind- sor spent a' few days with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr 'and Mrs. Leo Corrlveau of Goderich were Sunday visitors With Mr and Mrs Ed. Corriveau. Mr and Mrs Napoleon-e;enomze; of Detroit..were Sunday bast visitors with Mr and Mrs Garfield Denomme of this. neighbourhood. Miss -Jeanne Hartman of the Gosh- en Line south, spent a few days the past week, with her 'grandparents, Mr and. Mrs Fred Ducharme on the Blue Water Highway. .Miss Bridget Laporte of this vic- inity motored to London recently-. Mr and Mrs Morley Fournier of London were Sunday visitors with Mr ^ ,d Mrs. Pete Geoffrey from this B.W.H. 'IASHWOOD Mr and Mrs 'Clifford Salmon and family iGerald Mertene returned af- ter two weeks in Gary, Ind., with Mrs. Salmon's Sister and family, Mr and Mrs Lavirne Niksch, Chicago, and an aunt, Mrs Melinda Southwick of Monroe, Mich. Mrs. Erwin Rader and children ac- companied Mrs. Leonard Prang and children of Zurich to London on Friday and visited with Mrs. Wend- ell Gamible and Gary. ZURICH._ HERALD Mr and Mrs Floyd \Veit: and Larry sprint the week -end in Windsor with the lartter's sister, Mrs. Loraine Smith and ,loan. Mr and Mrs. Leonard. Bender of Leini.on spent Sunday with Mr. John Benner and Mrs. E. Miles. Mr's. lines returned with them ror a. visit. Thursday, vgust 26th, 1954 Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS IN T1U ESTATE OF JL:L1A ANN IiLOPP, late of the 'Village of Zur- ich, in the 'County of Huron, who died on July 14th, 1954. All persons ,claiming against the above Estate are required to for - Ward full particulars to the under- signed not later than September 20, 1954, after which date the assets will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, August 16th, 1954. By, Donnelly & Donnelly, 18 The Square, Goderich; Solicitors for the Estate. REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm Property to be off- ered by Public Auction on the prem- ises, Lot 19, S.B. Concession, Hay Township; VA miles east of Dash- wood; 6 miles west of Exeter, on No. 83 Highway. The undersigned Auct- ioneer is instructed to sell by Public Auction on Waterloo 0 1 0 TUES. EVE., AUGUST 31st. At 7 o'clo:ck, p.m. Real Estate Jeonsists of 100 acres of good Farm Land, on which is situat- ed a well 'built large Barn and Straw shed in new state of repairs; also I • large implement shed; garage and hen house; white solid brick dwelling house. 'Phis is an ideal farm in every. way, • a wonderful location; choicest of farm land; well drained, and fenced; never failing well; all tillable land, and is in a high state of cultivation. If interested, inspect this farm before day of sale. TERMS of Real Estate — 10 per cent on day of Sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserved bid. Edward Beaver, Hilda Matthews, Executors for the Estate of the late Charles Beaver. Alvin W.alper, Auctioneer. r 7:30 A.M. to 10:00 a.m. week days •r a 1s • Cattle Breeding Association WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED We will be closed for staff holidays August 29th4- to Sept. 6th. inclusive. We will breed your cows to top bulls at a nominal cost. Inquiries for new business invited. For service call CLINTON 242. 7:30.. A.M... to.. 9:30... A.M... on„ Sundays,, enc Holidays. AC Make Farming More Profitable! POW WA/71. . . go ahead KWh PM Discuss a Farm Improvement Loan with your, 'MY 1j roaryrrdrr..r»•..,, e DANK. OF MONTREAL tal nearest Bank of Montreal manager. 00107 working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1`817 Zurich Branch: CARL SCOTT, Manager Hensall Branch: KENNETH. CHRISTIAN, Manager- Crediton anagerCrediton Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open Mon., Wed. & Frig qot GR MOSTAND P ER FORM4 1 HORSE SHOW 'be Each evening, o George Hamid presents his most spectacular Grandstand Follies in the history df the Fair, featuring 'the amaziaigly" dautifurDisaippear 7 ing Water Ballet. In addition, eight fop Vaudeville Acts entertain both afternoon and evening audience. Truly the biggest "plus value" in enjoyment ever! •:1. PRICES - $1,00 $1.50 $2.00 • ."'^`. max. '7:30 p.m. each night in the Ontario' 'Arena, Tuesday through Saturday, with a 5'turday Matinee at 1:30 p.m. TICKETS — $1.00 • ADVANCE SALE TICKETS Three, for One Dollar. Entitles holders to participate in draws for prizes valued at over 7,500.00. Special Afternoon Grandstand Performance sa? «z IRISH HORAN'S DAREDEVILS, America's Finest Thrill Show. Monday and Tuesday afternoons ,r- Only ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT WLLLERT.'S SNACK NO. ,. (j; IN A SERIES . e . YOUR HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS roe- M re Power - 7 for nt�i 63.911.1.81 The official opening, August 30th, of the Sir Adam Beck - Niagara Generating Station No. 2, by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Kent is in a large measure a tribute to the achievements of those who planned and constructed this great development ... The Engineers, the Men of Labor, the Suppliers and the Contractors, who contributed to, and made possible the putting of this giant generating station into operation, well ahead of schedule. By December 31 next, 6 units of this plant, with an installed capacity of 600,000 horsepower, .will be in operation. Ulti- mate 16 -unit capacity, including pumped storage, will be 1,828,000 horsepower. Measured in horsepower the output of this plant is impressive. Measured in human benefits it is even more significant. New power for homes, for industrial plants, for business and for farms e . , more power for progress and better living for the people of Ontario. ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS yf, MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED ' Write for reservations to Western Fair Association, London, Ont. SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES li N.Children 35 p0101NOOPERVORMANS ' Seats Available at x,1.50 =y Also Reserved r fl rt =SEPT. 13 TO 18 - LONDON, ONT. W. D. JACKSON, Manager ` 3.5$ SHOPPE, ZURICH, ONTARIO - eCZZIX ; 1 { j; { ; .. {i :{ is i I.: ii itfI•. i :i .i .. ,:I {! {; ij ri e'i 3ii t2i {S tj{ { iii Sii iii is F7:i : — ■ -- • ■ .m ._ "` w i/I kbla r!I►1 1►11►1►I►�►l 1` LISTEN TO THE OPENING CEREMONIES --- MONDAY, AUGUST 30th CIBC DIAL 860 2.15 PM -2.45 PM EDST TRANS CANADA NETWORK 6.35 PM 7.00 PM EDST