HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-08-19, Page 4„am '11211101 „IP nilticti etrujuo DAswwoor) lir and Mrs Ervin Rader and tarn- aly attended a Patterson family pie - at the home of Mr and Mrs. Gar- net Patterson, Blue Water Highway, Int Sunday, August 15th. Zfaanes Wendell Rader, infant son ^ell Mr and Yfrs Elmer Rader, was Iheptised in Zion Lutheran church by Zv, Louis Higenell Sunday, Aug. 10. and Mrs Wendel parable of Lon- don were sponsors, 1111118111NNENNEINFINERMIONNIFIWINI NEIL Visitors with Mrs Bertha Hayter were her three daughters and famil- ies; Mr and Mrs Jim Beavis and Bar- bara of Detroit; Mr and Mrs Joe Bruce of Windsor; Mr and Mrs John Snyder of Brantford. Mr and Mrs Wendell Gamble and Gary of London spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs L. H. Rader. Miss Susan Bartliff of Clinton is holidaying With her aunt and uncle, Ir and Mrs Addison Tiernan. Celebrater 70th Birthday _al( view Casin GRAND BEND gip — DANCING NIGHTLY McKAY'S ALL-STAR ORCHESTRA Monday thro' Friday 9:30 to 12:30; Saturdays 9 to 12 Concert On the Beach Every Sunday Evening August 22nd — FOREST BRASS BAND RURAL DAY — WED. AUGUST 25th, Speeches by Members of Parliament and Department Representatives at 1:30 p.m. from the NEW BAND STAND on the BEACH Lakeview Casino Picnic Hall on the beach open for the occasion - bring your lunches. STOP! THINK! What Does Life Hold For You? Paul said - For me to live is Christ. Phil 1 :21. Love not the world neither the things in the wortd. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. • For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but He that Doeth the Will of God abideth for ever. — I John 2: 15-17. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 Zurich, Ontario p 0 1954 Three Television Sets and Two Bicycles Drawn Saturday, September.18th 1111,$14,1 qewt Ctit &AI gj Special non -admission coupon attached to each strip of Advance Sale tickets must reach Western Fair Association by 930 p.m. Sept. 13th, 1954, to be eligible for opening night awards. Only Advance Sale Ticket Holders. are eligible'. for prizes valued at over $7,500, including the three 1954 cars above. fiCkeiS f $1 0 0 Each or tickattilliF — adult or two children • •••,:t•-•t•-rr"*".,r GUTTERING HORSE SHOW championship HOLSTEIN & JERSEY SHOW FARM MACHINERY DISPLAYS CONKLIN'S FAMOUS MIDWAY HARNESS RACING SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION EXHIBITS GALORE SEM% 13 Tt 8 ILO T. W, D. JACKSON, Manager Al NANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT WILLERT'S SNACK SHOPPE ZI IP ONTARIO 2S4 'Thirty-five members of Mr. L. IL Rader's family .gathered at his borne on Thursday Aug. nth on is 70th barthday. After an emoyable get to- gether with birthday .cake, ete,, in Rader read a short address and on behalf the children ,and grandchild- ren. Elmer Rader iresented him with a folding lounging ,chair. Mr. Rader made an appropriate reply. Horticulture Award Mr and Mrs Ivan Taylor (Dorothy Rader) of )Waterloo were awarded second prize for their garden by the Waterloo Horticultural Society. • It was a complete surprise when 'their name appeared in the paper as they were away 'when their .garden was judged. Many will remember the fine flowers. Dorothy used 'to have When she aived in Dashwood. St. Joseplrik Blue Water Area. Mr and Mrs Dominique Geoff.ol of St. Joseph motored to Goderich ion Sunday where they visited with Mr .and 'Mrs Harold Simon of that. town, Miss Leatitia Ducharme of Brecia Hall, ' London, is spending a two week vacation with her parents on. this B. vt. ZURICH _HERALD Water Highway. Mrs, Daniel Bedard and Mrs. 0' - Connor of Courtwriglit were visitors with Mrs. Veteline Ducharme of this Highway. Mr and Mrs Filbert Denomme of Tilbury spent a week's vacation with ;Mr and Mrs Leon Bedard ana other friends and relatives. Campers along the lake the past week found the going not so preas- ant, and many during the week -end packed grip and baggage •and pre- sumably pulled out to a more ravor- ouble .clime tlo spend the balance of their vacation. It is true the past two years. have been ctrsagreeable ones, not only to campers, but all felt the disturbance of the universe, and of which no one has ,controll off. !But in the face of it all we nave much to, be thankful for, living in a land of plenty, a land of peace and a land with a very promising future for the generations to come. So let us not be too touchey about little obstacles that ,may flare in our way once in a blue moon, but rather let us accept them as .devin,e gifts, and as a lesson to improve our ways of living. " • If you run short of water ia the late summer on your farm, you can probably cure the trouble for good with well-placed farm pond, Built ;where h will catch the,s, ring 'run-off, Your farm pond wcnirdl r6vide ready supply of drinking water tor your cattle and a useful reservoir in times of drought. It's a boon to any type of farming, as many Canadian farmers have already discovered. Don't let a shortage of ready cash delay this or,any other farm improvement that will make your farm a better farm. Discuss your needs with your local B of M manager. He'll gladly tell you what a Farm Improvement nil Loan can do for your g farm — bow it can boost your profits and save you time and work. TO 2 X11110N 55'A�/AMS FIL — the fixer ... his full name is Farm Improve- ment Loan. Give him a chance to help fix up your farm ...he's eco- nomical, conven- ient, versatile. He can =do almost anything in mak- ing your fdrm a better farm. BANK OF MONTREAL ea,uad4 4.4t au.t4 Zurich Branch: Hensel]. Branch: CARL SCOTT, Manager KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager (Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) , Dashwood (Sub -Agency): dpeg Mon., Wed. & 'Fri. VW n RICING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 0-206 wawa.* , • Thursday, August 19th, 1954 11•10••••21 fe.•#, gai,angi vqvve, a 1111111111111111M11111111111111 Western Ontario's Newest Farm Day Grand Bend Tri o nty ft e 9 Special Rural Play Day for Huron, Lambton and Middlesex ug. 25th 3 ig Tri -County Sports ourneys On Grand Bend School Athletic Field Admission : — Adults 5 Oc. Children 25c 14,4,04,4hINP,Mo, AlluStar Softball All-Star Team from Each County Preliminary 10 A.M. Finals 2 P.M. Sponsored by Your Local Dealer of Massey - Harris - Ferguson Horse Shoe T urney Watch Crack Doubles Teams Throw Eliminations Start 10 A.M. Finals in Afternoon Sponsored by O'Keefe's Brewing Co. Ltd. Tug 0' War Contest Picked Teams from Each County Preliminary 11:30 A.M. Final 4 P.M. gponsored by • Your Local Co-Ope ENJOY FUN AT GRAND BEND Swim - Picnic - Boat and Midway Rides = M Dance Roller Skate - Bowl - Golf .! N111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE Valuable Farm Property to be off - wed by Public Auction on the prem- ises, Lot 19, S.B. Concessfon, Hay Township; 1% miles east of Dash- wood; 6 miles west of Exeter, on No. 83 Highway. The undersigned Auct- ioneer is instructed to sell by Public Auction on TUES. EVE., AUGUST 31st. At 7 o'clinok, p.m. Real Estate Consists of 100 acres of good Farm Land, on which is situat- ed a well built large Barn and Straw shed in new state of repairs; also large implement shed; garage and hen house; white solid brick dwelling 'house. This is an ideal farm in every way, a wonderful location; choicest of farm land; well drained, and. fenced; never failing well; all tillable land, and is in a high state of cultivation. If interested, inspect this farm before day of sale. . TERMS of Real Estate — 10 per cent on day of Sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserved bid. Edward Beaver, Hilda Matthews, Executors for the Estate of the late Charles Beaver. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE .-r) Of Household Effects, in the VILLAGE OF HENSALlik On SATURDAY, AUGUST 21st, " At 1.30 p.m. Clare Jewel 'Combination Electrio stove (like new) ; Frigerdaire refrig, erator, kitchen table, 12 kitchera chairs, 2 arm chairs, 2 kitchen side. boards, oak dining room suite, table chairs and China cabinet, man rofl -top desk; couch, cabinet radio, rock. ing chairs, small tables, occasional chairs, walnut antique sofa, fern stand, coal oil heater, Alaninister rug 9x12' (like new) ; 3 rugs, scatter mats, sewing machine . quilt chest, &Jest of ,drawers; 3. 'fur/usher! be& roioms including spare beds, mattres. ses, feather ticks, wash stands, toilet. sets, 4 -poster rope bed; 1 room of antique ,curios including Ox fire place tongs, iron kettles, sprnn- ing wheel 3 muzzle loading guns; Dulcimer musical instruanent and other articles. Dishes, China kit. ellen utensils, rubber tired 'Ia'wn mower, garden tools, carpenter tools, sealers, tubs, ladies side .saddle, step ladder, lawn horse, and other area- . les too numeroug to mention. Terms—Cash Clerk, E. P. Chesney. Proprietress, Miss Mary Fee. Auctioneer, Harold jaekson. Jttt think of what that means to you! No more annoying drips . . . no more wasteful leaks . . . no drip stains to scour away . . no more washers to change. What's more, Magic Action Fittings and Magic Line Accessories won an award from the National Industrial Design Council for form, function, originality, good value and consumer acceptance. A matched set of Magic Action faucets for basin, bath, shower and kitchen sink will go a long way to make yam bathroom look better . . and they cost no more than ordinary taps. Come in and see our full line of EMCO plumbing equipment, 20 - 34 Jackson St. W. Hamilton Ontario, EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED LONDON CANADA FOR SALE BY: T3-54 STADE & WEIDO Zurich - Ontario