HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-08-19, Page 1AlesineMBEERMatiffirittlitailltanl ..5 • I , 1 H v.M.•1060.406.6.6.6"61.0•16.636•11....631060as6. Established ,I900 ‘161.63666.1.16=1•621161•Maimiame•maim.• Church Directory ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONTARIO — REV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR ILO a.m.—Divine Services. 0.10.5 a.m.—Sunday School. %veiling Service lifted for Summer Everybody Welcome to all Services EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev: H. E. RoppeL Minister Mrs. Milton Oescla Organist SUNDAY SERVICES -- 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worahip. 11:00 a.m. — Bible School. ;Evening Service lifted for Summer Welcome at all Services —"Come thou with us and we will do thee acad.". Num. 10:29. ...x0•16616"..7. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:00 arn. — Sunday School L1:00 tern. — Worship Service 8:00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. Prayer Fellowship 4 U ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH LIS! Are You Suffering From Headaches? a.f ao have your Eyes Examined with 'the Latest Methods and equirunent at A. L COUE, Ow • OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Deed Glasses at Reseenable Prices nra.v1.7111MapiNViMP4lie.0141111110tW,111. ERA ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORIING„ AUGUST 19 1954 Alton Theatre GRAND BEND mansamodugmanomaruomutnorat*onuwao Single Copiee 5 Ceabe N *To Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Ye Subseription U.S.A., Year $2.50, L laic Theatre Phone 421 Thursday,- Friday, Saturday, ON OUR WIDE VISION SCREE. August 19-20-21 Friday, Saturday Aug. 2041: MA AND PA KETTLE AT HOME Marjorie Main Percy Kilbridge Old Home Week for the Kettles — Old Horne Week for their thousands of Friends Additional Short Subjects Sunday Midnight, Monday, Tuesday August 23-24 The Command Warnercolor Guy Maddison Joan Weldon A sweeping outdoor action drama .of brave men and beautiful Women Newsreel and Cartoon Wednesday, Thursday Fernando Lamas, Aug. 25-26' Arlene Dahl The Diamond Queen (Cinecolor) A great romantic team in a, story of lust, love, and adventure in India Selected Short Subjects ANNOUNCEMENT The •engagement is announced of Shirley I. Fairbairn, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs George Fairbairn, to Donaid B. Bedard, son of Mrs. Emma Bedard and the late Dennis Bedard, Sr. The marriage will take place September 41h, 1954 at 10 a.m. in St. Boniface Church, Zurich. BORN Fuss—In Clinton Public Hospital, en ,Saturday, August 7th, 1954, to Mr and Mrs William Fuss, Irensall, a daughter. peeeereeerreeeeeeer Our Vacation As the vacation season is rapidly slipping away, the publishers o the Herald, as in Reimer years will be tjra llover Labour ,)ay.• mas -senif_egielekelea4.10,„ Anyone requiring to have any printing jobs before our Escape from Fort Brabo William Holden Eleanor Parker A real outdoor melodrama in colo set in the Aaiun). teritore. Monday, Tuesday Aug. 23-2* 1, The Jury .‘ Preston Foster Peggy Castle A McKay Spillane murder myster Melodrama '‘• Evangelical Church Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Koppel are licla,ying at Toronto, Brantford, incl. other places of interest. His 1: ]pit here in the Evangelical U.B. Jeer& on, Sunday morning was ea- , vied by the Rev, W. Krotz, of seshwood at 11.15, and next Sunday Awning the Rev. J. M. Oestreicher Clifford will conduct the morning *orsrip at 10 o'clock, and the follow- e.0,,ing Sunday, August 29th all services will be lifted. Wednesday, Thursday Aug. 25-40,74.0 HAVE PORK & BEAN FEAST Plunder of the Sun ...,,f.,,;i` •Ilensall, centre of a white bean Glenn Ford 1€ wing area, will hold a "pork and Diana Lynn ....N)ean. feast" Labor Day to mark the The Action is fast moving and muclreYear's harvest. Sponsored by the of the actual photography is of 4t(oinasannyTniec„,luthbo, telirjofyesastitiewdil ilshb.eBolpaeckn Mexico. kettles have been hung from tripods _ , et entrances to the town to remind , residents and tourists of the feast believed to be the first of its kind in Ontario. The kettles will be filled e =With beans, pork and sauce and cook - Drive -1n Theatre .ped in tripods .over open charcoal hres. . . -The Kinsmen hope to make the ii, annual event. feast 134 MILES EAST OF GODERICHea ON HIGHWAY No. 8. Heavy Explosives , Tuesday noon a pickup truck car- Friday,Aug. 20-2d, eying high explosives was escorted Saturday e through town, on their way to the The Nevadan - deep well being drilled on the farm Randolph Scott 2, of Bob Clausies, just a field north Dorothy Malone of town. The test well has been un - Comedy Cartoore der operation for a few weeks and at a depth of 1,900 feet a pocket of Monday, Tuesday Aug. 23-24:!.natural gas was struck, approxrmat- • eely sufficient supply to take care of Never Wave at -a the next Wac 1'a dozen families or so. So ',Inove was to blast a bigger hole in lehe well trying to enlarge the voturne : Of the gas flow. Just what the ult- 2 Cartoon" imate result will be remains to be , ( seen. A large concern is sinking Wednesday, Thursday Aug. 25-25t test wells here and these to a depth e of 2,000 feet, just to find out what Miss Grant takes Richrnonq might ibe in the bowies of the earth. 1 Lucille Ball 1. Witham licticlen . ,,,,:W.E..,,,STERN, 4 FAIR IIADVANCE5, at Dusk. Box office opens at '"' 8. p.m, , this year -ale Sept. 13-18. Advauce ., , , r, - eneeeeLe eiereee. Shows each enig,,,dit. ' First Shcri'V ' Dates for . Wes -tern Fan, London, Refreshments. Children under • Cars Free! Sunset Rosiland Russell Paul Douglas 2 Cartoons return, Sept. 9th, kindly arrange . to have them done the next two weeks. 4.1.4,0#41.47.04,0, 6444a.4.4044,44****444 444+4+44.4444+44.4.444.4.44,40. . T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • 4 • 4, Funeral Director — Private Car Ambulance • 4 . .4• •=s Member of Ontario Funeral Association o 11. o Ir • -e. HOLDER OF ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFI- 0 '4, 4 4r CATE — PORTABLE OXYGEN EQUIPMENT 0 •k1). • '4+4+ HOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT — INVALID CHAIR TO LOAN .) FRESH FLOWERS SUPPLIED _FROM MITCHELL NURSERIES 4' '0 WE WIRE ANYWHERE e • 4> $ .24 Hour Service — Dashwood. Tel. 70W • • * 4 -1•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T TB L'S Su aerior Store Sho,L, at Our Store AND SEE THE MANY FINE USEFUL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU 'THESE! FROZEN FOODS BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE — FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH - COLD MEATS, ETC. SEE • OUR GROCERY SPECIALS Visit our Large Grocery Department and advantage of the Various Specials on Sale time to time. Weekly Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens. LET US SERVE YOU 1 take from earms0000110.00060000. Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich 1-kle M 12 ar admission tickets remain at last ye- ar's price of three for a. dollar. Only holders of these advance tweet strips are eligible for over $7,00.0 in prizes.. These include three motor cars, three expensive -television sets and two bic- ycles. The Special bonus coupon on every ticket strip is, not geed for admission, but it does entitle the purchaser to take part in a. special draw for three cars Monday Night, Sept. .13. The draw for the TV sets and bicycles will be held Sat.. Night, -Sept. 18 at the close of the grand- stand performance. The bonus- coupon with your name and address on it, must reach Western Fair, London, before 9.30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 13 to be included in the draw for three cars. Regular admission at the fair itself is 50 cents, so buy your tickets now locally and save 50 tents on a ticket strip of three. Tickets may be •obtained locally from Willert's Snack Shoppe, Zurich. OBITUARY • DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON ONT. Thursday, Friday August .10-20 Leave Her to Heaven (Color) GENE TIERNEC CORNEL WILDE Saturday, Monday Aug -21-23 Gunfighter Gregory Peck Helen Westcott Tuesday, Wednesday — Man on a Tight R Frederic March Terry Moore Aug. 24-25 ope 54 Thursday, Friday Aug. 2G-27 Hurricane Smith John IreClaonlod1.1r) Yvonne De Carlo Cartoon and News at E formance First Show at Dusk. 12 Shows Nightly Childr en's (Playground—Under 12 in some yeses ago, arid where they Cars Free were engaged in the butter making industry. The body rested at the James M. Carrothers and Son funeral lionie, 843 Dundas St., LC/MID% where .the funeral service was held on Sat- urday, Aug. 14th at 1:80: p.m. with interment in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Late Charles Laporte There passed away at Ins home, Stanley Township, near Drysdale, on Tuesday, August I0t3k, 1054, Charles Laporte, in his 84th year. Mr. Laporte was a hard working and in- dustrious fanner; and had many very 'close friends who will greatly miss him. He was the beloved husband of the late Margaret Durand, dear father "of Trefiley and Dennis of Detroit; Noel of Stanley Township; Mrs. Nap- oleon •Cantin (Valerie), of St. Joseph, 'Mrs, 'Leonard Geromette (Cecelia), of Detroit; Mrs. Telesphore Corriv- eau (Antionette), of Paincourt; Mrs. Willard Corriveari (Marie), of Hay Township; Mrs. Dennis Charrette (Geraldine), Hay Twp. The remains 'rested at his late residence, Blee Water Highway until Friday, Angara 13th, when requiem high Iria,S4 was sung at 0.0 a.m. in St. •Peter' s R. C. Chureh, St. Joseph. Interment in the ad,ioining cemetery. Prareers were oeffveeurterdpo,n Wednesday risrd Thursday ach Per -t Late James Andersen Word was received here last week of'‘he passing at Victoria Hospital, London, on Thursday, August 12th, 1954 of James Andersen of 644 Dun- dee St., London, in his 49th year. Mr. Andersen, was well and favour- ably known in the. Zurich vicinity, having been employed in the Zurich Creamery for some years,. when his Jhrother Marius Andersen was operat- ing same. Surviving are, two, broth- ers, Marius Andersen -of London,. and Complete Peder Andersen of Denmark, where the two brothers immigrated from -NOTICE- Starting Age of Children In the Zurich School The Hay Township School Area Board of Trustees have .authorized the following restrictions: That only those children who are six years of age on or before Det ein.ber 31st, 1954 will be allowed to start going to school in Zurieb .Public School in September 1954, H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Secretary Treasurer, Hay Township School Area. '. .....,,,,,rr,...r.......,,,...r,__,,,,,......!,,t BASEBALL NEWS -,,. Dashwood Takes Two In the first .game of the ptayoRS at Dashwood last Friday evening, tile 18th, Dashwood shaded Zurich by the score of 5-4. It was a nip and tuck affair till the 8th inning when Dash- wood scored three times. Then on the Zurich diamond Monday evening, Dashwood won 44 in the second game. A team will have toWirt tear genies to get the series, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Closed for vacation Aug. 20 -Sept 4th Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAG RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made te Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zarieie Ont. Phone 128, iCaineM,...0mOvasmautteizerassanommtaxissmeavizamiaterithablit INVITES YOU - TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS A. a HESS LORNE Se RILE LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 — HENSALL, ON, ,Ititattt. Kfrolual Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Directs Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS • - Day -and Night Service • Telephone: Res. 89 eis••••••••aeasee tre a Seee or 122, Zurich 41,04,66861$ 4 5 • • 4 • 3 ae 88 We are ever at your service with the bat lines obtainable of FRESH G OCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as w 11 as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL IE 1 ESC PRODUCE WANTED, 131211711V6160 Phone 1..65 angettranaleSigiVelles Men's Work Clothes WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF NEW MEN'S WORK CLOTHES ALSO ALL STAPLE MERCHANDISE — GIVE US 'A CALL ! GROCERY SPECIALS Lynnvalley Cream Corn, 20 -oz. tin 15c Jelly Powder, McLaren's 3 for 25c 666666666 .6 OOO Corn Flakes 8 -oz. at Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl ITHE MAIM SURE • Schwartzentruber, Prop hone 11-9/ 4""*".""Pwwwwalawl.."7 it( 5