HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-08-12, Page 5ZURICH . t ONTARIO ZURICH HE BALI Atlewrized as second class mail, Pest O81ce Department, Ottawa. .4004.0 EUSINES CARDS N. L. Martin OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday %LENSED AUCTIONEERS ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer 'Por your Sale, large or small; Court- •rnb and Efficient Service at all I!.%163l Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Orme Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone, Zurich 92 r 'T ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. -EXETER tflll'iCE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone: Exeter 504 1 VETERINARIAN COXON & LEITCH .VETERINARY SURGEONS °b0• with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store gone -96 ZURICH BUTCHERS Zurich's Popaul Fir MEAT MARKET HAVE US SUPPLY YOU WITH TM VERY CHOICE OF FRESH b 'CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGES, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MOD. WIN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION. YUNGBLUT BROS. PRODUCE OBRIBN'S PRODUCE Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE. ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. Chas. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK itrffn LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- Ur AL bOMPANY DOING BUSINESS • OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO,. mount of Insurance at Risk on Deeeanber 31st, 1950 20,610 Policies $125,269,726.00 Itot*1 Cash in Bank and Bonds. $495,607.94 RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING SODS AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE LOCAL NEWS Miss Ethel Gabel is holidayrng 3n Toronto. Mrs. Wes, Howey of Kitchener, was a visitor with the Deiclhert fai�1- ilics, Dr. and Mrs. Archie IVI;ucKinnon of Galt were Sunday visitors with Mrs. M. MacKinnon of town. Mr. Simon Thiel of Kitchener was a ,Sunday visitor at the honkie of Mr and Mrs. Geo. 'Thiel. Mr and Mrs. H. W. Brokenshire, and Allan were recent visitors to De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Schrtei! of Detroit were recent visitors . kin, town and at Bayfield. Mr and Mrs. Mose Gerber are sp- ending a few days in the State of Michigan'. Mr, Albert Thiel of Kitchener wa a visitor at the home of Mr and Mr George Thiel, also other reratrves. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Schnell of nea Bayfield were recent visitors wi friends in Detroit. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting, o Goderieh, Miss .Lillian Haist, of Cred iton visited with Mr and Mrs. Chris Haist last week. Rev. and Mrs. 'Cyril •Gingerich_ o Toronto .spent several clays at -0?home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Jacob •Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs Laird Thiel and fam ily of London was a :Sunday visit° at the home of Mrand Mrs Georg Thiel. Mr and Mrs Edward Datars ar spending the week -end in Sault St Marie with their daughter ant: on -in law, Mr and Mrs Donald Taylor. Mrs. Mary Hildebrand of. a,eafort visited at the honkie of Mr and Mrs Wm. Thiel and other relatives and friends. Mr. Roy Bock, of Toronto, a son of the late David Bock, former resid- ents of Zurich, was in town Mondaylooking up old friends. Mr and Mrs, Leonard Birk and daughter Sheila and son Arthur and Miss Verna Birk, of Guelph were vis- iting with relatives here and at Dashwood over the week -end. Mr. David John Stephenson. of Stratford was a visitor in town on Saturday. He also called on some of his Stanley Township -friends and relatives. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleiseh of Dessboro, who were visitors with re- latives here, are accompanied by Miss Ethel Hess on an enjoyable outing visiting with Mr and Mrs. William Hess at Pontiac, Mich., the ladies' aunt and uncle. Mr. Reg. Illsley of Lambeth .:was n town Tuesday, the object wws to move his equipment for framing; etc. o their new home in Lambeth. Mr. Ilsley says they are getting nicely &titled and things in , shape and in- vited us to call on thehxam soe;me ,;ti. iVIrs. "yVm. A ��Re cl; of riibort ,Mandtoba returned to Lucknow on Sunday with her smother Mrs. Christ- ine McDonald, Mrs. Eldon Henderson and son Ross, after a pleasant holiday visit at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Menno Oesch. She will be leaving shortly for her home in the West. s s th f f e r e e• e h t I s Mrs. Gus Feiertag (nee Nora Hoagland Schnell) was a visitor Avith her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Weber and cous- in Mrs. Gertrude Datars. Mrs. Feier- tag visited with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Horner H. Baumann of De- troit, who are holidaying at Schade Grove. The party enjoyed a lovely trip to Tobermory, Wasa;•o Beaclh, Midland Schrine, and other places of interest. On Trip to Continent Miss Donna, Merner, daughter of •Mr and .Mrs Arnold Merner, accomp- anied with three girl friends of Lon- don, left by train for Montreal where they visited a few days before going to Quebec where they boaruec the boat S. S. Scythia for Holland, .Italy, France and other places of interest, including England on their way home They intend to be away iror two months. We hope they ,will nave a most pleasant and safe journey on the way across the mighty ocean and w'hereever they may go, and will be able to tell us even abetter things than what we might read in nooks. The Voice of Temperance The effects of small amounts of alcohol is insignificant if the drinker is lying in a hammock, Not so if he is operating fast-moving macanmery, or engaged in any activity involving hard work, dexterity and good judg- ment -athletics for instance. instru- ments called dynrnometers enable investigators to measure muscular output. It has been found that there is a ten percent loss in muscular en- ergy one hour after drinking two to six ounces of whiskey. This "fatigue effects' however, is only one or the effects •of alcohol responsible :tor the "No Alcohol" •rule •univ'ersally enforc- ed in athletics, transportation and in- dustry. Alchol blurs vision and . in- terferes •with skilful movements in- volving split-second timing and good judgment. Most young people tike to get behind the wheel of Dad's car. ,4s •a class; even without alcohol,thcir driving record is not impressive. In fact their's is the worst record of any age -group. Therefore they teed' to know that the "coupla beers" alibi re- ceives little sympathy from police of- ficers. Di'. J. M. Russell, after 15 years of examining the drivers of "death cars" :for Canadian courts de- clared, "At least 60 7; of all ffatal ac- cidents are caused by Bringing,--Advt ZURICH RERAID ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER SOLICITOR EXffTER, ONT. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m, at Zurich At Township Clerk's Off ee Bolen' Equipments We handle a full line of Bolen's Products; Garden Tractors, Lawn Mowers, Tillers, Chain ,Saws, Etc, If interested in any of the above Equipment, get in contact with us, PEARSO & THOMPSON Phone 52 - Grand Bend t8-4 "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 21/2 Gallons C. ANDERSEN B -A Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK WANTED CO'OIC and Second Cook for Huron County Home, Clinton. Apply in person -at the Home to Mrs. M. E. Jacob, Superintendent. A. H. Erskine, Clerk, County of Huron. HELP WANTED — MALE WANTED — Part time Record Clerk and Purchasing Agent for Huron County Home. Knowledge of typing and book-keeping required. Applications will be received by the undersigned until 'Monday, August 16th, '1954. A. H. Erskine, Clerk, County of Huron. READ OD . the table the meal is ready r LET YOUR BAKER $e Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your tah1e—bread for your recipes. Out oft,','.his fragrant ovens come all man- nk of mouth-watering goodies to ext;wn the menu of every,meal! Frag- rapt Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bum for b; eakfast.. luscious fruit -filled tuts for luncheon.. piping hot Par kir House Rolls for dinner. Breai in;`variety, too, for snacks any tim4 of:;day or night. So don't get wrink, les yworrying about variety in meals— le1your baker be your menu maker, Sae what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH • • • • • • 2 • • e -SAVE- $ -' FOR ANY SIZE ��'Tires and Tubes SEE US FOR PRICES! 20% OFF St. Joseph Service Station Phone 87 r 17 - Zurich itifiximmomosmomniimm Goderich Business :.College OPEN S • • Tuesday, September 7, 1954 • SPECIALIZED . • SP ALIZED BUStt ESS TRAINING ' •• Practical Instruction In all Commercial Subjects • • e -• • • • • • • • • Modern Equipment — Friendly experienced Teachers High Standards Placement Service • TUITION: Our Tuition Rate is STILL only $17 per month • • PROMPT REGISTRATION ADVISABLE fIn order to obtain best results, we -urge all students to corn - B • mence on the opening date.• • CALL 428W or 1272 FOR APPOINTMENT Ask for the • • • • • Bulletin of Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools 1 Association. VS. 1111•11111111e11b. • 1 • • • • 2 • • • • • • • • • • 1 2 1 • • • ••• I 0 0 • • • ^• • ra You 'DON'T take Chances when YOU use COOP. FEEDS • • • i • Z • • 0 • d • g 0 • 0 • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • t • 2 i • CHECK YOUR REQUIREMENTS TODAY-- ; • i 0 A • • • Hensall District Co -Op. See us for Baler Twine Also Salt in Hall Ton Lots Phone Hensall 115, Zurich 220 • • • 4 • • • 0 • • 6 • • a • 4 A a s 4 4 4 9 D• • • • • • • 4 4 t 4 1 4 • b 5 4 4 Thursday, August 12th, 954 Your Hardware Suore What a heat, but just the right time to remind. you to check your furnace for repairs or, if in need of a 'view one, we can supply your needs, When you decide on a bathroom have "a look at our fine display in the basement. You will see just what you want. We carry electrical appliances and have a spec- iai on sharp freeze and refrigerations. Come and see a bargain. Just a reminder that we do spray painting, barns, houses, sheds, roofs, etc. We Specia lize in Hes ting, Plumbing, Tinsmithing Oil Burner Service and Installation. Rader & Mittleholtz - Hardware Phone Zurich - 63. 0 a it 4 4 4 9 4 t 4 $ • • • • THOR • • • •• Point for Point ---- Dollar 0 for Dollar- Here's the Biggest Washer Value •• day• This Beautiful Washin •• • Machine: Gives • 2 • • • ••• • : Trade •• • ••• e For all Wiring Jobs - Call. •• • • • t • • As Low As $129.00 in the old Machine. You MORE WUERTH ELECTRIC Phone 84. Zurich • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • i' t a • • S • • • Z • 0g SUMMER . WEATHER REQUIRES SUMMER FOOTWEAR Such as Scampers, Sandals and Canvass Rubber for Men, Women and Children See our Various Lines for Prices HERE ARE A FEW: Womens' Canvass $2.95 to 3.95 Men's Cauv- $3.95. Basket Ball $2.95 to 5.95 Boys' Basket Ball $2.85 - 4.75 Youths' $1.95 - 3.25 Something for All. And Prices to sutt Your Purse GIVE US A CALL ! Oesch Shoe Store Phone, Res, 130. - Store 82 • s • • • • • • • • 0 • • Your Home and Garden Headquarters FOR — Rotary Lawn Mowers - Garden Tools, = Garden Hose, - Wire Fencing - Mops and Brushes - Polishes and Cleansers • • • • • • • • • • Paints - Shelf • Electric Stoves Machines • • • • • • • • 2 2 •• ▪ Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 Plumbing Enamels - Varnishes and Heavy Hardware - Refrigerators - Washing - All Electric Appliances Electric Wiring Heating - Tinsmithing OUR AIM—•To Serve and Satisfy. Datars O'Brien 2 • • • • • • • 0 • • w • 0 • • • w • • . 2 0 •