HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-08-05, Page 8Ip SUIRICO a ONTARIO . 1/4 3.1„4 THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Clear nee ale SEE OUR CENTRE TABLE FOR EXTRA BAR- GAINS IN SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS, CREPES, PRINTS, SLUBS, VOILES Special Values at 39c to $1.39 a yard. 200 yards only Prints and Broadcloth:, t yard 39c White Flannelette, 27 -in. at per yard 35c Chenille Spreads, each $6„ 25 Cotton Sheets 81x100, at pair 6.98 3.75 Flannelette Blankets, Special at a pair 4.39 Ladies' Nylons 51 -gauge at pr. 79c Housedresses to clear at each 1.59 Krinkle Cloth Pyjamas and Night Gowns at 20q off. Men's Work Shirts, at each 1.98 Men's Work Jerseys at each 1.25 Men's Work Jeans, Special pr. 3.50 Men's Work Sox at 49c Men's All Nylon work Sox pr. 1.25 All Bathing Suits 15% off Regular Price any other Bargains in Men's and Ladies' Wearing Apparel, and a Long List of Grocery Items at REDUCED PRICES —COME AND SEE ---- These Prices Good for 10 Days Only! Car Blankets ,each 6 s ros. Groceries - Dry Goods - Men's Wear TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH vI t. 2'1/RIO-, HER A Mr and Mrs Laird Thiel and chi' - (hen of London and Mrs. Geo. Thiel of Zurich, returned home after pleasant trip with the former's re - LOCAL NEWS Master Nelson :MeClinchey of near Kippenis holidaying a the home of his grandma Mrs. D. OsWeld • Mr and drs Allan Fraser of Exe- ter; Mr and Mrs Earl The x and family spent a few days at Manitou - in Wand, Miss Norma Steinbach wrevei te advise her custemers, that bar Beauty Parlor in Zurich will' he closed Aug, 20th to Sept. 4th. --Vacation. Mr and Mrs Robert Wright Of. Toronto, are spending this week at. the home of the former's sisteriMr and Mrs. Wm. Witmer. • :qrs. Noah Erb, accompanied by Mr, Henry Trieselmann of Wellesley, were week -end visitors at the home Of the former's cousins, Mr and Mrs. Chris Erb and other relative. latives in Nova Scotia. P.A Miss Marian Erb who is attending. V summer school at Toronto, spent the S .g !holiday week -end at the home or her ; parents, Mr and Mrs. Emerson Erb, and other friends. Mrs. Ezra Koehler anc oangateri Mrs. Roy Hofstetter and daughter V. zp Mary Elizabeth of Kitchener; xr. Q and Mrs. Henry Boshart and grand- edatighter of St. Jacobs were week - end visitors at the homes of their re - 1. latives in this vicinity also attended p the family picnic. Had Successful Camp The Dad Camp for young girls which was sponsored by the Zurich t„ Lions Club, at Cedarbrook Camp, under the direction of Miss Arlene p Haberer and Miss Kathie Kanneisch was successfully completed, all eight- , een campers reporting a wonaerful Vg,, and worthwhile outing, The Girls' Q wish to gratefully acknowledge the i, many treats sent by various people to the camp. They also wisf, to thank those who drove thelr cars to and from the camp. u/ ways comes to our rescue and here Qwe are with about two inches orfine m rains over the week -end. Saturday • afternoon and Sunday night were the VVg big showers, the first one having a bit of hail sprinkled with it, but no winds to speak off. It sure it the spot and will boost along the tater crops of which there are so reany,in this section. FOR SAFE SHORT TERM INVESTMENT,, the Huron & Erie • Mortgage Corporation Now Paying: 1-2 years 3% 3--5 Years 31/2% On investments $100.00 and over.. INTEREST HALF YEARLY W. Haberer - Phone 161 • Fire, Auto and Casualty Insurance. The Unique Fenn Forum held their 4rittAl picnic . at Cedarbank Camp, (Kanfleisch Farm), Bronson line, re- Cently. There was a very good turn-. out. Had a fine program of sports for both children and adults. The committee in charge were: Nit and Mrs. Len Merner„ Mr and- Mrs. Clar- ence Schade and Mr and. Mrs Clare Geiger, There was also an interest- ing ball game and everyone present bad a lovely time in this most at- tractive beauty spot. Enjoyed Picnic The rysciale Store Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES Appliances CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! I GIVE US A CAI .1,1 JOHN DENOMY DRYSDALE - Phone 98 r 1 Those Welcome Rains Rains which were so badly needed as things were about burning up and millions of dollars crop loss would have been sustained. But when the need is the greatest Providence al - 1 • 0 Couple Celebrate Golden Wedding' p f Mr and 2VIrs Frank J. Wickwire, of i Centralia, former residents of Exe- c ter, celebrated their 50th wedding an- l' 4 niversary at their home at the corner r t of No. 4 Highway and the Crediton - S ka Grand Bend Road on July 2/. ,Mr. G *1 6 1 and Mrs Wickwire were married at C & 1 the (bride's home by the Rev. H. A. e 1 6 Graham, of Wellburn, cousin or the • * I bride.. Mrs. Wickwire is the former • Margaret V. White, founder of the 0 former Exeter Times. Mr. 'Wickwire i • 01 ie is a pprie•imn: seer s.We b ytrade,extend anand congratu- lations does custom printing in hshop is little on t I HAD PICNIC Warm sunny smiled on the Mary Hastings area picnic held at Grand Bend Wednesday afternoon last,when Mrs. Harold Thiel, Zurich, president of the Huron Waves, welcomed ap- proximately 200 housewives to the picnic from as far away as Windsor and Sarnia. Other centres were Clin- ton, Dashwood, Crediton, Zurich, Hensall, Parkhill, Medford, Strat- ford and Dorchester, The treasuerer'S report read by Mrs, Bryce Mack of Zurich, showed that $110 had been expended on worthy ,causes since a year ago. In the contests Miss Annie Consitt received a prize for being the oldest lady present; the youngest baby prize went to Lois Edwards of Thedford; the most recent bride was Mrs. Lorne Listoen, Crediton and the mother with the most children atten- ding the picnic was 'Mrs. Irwin Rader Celebrate Anniversary Died in Michigan ' Word was received here of the passing of Mr. George: brenner at Midland, Mich., a former resident of the Zurich district, who with his wife went to Midland many years ago. He was married to the late Martha Sch- Ube a member of the well known Schilbe family of Zurich: district.Mrs. Brenner died twelve years ago, Mr. Brenner's funeral was: held' on Mon- day of this week and he leaves two sons and two daughters. Mr. Milfred Schilbe, Hubert and shiela Schilbe, Mrs. Ivan Yungblut and daughter Marion were at Mid- land, Mich., attending the d-eparture of their uncle, the late Henry Bren- ner. The latter, Marion, will spend her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Bruno, at Ann Arbor., Mich. - Mr. Milfred Schilbe spent last week at Buffalo where he was on ,business and attended a salesman meeting of the Company he represents. • HAD TRIPLE BIRTHDAY 'Bayfield* — Sunday, July do. was the birthday of Mrs. Charles Seotch- mere's father, Mr. John Albright, Zurich, On Monday, July 12, Ruthan, daughter of Mr and Mrs -Charles Scotchmer was 11 years of age, and Anne, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Glad- win Westlake, -Stanley Township, was Toomark the three,...toccesrons a lendc was' held in Clan. Gregor qUate on Sunday with one birthday ake, aglow with candles, for all. resent were, kr and Mrs. J. Alb - fight, Zurich; Mr and Mrs. Charles cotchmer and family, Mr. and Mrs . Westlake, Anne, and Mrs. James arnie, Mr and Mrs Bert Greer and family, Rosemarie Telford and Percy Renner. Following an enjoyable supper they attended the concert In Goderich given by the Girls and Boys Band of London. 6 40q3,41; /,;^.*.65elt,a-a4iiismitirfearNMaftPSC.4.9.ziMiczegess.rs•awassase:.,a;ziz,..4.4,is:;€4.ptic r HARDWARE – SEEDS and FURNITUR Fuel Nee isE Will receive' attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried S and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, I Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Elard ware always in stock. STADE Ai, WEI-Da'. ZURiCH - ONT. 4-H CALF CLUB MEET,. The regular July meeting of the Zurich. 4-H ,Calf Club was replaced by a bus tour on Tuesday 27th to the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC.) Guelph. Included in this tour was all the 4-H Clubs of Huron County with a membership of approximately 800 13 from the Zurich Club attended, Upon arrival at the O.A.C. at 10-30 all 'the buses unloaded members in front of the Administration .building Club members lined behincr tne srgns according to the Dept. they were to visit in the morning. At no.on lunch. *as served in the College Dining Hall, Dr. J. D. MacLachlan, president of the O.A.C. welcomed the Visitors. The afternoon program opened with a_ livestock parade in this paddock, after which the girls and the ooys :began separate programs, the girls visiting .MacDonald Institute and Hall and a campus tour, while the boys visited the Hydrology -Station, Dairy Barn and the Field Husbandry Plots. At pan. supper was served and at 6 o'clock the busses loaded - the return trip to Huron County. mbers were tired but •agreed that events.of the day were informat- , and all were impressed by the pitality of the 0.A.C. Dashwood. A full program was run eme off in sports for the younger people. the Following the sports a public lunch lye was served. hos 1- 44 44 44 44 4. 44 4. * QUALITY – PRICE SERVICE! itiossmoseRsooN110.414161110010011041141NG Reg. Men's SALE — Men's arid Jim's and i3oys' Wear 4 tl• Chambrias Work Shirts. This Week's Special at $L95 4 4, 4 4 SOME SPORTS SHIRTS SPECIALLY REDUCED SUITS Made - To - Measure Still at SPECIAL Price of $49.00 and $59.00 AGENTS FOR MID TOWN CLEANERS CALLING MONDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY „ Thursday, August 5.04, 11I/54 4. ,................*'°".=.1 of • SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster & 6 Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Boaster 0 : weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning—and testa. at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove that 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding, time, A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster from 10 clays to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of their feed and. reach market sooner. Start Every Litter on Pig Booster MILT DEITZ & SON - Zurich, Ont. 4 6 6 8 in11111 111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 Hill 1111111111111111 111111 1 111 1111 11 1111 1 11111 r1111 1111111111M 1111111111111111111 8 8 4 8 8 0 0 8 0 8 G 0 0 Pee a 4 0 0 a 1a • • 8 8 We are Qualified Agents for 'ARMSTRONG and DOMINION Linoleurns, FLOOR -SANDING NOW - Have your Floors Sanded and Re -finished FREE ESTIMATES T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 240 - Zurich. Open Every Evening except Wednesday till 9 1nm. In the Day Time enquire at Gascho Bros. Stare 11011111011111111111111 4- 4. 4. 4. II EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM 1 NEEEPSI 4' HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- • HARRIS REPAIRS, ORDER YOURS EARLY! + + 4. AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT. 4. -I, 4. ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. + .._ + "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm” .1. tb KIOPP Tel. Shop 149 OSOar R. 67 lJIIllllHItIllllillilIlllllllllllIlllllllllIiiilillllllllll ucimitinimitummuommpituipluipillor WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in. stock, Per Square Foot as low as 5 Cents , 4 MAPLE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched NW* Flooring. Per 100 Square Teo $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC i 0 % Down 50 Months To Pay Wasted Attic Space cava b. eaaib, and Economically Converted int* extra Bedrooms or an incomes prom clueing Apartment. . You can do most of the work yourself. Bee Our collection of plans and Meta FREE ESTIMATES See Us for all your Building Needs Fred C. Kalbileisch & Son Ltd. Lunaber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies