HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1954-08-05, Page 4SiSNOWAEMPACIATAIMEMPIMMEROMMIENIMSWIII IftC11 s ONTARIO .-. •••••,, Lakeview Casino 2 • • 10111? :46 GRAND BEND •111 featuring VOCALS by Jack Levi and Johnny Noubarian ELECTRIC GUITAR by Eddie Bell • The Only Resort Dancing Every Nite! 0 a 0 —Dancing Every Night— Monday tho' Friday 9 p.m. to 1230 p.m. Sat. 9 to 1 2 p.m. NEIL McKAY and his NEW ALL-STAR Orchestra CONCERT ON THE BEACH EVERY SUNDAY EVENING WHY NEED WE FEAR? Rom. 8: 31 b — If Gocl be for us who can be against us? 1 John 4: 4 b — Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the World. Psalm 46: 1 — God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 27: 1 — The Lord is my Light and my Sal- vation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 — Zurich, Ontario OBITUARY Late A. W. E. Hemphill A. W. E. Hemphill, prominent Ilensall resident, passed away at his home, Wednesday morning, July 28, following a lengthy illness in his 71st year. A. graduate of Ontario Col- lege of Pharmacy, Toronto in • 1905, he was a druggist in Hensall for 30 years retiring in 1939. He was a riative of Wroxeter. A. member of ilensall United Church, and member of the Session, member of Huron Lodge A.F. t& A.M. 224. Surviving are his widow, .the former Etta Davis, one son Lt -Col.. Howard Hem- phill., Stratford, one daughter,. Mrs. E. A. Westendorp, (Mary), London; two sisters !Mrs. Cerrialious Cook, Bengali; Mrs. Frank Sinythe, of B.C. and six grandchildren. Private fun- eral services were held from the Bonthron funeral home. Friday 30th, conducted by Rev. W. J. Rogers; In- terment was in Hensall Union Cem- etery. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Bob Allan has returned to his !home at Brucefield after an extens- ive tour of England and Scotland, conducted by the Young Partners there. About fiftyi members of the family of Mr and Mrs Wm. McClinchey of tIolmesville Met Sunday last at the 1 'will •commence as soon as plans are presented to the Park 13oard, The village council decided a few weeks ago to take out $30,000 debentures to be used for lee at the arena. Old Timers To Play At the Kinsmen Bean Festival to be held Labor Day, one of 'the out- standing features of the afternoon program will be an old time ball game Fallowing is a number of old play- ers who will participate: Hensall- - Laird Mickle, Wilson 'Britnell, 'Sam Rennie, Lloyd Vsnner, Bert Horton; Zurich - Yvan Yungblut, Ed. Gesell°, Clinton, Hugh Hawkins, Gromarty, Doe and Carter Kerslake, Nelson Howe; Wingham, Harold Foster; Lon- don, Dr. W. Joynt, Dick Welsh; at. Catharines, Vernon Redden. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area. Rain Visits Area The long time needed rain has at last came; to some it was late in the season, to others, especially to those who have beenhauling water for their stock and house purpose it was welcomed; and don't forget the month of August has five Sundays, and believe or not its going to bea wet month. • On Saturday evening last the Mer- norvidfge's at Ducharme Beach gave a weaner roast to their friemrs In the immediate neighbourhood, it was a little chilly for the occasion and not too many took dips in the cold blue 'spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Wm. water, as a refresher. Mr and Mrs PaulMasse and Mr. IWMr and Mrs Donald Restemayer and Mrs. Sara, Cyril Ducharme and so of Windsor were ,Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. F. Ducharme on •Sunday last. Mr. Masse had inten– ded to •call at the Herald Office on Monday, but due to a holiday, left his renewal to the Herald with the. corr: To the Masse faMil:1 the Zur- . -fa Herald is a weekly gift df-7.neWs their native plaee ox birth. All of which they highly appreciat.e. Com ining of wheat which was,in ' full swing the past week has been delayed due to the recent rains; the Iyield is fair to good, also the sample. The price bad to worse and not much encouragement can be given to the farmers at the present time. Coming back to the theme of the weather, you remember away back in the year or thereabouts of 1915, when farmers were confronted with a wet mo th of August, much grain remained on the fields, not cat, and had to be left to wither away from natural •decay,. Farmers who had lots of horse power would hook every !one on the binder to pull it through 4boggy fields, others had power .en- gines attached to help the operation of the binder, while the average far- mer went to a shoe store and pur- chased a pair of high boots to wade in the water, and if he didn't have a grain cradle, "the primitive cutting implement" well, they would tour the !country where some had been stored away, either for future •ase or or a primitive relic. The other people had the tick and tack to handle the cradle, but the younger ,aeneratiM , . ss o'bjet/C ZURICH HERALD Thursday, August 5th, 1954 DASHWOOD Rev. and aVirs, C. B. Carr and fa/11- %1y of the Ottawa District, and Miss Ruth Weber of Red Deer, Albt., are iholidaying with Mr and Mrs Dan 'Weber and other relatives. Mr and Mrs Clarence Killing and Susan of Kitchener spent their holi- days with Mrs. Mary Becker and Mr 'and Mrs Emile Becker. Mr and Mrs Wm. 'Goring .of Well- and, were guests with the latter's brother, Rev and aVIrs. L. Hignell. Mr and Mrs W. L. Koppener, Lyn, Roger and Davd,d of Waterloo, Visited with the latter's sister, Mr and Mrs. Ervin Devine. Mrs. Louis Restameyer and Mrs. Lavine Miller of Zurich spent a week iri Tecumsth with Mr and Mrs. Robt. LaButte and family. Sunday visitors' with Mr and Mrs Louis Resteanayer were Mr and Mm LaBute of Tecumseh and IVIrs Lavine Miller of Zurich. 'Mrs. Nora Koessel and Frieda of Michigan spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Albert Miller. Week -end visitors with Mr and IYErs. Reinhold Miller were, their two daughters and families, Mr and Mrs Colen Hinley of London, ane Mr. and Mrs Harold Maine of Kitchener. Mrs Chas. Whittier, Susan and Robert of .Chalk'River are holiday guests with her mother, Mrs. Herb Wein. Mr and Mrs Glen Brown or London home of Mr and Mrs Carl 1VIcClinchey near Kippen. Included in the guests was a daughter, Mr arid Airs Valli Dausman, Mary, Linda and Wanda of Goshen, Ind. Other relatives were present from Carlo, London, Zurich, Clinton, Walton Hohnesville. Stanley Twp. Man Honored High honor was recently paid to George Baird, Brucefield when he re- ceived . an award from tae Federal Dept. of Transport for "excerient weather reporting over a period of years." It has been well over 50 years that Mr. Baird, -who fives on 'Con., 2, Stanley Twp., began taking regular readings ofthermometers and other devices to measure snow, sleet, rain, and temperatures every morning. and night. He inherited the chore from his father. appeared more like usee •j when trying to mariouver thar HENSALL ;cutting implement. it We do not pretend that this phen- Mr and Mrs John Thompson of lomenon will be repeated this month Yellowknife, Mr and Mrs Wm. Thorn- :of August, but we say with certainty ,iesco , Miss Edith McEwan, that no one can defy the future, and London were recent visitors with Mr no one can molest the present and and Mrs J. E. McEwan. )what it has in store for us. Therefore Dr. and Mrs. W. WR. Sproat and the wise farmer today will be the baby Janet spent their holidays with ace who will take every opportunity Mrs. Earl Sproat at Turnbull's Grove to garnier his 'crop when at all pos‘. At a full meeting of the Park .isible by meth ds th Board Tuesaay night, members slgn- fsuitable. This is not intended to be. e ed a contract -f,5!Y Creamery Package ,,an accurate prediction, but only Co., Toronto, for insullation of arti-lbase•d on five Sundays in t-mth he. on. ',ficial ice in Hensall. Four tenders 0/Vlach is unusual. What .has hap - were received all from Toronto Work pened in the past, can }lapped again. 4: I, NO and family of London spent the we- ek -end with Mr. Otto Restemayer Mr. Henry Wiegand celebrated his -80th birthday Sunday Aug. 1, at the home of his daughter, Airs. Laird Hendrick, Blue Water Highway. The family turned out for a picnic, and all good wishes. Master Bobby Hendrick is spending week with his aunt and uncie, Mr and MAI Eben Wiegand.Mr and Mrs Melton Waiver and girls of Ingersoll spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs Philip Fassold. Mr and Mrs. •Gordon Weiberg Waterloo spent the week -end with their parents, Mr and Mrs Fred Wei.. berg and M and Mrs Victor Tyler. Mr and .Mrs. Hubert Wesberg mart Mr and Mrs Harold Bauer and Pat- ricia of Waterloo spent the week -emit with Mr and Mrs Fred Weiberg, HORSE SHOE PITCHERS! F‘nte? Now in the O'KEEFE'S TRI COUNTY GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP DOUBLES TOURNEY For the O'Keefe Trophy To be Held in Connection with Grand Bend "'ural Day WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25th. "A Special Play Day for Huron, Lambton and' Middlesex" Entries for this outstanding doubles horseshoe tournament will be accepted from players who live in counties of Lambton, Middlesex and Huron. Applications must be received before Midnight, Saturday, August )211st. County, champions will be chosen by elimination 011 the morning of Wednesday, August 25, and the Grand Championship. Pitchoff will be held in the afternoon. Send your entries now to: • D. W. "Pat' Harrison', Secretary -Treasurer, Chamber of Commerce, GRAND BEND, Ontario. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H11111111 as you pay for it on the ;.4 •4`" • KITCHEN—running water .'us kitchen choNs—loundry ond dishes ere 4oPe in hoif the lime, BATNROOM—ori the conven- ience of a city home to protect your famity's health and add to your comfort. BARNS --So much easier to water the stock ...and so much extra protection against fire. T1-54 Erreplina Brass Mfg. Co. Urn ittecil .-..L0ND0H CANADA 20 34 Jackson gt. W. ------ Hamilton Ontario butlget plan! Why lug water by hand any longer? Install a Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running: water as you pay for it. Save time, save labour; cut operating costs. L A 0 Vs, UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY • for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your cona plere water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings; and the cost of installation. You can have the, whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked our on. the EMCO Budget Plan. Then conSiTtet*W'riich work it can save you, the extra leisure ioU'can enjoy by installing your water system rightaway4 4,4 Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay ...... FOR SALE BY: , STADE & WEIDO Zurich - Ontario 1.11.41, IN A SERIES . . . YOUR HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS e Gifts of N ture f r unt1S11,2011.11,1/1”- t tries The dream of power from the St. Lawrence was born somewhere in the last century. Halfway through this one it is about to become a reality. The turning of the first sod for this iMportant power development is a high point in your Hydro's 48 years of progress . . . progress that has been. the bedrock of Ontario's economic development and prosperity, Ontario Hydro thanks the Statesmen, public -minded citizens and all others who helped bring to a successful conclusion years of protracted negotiations. The result is proof once again of the beneficial outcome of co-operation between Province and Dominion and between the Governments 9f Canada and the United States. V7!".:=4;tu2 Mvalr 'he objective of Ontario Hydro and the New York State Power Authority, is to complete this great, 2,200,000 horsepower project in 5 years with the generation and sale of power in 4 years. The straining tractors and bulldozers, chugging drills, labouring trucks and corps of hard -hatted construction crews will be visible evidence to all in the area of . . . ONT RIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS • ............... 011011011101501110111011M011121IIIIIMS. .•• r ppm 014 -pg LISTEN TO THE SPECIAL 12.36 ..eAREMONIES—TUESDAY, AUGUST 10th 9. Noon -1.00 PM EDST A Di& .40 PM -9.30 PM EDST •4 Your Local Trans Canada Station ••••' 7. / • „Areserneeneennossorsoissosiereamennesesseramossenononstansosorieseriervenenecrontensintesnouros